Brit/pol/ - Escape to the Highlands Edition

>Coronavirus: UK deaths rise by 43 to 465 in last 24 hours

>Coronavirus: Off-licences added to list of 'essential' retailers

>Coronavirus: 'Game changer' COVID-19 tests could be available in days, MPs told

>UK says half a million people file welfare claims

>Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus

>Coronavirus: NHS predicted to cope with increased demand

>Benefit assessments suspended for three months while new claimants told to stay away from Jobcentres

>Sky ‘Looking After’ Customers By Putting Up U.K. Television Prices Amid Coronavirus Crisis

>'Avoid using microwave to get faster internet'

>Urgent action needed as spike in porn site traffic raises abuse fears, say MPs

>Scotland to pay student nurses band 4 to tackle Coronavirus

>Youths run riot drinking, smashing bottles and setting wheelie bins on fire in County Durham

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Tiananmen Square protests or Tiananmen Square Incident, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件; pinyin: liùsì shìjiàn, literally six-four incident), were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing during 1989. The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民運; pinyin: bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests started on April 15 and were forcibly suppressed on June 4 when the government declared martial law and sent the military to occupy central parts of Beijing. In what became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre (Chinese: 天安門大屠殺; pinyin: tiān'ānmén dà túshā), troops with assault rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators and those trying to block the military's advance into Tiananmen Square. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded.[2][3][4][5][6][7]

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Hope Charles dies t b h

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Your threadly reminder to ignore the /cvg/ doommong and his batshit claims

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Are you quite sure you have enough links there?
Just checking.


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>78% CFR in the UK
our strain is even deadlier than MERS or ebola.

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which was more based and or redpilled
pre or post semi-quarantine brit/pol/?

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465? Surely they mean 465,000?


trips fellating namefags fellating trips fellating namefags

Also another valid theory, as scary as it is.

I like you lad. Fuck doom nonce

we used to have quite a lot of links a few years ago on every thread

is he a nonce?

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you could say threads have been somewhat... linklustre

I wish steerpike was here, he does a boss DJ session desu

looks like a nonce, sounds like a nonce, probbubbly a nonce, i'll put him down as a nonce

shut up you tripcancer

Post-Napoleon pre-WW1 Britain.

He’s definitely a simp and a soi

Where is he lately? Haven't seen him in a while, did he finally get a bird?

The UK Government website no longer considers Coronavirus as a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) especially with its mortality rate being (overall low).

Yet there's a lockdown .... hmmm???

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The Yanks still can't pass anything to deal with the coronavirus. Parliamentarianism is again proved the superior system of government. Now even so-called Socialists are holding up their bailout legislation lmao.

>Sanders said that he will block relief for Americans for days if he needs to. He said that Americans can wait for the money because he wants the Republicans to include things about climate change in the coronavirus bill. Sanders reportedly told staffers that "addressing climate change is far more important than dealing with the economic fallout of the coronavirus. People can cope while they wait for their money but the Earth cannot."

>especially with its mortality rate being (overall low).
78% is "low"?

Haven't seen him mate. Friday/Saturday night was his DJ night, hope he got with that elf barmaid. He was into her.

No digits edish? Shame on u

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The lockdown is about getting the resources in place to deal with the outbreak, not to do with actually stopping the disease.

Boring soiboy

They all fucking know it's a meme. They're just hyping it as an experiment to see how much totalitarianism they can really get away with when push comes to shove.


Do you tripfags know each other irl?

He doesn't have the balls to be a nonce.

Don't be a spaz and you can stay.

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Get a discord and stay there tripnonces

my ballbag fucking stinks btw

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fucking state of those retards

lmao what a shameless kike rat he is.

>Escape to the Highlands
fuck off we're full of you cunts already

I just quoted the Government website.

Try reading it fucktard.

