This board seems to be against landlords charging the tenants. People use my property...

This board seems to be against landlords charging the tenants. People use my property, and I charge them for this service. What's the problem?

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landlords make money from nothing


>from nothing

Making money is a game. Learn how to play it.

No I make money from providing people with a place to live, for a charge, of course.

Im not against landlords, I'm against scum that can even have nice amenities in their rental properties that don't look outdated or dangerous. Be a stylish landlord, don't be some scummy cheap vinyl peel and stick tile floor with 7 layers of paint on the wall kind of landlord. Thats all I'm asking. Not gonna pay 800 dollars a month for an abode that hasn't seen an upgrade in 30 years.

Nothing, renters should be fleeced for every cent for being dumb enough to rent past the age of 30.

I pay a very fair rent for our house. Hasn't gone up in 4 years either. There's good and bad landlords. I've experienced both

It’s just the antifa shills trying to push people left.

The buildings now maintain themselves and come with robots that have the skills to do electrical and plumbing work I guess
Ok, retard. Guess my 6 and 7 day work weeks are for nothing but my fitness.

>Be landlord
>Entirely dependent on the productivity of others to survive
>If you just fucked off nobody would notice
>If your residents stop working the entire economy halts

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They make money from renting out their land. I got no problem with landlords.
So long as they are not jews.

I agree. I'm renting a high-end 2000sq apartment, so I expect the tenants to pay for what they get.

Did the landlord make the property?

>if you just fucked off
I'm pretty sure the tenants would pretty quickly notice the insurance, taxes and major repairs being neglected

based Monty Burns

Why are the Russians so obsessed with pitting tenents against landlords in the West?

btw, nice vpn Propaganda Pavel!

they do nothing to earn their income. literally stealing

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Then they just contact those businesses and pay for them directly.
Parasites 0
Tenants 1

glow harder faggot

You retard. Did my apartment just come from nowhere? I had to work for it meaning its not a natural produce.

Then buy a house you fucking wanker

You provide no useful good or service yet seek to siphon money from those who do. You are a kike.

You will never hear an actual argument from a renter. Renters are renters for a reason. They have no foresight. No drive to create value of their own. They want to go do their 8 hours of mindless work, go to their apartment box and watch netflix. Most of them probably don't even grasp property tax.

"I'm getting laid off!" Find another job or deal with the recession like everyone else int he world. "But my kids!" Shouldn't have had kids retard. There's always another excuse for why everyone else should cover their ass.

Tenants are the true leeches of society.

the landlord threads are a psyop.
sage landlord threads.

Da comrade putinbot!

Of course they do. They provide shelter for people that either can’t afford to buy a house or don’t want to deal with the hassle

No I paid money for it which I earned by doing something that society needs and wants.

>gives you a home to stay if you can’t afford down payment or if you’re not going to live in one area permanently.
No useful good
Ok, you can take the spot under the bridge

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They did do something because they own the place you fucking spastic piece of kangaroo shit.
If you can’t afford to buy a house, then it’s on you fucking wanker

Get a job you lazy faggot

The problem is that we live in a system where a huge chunk of the population has no choice to do anything but use your property. And thus the line between your property being yours and being a public utility begins to blur.

>ad hom
wew. I thought americans were smarter than this

Notice how angry these parasites get when anyone questions their meal ticket. It's very similar to another group of (((people))).

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why dont these zoomers just stop renting and buy property they can afford or just stay with their parents?

Its on the Putinbot Agenda booard for today. They get paid for shilling hard to drive a wedge between social and economic groups in the West. It's a decades long failed Kremlin strategy of tricking the stupidest Americans into turning against each other.

OK Joomer

It’s clear that the time for state-administered housing has come to America. The Marxist poors can live in shit tier apartments at no cost to them. If they want a nicer place then they can save the money they aren’t spending on some slumlord’s income to get a livable abode and leave their shitty apartment to the next poor burger. It solves the problem of shit tier landlords leeching off decent people and it solves the problem of poor people being 1 month away from squatting in someone’s family business. No?

