Better save it quick
You’re welcome
Proven fake.
Taken from a tv or movie.
That’s it!
That’s the x files alien. It is not the one.
No, it's not that one
Yeah this is the leaked version from x back in the day nice find... still not the original. I remember being very afraid when I saw the original. This one is not it unfortunately
i am starting to belive none of you actually saw anything and you are just pretending you did to fuel some sort of inside joke
Nobody cares
people browsing this board right now have the real ayy but are too pussy to post it
Delete this
Ayyy lmao
Is this the real one? It gives me uneasy feeling
Best thread on here so far. Kekd
Sup /x/?
Its real and it looks like an even older version of alan dershowitz
There was no "original" image, the "real alien was posted but glowmods erased it" was a larp story all along. VPN-fag rotated proxies and pretended to be multiple anons who "saw" the original before it was purged.
Not true. There are multiple anons to this day who swear they saw the original image. It made them feel sick. One user said he literally threw up
I saw it you faggot it’s real.
stop posting this the governments gonna be on your ass.
>There are multiple anons to this day who swear they saw the original image
Combination of the faggot who came up with the original story using VPN's in the same threads in order to appear as a multitude, as well as both mentally ill /x/tards jumping on the bandwagon and people shitposting that they saw it for the lulz. Prove me wrong; protip, you can't.
ayyyy this is the one. Check the shadows of the trees, the sun's high up over head. Now look how there's almost no shadown on the ayyy which makes sense since the sun is directly overhead. Now zoom in on the ayyyyy forehead and look dead center where it turns light, you can see the round sun reflecting. Everything in the pic lines up with being real.
Was that the real one?
It’s deleted now. Surely someone got a screenshot??? That was the first one I’ve seen that literally made me feel queasy...
Yes. Thats why you felt uneasy
Post it again plz
bad Photoshop, why didn't you blend the edges?
No was a fake as well. Some retard posted a fake then deleted his own post to spook other retards. Happens everytime in these threads.
i dun saw da alieumz,
No but it looked similar, but much more realistic looking... I instantly felt that something wasn’t right
yeeee. check the shadows.
Are you fucking kidding me...fucking newfags. The original was horrifying. It made my balls shrivel up.
Damn it, I always miss it by minutes!
Okay shill.
Was anyone browsing pol that day?
what was it really to the people that saw it
That and pizza threads, you can literally make this board believe anything simply by samefagging.
This was the image that was just deleted, Canadian is lying. I saved it myself.
That looks like my grandmother
Someone who was there in the Og thread can you please tell us what happened?
Whoa wtf
I dont feel so good
same friend?
Placebo effect. Literally just the image I saved from the person you replied to initially.
O soccer ball headass
Dude that is just the post the mods put up after they moved it to /bant/
What is it really though? Alien? maybe a distant ancestor from the future?
Thx nigger you nigger good nigger
fuckin fuck
Nice try shill
Built for the BBC
I dont know whats more insane; grown men who believe in aliens or grown men who believe in god
Makes me wonder if we can some day use ai to create a composite of people's memories to create the real ayyy.
No birds. Not the real one.
I'm an edge lord now but my balls are still up inside my body
Also not it Keep Digging user
The original was a huge file and there was a reflection of a cell phone in the eye
Anyone else remember this?
Wow how is this still up? That’s the original for sure
This is the real one, lads.
click before it gets deleted
How long could you stand to look at it? Did you feel anything?
can someone post it...... please!!!!!
tfw the real one never gets posted
If I post it you will puke and pass out then the site gets shut down so no
Nope. That's not the real one.
just fucking do it, they won't shut shit, they need to keep Yas Forums up to shill coronavirus
While we’re all here I been trying to sleep the last hour but do for like a minute, have a extremely vivid dream and wake up unable to love, paralyzed, see the most bizarre shit in my room and then snap back to just being awake, over and over again
Tf is happening
Literally built for BBC
Share it faggot
Gib ayylmao
i like turtles
Pretty terrifying but no birds... fake and gay
NO. Pic related is the background used in that awful shop
If you're curious what happened in the OG threads it was the exact samefagging as always.
>vague description of image that is easy for anyone to fabricate
>20+ different versions varying from shitty ms paint to decent shops
>(not)surprisingly the higher effort images take more time to be posted
>if anyone points out how ridiculous and easily faked all of this is just call shill and continue larping as someone with the social skills of a 6 year old
>1 post by this id
What do you get out of this, hmm?
I'm gonna cum and shit and fart at the same time if you do
>blah blah blah
take ur meds, schizo
maybe the real image is the friends we made along the way.
there's no way an image can make you puke, no way!