25/03/20 The death-blow to liberty in Britain

The government just passed the following laws in Britain:

1) If even one doctor says that you are mentally ill, you can be locked up in an asylum indefinitely.

2) If you refuse to take a coronavirus test, you will be fined £1000. This sets the precedent for forced vaccinations.

3) Public gatherings can be broken up for any reason at any time. You can no longer protest.

I hope that those who were clamouring yesterday for the army to be brought in to "break the arms and legs" of quarantine-defiers are satisfied.


Attached: bootlickers.png (2560x1616, 2.19M)

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oh no, not FORCED VACCINATIONS! immunity to awful diseases, the worst thing imaginable!

1000 pounds.. yikes that hurts.

You absolute sheep, die in a horrible fire

Go get your digital tattoo, slave.

I hate this ‘bankrupt your ideological enemy’ thing. It’s creepy. I think a jail term is better.

Britains whole thing has been they hate liberty and want the government to rule them with an iron fist

This whole "epidemic" state was just a pretext for this kind of law. They will never remove them for the rest of our lives. Covid-19 was the first step towards NWO we were all shit posting about back in post-9/11 era. It's here now.

You bongs been chipped in your right hand yet?

The people who inhabit this island sicken me.

I will never forgive my predecessors for giving up our right to own guns

We all already have one, we even fucking pay for it. it's called a phone dip shit

get Polio

good luck not getting coronavirus vaccine when it comes out, you won't be able to collect a paycheck, attend schooling, or get any government benefit

They should just close the parliament and give full power to the monarch then.

What really shocks me is the speed and scale at which everything is happening. There was a fight against losing our liberties to terrorism laws for many years, but we have utterly capitulated to this hoax pandemic in a matter of weeks. Even though exactly the same arguments are being used as were employed after 9/11, that the tyranny is "all about keeping us safe." In 2020, people are not merely accepting but actually clamouring for tyranny.

I don’t understand Bongs.

I'm ex forces. Based bros are the last people the army would open up on. They're aching to clear out the ethnic enclaves.

The police rule by consent, and the ethnics don't consent. So the army will get their chance.

I look forward to it.

But the other day the cops broke up a BBQ of ethnics in the ghetto of Coventry. Kicking over the BBQ to get them to listen so, there is hope.

you think it's all bad but even covid-brain-damaged MPs have to succumb to reason after their panic-lawmaking

Attached: skynews-russell-brand-russell-brand-parenting_4552488.jpg (2048x1152, 191.13K)

I want to believe. Throw me a white pill instead of empty rhetoric, fellow bong

About two weeks ago, a friend of mine spoke to a Dr from a local hospital, who told him in about three weeks time the army would be on the streets enforcing the quarantine. Why he was so sure of this I don't know but it seems ever more likely.

durr nothing's gonna happen, just the elderly and sickly dieing off as with the rest of the world
it's just boomers freaking out that their population drive for eternal money-making might come to an end

lol as if anything matters in the UK. Don't worry, little scamp, If your government tries to hurt you we'll come take care of them for you.

at some point the vaccine will be digital and in your hand or head

How is this feasible in a mega city from a strategic perspective, let alone the whole country?

They're going to do it to us next. Youtube shills like styxcoxensucker mention Bill Gates and how only tHe lIbTaRdS think Gates isn't super cool. scientificamerican.com/article/invisible-ink-could-reveal-whether-kids-have-been-vaccinated/?fbclid=IwAR3oSsEV43gzXVWQ7zntFj-nwLRxjXlHRP9plntLE5-H_3-tph1An4JKtII

The fact that you don't even see it as option to leave your phone at home is very telling. You zoomers are fucked.

Good goyim, take this shot it will help you with your health I promise, get branded like cattle and work your life away for your master, it's all worth it! Good goyim.

See link I posted. It's here.

The UK was always meant to be a dystopian state, just look at your media. Every fucking dystopian film or novel came from you.

The coronavirus hoax isn't the thing to be concerned about. The authoritarian power-grabs, destruction of the private sector, collapse of the economy, and making the general public dependent on UBI are.

You bongs should welcome this. The ones breaking quarantine are muslims


>Good goyim, take this shot it will help you with your health I promise, get branded like cattle and work your life away for your master, it's all worth it! Good goyim.
based sven


Before the vaccine chip, Gates funded a birth control chip that was reportedly supposed to go to trials in 2015, but I can't find anything about it since then. The company was called microchips, but they got taken over by dare biotech, and that is all I could find. It disappeared I guess...

