If you don't you are fucked. Corona is treated with Azitromicin and Hydroxychloroquine and most drugstores are already out of it.

want sauce? look it up faggot I'm not your mom.

Attached: meds.jpg (764x899, 183.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm black, we're immune

Don't take credit for the discoveries of other people. This is Didier Raoult, want of the proeminent Epidemilogist in the world.

Attached: pr-raoult.jpg (800x450, 21.03K)

I guess I'll die then

Imagine being so retarded that you take an antibiotic to cure a viral infection

Oh boy you aren't too smart are you?

dumb fucks. enjoy antibiotic resistance

It's your funeral, not mine

good, at least you know I'm not your mom, you looked it up.

I didn't claim to discover the cure French fuck, I'm just letting you know the meds will become scarce as lots of people will need it.

Is true both meds gone from drug warehousing. THE JEWS BOUGHT THEM ALL TO KILL PEOPLE.

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my roomate ordered illegal chinese meds for his cat with Feline infections peritonitis. They're basically a precursor of remdesevir so if any of us get it super bad we got a supply.

Yea nothing could go wrong with that plan

i got a buncha drugs should stave off any illness


depardieu is as based as raoult you faggot

Its a fucking flu. You have a 97% chance of surviving even without taking any drugs.

I think those are both prescription here in America. I couldn't get them if I wanted to.

This is how you spot someone who knows enough to think he's right, but not enough to understand why he's wrong.


Fucking KEK good luck brainlet please be sure to update us if you ever actually use that chink poison on yourself.

Low effort bait

>ah yes, these antibiotics will protect me from a virus
>I read about it online, so you know it's true
>I am so smart for buying up all these antibiotics before all those people with bacterial infections could get them first

Attached: 1476863693786.png (549x591, 43.87K)

One of the perks of being a 3rd worlderino, I guess.

people like this are the fucking worst and are the ones who end up getting people killed. It's like if we had a small asteroid about to impact earth, you'd get millions of retards screaming "we can't just nuke it b/c muh shotgun effect I heard about on cosmos" when in reality mass concentrated in smaller pieces would preferentially burn up in the atmosphere.

That hurt my brain to read.

it literally is a precursor to the active ingredient in remdesivir though, and it seems to have cured his cat of FIP, which is a form of coronavirus. Dosage would be the only concern.

Stupid fuck. Less than 1% of serious cases are between 18-35. If you consider the official number of cases to be 10x higher, compounded with no pre-existing conditions and being young, the odds are like 0.001.

You are a fucking fool for buying those meds as if you need them. Lmaoooo

imagine taking medicine orange man recommended because he heard it on alex jones

>What are secondary infections

You deserve to die to corona-chan.

Chloroquine phosphate is superior but ammonium chloride is a fair backup. Of course you have to have capsules an accurate scales know dosages, test for allergy and generally have an IQ. Further having a pneumococcal vaccination and amoxicillin on hand for secondary lower respiratory infections along with )2 and an oxygen concentrator is vital.

To many stupid newfags in this thread. Fuck them.


Not knowing what secondary infection is. You my fren are the real retard because of this you will die. Test reults are in, you are a tard.

yes retardation is a huge burden, you have my sympathies

you might have quoted the wrong guy buddy

No I dont want meds because Im not a paranoid faggot. I accept what's coming, whether good or bad. You're a pussy.

Real doctor here

Yes those 2 have been anecdotally used, HOWEVER not everyone can have them and there are some serious contraindications to their use.

Only take meds like that, especially chloroquine, under actual real medical advice.

>ayo nigga ima be here fuckin up yo virus shit

Paging doctor FAGGOT, who the fuck asked you?

the human body isnt designed to process ammonia, clorine, or phosperus. good luck with your placebos

It's sold out in France, no one can get some. Didier will publish a new study, a more academical one, who will destroy the (((AIDS))) lobby and all the Gilead shills. He's testing everybody in his hospital and have the most data available on this shit in France, by far. End game for the jews.

> anecdotally


I'm not taking any chances, although there is conflicting information. Fuck azithromycin.

What percentage do you think your parents have?

Attached: corona15.png (688x256, 21.02K)

>there are some serious contraindications to their use.
Fake news, fucking retard. It's way safer than paracetamol who destroy your liver, right ?

Ok cunt
Take it, but if you end up with long QT syndrome think about my post in your dying moments as the crushing central chest pain and shortness of breath pull you away into the afterlife

>isn't designed to process ammonia, chlorine, or phosphorus
What in the actual fuck are you talking about you COMPLETELY retarded faggot? These are all "processed" on a daily basis

yeah, amoxicillin is a fair substitute for azitromicin, didn't know about ammonium chloride though...

> doesnt know what a "PCR positive" NP swab means
> doesnt know strengths of evidence
Go learn science and get back to me

I bet he’s a homosexual

I bet this queer hasn't even finished his first clinics yet
>Doctor here
Doctor my fucking ass...

Lmao isn't that AIDs medicine?

If you take more than 1g during 5 to 7 fucking years ! It's a 10 days treatment, notn a 2500 fucking day treatment. Where the fuck did you get your degree ?

Actually, take it, and make sure you hit the correct daily dosage, and please keep us updated.
Dont forget to take 2g paracetamol 4x a day every day too to keep the fever down


He's an INTP, hardcore INTP, doesn't give a shit about anything.

French Army dudes in Africa take this shit every day a few weeks a year, faggot

Probably some gay ass Caribbean school since everywhere else rejected him

I've got clindamycin and flucloxacillin, will these do as substitutes for the azithromycin?

Why is the NBA closed down again?

as waste.

This nigga be from clown medical school

Don't listen to him, paracetamol isn't an FDA approved treatment against coronachan. It's a dangerous drug who can destroy your liver. It should get banned.


Ok retards, continue to take medical advice from a board of paranoid schizophrenics

no, it's used to treat malaria, your faggotry has no cure I'm afraid my fren.

>not being able to make your own medicine in your own lab

Are you a retard, user?

Thanks for looking out French-bro. You know, we need to team up against bongo tards like dr. Jekyl over here in bong land

I think we've all had enough laughs here, I think r/ineedattention is missing you

It's the recommendation of 4 of the top 5 most proeminent expert on communicable diseases in the world. There's only one who didn't gave his opinion about it.

You sure showed us

where do you guys buy this?

obviously, he's french


What's the fuck with chloroquine suddenly becoming the most dangerous drug in the world ? Our situation isn't even worse than yours, worse than fake news vs Trump. Here the guy who proposed this treatment receive death threat call and intimidation from labs and other doctors.

Show study of why they're so bad together. Explain it. Because little kids are often prescribed both for preventative measures when traveling to third world shitholes or when they get sick.

thanks Doc, I will ask one of your colleagues for proper dosage, etc. before (if) I have to take it.

BBBUUUTT, I rather have it at home just in case. your prescription is only good to wipe my arse with it if drugstores are out of it by the time i need it.

Have you ever had a zpack? I had a chest cold for two months many years ago and it knocked it out by day 2. I've asked for it many times since and was told to basically fuck off everytime. I hate that drs have the right to tell me what I can put in my body. My body my choice and shit. Arrogant cunts fuck them.

I take that back
He’s obviously extremely based and intelligent


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