Daily reminder: You little whipper snappers will never amount to a hill of beans.
Yas Forums humor thread; This kills the Zoomer edition
beans don't burn on the grill
Mamma Mia!
would a silicon-based lifeform be edible? now im curious
>I've only been nailed once
Is this fucking grindr?
You guys are still using seashells?
a truly disturbing universe.
>you guys
never even heard of this shit, europoor ahh i forgot
No need to spare a square, I'll get my own.
LMAO you pathetic racists never fail to... oh what's the point? Guaranteed (you)s? Momentary recognition from people I'll never know, and who don't even know me? Bait for newfriends? Blindly following tradition for the sake of some stability in a world gone insane, deluding myself into thinking there's somewhere I belong, all the while refusing to post in store prices?
Even Yas Forums humor threads don't make me laugh anymore. Humor threads. It's spelled humour everywhere in the world except America. The original pasta wasn't even a Canadian, it was a burger with a proxy. My life is a lie.
Face it, most of us sad virgins are infinitely more washed up than any poc will ever be. We're on the right side of history, but we won't be remembered that way. We'll be remembered as losers who couldn't get over it. The last hold out of reason in a world gone mad.
It's a futile venture really. I'm leaving this place and never coming back.
I don't get it
No, you wouldn't get it
Hey, it fucking works
Damn, that pasta has gotten gloomy.
Oh well - kys unemployed leaf faggot.
Good dad joke because it's also true
>tfw got to be in the dozen od essentials in my company of ~400
why redact?
p gud
Took this long to finally lose. Fucking unfunny boomers.
Don’t go leafbro. The leaf pasta gave me hope.
nice postal stamp
Damn, son. Where’d you find this?
Moebius is the artist I know that but not from what?