You under estimate how many roads and cities we have

The army couldn't contain London, let alone the other 50 million of us

in NZ we aren't allowed to leave our homes unless it's to an essential service (grocery store) and we have to be alone. police and military patrolling streets and warning/fining/arresting anyone non-compliant.

interestingly in a press conference with the police commissioner he mentioned people going to ATMs is not allowed. they dont want people taking their money out of the bank. he also said the powers the government has given them allow them to go into anyones home without a warrant if they believe people who arent supposed to be there (non residents) are there.

direct quote from presser: "We'll be the friendly face of police ... until it needs to be something else, of course, if people don't comply."

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We nose what you are

>take this shot it will help you with your health
It didn't work? It was the fault of the goys who didn't get it.

Sure, ok. Next comes tracing what people have been doing on the internet. RIP everybody.

convert all assets into bitcoin and move out of there bro. 1984 started to look like a joke 10 years ago. at this point we are well behind the 'truth is stranger than fiction' stage. its just beyond fucked. i'll be moving out of the US within 5 years if the world is still around then.

It fits. Damn it must be ready to go, if not leaked early. Bill is king of the sickos.

To where, though?



It's a slippery slope. Forced vaccinations today, Eugenics and forced sterilization tomorrow.

Monarch, parliament, all the same to them.

>If even one doctor says that you are mentally ill, you can be locked up in an asylum indefinitely.

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC NEWS! I hope all countries take suit. Schizos need to be locked away.

Just to remind ourselves that the coronavirus is a hoax:

1) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die with it have comorbidities, and the average age of death is 80.


2) Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University points out that the only true case-study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.


3) Pneumonia annually kills over a million people. After several months, the coronavirus has (allegedly) killed only 20,000.

4) According to Oxford University, half of Britain has already been infected with the virus for some time. Where are the results?


5) The tales about the overwhelming of medical infrastructure mean nothing. There are innumerable ways to explain them. Mass panic causes many elderly people to flood into hospitals and die there who ordinarily would have passed away peacefully at home. Panic about the virus causes many people to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming health resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of patients. Doctors and nurses often go into isolation for 14 days for fear of spreading the virus, causing shortages of staff. Italy, the cause celebre of the flatten the curve narrative, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began. (lewrockwell.com/2020/03/no_author/italy-is-second-country-with-coronavirus-outbreak-preceded-by-a-tuberculosis-epidemic/)

6) As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg says, we are manufacturing a pandemic by testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Those who die _with_ it, not _of_ it, then get added to a meaningless pile of statistics.

I honestly could not be more disappointed in this country. It's like you can say "you can emigrate" because all the other countries passed similar laws too


Pick one.

Just a coincidence, goy.

>3) Public gatherings can be broken up for any reason at any time. You can no longer protest.
>you can no longer protest.
Based, fuck protestors, it's legit one of the worst kinds of political activism, it manages nothing and it only causes a slowdown in traffic.

if you refuse a corona test and get fined £1000... then what? They ask you again and you refuse again and get fined another £1000? Doesnt make much sense. Either force us or dont force us... wtf is the point in a fine?

this is the worst of it, normally when we see some manufactured fear dripfed to us in the media its laughed off by those we see around us in every day life but this time has been different, people in my own family and in work have been insufferable with the panic.
take some comfort in knowing this was always out of your hands and its exactly what we fucking deserve

It's rubbish

>You can no longer protest.
We were never allowed to protest to begin with.
It basically only effects leftists at this point.

Terrorists can't reach politicians as easy as this virus

>If even one doctor says that you are mentally ill, you can be locked up in an asylum indefinitely.
Goodbye trannies

>wtf is the point in a fine?
as was posted earlier, to make any dissenters as poor as possible.
they want everyone on government gibs, eventually making payment of those gibs dependent on vaccinations and microchips.
for all of pols contrarian reputation, even on this board theres a rush from users to get their 'free' money, people think theyre getting a nice springtime week off work when really this will be it for life.

To say nothing of other fearmongering hoaxes like climate-change, they already tried pandemic fearmongering with Swine Flu, E. Coli, Ebola, Zika, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, Sars, etc., and it never seemed to stick until now. Perhaps the immensity of the lie is what gives it credence. People say to themselves "If every government in the world is locking down its citizens, surely there has to be something serious going on?". They can't fathom the idea that most mainstream scientists and "experts" could ever be wrong.

They can claim you’re insane if you refuse the test for a fine. You don’t think that first part is related?