Gomorrah has fallen, rest in shit Jew York.
Gomorrah has fallen, rest in shit Jew York
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time to close off the city. anyone trying to exit or enter will be shot on sight
13 deaths is not apocalyptic. Damn morons
200 people shot to death by cops and blacks = normal day in the bronx
13? Oy vey such a Holocaust. How many niggers in Chicago killed each other today?
>time to close off the city
this. we will not take kindly to citiots or jersey faggots upstate
be warned
oh buddy, its gonna get a lot worse here
We can't take the chance, just glass it
sounds like an every day in my city since 20 years ago.
a jew must have wrote that headline. Everything is Apocalyptic and horrfying to them.
>200 people shot to death by cops and blacks = normal day in the bronx
Maybe 200 years ago. The Bronx has become in overpriced gentrified white hipster shithole
This. It's too risky, we need a preemptive strike!
I bet all 13 of them were jews.
The division 3 is gonna be lit
>>I bet all 26 of them were jews.
You obviously have never been to the South Bronx
they think 13 is bad jesus christ theyre going to shit their pants
my local hospital got more drunk driving injuries and crashes per day than this fake flu
It’s a virus. It is going viral. Think of it like a computer virus but not in a computer. There are such things in the non computer world too, believe it or not. Also milk comes from cows boobies and mommy loves daddy very much and they wrote a letter to a stalk. Does that answer all your questions?
>Jew York
Excuse me, but this is a tolerant sub and we don't use or tolerate those kinds of anti-Semitic slurs. I will give you a break this time since you are clearly new here but try to keep it civil in the future.
Prove it. Video of cough sucking time stamped. A Pants on head production.
Can we cool it with the microagressions?
Jew York dying off...
where were you when the 13gorillion died from the Trump flu
I dont understand. New York and California faggots were shitting up the board with how much better and smarter they were than everyone else. Why were these bastions of progress the first to go tits up?
These are real humans dying user
Not those waste of space poor people and coloreds.
Jewy Ork!
Is this OK?
I bet all 13 billion of them were jews.
Because they live like subhuman bug people and believe they are superior
Cool it with anti anti semitism!
We New Yorkers are tough and we will persevere trough dis. All of you that want us to do badly are showing your true colors. You envy us, you wish you could be a New Yorker you fucking motherless fly over fucks. You scumbags couldn't hang it here so you moved to California with all the other FAGGOTS. I'm born and bred here, I almost became a cop but ended up working in my father's pitzeria. I made good money, bought a house for 15 grand in 1965 that's worth around 200 grand today. I'm better than you. Suck my dick!
>live in small town of 100 or so people
>if corona sweeps through, you will literally never recover
Corona can turn your shitty town into a ghost town. Hold your critique
13/9000000 is nothing
Have fun in your concrete cultureless tomb
Have fun having sex with your sister Cletus, fuckin Billy Bob hahaha. How's the weather over there at the trailer park Zeke? Hahaha, fuckin faggot ass momo.
"an NYC" are jews making themselves stupider too?
let it all burn
Vehicles with yellow NY licences plates will be fired upon on site.
if nyc goes up in flames from a chimpout it will fulfill the prophecy in revelations
>nigger invested in shit real estate in piss stank city
>didnt groundfloor berkshire
>enjoy your niggershack
>laughs in 700acres and farmhouse
even your success stories are pathetic
My quaint fucking vacation condo is worth more than your house.
Vehicles with NY licences plates will be fired upon on site.
This should be a policy already, you know all the panic faggots are going to skip like the pieces of shit they're, they're going to spread this shit nation wide, will never get rid of this
Nigga, 200~ deaths in a city of 8 fucking million is far from apocalyptic.
>13 death
Oy vey iz mir! It’s literally anudda Shoah!
Press S to shit on Jew Yorks grave.
Death to all Jew Yorkers
Yas Forums has officially gone full retard
That's a pretty tame apocalypse. For a small town that could be harsh, but for NYC that is nothing.
Let's meme this bitch into a firestorm. I'm calling for power outages and rioting in the streets.
It's the only way to be sure!
What did he mean by this?
The news and entertainment media, their schools, all tell them they are the heroes, and all else are the big evil. It is inevitable that they be misinformed and smug in their ignorance.
mummy gib milkes
>t. pic related
In all honesty though most of old NY is dead and gone. The city is a kindergarten playpen for trust fundsters.
>Yas Forums
it's a Jew York Times headline, Yas Forums has nothing to do with it Schmuck
>posts a bostonian
Apparently they get all of their dated white people stereotypes from old Simpsons episodes and ancient hollywood media. Hilarious!
>rest in shit Jew York
I love you, no globohomo.
There are probably more than 13 people who die falling in the bathtub every day in NYC.
Voice of reason. Oy vey.
>Yas Forums published this headline
Quoting someone making a fool of themselves is not an endorsement.
Boston demographics, btw. Sad times for Boston. In 10 years they are Baltimore.
It's just some turd who doesn't speak for New York
>13 old sick people die
I bet much more people die each day on NY, and no one even gives a shit
They have no idea what goes on in the world outside their lives. It doesn't matter whether you CV19 is a happening or a nothingburger, 13 deaths in a day is small time compared to most other notable causes of death.
Upstate hates NYC. Pls no bully
You fags may have not realized, but we're the media now
There are ten times more people shot by niggers and roasties aborting
This is fantastic baitpasta.
It's going to get *way* worse because the hospitals are overloaded. The issue is they allowed in thousands of flights from China for months without testing. Same goes for other major cities. It's going to explode everywhere very soon.
>larping as a tough guy when you grew up in the upper east side
fuck atta here
Die niggers, die Jews, die yuppie scum mother fuckers, die chinks, dot heads, rag heads, Catholics.... fucking die now so my country is clean again.
Could somebody please put a black woman on top of this monkey on the pic? It’s for a project.
I don't think you understand just how many people die on average in New York alone. The population of New York City accounts for ~0.25% of the planet, putting them at around 400 deaths per day on average based on the rough 150k/day estimate.
400 people die in the city every day and people are now throwing their shit around when 13 die? The fuck?