Social isolation is going to kill far more people than a fake virus

Social isolation is going to kill far more people than a fake virus.

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Only the pussies that can’t stand their own company. Fuck em. Nothing of value will be lost.

This is the golden age of all human history, miserable egotists are b& from inflicting their egos on the rest of society and now want to kill themselves because of it. Not to mention that the borders are closed.

it's pretty pathetic tbhfam

How much are the banks paying you?

I wished my family would leave me alone, they suck


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Isolation does kill old people. Fastest way to kill someone of "natural cause" is to take away someones independence. If you want granny to die, stick her in a care home, see how long it takes

moar buckets for us :3

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I've been socially isolated for 6 years. I know and visit with my two children. And my parents.
That's it. No friends. No relationships otherwise.
I'm not dead. You people are fucking weak.

what u mean, i got me, myself and i for company
also u guys

Imagine being such a petty self absorbed narcissist that you think people have to be paid to be tired of your shit.

>attention whores who can't get social attention die en masse
um... I'm not saying suicide is a good thing... but look on the bright side

Your humanity card has been revoked. I would call y'all evil.

not enough to suffer through your posts

I agree with your take on this. Fuck them, weak assed people who never developed inner strength, cultivated hobbies and interests. I'm loving this time!

Of course. Extroverted normies will stare into the void, and the void will stare back, and it will be too much for them to handle, and they will an hero. It will be worse for thots who will miss out on their instant gratification.

Agoraphobics shall inherit the earth

Social isolation is breaking disease transmission chains. Reduced travel is reducing the hit-by-cars rate, too. Air pollution reductions alone are expected to lower the death rate more than coronavirus raises it.

The Cleansing has come.

You reap what you sow.

Fuck, have you guys any shame? Any at all?

because attention whores can't go a few weeks without being a socialite? OH MY GOD HOW FUCKING HORRIBLE ITS A NEW HOLOCAUST

Evil doesn't exist. Nature is without morals. Those who take their own lives select their own genetics as unsuitable to be passed on. Everything is cyclical.

I think a lot of humans who end up leading might be too stuck on social instinct to lead optimally. Our people aren't "oversocialized," but our elites might be. I think it should be examined.

I believe I find it easier to retain broad forgiving benevolence because I avoid most people.

>a bunch of whiny women and narcissistic gay men kill themselves

Ohhh noooo that's horrible

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I live in search of truth. I'm quite specialized and fixated on my interests.

>Having supportive friends or family
Wait... Are people supposed to have this?

Quit pretending moral outrage you imbecile

Why are user suddenly scum of the earth?

I pray the love of Jesus convict your hearts and reach into your black souls.

I think about my ex, that fucking narcissistic cunt. Wish the isolation will make him ashamed of himself and I hope he will drown himself in the water of his own toilet. Extrovert people and socialite deserve the rope. All these whores, man and woman, on instagram , they are all cryn now looking at their dull and vapid existence without these so call social media.

Lol, wailing permavictim. You realize you look weaker because you're too spineless and cowardly to be yourself in the open, right? Your attempts to abuse someone for being strong enough to be honest are something you can only think would work because you're such a spineless loser those tactics already drove you into eliminating the traces of your own personality.

Not saying that it's a good thing that they want to kill themselves, but it feels that they're paying a bit of karmic debt for all of the times they've made people like me want to kill ourselves.

like, you can still talk to your friends. you're not being boarded up in a dark room, you ain't being chained to a chair to do nothing. people are going through a lot worse right now then having to stay home lol get the fuck outta here

hopefully not

noooOoooOooo! not the center of attentionerinos! not the celebritirinos!
just keep the lights on, the internet working, the electricity flowing, the food going, and we can all help each other out. This thread alone has the french, british, canadians, austrialians, and several americans. Humanity can focus upon medicine, keeping our societies safe and secure, lifting each other up, and shitpost on retards. We can do this together.

