If you don't want to pay rent you can 1) buy a house 2) buy a condo 3) buy an apartment building and get other pay you to live there
>if you can't beat em join em
how young is this board?
Nothing he said was wrong.
Here is one of the biggest problems with social media. You can't be passionate about anything not approved by the hordes. For all we know, this guy is getting fucked over severely financially and is venting and people like OP and low IQ niggers watch this and go "lol look he actually cares about something what a loser". Please do us all a favor and kys OP.
He looks like a jew.
>oh no some guy who owns properties and made him shit ton of money renting has to work now, that sucks so much nnooooooo
>hurr. I'm gonna ponzi scheme housing, I dont work, I just own, what do you mean cash flow based reality purchases on debt based lending has risks, ahhhhhh
Die Boomers, die.
Apps like airbnb are shit. These landlords have no standards since they don't have to comply to regular landlord standards, and they know they can act like dicks because people will move on quickly from their properties. It also puts decent hotels out of business, who actually have to conform to certain standards. Not surprising these cunts are whining about not making money for doing nothing, even though most people are way more fucked because of this
Maybe he should tap into his rainy day fund, or sell his car, or use his 401k?
Maybe he should just learn to code?
He needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps like us millennials have
Fuck AirBNB.
It drives up rent everywhere.
People like that most of the time inherited their shit.
Fuck em
>For all we know, this guy is getting fucked over severely financially
Hoarding property you're not living in to rent it out to the highest bidder is unethical. These people get what they deserve, sounds like.
>the pol is so autistic they can't pick up on obvious satire edition
Even at 3% down you're looking at $20k cost-to-close for a 300K house.
we really do need to do something about these filthy parasites.
AirBnB can't be gotten rid of soon enough. If they are destroyed that would be one good thing that came out of the CoVid 19 crisis.
Pic is ad for a Halloween party advertised on AirBnB where 5 people were killed last year.
>firm handshake!
this is a joke right
>buy up houses just to rent them out at exhorbant hotel rates
>people stop trying to stay in them
>waaaa its not my fault someone else needs to pay for this
get fucked shlohmo
Guy is obviously trolling. Terrible acting
how does fire boil
Based and redpilled
Airbnb is much worse than normal landlording.
this is so fucking fake and gay it hurts
I can't - "property investors" have fucking devastated the housing market in my town. They snipe every new house that goes onto the market and either rent it or bulldoze it and turn it into another fucking complex.
His job (as he understands it is) to bear both risk and reward is it not? Okay here is the risk. Go into default, have your properties foreclosed on and hope the service industry (likely your tenants) hasn't blacklisted you from employment in a similar way that landlords do to tenants.
This. Shelter gouging is unsafe.
The Virgin landlord
>uses (((credit))) to get ahead in life when they didn't have the actual money to buy anything
>no morals, cares only about self preservation
>sits down when the national anthem plays, doesn't remove hat
>supports globalization so they can make shady deals with the millionaires of the world
>delusional, wants to be a celebrity a live like a rockstar
>assumed the risk, refuses to accept responsibility for their actions
>thought the banks were their friend, found out that banks are just landlords and also kikes
the Chad renter
>can't afford to buy a house, tries their best anyways
>absolutely refuses to use (((credit))), understands it only hurts the country
>stands up and removes hat during the national anthem, tears up as well
>cares about their neighbours and their fellow citizens, we're all gonna make it
>understands that banks only exist to financially oppress the masses
>lives paycheck to paycheck trying to support their family and themselves, is genuinely upset that they can't pay the rent due to government enforced shutdown
>wants a humble life, just wants to raise a family and be happy, doesn't care about wealth
>has tried to reason with the landlord, understands that they're going through a hard time as well
>opposes globalization, understands that it only helps the wealthy abuse their wealth
Why are you buying a 300k home if you can't afford it. There are plenty of modest 100-150k properties on the market not in top 20 cities.
Idiots. AirBnB is causing rent prices to sky rocket.
People who work are being relegated to live further and further away from the city centers just so tourists don't have to pay for hotels.
I thought it was satire but a lot of the comments on the original video were agreeing with him unironically.
everyone rents. property taxes
it should be illegal in this country for people and foreigners to own more than 2 homes. Thats not communism, thats our fucking birthright. Nobody in their 20's can buy a nice house without getting 70 percent of their income eaten up by kikes.
>If you don't want to pay rent you can 1) buy a house 2) buy a condo 3) buy an apartment building and get other pay you to live there
Do you realize all of these things require capital that must be secured from other fucking people right? Fake capitalists I swear. They try and pretend they understand these things and end up making a mockery of them.
just curious, has there been any word as to whether some of these air bnb landlords specifically bought properties to act as quasi-motels?
those are literally nigger tier properties and youll most likely get shot and stabbed in those areas.
Exactly, it's just like being a youtube influence. They're people who basically want the Internet to bring them money for doing absolutely fucking nothing. Same thing with Uber and Lyft drivers.
no u
if you need tenants to be able to pay your mortgage, you shouldn't have been approved for the loan or be a landlord.
I like bnbs because hotels here are either mostly literally nowhere off of an interstate or they're downtown and cost $300/night. There's a clear difference between people that take it seriously and those that do not, though.
kys shlomo
>delusional, wants to be a celebrity a live like a rockstar
>assumed the risk, refuses to accept responsibility for their actions
>thought the banks were their friend, found out that banks are just landlords and also kikes
That's the thing that gets me. As individual consumer we're told that if we're having money problems we're stupid and don't spend the money correctly and make bad decisions... Okay. So when these people's investments go belly up, that same logic should apply was well. THAT is true capitalism. Having a free market means you're free to succeed or free to fail. The globalist system trying to make business unfree to fail is the problem.
>I take risk, so I deserve your money
I wouldn't say illegal but it should be viewed as unethical and banks shouldn't give out loans to people to sit here and buy up 5 homes and "flip" them. We've learned before it's a bad fucking investment.
Oh well you win some you lose some. He should have been saving for a rainy day with his profits
But there are ways to get your property off of the tax roll in the U.S. It's not easy and very uncommon.
come over once a week and I'll tell you about it over a couple beer.
>now I'm a legal church and tax exempt.
A for effort
Have another bump because I never liked AirBnB.
He's going beyond passion and being extremely cringe. I mean he's calling them BLOOD THIRSTY TYRANTS! ... It's too dramatic.
Let the class war begin. Fuck the rich and all land thieves.
Paid too much for his place i bet.