I have a very good job. How do you think I got an extra property to rent out?

That’s not ad hom you fucking dolt!
Learn your logical fallacies
Also, cry more you stupid faggot.

Because they all want to live in the centers of major cities just like the media told them the cool kids are doing

The difference between nice landlord and faggot that if you kill him will do good for everyone, is that nice one will understand that there is quarantine, you might not be able to work, or pay up this or next month, and he's ok with it.

Faggot that deserves to die, is one that despite the quarantine and even fact that you don't generate enough income rn to cover food and flat. He stills insist on you paying and threatens you with eviction.
This type of subhuman deserves execution.

Also all these fuckers who charge you shit load of money for small flat in shitty conditions, and try to squeeze every single cent out of you, also deserves to be hanged.

You still pay for public utility, retard.

>It's retarded
Aw bless

Kek, nobody is forcing you to “overpay” you fucking idiot.
If you can’t afford it, simply don’t live there


Everyone pays for it. As opposed to the current system where lower and middle class people are getting scalped by an industry filled with literal jews, just to live in a shitty apartment.

This. The rental industry is jew controlled, never forget it.

What about Factory owners then? If I apply the same logic, these people do nothing and have other people producing the the goods that other people below him promote and sell

>Not gonna pay 800 dollars a month for an abode that hasn't seen an upgrade in 30 years.
then don't apply nigger, they aren't making you sign a contract w/ them.

No public utility is paid through taxes. The wealthy pay a significant majority of taxes while it is given to poor. I won't get trumpbux even though my taxes allowed others to get it.

It's because too many people out there are consumerist, compulsive little drones who live beyond their means. They basically have no savings and being out of income for a mere month or 2 means that these short-sighted bastards won't be able to pay their rent.

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you didn't build this house, you was just the first there to grab it and rent it out.
you dirty dirty little jew PARASITE

People also seem to forget that industry is localized. Saying
>lol just move to Idaho bro and buy some land
It ain't that simple. Certain careers dont exist in certain places. Ask yourself which is preferable
1. A society where you have little choice in terms of where you live or what type of work you do, because you have been priced out of even attempting to do a certain thing without accepting third world tier living quarters
2. A society where we put harsher regulations on the jewish controlled rental industry and allow people to live normal lives

>grab it
The owner paid for it you dumb shit.
The owner has no obligation to give you free shit you liberal faggot bitch basedcuck

Sounds very marxist. You may have a point if we're talking about slavs in 19th century Russia, but I'm earning more money wageslaving for my boss than if I was selling my handmade stuff in the street. Also if the company closes, I ain't losing nothing but the job itself.

Consumerist drones live from paycheck to paycheck. I lived below my means for years and this is how I was able to buy a place to rent.

I wish the Discord trannies would stop trying to recruit and just rebel.

We aren't your personal army and we aren't going to stop you. Go do it. You have nothing to lose.

I'm not going to jail for you.

They can interface with the outside world themselves. That's how cooperatives work.
Most landlords don't even hire a contractor to build property, they buy used houses or premade apartments off developers.

I have yet to see a rent control city that has normal lives.

Rent control doesn't work. The problem still exists in those cities.

>ever handled by landlords despite it being their obligation
lol fairylander

I also think landlords should provide the necessary amenities, but people think they have the right to use a service without paying for it because they can't

I assumed it was the Chinks doing it.

Still, memeflaggots and larpers.

I'm not even a Capitalist and even I see through this shit.

There is no reason for anyone to be able to buy a property for the sole purpose of renting it out. There is zero justification for it. It should be outlawed. Renting homes just shouldn't be possible.

