Why does Yas Forums hate gay man so much?

Can you give a list of un-biased reasons? Why do you care if 2 men are in a relationship, having sex in the privacy of their own home?

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because it's gay

Non-standard sexuality decreases the birth rate

It would be one thing if you kept it to yourself but we have gay naked pride parades and tranny reading hour.
Maybe you fags should take it down a notch.

based maple bro

'Cause they're just jealous. Being gay is like entering a cheat code and living your life on the easy mode, you get to plow boipucci, have the best sex you could have without your gf reacting like a dead fish and no drama whatsoever. Just the best parts of the relationship with none of that stupid roastie shit.

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"privacy of their own home"

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Have you seen American Beauty? Most of the "manly" Yas Forums posters would love to gobble on a cock and they hate themselves for it. Most of them are already half a fags watching tranny porn because its "ironic" so it wont be long until they accept who they are.

Because I hate myself

Ok groomer

half of Yas Forums is closeted fags and trannies so don't make too much of it.

The only thing worse than getting cucked, is getting fucked.

I don't hate gay men, and I have no bigotry and usually really like gay people I meet and have known. The problems come when the 1% of gay people in the population are weaponized and used as a political tool to advance Liberalism, which is the cancer destroying my country and rotting the foundations of the entire world.
Plus male gay sex will always be fucking gross no matter how much I love the gays, and it's literally a mental illness but political propaganda "science" has said otherwise.
When fucking a man in the ass is considered normal but playing too many video games considered a legitimate mental illness, you know shit is all fucked up.

I hope you know that most gay men think shit like that is disgusting and shameful to the gay community. And when I say most I mean like 99.99%

>No drama
You know how I can tell you're larping?

And yet you do nothing about it.
Good job gay cake.

I don't give two shits if you wanna fuck a man, just stop forcing that shit into every fucking piece of media and trying to make it normal.

I dont care what two people do behind closed doors, althought I probably should simply because you are at risk of sexually assaulting a child behind those doors, but the fact that you have people in your community who parade the worst of any demographic in public makes me hate you and your disgusting ways.

What do you want normal gay men to do?

>Why do you care if 2 men are in a relationship, having sex in the privacy of their own home?

>Pride parades
>"Pride" propaganda
>promotion of homosexuality in schools
>promotion of homosexuality saturating media

This "privacy of their own home" thing is bullshit. People bought that argument in the 1980s and now there is fag parades where men swing their cocks in front of children.


Because faggots fuck kids, creating more faggots and thd cycle repeats itself. Pretty simple, faggot.

They are way more likely to be child predators and serial killers. And defining your identity by your sexual preferences is absurd. Can you imagine standing up at Thanksgiving and saying, "I'm a toe sucker and a throat fucker". It's weird.

gayness in itself is perverted and wrong.

Not all gay men are pedos, however gay men are more likely to be pedos which is disgusting and has to be fixed through punishment (my personal belief is that all pedophiles should be hanged but that just my belief.

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Maybe try to convince your other gays that this is not only a bad look but completely counter productive.
I mean for fuck sakes gays are already tolerated and have the same rights as straights.
What exactly is there to be proud of anymore?

I agree with you, I can't wrap my mind around why anyone would do that shit in public

>Why do you care if 2 men are in a relationship, having sex in the privacy of their own home
because that isn't all they do
fuck off fag

It created AIDS, we have to pay for them when they are old because they never have children or create a stable family.

Lmao gays have 30x more drama. Constant cheating. They like faggotry as much as anyone.

Yes gay men are more likely to be child predators and serial killers which is sick, but you still talking about a very small percentage of the group. And yes men who base their identity on being gay are annoying as hell.

Stand up for being decent. Have a counter-march with well-dressed nice gay men who don't look like sex-obsessed pedophile pervert AIDS demons? Even if there were a small number of you, it would send a BIG message to America and the world that not all gays support this garbage.
But you won't, because muh pride. You're brainwashed by leftist politicians.

Yas Forums IS faggots. Conservatives are faggots. Usually closet queers.

