No milItary in the world can even compete with America

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the coronavirus will collapse the US military like a dry twig.

And whys that?


herro from Vietnam


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The Chinese don't have any decent 5th gen fighter jet in any great numbers. We will curb stomp the Chinese in a war if they attempt to fuck with NATO.

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Armies are irrelevant these days. Intelligence is where the real power is now. Wars are fought by funding proxies and by influencing people's thoughts through successful intelligence manipulation and gathering.

Mossad and CIA do excel in these areas. But that's not to say FSB and MSS aren't exceptional as well.

I don't understand what the point of all those toys are when they're all operated by niggers and goblinas

That's the thing. Who needs a good health system when you have an army. Congrats.

*coofs on your military*

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If it gets ugly, that whole flotilla could become merely a very expensive target. Its real utility is to act as a trip wire. In a weird way, You could send a couple of tug boats to do the same task.

>retarded bullpup army
there is a reason special forces dont use this shitty design. this just reflects that your general populace has no fucking clue how a gun works or how to use it

We can ZOG anyone!

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Chinese just steal their designs from everyone else. They aren’t original and I expect Chinese ignorance to be their downfall. All the webms of chinks killing themselves out of stupidity is enough proof.

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tinpot dictatorships with tiny military peckers are who show off their "military"

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Whos got the picture with a break down of all out destroyers and planes

European armies are totally irrelevant these days. It's why the EU are so desperate to start up a European Union army and begin intelligence sharing networks among each others militaries.

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Go and bake a croissant you nazi’s bitches

>Piss off americans
>Your country has an influx of downs syndrome retards bombing everything
>They leave and poison your water supplies with depleted uranium
>You now have downies from drinking the water

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yea and all those small villages and civilians who were raped sure won that war


then why don´t u win wars against 3rd world countries?

Are there qt blue eyed porcelain skinned redheads in Ireland?

Military-industrial complex exposed.

>All those Americans killed for nothing sure won that war

Except for Israel's which has completely crippled your country economically & spiritually. Fucken dickhead seppo, simmer down cunt

By stealing to Latin America and the rest of the world, of course

Imagine the smell

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so now you make oversized hats in the color of your flag


True, but its relative power has decreased a lot. No one has better force projection than the US, but land wars abroad have become a strategic nightmare due to modern weaponry.

you shouldn't have even been there.

opposite. Think about it.

True but only because big dollars

Why were they stuck in the middle East getting sniped by shepherds for nearly 20 years then?

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i wasnt there so yea

tic toc

Yes. So the Chinks made a slow acting doomsday virus & used 4th generation warfare strategy to fuck you over. You guys have never been good with sneaky tactics.


ALL Military in the world combined can not compete with USA military and Space Force


Any other view is completely brainwashed liberal drivel

Whats the point of that military if it’s controlled by your government? It’s like having a 15 inch dick with a body that can’t pump the blood to it even get a half chub.

>No one can beat the US army

In terms of money wasted, or what?

We haven't been on the winning side of a war since ww2 and the Russians did most of the heavy lifting when

Shitskin army.

EU army will invariably be German/French army, doing whats in those two countries best interest.
Dying for merkel and her shitskin "children" is only slightly better than dying for Israel.

imagine one billion chinese suddenly thinking, well, a challenge

Thats why we got hit with the Chinese Virus.

They can’t take us in a real fight!

>dumb american doesnt know his own history or realize we supported the red army with food and weapons

Because people get squeamish about doing a proper genocide.

and fags and trannies

>muh lendlease

Yes. I really missed them when I was in the US, tinder in your country is surprisingly a poor experience.

lol gb would be nazi territory if rosevelt fucked off. your country was blockaded do you know your own history? without supplies any army is fucked

Food and weapons are one thing but we had about 2% of the deaths Russia had in the war.

Think about the subs you can’t see and the ufo fleet you can’t see
USA is good to go fuckers

If we won Raytheon wouldn't sell as many missiles. If private Ellis from Ohio has to get his balls shot off to ensure they make there fiscal projections for this quarter, well that's just a sacrifice he will have to make :(

>muh deathrates
Germans would have swept through russia if they didnt have the food that supplied the red army. Why were all those russians eating SPAM? Typical american thinks he has any idea how world history actually panned out. Sounds like you have been brainwashed by liberals those commies would have been fucked without our factory and economic help

no borders, go with that


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Any nuclear bomb can compete with America

We are number 1

we do. Iraq and Afghanistan were won right away. Its just that they're impossible to occupy.

