Anyone MGTOW?
Anyone MGTOW?
Men get sent their own way.
Men who got btfo and get to be alone forever for being the losers.
My man!
MGTOW forever.
make all the incel jokes you want to.
women chat me up all the time...
i just refuse to have one live with me.
i aint paying for some hole's bills, fuck that.
blow me? then get the fuck out.
Sure thing, dweebazoid.
Been MGTOW since I was 17. 25 now and I've never looked back. Focusing on making money and gaining skills has made me more wealthy and cultured than 90% of my peers.
"whatever", and god himself save us from internet experts.
go suck a dick.
>Been MGTOW since I was 17. 25 now and I've never looked back. Focusing on making money and gaining skills has made me more wealthy and cultured than 90% of my peers.
and? why the fuck would you want to put a stop to your winning formula?
why would you WANT to expose yourself to financial ruin?
you'd be an IDIOT to change course now.
women need men...
men dont NEED women.
simply put? MEN are whats important around the world.
the holes just go along for the ride and bleed us dry.
Yea, I’ll never marry or cohabitate with a woman. I just spray cum in these whores faces and down their throats. I also make them post nudes on on Onlyfans and keep most of the money for myself
>Men pretending to have options
Sure thing Juden
No. Stop trying to recruit people into your gay little kike club
>men choose not to have relationships
>no relationships means they have no choice
And what use are your skills and knowledge if you have no children to pass them onto? Work with no legacy is just vanity
>haha im a nerdy faggot obsessed with politics women drool over me
Modern women are not interested in "legacy" or having children. They are too busy having sex with strangers and relying on big daddy government to bail them out.
all legacy is futile
in 200 years nobody will know you existed and your descendants will have less than 1% of "your" genes
do you have exceptional genetics and wealth to justify reproducing though? the world is quite overpopulated
then kys liberal faggot if nothing matters
>legacy is futile therefore everything is.
Quite the defeatist attitude bruh.
No one is MGTOW by choice. Enjoy your delusional thread.
Incel that went MGTOW. or Sent my own way? lol whatever.
I live for myself I don't care about legacy or passing down my genes. I want to enjoy my life fuck women and fuck children those are parasites
Women are whatever you make them. The broken ones are like that because of the men in their lifes. Women have no agency, stop judging them like you would a man. They are not your equal. If your young find a nice girl. If your over 25 your probably gonna have to fix a broken one.
I don’t usually go in for the “perpetuating your line” kind of thing.
But what do you think will be the end result of MGTOW? Who will end up reproducing?
Yes sir
>All legacy is futile
>I live for myself
>Children are parasites
Classic psychotic kike attitude. And ye faggots will continue to claim that MGTOW isn't a psyop.
>Women can't be held accountable for being broken degenerate whores.
I don't believe that and I do not want someone's scraps. MGTOW is the only solution for a modern man.
I don't mind you joining them. Your probably a nigger
Believe it fren. If you ever actually talked to a woman you'd realize they are fucking retarded. My dog is smarter and your a bigger fool for not realising this. Getting angry at a women's behaviour is like getting angry at a empty bag for blowing away. YOU have to control it
MGTOW is the light and the way. Cry about it, kikes. Excellent salt mine.
Indeed. The kikes will be seething at all the white people self exterminating themselves
Men who give up and believe in demoralization propaganda directed at them.
I enjoy how no one seems to have a good argument against MGTOW. It's almost always just shaming tactics. When you have to attempt to shut down the conversation you're admitting you can't win it with facts and logic.
It's going to take a few decades to flush the boomers out of our socioeconomic system anyways. An economic retraction is inevitable, probably begun already. Fuck's sake.
We're not going to rush out and have kids just to sustain the rotting corpse of civilization that fucking boomers left us. Tough times ahead regardless. Least we can do is not have kids if we cant afford them in the first place, after that...better get used to high taxes, welfare cuts and so forth.
show tits and timestamp, roastie
yep, lived the dream with no kids and don't regret it.
I don't give a shit about kids, and I have my foreskin.
No one can give me a single reason to have anything to do with females
>No one has a good argument against MGTOW
If you don't reproduce with a female your race dies and the world is left to subhuman niggers and shitskins and the legacy of your ancestors will be erased and forgotten
You can as a MGTOW still have children without having a wife. Just pay a woman with great genes, after she gives birth she denounces the child.
Apologies my subhuman fren. You're a nigger
This is more of a problem with a lack of incentives for men to want to marry, disincentives scaring men away from wanting to marry, and female empowerment leading to women delaying motherhood and overall becoming toxic to even deal with. More than men who identify as MGTOW avoid marriage and fatherhood for the same reasons. Instead of trying to shame men into getting back onto the plantation, why not fix the core problems leading men to suppress their urge to want to reproduce? Are you tradcons that afraid of confronting the woman problem?
>muh ancestor legacy
Literally not important. "legacies" die off literally every day, and have done so since man walked the earth. The majority of men who've lived never procreated, where as most women have. Most men are even fooled into paternity fraud and end up raising their best friends kid, or their wife's ex's. I'll have a kid, only when men have real authority again, which will be never so fuck that.
#me too, false rape accusations and no fault divorce are not propaganda. These are serious legal risks, not all men can afford to take those risks, all for the reward of worshipping pussy.
>Legacies die off everyday
You only think this way because you're a rootless burger who's ancestors abandoned their homeland.
>I'll only have a kid when men have authority again
Men have authority. Little bitches like you dont
The moment you have a child with a woman that doesn't denounce the child you lose that authority.
you don't biology too good huh?
>Are you tradcons that afraid of confronting the woman problem?
You confront the woman problem by confronting the woman. Not running away crying about how girls are mean and hurt your feelings.
Any dog can reproduce. You're genes are not special, and you are not stronger than the feminist court system.
No, because I'm not a faggot.
>You're genes are not special
They are. I wouldn't expect a rootless mutt to understand
MGTOWs pretend they are doing it out of choice, when in reality they are all bitter bitches mad because nobody will lay their loser asses.