It may look difficult, but read instructions carefully:
1)make money
2)buy land
Its not that hard faggots
It may look difficult, but read instructions carefully:
1)make money
2)buy land
Its not that hard faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>Just make thousands of dollars while trying to survive during one of the most expensive times to be alive in American history
Btw, obligatory, thank you to Corona-chan for removing boomers!
Thank you Corona-chan!
"Buy land, God's not making any more of it"
What state is this
This. Unless you start off in the workforce with zero debt, no expenses and with at least 40k starting salary its complicated. You fuck up once, there is no forgiveness
working on it
have ~300k
is that enough?
wanted to get to a milli first
>Make money
Okay, this is pretty complex in the current market.
>Buy land
Okay, so let's say I buy 2 acres of land in a remote hilltown. Going to cost me 40-80k, depending on how many trees. I don't know how to build a fucking house and contracting everything involved in that costs tens of thousands, as well.
That being said, this is exactly what I'm doing. Hoping to buy 2 acres by this time next year and then break ground on a house.
The shills like OP know it's rigged. They're making fun of us for being born into a lower caste. Which is why OP needs to be eaten.
Bro 40-80k can get you easily 10+ acres if you arent a picky fuck about the exact location
Whoa I just followed your instructions and now I'm living here.
>I don't know how to build a fucking house and contracting everything involved in that costs tens of thousands
Don't forget about the cost of mandatory inspections and mandatory permits for every little thing.
Dude, anyone who has even done basic research on home construction can tell you that just installing basic water infrastructure will cost you tens of thousands of dollars for a HUT, even before you put one day of labor into building the foundations of the building.
Land and gabagool
I can buy you a fucktonne of land here for that
I gotta live in my downtownerino so I can get hoppy IPAs from the local brew pub and play trivia with my platonic lady friends!
Can’t move out to those hecka intolerant places where the land is cheap, oh no no no!
but like people are saying, land's one thing but then there's the shit that goes on it
also i'd rather stay in the US bc reasons
Seek professional help
>make money
>buy land
>whoops cant actually buy land
>you just rent it from the government
haha god bless america
Yeah the dream is dead. It's all about taking out a lifetime mortgage for a 1970's 3bd/2ba in the suburbs, now.
its like usa ww2 recruiting system but decent
>2 acres
>remote hilltown
No. Not even close unless it's on top of an actual gold mine
Not even that. More just renting everything forever. You literally don't even own movies or video games or music you purchase now.
Septic and well, $30,000
Then some solar power and main power connection +$10,000
Then start building.
It’s best to start with the garage/workshop year one . $20,000
You’ll need a road, that’ll be 10k as well
Live in a fucking cheap used RV until you save enough money to buy the land if that's what you got to do. Our ancestors went through some fucking harsh times, talking real shit compared to us. We need to stop whining.
Land in the US is widely available and cheap compared to what you'd get for the same price in Europe. You can do it friends.
What state though anons?
>mystery meat mutt zoomer
>being rescued by chinks
let me just make 300k usd in a third world shithole while barely getting enough for good
Any Canada anons doing this?
>Live in a fucking cheap used RV until
Imma stop you right there. There is no "until". Any "temporary" accommodations you make for yourself have a tendency to become permanent. So if you want to live the rest of your life in a trailer or RV, yes, do that. But don't expect to live out your dream of finishing that meme cabin while you live in it. Bad shit happens more often than things going smoothly.
guess who owns RVs in America?
Guess who treats them like an asset that appreciates over time ?
Technically by a virus, but okay.
Noted OP. Landpilled
its simple really
1)buy an ak 47
2)liberate the land from capitalists
its that hard amerifats.
yours looks so much comfier though user
where is this, switzerland?
if you’re poor - look for owner financing. small down payment, and usually won’t rape you with interest.
Fuck off landlord. Can't wait for the classicice to start. We will curb stomp your kind on the streets.
Retards, buy the land. Get a 5th wheel or motor home and live on it while you build. Well, septic, electrical, construction of home.
Already done.
Cottage home on big water :)
>buy land in the middle of nowhere
Do you childish faggots realize it cost money to run utilities like electric and plumbing to the location? You dumb fucks think the county is going to pay for all of this ? Oh and don't forget the road you have to make to get to the main road.
Goodluck on the transportation costs alone to get construction supplies to your ewok village.
I bought 15 acres.
No money down.
No credit check.
Owner financed.
$199 a month.
Real estate speculators will buy 100 acres at auction and log it , make their money and then sell of parcels.
Or maybe it was an old farm and after the farmer died it went into collections for taxes.
Property is everywhere.
If you have cash, you can get it for as low as $800 an acre where I'm at.
And that's salvageable land that could be used for farming.
I've seen desert scrub for $40 an acre.
Everyone hates on the landlord until they come in with a bunch of capital and run the shitskins out to gentrify the neighborhood. Then you fags are happy as clams that niggers are getting BTFO.
If you're going to do that you can get a USDA loan.
At least you're in debt to the government and not a bank.
They do have restrictions on the housing you can build, but they're the best way to go.
You don't even have to be completely isolated, you can still get them in small towns as well.
those houses are cheap because they're in the midde of nowhere
no jobs innawoods
so go buy yur shitty house and die from not having a job therefore money therefore food
but i guess all polacks want to live fishing and hunting huh?
Fucking retarded kids on this board.
Did you read the thread before posting?
OP needs our sage advice not your dumb yammering
Literally nobody cares how much money your parents have. Go ask them for a pat on the back.