Jesus, You created humans to be with humans, to hug each other and fellowship. To love one another. I praise you in all your glory. Come soon, and change the hearts of the wicked.

In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Jesus didn't have time for self loving narcissists either.

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Go back to twatter, nigger.

Wind blows, rain falls. It's only nature running it's course.

GOOD! if you are too weak to be alone you are not needed.

imagine being a wagie and killing yourself because you're not allowed to work for shekelstein for a month

I mean honestly you're a bad person if you cant be alone with your thoughts. Hermit master race reporting in

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I have no sympathy for people who can’t handle being alone with their own thoughts. That’s top-tier, NFL first draft pick, NPC weakness right there. Sheeples killing themselves because they got separated from the herd is nothing to shed a tear over.

Fuck you, nigger


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The love of Jesus be upon you. Convict your heart.

good, i'm a neet but not by choice but i've made the best of it. may every normie experience agony, loneliness, starvation and ego destruction.

>Economic health: How does it work?

You must be mentally weak as shit if you can't be in solitude for a few weeks.

Thank God I'm an introverted mother fucker

The love of God through Jesus Christ be upon you. Change your heart.

I'm praying for your soul. Through Christ, the everlasting love.



Social energy leeches need to learn to be by themselves for more than an hour without having a meltdown.

Jesus loves you. He is the all loving creator.

It is justice.
The normralfags are now feeling a bit of the darkness that we have felt and they are too weak for our world.

Bimring on the apocalypse. I dont give a shit if niggers have to die, but if everyone dies or is infected, I can rape and do as many dirty acts as I want. There is no god in a lawless land.

Seriously this «isolation» time is the better time of my life. I love my friends I love going out but I love myself more. I enjoy being my own fucking company. Doing nothing. Doing everything. Studying and reading the things i couldn’t read because I was too busy going here and there. I meditate a LOT since no one is bothering me or there is no more car sounds in my streets. Silence is REAL I feel living on the moon and it’s fucking awesome. Iam almost thinking becoming a priest because how fucking amazing is it to only think about your relationship with God and yourself. Since the everyday life has stopped for the majority of NPCs I begin to live more and more each day. Energies are coming back.
Others are really Hell like Sartre was saying. And today for me it’s the fucking truth

God change your heart with His perfect love, through Jesus alone.

It’s not the social isolation it’s the destroyed economy that is going to cause people to an hero.

Use it as training for the trip to mars

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confirmed by jesus

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!

May my lord Jesus, his tender love, transform the darkness in you.

If being with yourself makes you want to kill yourself then the time has come to change yourself

To walk around, especially knowing you have a deadly virus replicating inside of you, is worse than being glad that egotists who are the epitome of selfishness are going to mentally break down because they can't go out and be selfish. Fuck you and your fake love for humanity. It's love to shield people from possibly dying a horrid death, while their family watches on. I'm not going to watch my children die because woe is me faggots like you who want everyone to freely walk around instead of staying at home as they should.

Most men go through this already.

The Holy Spirit draw these hurting souls to your perfect heart, through Jesus' perfect love.

The fully reciprocal ethic approves of social distancing due to the primacy of respecting all life. Even the lives of slaves and cowards who got so trolled they were broken of their own POV, lol.

Reducing the rate of disease transfer will help globalism long-term. The deathseeking suffering types hate vaccines in part because a healthy population has less need of xenophobia. Guess what good quarantines can do, then? Long quarantines cause immune systems across the affected region to resolve their ailments independently, so when people go out in public again they're less likely to get or emit diseases. Pathogen shedding drops system-wide.

With less pathogen shedding, physical integration limits will be eased, making it more possible and prosperous to integrate foreigners into the economy.

This will also free up labor which we can use for environmentalist public works. We need an awful lot of agricultural solar panels to reach optimum deployment. Solar can be economically mixed with crop growing. We should take coronavirus-displaced labor and expand the rural renewable economy with it. That will yield still more future reductions in the death rate.

