How many of you are spics?

How many of you are spics?

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Other urls found in this thread:

2/3rds of US flags.

You always know by the ones that say:

>B-but lations are BASED and have a traditional cultureeeee

I am

I am

Too many.

Attached: Disgusting.jpg (5000x5000, 1.15M)

My grandmother on my father's side has a Spanish last name (actual Spain), the rest of my DNA is Anglo/Irish. Am I a spic?

If he came from Iberia directly to the U.S. you aren't. If not, you are.

im a white hispanic

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 266.09K)

OP is a spic

There was Some thread Some days ago about a spic wanting to racemix with white girls and week approval here. 90% of the USA flags are like “it’s ok dude I am hispanic and you should choose whatever you want in life” or “ just bleach yourself dude the children will come as white”.

>white hispanic
Yes you are.

Attached: american_wanted.png (982x968, 633.13K)

White, non Hispanic reporting in

spics live in your head rent free

Mutt meme is fucking right. What happened to your ancestors to make them fuck anything with a vagina? Incel genes perhaps.

nice larp, Pedro

Not really. Just find it funny that there is a 80% chance when I am talking to a USA flag it’s Some shitskin Pedro. Right pedro?


La creatura


there are a lot of based Hispanics, not everyone here is a storm fag

Exactly what I thought, just wanted to make sure. Heres the rough part though, I did some digging in the name and apparently it could be Sephardic Jew, but I don't really sorry about that, I have dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, nobody would mistake me for a spic or a Jew. In fact a lot of people ask if I'm Russian. Mutts life I guess.

I`m just a spring breaker friend.

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lad, you're quintessential 56% face.

My grandparents were born in the US, my parents were born in the US, I was born in the US, I have brown skin. Am I a spic?

gross, beaners


^ This

I'm white

Hola, saludos


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I am Mexican. I come here to trigger and shitpost

>European Jewish
Fuck off kike

Who cares, if you're whatever % sephardic Jew maybe you could parlay that to gibs

You have literal nigger blood in you kek.

> t. assmad 56% beaner

I am the only White man on Yas Forums

it is often forgotten that when cortez landed in veracruz to make war on the failing aztec empire he had with him BLACK slaves used as sailors. once in mexico these BLACK slaves fought alongside the spanish conquistadors. after the aztecs were defeated cortez rewarded his BLACK slaves for their bravery in battle by granting them their freedom. the BLACK conquistadors then went on the conquer the rest of mexico for espana. due to their superior physicality and virility many of these BLACK conquistadors took hundreds of indigenous concubines with a preference for zapotec and mixtec women. their legacy lives on in all of us mexicans and is proven by 1 to 5 percent BLACK dna in all modern mexicanos. i am among their descendants and i take pride in my BLACK ancestors.

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Yeah like I said I don't worry one bit about the potential Sephardic. I couldn't care less. As far as the gibs, I'm waiting on Pelosi to pass this fucking relief bill so I can get some trumpbux. It's a start I guess.

Remember when it was legal for interacial relationship to exist in Europe for hundreds of years before all the sexual prudes moves to America and imediatly made it illegal and remained so until about only 70 years ago

I remember

Fuck it. I'd say you're an honorary white. Given you're ancestors have been in America exactly as long as mine have.

show me the PROOFS

Too many Latino simps on this board.
>Muh white grandma
Such sad cucks, I'm going to fuck some brown ass and then your momma's sweet brown hole. Si señor.

I am, got a white girlfriend too. Hot as fuck and plan to have kids with her; she’s also an immigrant from Europe.

we are all spics

Latrinos already have nigger DNA though

le 58% face

you are a mutt

You sound like you have mental issues. Seek help.

1/4 spic, with ancestors who signed the Mexican Declaration of independence. But, I have pink skin and red hair thanks to my irish side.

That's why we blessed
And explains why my black bf loves my cock

You’re a faggot.

>caring about skin color
nuke this retarded earth

I'm an average mutt I'd say.

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You tell me.

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Don’t worry, the pandemic will kill most of these fags. I personally only pretend to be racist against whites because of how bootyblasted these Autists get.


So niggers are white by your logic? Fucking kill yourself retard

I am

Can you calculate what my genetic make-up is? Because my Great-Grandmother and Grandmother were Amerindians, they were Otomi from the Otomi Tribe. Can you research if the Otomi have Recessive Genes? If i'm not White, did my Great-Grandfather regretted himself for Race-Mixing?

Picture below my Family Tree is my Arm.

Attached: Lineage with Arm.png (1600x1320, 847.04K)

Come on, embrace the fact of being a disgusting abomination!

>The average user of any site will go to meet ups much less a self organized user driven meet up lol

I’ve never once said that. Spic culture is an effrontery to me and I’m spic. Every spic I like except for me are bunch America hating shit hole Mexico lovers. If I have to get deported to the get these faggots out too, so be it then it is.

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Damn my family is early Appalachian settlers too. My family name is all over a certain town in WV.

>imagine living with the fact that your mother is a coalburner

Just joking. Yeah the more well put together people, especially with families and careers, and generally people over 30, probably wouldn't come to a meet up regardless.

Well I am glad your level headed enough to understand this point

My Mother is Full Spanish because her parents were from Spain and they migrated to Mexico

I used to live in Raleigh County, my great grandparents were german as fuck. I literally had a great uncle named adolf, anyways they were the richest family in that county and brought the first model T car to the county.

That's my Great Grandpa, I'm honestly surprised I don't have even 1% German in me.

If our enemies doxxed us, they would have a hard time explaining how we are more diverse than them.

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kill that monstrosity with fire

Tenshi eating a corndog!

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Therefore a coalburner, and you a even more mixed mexican-

Lol, post your face them bro. This disgusting abomination got a cute girlfriend anyway.

How much White Admixture do i have? Did the Otomi have Recessive Genes?

whoops autocorrect on my phone changed Adolph to Adolf.

Good for you

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lmao wouldnt be surprised if white people are

Right here my man.
Banging a white girl too because I want to do my part when it comes to killing off the white race.

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and a large portion of European posters are Nafris. we have proven this before. it seems that a large quantity of non-whites frequent this board, regardless of nation.

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How can you waste these trips with a landwhale pic?! Don't come to Tacoland!

You’re an Argentinian anyway you’re the last person to make fun of anyone about skin color

Can I be a spic? I mean, if I identify as one. Or is that criminal cultural appropriation?

any mutt who rants about democrats, supports trump, supports conservatives, is a christian, is anti racist, is illiterate is generally a spic

why is the fpbp rule so true?

Very nice, hello brother.

Wtf iniesta is a fascist

Where is your father family from?

I feel bad for you latinos living in the US. You probably experience racism constantly

Wow that's incredible. Again we have a lot of similarities between us. My last name is extremely German ad well, but no hint of any German in me. I might be doxxing myself but fuck it. My cousin had a tv show on the history channel about 5 6 years ago called Appalachian outlaws for I think 2 seasons, the main guy on there, all about the ginseng trade in West Virginia.

hmmm im sure all these posters are truthful and not just shitposting lol

All the butt hurt simply affirms it KEK

Inside every spic, is a spaniard trying to get out.

I'm not making fun of his skin color or yours, I just don't like when subspecies mix each others

>Not German as fuck
Anglos are literally just Germans in a weird parallel universe

thanks brother.