British teen kills herself due to coronavirus lockdown

A British teen petrified of being isolated with the coronavirus has died following a suicide attempt, according to a report.

Emily Owen, a 19-year-old waitress from King’s Lynn, about 100 miles north of London, died in a hospital Sunday after trying to take her own life due to fears of the “mental health impacts” of isolation amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the Sun reports.

Days before she was found on March 18, Owen warned relatives she was unable to deal with “her world closing in, plans being canceled and being stuck inside” during the global pandemic, according to the report.

Owen had been in critical condition since the suicide attempt and relatives later decided to remove her from life support, allowing doctors to prep her organs for donation, according to an online fundraiser posted by colleagues at the pub where she worked.

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pretty based desu

“We are heartbroken that we won’t see her breeze through our doors like a tornado of energy again, or hear her distinctive laugh,” the post reads. “She was a big part of our team and we will miss her enormously.”

Owen registered as an organ donor when she was just 12 and her body parts have been donated to four people, including three children, according to the fundraiser, which had raised more than $3,100 as of Wednesday.

“Emily would have wanted you to check on your loved in these difficult times,” the post reads. “She believed the fear of the unknown may drive them over the edge and was planning on volunteering to help these people.”

Owen’s sister, Annabel, said her family was “absolutely devastated” by the loss, the Sun reports.

“Emily was very concerned about coronavirus itself but more concerned about the mental health impact of isolation and the fear of the unknown,” Annabel Owen, 21, wrote in a Facebook post, which has since been deleted.

Owen had been diagnosed with “high-functioning autism” four years ago and struggled to fit in, her sister said.

“She didn’t want anyone to know, but now she has gone we want to make people know that autism comes in all shapes and sizes,” she wrote.

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That's fantastic and that's really what I think. It's just too bad to know her parts were pink.

This is literaly just natural selection at this point

the bluest of pills

my God she is gorgeous, this is a 10/10 to me, too bad she's a stupid, vapid dead cunt.

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strong and independent

What a beauty. Such a fucking shame...

fuck normalfags and foids

100,000 white men kill themselves every year. Nobody ever cares.
1 white women offs herself and it's international news.
If she wasn't so attractive they wouldn't tell her story.

>roastie can't survive one day in the life of the average NEET


>dies after suicide attempt
>suicide attempt
>modern "journalism"
>a journalism degree is good

It really IS just another example of how a woman's mind is detached from reality or real issues

Imagine being a good looking white woman
Imagine living life on easy mode
Imagine killing yourself because you can't go to the club and fuck Mohammed

The only hot bong girl offed herself. Sad!


"two weeks"

This meme was made by a woman

>Fails at suicide and pays for her mistake with her life

Grab a drone and get out of home, jeez be creative.

i've gone a few days without talking to other people
can't go much more than that, as i work with other people and am kind of forced into situations and conversations

What a waste of an absolute qt. Pretty sad 2bh.

Good , let the weak die !

Good. The fewer thots and roasties the better. I welcome the gynocaust with open arms.

kinda hilarious ngl wtf

what was she thinking

more like
>tries to fake a suicide attempt for attention
>miscalculates and dies an agonizing death

Easy mode with cheats enabled.

>only hot

I know quite a few girls that look like this. However, bong women are either 9/10 or 2/10.

They would still share her story, only her face wouldn't be plastered everywhere to sell it.

I know, right? She was a dime and ended it all because she couldn't go out and party with Chad anymore.

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>extrovert subhumans have to kill themselves at the prospect of being alone for a week

What is it they fear? Having to introspect and delve into the mire of their own mind?

>Owen registered as an organ donor when she was just 12
Okay someone needed fresh meat so they allowed her to die in hospital.

>suicide attempt
Something doesn't add up here...

I can tell she was gonna get fat anyway

This. I love Corona-Chan.

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1000/10 in bongland

piers morgan has blood on his hands

>implying women can make anything

Sounds just like our burger women.

Geez, really sad. Reminds me of my gf, looks just like her too but suffers from some mental disorders and she’s terrified of isolation. Luckily her mom will make sure she’s okay and her relatives should’ve done that, selfish cunts.

This exactly.
She was probably thinking the suicide gesture would earn her a free pass to go out whoring again.
>Finally they'll know I really need this!

>Suicide attempt
I think it was a success

It was the call of her parents. I wouldn't doubt it though if the doctors pressed them on it a bit.

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how was it an attempt it if succed? surely it should just say suicide and not suicide attempt.

this dumb whore crumbled and offed herself after a 2 day demo version of what life is like for 99% people on this board all the time
and they wonder why they make 70% of a man's wage for the same job

>due to fears of the “mental health impacts”
and nothing of value was lost.

Just goes to show that women can’t cope with being lonely for 2 fucking weeks. I’ve been lonely for 22 years

what a waste of a good pussy.

>100 miles from london

Theres like 15 huge cities that are over a thousand years old in that radius but they chose london?

americans are literally the most braindead retards in the world.

Because she's a girl and they're not supposed to die from suicide.

Her ass is like a black girl's wtf.

>this dumb whore crumbled and offed herself after a 2 day demo version of what life is like for 99% people on this board all the time

Even people on this board are like that. Just for other things.

> took her off life support and sold her organs
They hated her.

It's the only city most people can name in Britain, much less Americans.

I wonder why?

That's why women need real men in their lives. If only she had a good father growing up then she wouldn't have wasted her good physical genetics on vanity. She was raised by demons and hell called on her.

Lucky organ harvester though

Look up lordosis, she is arching her back for appearance's sake.

She was probably brain-dead, user.

If that's her reason for suicide we're better off without her

What a mentally weak cunt. It's been a fucking week.

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Nothing of value was lost. Hopefully the rest of the roasties follow suit.

Absolute rooky numbers

Tits or gtfo

Doesn't mean that she can't give a good blowjob, or cook a steak. What's wrong with you?

Girls here are also that way, very few middling, most are fucking ugly, but more attractive girls than middling. Maybe it's societal beer goggles though that makes our average women look better than they are.

They were never meant to be smart theyre cum dumpsters

>this a 10/10 in bongland

what a bullshit
it isnt autism when you are afraid to be alone
autism is when you cant handle dealing with other people especially talking or you get stuck on everyday activities

God getting the retards out of the gene pool.
> suicide
Have fun in hell whore.

Read up on narcissistic personality disorder, which is something all women suffer from on some level. (Side note: Men are diagnosed with narcissism more often because psychologists literally can't tell the difference between a girl with narcissistic personality disorder and a normal teenage girl. Not shitting you)

Their psychological stability is directly related to the reactions and opinions of those around them. If they are ostracized or removed from human contact they become depressed and often suicidal.

This is because Narcissists manipulate people, or try to piss people off, or do things to gain praise, because that's what allows them to feel like they exist. There is no deeper intellect or introspection. They are literal NPCs.

No I mean she was actu...
You know, never mind.

Nailed it bro. Good job. No question you are fucking in top of this situation

Sad and probably true.

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Going a few days with out seeing another Human sounds like a fucking great vacation to me.

If I was Fucking brain dead and looking down the barrel of "life" as a literal drooling retard who needs someone to wipe their ass, I'd want the ventilator turned off too

I once went three months without seeing or speaking to another human. I was fine.

This. Modern "journalism" is a complete fucking joke and should not be taken with a grain of salt but a mountain of salt.

Does that include her tits ?