I hope landlords are the first against the wall. They're a virus far worse than Covid19


But that’s what the landlord is for... they’re not just doing nothing, as you already know :)

In cucknada, virtually all of the real estate market is chink-owned. Since all chinks are landlords, they would never dare try to put tenants and landlords against each other.

-Work to be able to purchase property
-Work to repair and maintain property
-Work to maintain finances of property
-Work to address concerns on the property
-Work to advertise the property
-Work to develop the property

-Don't want to work
-Don't get a free house
-Don't get free maintenance
-Don't get free renovations
-Don't get free accounting service

If you live in a high cost area, you pay a high cost rent because the price of the property and maintenance is that much more expensive. Superior services also require superior custom, which is why gated communities are so expensive and exclusive. If you can charge more for a service, you should. If your work does not justify the price, it will not be purchased. If it does, it will.

Fucking grow up.

T. Contractor/renter who now owns a house

Boot gobbling, subservient traitor.

t. poorfag

Why should property be rented? What's the economic value to society of allowing it?

it's simple, that land isn't yours
>oh but I bought it
yes from some fag whose land that wasn't.

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Or, perhaps, that is where the jobs are?

I allow people to live in places they can't afford to buy. Quite a valuable service in my opinion.

It's not Yas Forums, it's trannies from reddit and discord.

You have to been mentally retarded to not understand why landlords are necessary.

If you get rid of welfare, all the Jews would lose their customers. Welfare is the problem, not landlords.

If you want to purchase a building, you should be able to. If you want to allow tenants to help you with the upkeep of that property through financial transaction, that should be allowed. If you purchase a building in an active area, companies may wish to use that building to provide their own services. As you own the building, you should be able to charge for this service.

If you own a residential building in a commercial area you are providing a living space - maintained up to code - in a highly convenient and wealthy area. You should be able to collect payment in exchange for this service. You built the building, you designed the rooms, you provide the plumbing, you made sure the electrical wires don't catch on fire, you should be compensated for your service if people wish to use it.

It is literally that simple.

Can't afford to buy because landlords like you clog the market. You don't provide a service, you bottleneck society.

When I get my shot at Fuhrering I’m gonna ban anyone owning more than 2 properties.
No none residents owning more than one property, whites only of course.
Flats/apartments included.
Combined with the mass deportations I will be ordering I aim to crash the UK housing market.. Houses will not be commodities. They will be homes. People will not make their livings from collecting rent I’m my Reich.

True. This is just the next wvae of shilling, yesterday it was Cuomo shills, before it was stimulus Trump bux fags and before it was Bidentards.

Mortgage is virtually always less expensive than rent.

>What's the problem?

The connection between work and wealth is broken.

The leisure class are parasites on the working class.

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Non residents- obv

tenants pay their own insurance most of the time, building insurance costs and taxes are just part of the rent paid

communist faggots are crying because they cant bear working to survive.Im not taking money off my fucking pocket to keep you retard

It's like when I rent a hooker. She belongs to me now as my personal sex slave indefinitely. Fuck her and voluntary 'contracts' or 'agreements'.

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The problem is this; anyone who works harder jobs have not the same chance to buy a home,
the invectice and or usual cry of " I worked hard for being in the position I am in"
carries no weight with folk whom break their backs with no reward.

I'n not suggesting this is your fault, however use of invectives seen to sneeringly suggest that some people may be subhuman for not being rich enough to buy a home.

This is obviously wrong on many levels.

None of that was a justification for being a complete and utter drain on society.

The far more valuable service is selling the living space when you have no personal use for it, taking a profit. Whatever service you provide is a drain on society. You make life worse.

kikes and communist chinese insects should not be allowed to throw Christians out of our homes and suck the blood from our veins.
if you went along with them and profited from the misery of your own folk then you deserve to be shot and strung up from a lamppost
what's the problem

I could easily convert my rental properties into full time AirBnBs.

Explain to me the difference between being a landlord and a hotel operator, because from where I’m standing the amount of work between the two is negligible.