Your average Yas Forums user isn't going to suddenly decide to dedicate hours everyday to making these threads. This threads only started happening the past week.
Sage and ignore.
Your average Yas Forums user isn't going to suddenly decide to dedicate hours everyday to making these threads. This threads only started happening the past week.
Sage and ignore.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody likes landlords. Not even fucking Adam Smith liked landlords. If a fascist regime finally popped up in the US, it would probably kill landlords, because that's a popular policy. Commies and fascists literally agree on it. Only the most braindead ancaps think landlords are anything less than parasites.
I'm only seeing pro-landlord threads in the catalog. I guess if you don't really have a job you have a lot of time to shitpost on imageboards.
>commies kick up a stink about paying their rent
>talk about organising to shaft landlords
>they actually organise and DO what they say
>sage & ignore all threads, goys!
>bets you'll see it on the news eventually of muh evil whitey organising to overthrow innocents
fuck kikes and keep organising yourselves
>hello fellow fascists
>its muh popular policy
no refunds retard, go back to pl*bbit
Probably the reason Nazism started
Just like sponsoring protests/counterprotests across the street from one another, someone is trying to drive a wedge in Yas Forums for their own gain.
>doesn't know half the nazis on this website is an ironic larp
>have a totally-real ultra-cool and legitimate daily mail article :D
piss off
I used to be a landlord.
Even if a drop of water isn't used, I still have to pay $40 a month for it in my city.
The grass still has to be cut and the snow still has to be cleaned.
The house also still has to be heated in the winter months due to possible pipe freezings.
And the mortgage/taxes still have to be paid unless the government is giving breaks on it.
Yes. There are anons who want 3 months rent free and they come here to convince other anons because there is power in numbers. Smart really. We're probably over 60% NEET now, given the current situation.
i take for granted that the average Yas Forums user doesnt even bother to make threads, so its evident that its not difficult for anyone to raid this place if they really want to.
thank you for your service
Yeah it's not organic. Fuck commies
>thank you for your service
I'll remind you of that when your rent/deposit goes up to make up for lost funds when this is all solved.
Because that's what's going to happen.
>eat your landlord, Yas Forums. help us kickoff our commie revolution. We pinko promise we won't put you in the gulag when we seize power
>Syria general
>I'll remind you of that when your rent/deposit goes up
Good luck with raising rents during a renting market that has been flooded and crashed with new listings and the fallout that will persist for at least another 18 months.
Sounds like a bad (((business model))) Hierchel.
Landlords and renting go against the idea of fascism and national-socialism. Get the fuck out. And it's retarded. If you're paying mortgage its not even your house either.
No way, this is totally organic grass roots. Eat the rich, seize the means of production.
>The grass still has to be cut and the snow still has to be cleaned.
Land of the free
Just a reminder: If you don't pay your rent and refuse to leave, I'll burn down the house with you inside it. Problem solved
Many landlords are yids.
How much do they pay to retain the firm that will have to handle all the eviction lawsuits? Or are we talking about 10-unit scrubs who think they’re big boys?
>I guess if you don't really have a job you have a lot of time to shitpost on imageboards.
Says the tranny who copypasted this into a dozen of the other threads.
it's a meme? i larped as one like an hour ago. baited a lot of silly goys
>Good luck with raising rents during a renting market that has been flooded and crashed with new listings and the fallout that will persist for at least another 18 months.
Prime rentals will be able to get whatever they want as always.
And people who will be getting evictions like these people will be are going to have an even harder time getting them.
>posts contingent threat of arson and murder
See you at the deposition fucko, I’ve got TWO fire extinguishers
We know. Just ignore it. It's a few trannies who have a weird obsession with landlords despite being trust fund kids who live with mom. They won't actually rise up against landlords so they just spam threads hoping they can get some Yas Forumsack to do it for them since the rightwing will actually people occasionallynwhile they just spam threads here and cry about Transphobia or whatever. It never works like 100% of their shill operations here.
>Prime rentals will be able to get whatever they want as always.
That's not the point. The point is that mass tourism is virtually suspended and that airbnb is shut-down.
It's not raiding, it's data collection. They're throwing out wide nets to try and build databases on racist whites and non-kosher browns. They're fishing for personal information, of any sort or kind. We're already all on lists anyway, but they're trying to figure out who they should or shouldn't focus on.
>be landlord
>exploit the working poor
>raise rent
>evict exploitees
>heh, nothing personell kid
>where’s my rent REEEEEE
Jew spotted
>but they're trying to figure out who they should or shouldn't focus on
>DARPA Oklahoma City Bombing 9/11 Nine Eleven Isis Justin Bieber Anal Penetration AR-15 Homemade Pipe Bomb The Pope
Just took a bullet for you based schizo-poster. You’re welcome.
Fuck off poorfag
>>exploit the working poor
No one is forcing you to rent my house. And if you are that poor, I don't want you in it anyway because you are most likely to damage it or not be able to pay rent.
>where’s my rent REEEEEE
It's a business. It's not a friendship.
Alright so now that it's settled, what are they sliding?
