>feeding the data jew I recall that the margin of error for these things is 1-5%, I would not be worried.
Eli Martinez
You are 3.4% white
Carson King
>North African Idk maybe Egypt. Means you a Kang.
Jose Cooper
>23andme doesn't lie
Lucas Sullivan
>LMAO JUST TAKE MY DNA retard hope you don't mind having a clone of yourself out there somewhere
Aaron Gomez
Kek The mutt meme is true.
Caleb Garcia
Nolan Ramirez
They put that on there to fuck with white people, there was a media expose about it
Angel Perry
They tag that minuscule percentage on there that says Africa (doesn’t have to be SSA) to “fuck with racists.” You were literally too White and got flagged.
William Campbell
23andme admitted it adds nigger dna to the results of suspected racists, i.e. White people. And I can't even imagine abandoning my identity because some jew told me I have one nigger hanging on my family tree. You should probably kill yourself.
Kayden Lewis
These companies have actually gone on record admitting that they put African/nonwhite DNA into results of white people.
This is done on purpose to further Jewish race mixing. Don’t worry user, you know the truth
Kevin Miller
OP is right, he's a nigger
Lincoln Murphy
>American >not 100% white >redditspacing What a surprise
Jack Lee
As has been said multiple times, they admitted they do this on purpose.
Julian Taylor
This picture gives me a fucking migraine
Caleb Adams
fuck you nigger
Colton Hughes
There is no "racism"
Parker Cruz
Not fully white? of course not your fuckin irish
Eli Hall
I'm not giving my DNA to some shitty company to sell to the chinks
Jose Torres
Is there a source on this? It'd be great to redpill my brother
Jeremiah Reyes
This, they assume you are racist and need to be put in your place so they just add random crap They of course collate and sell the correct details so any medical insurance claims can be denied later
Thomas Martinez
Based on the rest of your results it's extremely unlikely that you're actually .2% Nafri or Arab. Also, the tweak their formulas about once a year, and after the last one pretty much everybody all of a sudden had some amount of NA & Arabian in their results. What's more amazing here is that you seem to have gotten 95% of one group. Most Irish people who test don't even get that high of a percentage of British and Irish lol.
Carson Phillips
You couldn't tell that by looking n The mirror.
Brandon Stewart
no theres no source ever jews would never do this and a cursory google search will not yield any results. dont bother independently cconfirming oy vey
Adrian Mitchell
Nuke it from orbit and leave for Mars and the stars.
Joshua Foster
Lol I've seen plenty of white Australians who test come back with significant chunks of Abo DNA.
Andrew Fisher
These little cute dna tests that you P A Y for always throw in a random leftie results even if its small. e.g mine said mine was completely european except
Kayden James
That's because of the gross Irish rats. My family only recently came here from Manchester.
Eli Sullivan
The North African is probably from Scandinavia, since you got some Scandinavian.
Logan Gomez
>Implying I haven't tried All I get is niggers complaining on Reddit that they can't be 15% European, Snopes and 23andme wanting to test more ethnicities
Christian Richardson
Honestly if you assimilate to white culture and practices who cares about your color
Caleb Long
Ethan Roberts
Alex from IHE?
Anyway, I think those DNA tests add in African all the time to mess with "internet racists".
Regardless, 0.2% is, what, an ancestor 50 generations ago? It's quite irrelevant. Nice 95% Brit genes btw.
Adam Wood
A corollary to this red-pill. They use this as propaganda to reinforce the perception of OOA (out-of-Africa) theory of hominid evolution.
Elijah Wilson
Oh no misery shame and scandal in the family son your daddy ain't your daddy but your daddy don't know
Logan Bell
Actually 97% British. "Broadly northwestern" counts as well. 1.5% is probably just Viking genes that settled in the Danelaw. That counts too. Literally 99% British.
Andrew Parker
>be white, with all white features. Get a 51% negro African strand. Claim your gibs and call them racist when you get denied and show them the results. >profit
Somehow I’ve been sufficiently disgusted by that pic for years. Enough not to notice all the little Collins in the middle. The gift that keeps on giving.
Caleb Long
I started putting hispanic on job applications and I magically called contacted by recruiters.
Carson Richardson
Oh look everyone a yank trying to shit post an aussie. Thats like astroboy trying to take on megatron mate, just sh.
Joshua Flores
Best answer
Wyatt Nguyen
Isaac Russell
Wyatt Martinez
Easton Brown
why wouldn’t you prove such a claim?
Noah Brooks
I suddenly got called back by HR/recruiters.
Sebastian Young
Not a source of adding african dna but this article is a fine read if you want to talk to your brother about it.
Its an article about a guy that took 9 different tests and got different results
Robert Miller
You don't inherit 100% of the same genes from both parents as a sibling unless you're identical twins, so it is possible. The trace ancestry amounts might as well be ignored unless you've got some kind of paper trail in your family that backs it up.
Not necessarily; some Spainards settled in Ireland after the Armada was sunk in the 1500s. They still carry Berber genes from the Islamic invasion in the 700s.
Levi Lee
1st off, congrats to giving your DNA sample to (((their))) data bank, you absolute fucking retard.
2nd, you fell for the "lets put in some african genes to make people less racist" meme
you went full retard
Landon Nguyen
>1.2% Eastern Euro >0.8% Southern Euro
Эль гoблинo...
Elijah Parker
I don't care, don't shit post me ever again or i will crash this thread like bane crashed that plane.
Charles Bennett
if you can't get protected class privilege, you're white. Simple as that.
Blake Kelly
I knew that already. Now that you wrote it in all caps I DEFINITELY KNOW IT'S TRUE!
Andrew Howard
Fuck you. Make fun of everyone... when I found out I was only 98% European and only 2% Syrian, I started making fun of them MORE.
I also make fun of every euro thing I am, and ALL the things I'm not.