My objective is a near-zero death rate. Ultimately, that will require nanomedicine, and with proper research objective structuring (if only I were in charge) I believe it should be possible to make it an early nanomedical advance rather than a late nanomedical advance.

(Trump! Say "nanovesicles" in a sentence where the media will hear you! Trust me!)

Eat shit christcuck.

May God reach into your heart and break you down so you can be renewed with love.


Being forced to be next to people they can't stand may also.

Jesus blood renew your blackened heart. His love shows mercy and tenderness.

The Lord Jesus be with you in your time of need.

ok npc gg no re

May Jesus hug you with his tenderness and perfect love.

Good. If social isolation causes suicides, then those idiots are too weak to deserve to live. Fuck extroverts. For the first time ever it will be proven just how weak they really are. I hope they all die.

Not to mention, you're angering the atheistfags in their hatred for Jesus more by posting like this, and people who may be on the fence about God and Jesus.

Such a great troll.

Just save that talk for the butt stuff with your local priest, alright?

May the holy spirit reach into your anus and scoop a turd out of it with a spoon.

The Lord Jesus be with you in your darkness.

God created Corona-Chan. She is an angel of judgement.

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Jesus Christ Is always with me, stupid rabbi. Your kikeish attempts at impersonating a Christian are amusing, keep at it.

>so completely, comprehensively victimized by gays that the mere existence of gay people results in a broken, suffering warrior
Pedofascists like you aren't welcome anywhere. You can't be so conservative you wouldn't take pedophilia out of circulation, and that's the EXACT submission that anti-gay people are trying to bring into society.

But go on. Suffer more. The mere existence of other people hurting your feelings makes theirs the only truly blameless trilling.

I love you with the love that Jesus born in me. The light of Jesus shine in every corner of darkness.

Suicide Weekend.

Drop your @ and post tits

I pray for you. I lift you up to Christ's everlasting love. I love you.

Sorry not everyone is a schizophrenic like you who can entertain themselves with their own thoughts. For normal people it’s extremely boring. And as more and more time goes in isolation the less stuff I can think about, because nothing new ever happens. It’s enough time drive anyone to insanity and suicide eventually

You missed, reverend. No offense. I'm praising life over here and pointing to the wonder of creation. There are opportunities even in dark times. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we shall not fear.

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Goddammit dont you have some preaching to do? There is no salvation for this board, and there is no god.

May Christ be with you in these times. Maybe isolation be defeated.

Yeah, fuck yourselves harder, burgers! Comfy to see burgers dying like flies in insecticide.

You do care about money more than lives, don't you? I thought you keep improving capitalism, but it seems you can change nothing.

No need to rabbi, I pray for myself. But thanks.

I hope there’ll be more nuance and complexity in life after these people take these few weeks to examine themselves and their beings. I just want there to be less bottom feeder consumers and less shallow entertainment, that’s all.

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No darkness can escape the light of Jesus. Never.

Wuhan flu ain't nothing to fuck with!


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Nah, I'm not into that divide, personally. It's arbitrary. The answer to religion/science divides is mostly jes' foine ettiket, y'all. The pastor at the church I grew up in taught that God loves all people and atheists shouldn't be condemned.


I plan to go out regardless of a lockdown. I'm profiting off of this and you can't stop me

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>You do care about money more than lives, don't you?
Based chinaman asking the right rhetorical questions.

May Jesus confront you with His perfect love.

I'm tired of fucking my hand and want a gf.

Yes it can, you can see darkness in every normalfag. There is no spark of brilliance, only mindlessly following their masters. Everyone is the same, and everyone who kills themselves in this quarantine never felt true isolation. much as I disapprove of anons calling people schizophrenic, you've really set me wondering... Is this viral quarantine going to filter for people who can and can't handle Mars voyage levels of isolation?