COVID-19 is a gendered crisis

Nurses, nurse aides, teachers, child carers and early-childhood educators, aged-care workers and cleaners are mostly WOMEN.

They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of being exposed to the virus.

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Men have a higher fatality rate from it.

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Because they're the ones repairing the 5G antennas. Even working on 4G antennas causes serious disability and early death

Women are idiots and should shut up and do their job

The teachers are all sitting home binge-watching Netflix, still collecting their government paychecks... while their students are at home watching Trending videos on YouTube on the school-issued iPad.

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Most nurses are transgender "women"

For once they are correct, it is a GENDER thing.


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Meanwhile in reality most of those who died in China and Italy and elsewhere were men, more men than women even got infected, roughly 60% of infected were men in Italy

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Not everything is about 5G, user.
Men have higher rates of heart problems and are more likely to be smokers, two significant comorbidities.

>wahh wahh women are useless

>wahh wahh women are helping too much

Enough. Can you losers please fuck off and die somewhere?

Seriously, dont you get tired of being so constantly hateful and bitter towards women?

Every single day, multiple times per day, incels feel this incessant need to post negative things towards women.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE, if you stopped being hateful and started treating women as, jeez I dont know, HUMANS, you might find a woman who gives you the time of day?

Pic related, my face when you losers rage over women for the umpteenth time in a row

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Yeah but life essential jobs are mostly men

tits or gtfo

Gender is a social construct, bigot.

It's really pathetic that you need male approval this bad. You want to matter so much, and yet you never will. Sad!

Maybe they should have closed the gap and force hired more Male nurses :^)

Ban women from working outside the house. Problem solved.

tits or gtfo

I'm a murse. She doesnt care about me?

Not unless they need to lift something heavy.

of course not


Yes and we also need to close the combat death gap it is 98% male... Time to end the combat death patriarchy

tits or gtfo

>gendered crisis
Fucking gas these people

>men are on the frontline for a crisis
Who gives a shit?

>women outnumber men on the frontlines of a crisis

This is the same shit as "there's no such thing as anti-white racism you privileged bigoted white male."

And yet the majority of deaths are men.

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Boo hoo

You confused incels with chads you useless bitch make a fucking sandwich or ill kick you in the nuts

can't even die around here without complaining it's unfair kek

What the fuck. Silly ass Roastie looking for attention.

> FUCK ALL YOU INCELS AND VIRGINS! RASPEC WAMEN! Here's a pic of me for you to fawn over, btw tee hee

Iran is stuck at 2G. Explain them.

This shit right here is why people turn into nazi's. Taking a pandemic where everyone is hurting and making it about your specific group as the victim, is why straight white men fucking hate everyone else.

wtf i love corona chan now

Retard alert

Looks like we're getting back to the old nonsense again. Feels good.

what the fuck is she wearing

Explain what, we only hear fake news about them, including their deaths

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>Nurses, nurse aides, teachers, child carers and early-childhood educators, aged-care workers and cleaners are mostly WOMEN.
70% of the dead are men.

so literally any time a patient needs to be moved without machine assistance.

That was the joke, yes.

i don't get it.

Did she just assume the gender of a majority of nurses and teachers?

Jesus Christ. Fuck off and die dumb fuck shitskin nigger cum gobbling dry fuckimg cunt.

Americans are trully retarded. Reminder that Corona is the cure that humanity badly needs. Autistic countries like US will be punished by their own incompetency.

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>the person who infected patient 1’s wife in Italy was also a woman

Women wanted equality, this is their time to WORK

>Fat muslim attention whore demands attention.

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Women should stay home and cover their face in public inshallah.

Ooooooh! Does that mean stupid fat roasties are finally getting the shit end of the stick? Let me get the popcorn because this will be an Oscar worthy documentary!

It's sad that identity politic idiology is dividing us in a time where a common "enemy" should unite us more than ever before. Perhaps Trump is right to not take proper provisions. It's time for Corona to "clean up" the US a little.

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Men’s death hurts women more, because they’re still alive to deal with the aftermath

It’s killed more men than women, no?

was it proved that men die more of the coronavirus, and younger?

She's right, this has the capacity to shift the number of workplace fatalities from 99% men to 98% men.

>ree more women in this field down with men for keeping us out
>aaaah this job can be dangerous down with men for forcing us into the frontlines

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Cant, intersectionalism and bioleninism are here to stay until everything collapses and mass suffering resumes to kill of intellectuals.

>tfw 10,000 years of protecting these sows from the greedy bitches next door & their fucktoys has never been a "gendered crisis"

So when are men going to be rounded up and killed? I'm tired of this beating around the bush crap.

prolly bait.

All those broken tablets from dirty stupid knuckle draggers.

Construction work is a gendered crisis. She just wants attention, surprise surprise.

Who would vote for a woman? Especially puzzling though is who would vote for a fat woman?

Nice B8

It's because Italian men all have sex with each other in the anus most days.

And Men make up the majority of the frontlines for everything else that is dangerous (sewage treatment, firefighters, police officers, logging workers, farmers/ranchers, electric work, construction etc.)

And the doctors who are the brains behind the nurses;et al, are WHITE MEN. Fuck you, fat brown bitch.

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>my face when roastie thinks shaming tactics, not facts will change my mind

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There’s a cold place in Hell for that bitch.

That stupid fat piece of shit is a senator? LOL good job, Starya!

We really punch above our weight in the cuck Olympics, don't we?