I own land in another country, does that count ?
its nearly all the americans.
lowest IQ country on the planet.
Grow food. Make handcrafted products, or provide a service to neighbors in order to supplement with small amounts and pay for food.
That's what? $500/mo at most? For a large family?
I've been in many threads and this is 100% possible to do.
There was nothing on my land when I bought it.
Now I have a cozy little cabin surrounded by blueberries, blackberries, apples and pecans.
I had no savings and work is about a 50 minute drive.
I pass more deer on the way to work than cars.
If anybody is curious, here's my cabin model.
It was also zero down, no credit check, $250 a month. I see them on Craigslist for cheap quite often also.
been trying to get a job for like 5 years now
getting pretty tired of life so I'll probably be gone in not too long but its unfortunate because I live so cheaply so if I had just gotten a job then I would have had no problem saving probably almost 200k kr a year with an average job. 30 years now so its too late for me but you should all listen to OP. Saving money is the easiest thing in the world, just get a normal job and if you do not live like the average wasteful millennial then you can get your dream house before you're 30
You have a bad mindset, you're already thinking about all the things that could go wrong. You just need some goal and a lot of motivation and determination.
This guy is a firefighter who purposely lives in a fucking pickup truck just to save money, and HE IS saving a ton of money.
If this guy can do it in a fucking pickup truck you sure as hell can do it in an RV or a trailer, stop finding excuses.
Once again, HE IS saving money and he is using some of that money to travel the world, he sure as hell look like a happy guy. You could do just the same and put all that money into buying some land.
TONS of cheap RV and trailers on craigslist user.
Yes, Switzerland.
kys boomer
sell your house
Dude I'm not a little kid and I did this all on my own.
Its not difficult, it just takes effort.
3) pay property taxes
I’m thinking about it is $60k a good deal for a 2-5 acre lot ?
is it better if I did it in Europe user? What is a more wholesome place
>You literally don't even own movies or video games or music you purchase now.
That's fair, since from the ages of 15 through 30 I didn't purchase any of those things.
How to become a billionaire:
1) Make Money
2) Save It
a literal cuck shed
got a gf accepting to live in that user?
At least you're an owner, but at what price?
just go ahead and do that kid
the faggot antifa commies that are flooding the board with anti-landlord posts are literally too fucking stupid to practice what they preach --- pool money together - live communally/communistically. gots to have that starbucks trenta iced caramel macchiato rich, full-bodied espresso with vanilla-flavored syrup, milk and ice, and topped off with a caramel drizzle for an oh-so-sweet finish. shit is so cash; shit is so fire. because a $0.50 Folgers dark roast is just oh so boomer
What province did you choose for your fine homestead?
>"dude just live without electricity, grocery store, running water!"
My property tax is about $140 a year.
Entirely dependent on location.
You could spend that much on a 1/10th acre lot up in the mountains of San Diego that has municipal water supply.
Or you could get 100 acres for that price in the rural south east.
>>buy ak47
user I ....
That time has had it's run, now you'll be killing and raiding people for here on out. The virus isn't scary, it's aftermath it'll leave is the scary thing. Just forget owning land and go raid to survive.
Woah, calm down glowie
Why it is being released from state parks looks nice and wooded and has fiber, power, plumbing access
My taxes are $3000
Oh Vey, waterfront makes it go up.
No, land is gonna be way more expensive in Europe, especially in Switzerland and all those beautiful areas. Plus the language barrier, usually stricter construction laws, gun laws and all that crap.
Trust me, it's gonna be way easier and cheaper for you to live that lifestyle in the US.
States that got mountains and those kind of landscapes would be Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming and cold Alaska. Probably Washington too, but I guess you'll have more niggers and leftists there.
Western wyoming
Did you really ask if Canadians live in the woods?
>Die in forest fire due to Agenda 21.
Chic's love my cabin.
Its nicer than my first couple apartments when I was just starting out on my own after high school.
You can talk shit about cuck sheds, but look around at what you're living in.
And think of 1/4 of the population living in places like San Francisco or new York where they pay $1,000 for a bedroom and share the rest of the apartment with absolute strangers because they can't survive financially without roommates.
Have a pic of my front yard.
I've been to Hyder, AK. Tough place to get to. Beautiful. Thx for the pic
>gun laws
swiss can own guns, in fact nearly all young males own a riffle iirc because they get to keep it after military service
Switzerland is for rich people though, you'll never pay the electricity,water,heating,taxes on yur house if you dont have a swiss job.
And no swiss jobs in bumfuck nowhere.
based post tbqh lad, glad you're happy where you are
Ah forgive me if I came out sounding like I was berating you froganon, I'm just replying based on personal experience with the subject matter at hand. As it is, I wouldn't want to tell somebody to saddle themselves with a piece of shit that some boomer has been tinkering on for years (because thats who you'll be getting the cheap ones from), all the while telling you how much of a steal it is and repeating a phrase to the effect of "find something better for the price".
Plus its not exactly the easiest living, you will be harassed and you will find yourself in shitty times quite often.
My personal opinion would be to spend your money on a gun and silver at this point if you can.
Back to your shift dummy.
>swiss can own guns
Yeah I know but this could change anytime without the Swiss people revolting. They don't have the same gun culture there, and no European country got the same gun culture as the burgers do.
>No credit check
>Owner financed
Sell land to retards who eventually will fuck up and not pay. Get land back and keep their money.