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>because you are at risk of sexually assaulting a child behind those doors,

>however gay men are more likely to be pedos

Conservative right wing faggots, yes. Stop projecting righty faggot shit onto everyone else.

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>They are way more likely to be child predators and serial killers

>Yes gay men are more likely to be child predators and serial killers which is sick,

Right wing gay queerbag, yes.

>Sgt. Jonathan Moore pic related
>doing gay bareback creampie gangbang porn
>stealing cars from dealership
>having breeding parties with other gay faggot cops and underage boys (breeding parties--- gay group sex where they fuck other guys and cum in their asshole, for any non shills and non degenerates who didn't know

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Got him. Fags are narcissists and all they want is attention, good or bad.

AKA conservative faggot

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>Can you give a list of un-biased reasons? Why do you care if 2 men are in a relationship, having sex in the privacy of their own home?
It's fucking gay.

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>harm a child
Aka right wing faggot

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It'a upsetting to the social order, and its never enough. You're group is the first step down the ladder towards the pits of sexual depravity we find ourselves on. You must draw a line somewhere and that pine is only heterosexual marriage.

>Oh, you're arachnophobic? You must really wanna fuck that spider.
Project more fag

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>privacy of their own home
Yeah, sorry mr. cocksmith, but you faggots made sure everyone knew about your disgusting practices. Fuck off with you false narrative. Only retarded fags like you are stupid enough to believe it


I don't hate gays, I just dislike fags.

Good, then you must understand. Well done, sir-gulp-a-lot

Flip a coin to guess accurately if a faggot is a pedofile

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Faggots are only allowed to live like real people in Western countries, if you want to see how they should be treated, look at Ukraine or Chechnya

>>Oh, you're arachnophobic? You must really wanna fuck that spider.
>Project more fag

Oh nothing, faggot. That faggot greentext isn't a model of my line of thought or anyone else's.

Loss of potential. There is no hope for gays. They only think out butt sex and fashion. Now how in the hell does that help anything?

to be fair, faggots like these give you guys an unreasonably bad reputation. You see shit like this on twitter, but few think about how rare this level of faggotry is. I dont like the LGBTQXDLMAO+ community, but letting faggots like those represent you is just unfair. You and your community should work against this kind of shit, everybody would benefit from it.

To be fair if it's such a small number then why is it not shut down?
Seems kinda weird.
In fact it makes no sense at all.

>Muh privacy of muh bedroom
Transformed into
>All of society must be forcibly reshaped to appease us
Gays, much like women, only ever bite the hand that feeds, never the fist that hits.
Such people are undeserving of tolerance, as the net result of their behaviour is the extinction of those who tolerate them, and their subsequent replacement at the hands of those who don't, making any sacrifice made in the name of tolerance in vain.

>Why does Yas Forums hate gay man so much?
Why do gay man love pole so much?

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So anyone who thinks same sex attraction is disgusting and detrimental to society couldn't possibly just think that and be straight, they have to be a repressed fag?

>normal gay

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Gays are like prions. They're badly folded proteins that cause other proteins to badly fold and then the whole organism dies.
Look at what faggots did to the Catholic church and now the Boy Scouts. Fuck gays. Need to be thrown off more rooftops.

>They are fags

who do you hate more Yas Forums ? the gays? or furries?

Those are the same thing actually

The only person who said that is you. Dumbass. I suggested no such thing. I said this place is full of faggots. I did not give the reasoning you gave. Yas Forums is gay because most shills here like men. This faggots. You can carry on with your imaginary reasoning that I never said or implied, because you're a stupid gay faggot.

answer the damn question smartypants

if someone is both do you hate him more for being a furry or being gay

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They use dumb made up Tavistockian words designed to shame others and demoralize those who find unnatural degeneracy disgusting not scary.

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Fair Enough

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Decent folk seek help for their when they suffer from degeneracy, they don't parade it down main street, or try to teach it in elementary schools.

I just don’t care about your sexuality.

It's kinda like a rectangle vs a square, Not all gays are furries, but all furries are gay.

Easy read Romans 1 then read about grooming then read about GRIDS.

Flagrant beta faggotry invites censorship.