Who would win, an almost trillion dollar military or one small virus? lmfao, get fucked

There are rumours of a rogue Chinese military warship that eventually became a pirate ship and will fucking destroy any other ship that come near it. The ravage the caribbean and south America.

That's an exaggerated. The Russian invasion was doomed right from the start. But the war would have been much more bloody, and you saved our asses from getting genocided by the Russians as well.

I worked with us marines last year and you guys were fucking dumb cunts, like would have the the most stupid SOP's. However they were absolute mad cunts, and when marines say they won't leave a fellow marine behind they fuckin mean it, 100% would fight a war with them.

an exagggeration*

I don't disagree with you. I understand full well the importance of our lend-lease. But the most important part of lend-lease was freeing up Russian manpower so they could continue the meat grinder.

we’re great at toppling governments. terrible at nation building (especially in non european nations). we should kill whoever we need to kill, and leave places in pure anarchy. genocide isn’t really an option in today’s world.

Bitch we would've cut right through them without lend&lease

explain how a virus has beat the us military because i have yet to see that happen? typical european bites the hand that feeds. why do eurofags hate the very country that keeps Russia off its doorstep? almost as ungrateful as niggers

21 trillion in lost money can't kill any chinese.
your airforce can only fly in sunshine because jets are not waterproof. pussy soldiers, to boot. this won't end well for you.

Imagine thinking Outdated unmaintained nuclear bombs pose any threat whatsoever. If every country on the planet released every nuclear missile in their storage America could swipe them out over the ocean with ease and counter invade the entire planet all while fortnite dabbing on you before we unveil our SpaceForce, DEW's, and Anti-Gravitic craft. Sit.

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Never. The Red Army was at its most powerful 44-45, it would have only gotten worse.

Fuck sake user at least post a dignifying pic of your own military. This is worse that that one greek uniform, you know the one

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How about Vietnam?

it's not stolen, just like the u.s. gave weapons to the soviets, it is giving them to china today. both the soviet union and china were/are
sham powers that can only survive thanks to the west and the secret societies who control them and use them against the western populations for their goals.

Nah if it had been handled better you guys could have won in 42 or 43. Tank production pre-Barbarossa could have been higher and the Generals could have actually listened to Hitler's original plan to have a grand encirclement closing behind Moscow. Instead Halder in all his hubris fucked everything up.

listen to your west german brother, without the technical support russian army would have starved and retreated. America was the manufacturing powerhouse of the day and the biggest mistake hitler made was thinking he could go against American economic power. plus hitler should have invaded the caucus region.

>needing jet figthers in a bio-war

>They lost against talibans..

Soviet industry was already behind the Urals at that point. Maybe if they managed to secure the Caucasus somehow.

The Red Army wouldn't have survived that long without the lend-lease. Russia would have run out of people to throw in front of your machine guns by then without all our aid freeing up their workers.

>French Special Forces: Brioche Division
>Motto: Don't Bread On Me!

Not when they call you racist for attacking anyone but white gentiles.

*when ur in the rainforest and the trees start speaking vietnamese*

That's what Hitler wanted to do. Moscow was last on his list and oil was first. If the Soviets were pushed behind the Urals they would have no men or oil anymore. Either the Soviet Union would seize existing at that point or Stalin would be forced to cede massive amounts of territory.

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user, I...

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Cuz that is relevent you stupid bleeding retard heart

>~200 million population
>no men


Green berets = foreign Legion

Our best troops

then don't complain about mutts getting impaled on punji spikes

Russia has more advanced missile tech.
Turkey has more advanced drone tech.

So much for that.

You lost in Syria and Afghanistan and ran away from ruined Iraq.

vietnam was fun and was just a testing ground for weapons development. so many of those chinks got ass raped and agent orange man bad that a few poor american deaths was a blimp on the radar. The deaths of those poor americans helped the overall country arguably and most normal people found a way to get out of that bullshit draft.