No more rent to pay for your easy ride in life you boomer leech. Hope you saved up some rainy day money. If not I hear Amazon is hiring delivery drivers.
yeah I wonder who is behind this new surge in landlord posting...prolly the fukken russian again
My family rented out a second home to help pay bills. We only charged people enough to cover the mortgage and fees, and it was a vacation home which we could have charged 3x the amount and hooked vacationers but we didnt want to deal with new tenants every month and this was before Airbnb. Every single tenant destroyed the house, ripped up carpets, broke washing machines, ruined the paint and put holes in the walls, broke sinks and toilets, one tenant refused to leave and squatted 3 months before we could evict them. All said and done it would have been cheaper for us to leave the house empty, so that's what we ended up doing. Instead of offering affordable housing to the community we let our house sit empty to save money. Fuck tenants, they ruin other peoples property then complain when it isnt fixed fast enough and act like the victim when they dont get their deposit back after destroying a house.
>That's not the point. The point is that mass tourism is virtually suspended and that airbnb is shut-down.
I don't deal with air bnb's.
People who can't get what they want in rent will either sell or let it sit until things go back to normal, which will likely be this year.
No shit.
>just live on the street goy
Google leftypol discord and see for yourself
It's literally full of
"I don't own a gun. These landlords need to pay. I'm in college I can't throw my life away....I know let's convince thos crazy white supremacists on Yas Forums to do something. They have guns and commit mass shootings" etc etc
I'm suprised more people here aren't in this discord.
cool blog post
>more like 12hrs
Sorry. It's "leftypol international discord" I'll get banned if I post link but you can find it with a Google search. I used to be one of these people before I got redpilled
>fascists agree with me
No, we don't. Fascism and National Socialism carries within it a root of Monarchism, an understanding that kings are better than parliaments and lords superior to merchants. A system where the king owns both all the land of the nation and most of the people in it is superior to every system employed by the fallen client nations of the banks today.
For a lord to own the land is one of the best possible systems. You hate it because you're a liberal individualist and outsider who doesn't belong here and doesn't understand the meanings of the ideological words you invoke. The crime in the system is not the landlords, but the federal government. You shouldn't be paying taxes if you live on someone else's land. The burden only seems overmuch because the system insists you have two, three, or even four masters, and that you pay tribute to all of them.
Go read up on the history of British monarchs and English Common Law, and quit being such a whiny communist pissant.
>tenants destroying places
I've had similar issues.
A family member also did section 8 and they went through screen doors and windows like nothing along with never cutting the grass and stealing copper piping.
>started last week
no shit retard I wonder what could have triggered it. After all, everything is going so well in the world!
/ptg/ migamutts need to fuck off to israel
you would have to pay those things with or without a chose to purchase the property with the main and only purpose been to be a landlord...fuck you and those exactly like you...
Its on the Putinbot Agenda booard for today. They get paid for shilling hard to drive a wedge between social and economic groups in the West. It's a decades long failed Kremlin strategy of tricking the stupidest Americans into turning against each other.
>It's a business. It's not a friendship.
It’s about to be a bad breakup. Enjoy being nationalized. You should have gone into real estate, but I get the classes are pricey.
My thread with 100 posts on whether these landlord threads are being pushed by mods was just deleted. But the vast majority of landlord threads are still active. This board is beyond compromised
> Enjoy being nationalized.
I know firsthand what Section 8 housing is like.
You don't want it.
/ptg/migamutts are trying to shut down any discussion on landkikes
we're obviously being raided by those reddit rejects
Fuck you nigger mods. You cant make of Landlords but you can post Blacked and other garbage.
>Someone should maintain my property for free
*Checks flag
Yea we all know. Still good of you to point it out for the brainlets I guess. What are jannies doing?
Imagine being so poor that you have to complain about rent. Wanting to kill people actually achieving something in life is reddit tier.
And allot of you guys here need to be monitoring what leftists and your other opposition are up to. Even though they're not a psyical or political threat to you, they're constantly working with journalists and organizations like the adl to entrap you. Just ask the boogaloo posters that keep disappearing from telegram if you can find them and don't trust anyone telling you to rise up and commit violence when they're not committing any violence themselves in case you lack the basic common sense to see that.
If someone has a problem with landlords tell them to lead by example and handle their buisness. Same goes for the "just don't vote and commit violence" instead posters. I used to be one of these assholes
Cool it with the antisemitism. You parasites are just jealous you weren't chosen.
Landlords are lazy boomers who are over leveraged. They need to learn how to code.
They want to stop citizens ownership of land. They want the government to be the only who owns and administers land. Wake up.
Even though it's a raid, if they started saying "slumlord" or "housekike" instead of landlord the threads wouldn't get shit up so bad. That's probably part of the bait though so as long as anons recognize the difference it's a start.
>Landlord threads are raids
Any oldfag picked up on that almost immediately.
They are very VERY obvious about it.
The thing is though they have been here for awhile. They use our lingo, and at least have a basic understanding of board culture (for the most part at least).
I saw one calling people "Spiritual Kikes" earlier. Was a good laugh.
So this tells me it's the same tranny/commie filth that has been plaguing this board for awhile.
Maybe some one decided to start funding them.
bumping for truth
Roughly 95% of landlords in NYC are Jewish.