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault that 40 hours a week doesn't always cover the food bills

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault ipay bank charges when I can’t cover the bills

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault my rents gone up again

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault my youngest couldn't get into the local school

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault I’ll never own a home

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault my eldest still live at home past their teens

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault the kid got stabbed in the park the other night

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault my parents couldn't see a doctor for 6 weeks

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault I cant find them good social care

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault the main road into town is congested every morning

Its the Chinese Communist party's fault I spend fifty five pounds on train tickets each week

>Its the Chinese Communist party's fault

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The death rate is less than 0.01% according to Oxford University. The reason there are so many deaths is that it also has an insanely high infection rate, being 10 times as infectious as the flu.

>replying to doommong
ignore that stupid cunt
he thinks coronavirus is going to be worse than the black death and wipe out half of the planet

Has that Ozzie LARPer fucked off? Can't be doing with anyone trying to claim my wife.

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Only those of us that work at GCHQ, other tripfags I take an interest in others not. With that said, I can identify anons that have character like Moatposter and Mozzaposter without them using their signature/style posts.


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dont make me launch a crusade against those trannies like i did on /an/
it took all of my ball stank to defeat them

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got the shits from sitting in the sun too long

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Facebook was honestly a mistake.

>Muh key workers
>Muh unemployed
>Muh self employed
>How am I expected to live on 80% wages

These fucking people. If you can't live on 80% of a wage with no travel in a time of an international emergency maybe you should just neck yourself and free up resources for those who are not retarded

>The Yanks still can't pass anything to deal with the coronavirus. Parliamentarianism is again proved the superior system of government.
We just had 3 years worth of parliamentary deadlock over brexit. The lack of self awareness is amazing.

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Actual it’s Chinese people’s fault, get it right.

oh shit, tell us more Igor

can that happen?

>go to the highlands
>die from the climate

your ballbag must fucking stink

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>The death rate is less than 0.01% according to Oxford University
that paper is going to get torn to shreds in the coming weeks. all of the evidence points to their claims being false.

Why can't Americans be original, this was started by Bruce. Bugger off lad.

You should fuck off to discord
Everyone is a tripfag there

This, basically are NHS would collapse in a microsecond if legions of the coofers started walking into A and E

Don't fancy being groomed by trannies tbqhwy

Is it their fault that you can't use apostrophes?

facebook & twitter were the biggest mistakes ever

makes me lol when people try and climb ben nevis in a jumper and freeze to death

and the claims of /cvg/ are 100% accurate? lol

> j-just 2 more weeks bro

you make me sick with your humor

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Yeah fuck off Imperial College shill.

Come on lad.

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don't even fucking mention them lad please, they are drawn to it.
i don't want brit/pol/ to see the things ive seen

yes, my mate works at Xiamoi and he told me over 6 billion chinese people have already died

Jesus wept. Has that old kike not dropped out yet?

As opposed to your claims, which are never false at all.

All the case totals were collected under biased conditions where the shortage of tests caused a selection bias. LOL
>learn some stats

if only you knew

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Got a bitch of a blister from sawing a pallet in half today for my wormery.

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He sent her a letter or something lol

Is there some Islamic holiday coming up? Good way to protect people from suicide bombing cunts I suppose.

> Video: 3 Coomers, 1 napkin.

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well i sat there right opposite the sun for ages until i suddenly felt like i'd had too much, then i felt nauseous, then went inside and fell asleep for hours, then had the shits
didn't eat anything out of the ordinary

it's vinegary like my shits



>Got a bitch of a blister from sawing a pallet in half today for my wormery.
is that some kind of homosexual euphemism?

Because biden might actually die before the conference

itll be worth it lad
freundly wyrm

What a soft-handed faggot.

Nice try lad, we know that's hand herpes

What things; I use discord to talk to my mates.
Why does it get such a bad rap?

He's on television isn't he?

/cvg/ has been ahead of the curve since the beginning.

Because everyone gets doxxed

>it's vinegary like my shits
mine have more of an acrid sulphur smell but its all good

>can't even get a job that companies are crying out for
anyone else a complete failure here?

Weak faggoty hands desu.

This is why environmentalists are on extremist monitoring by police

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Oh I see

Shes well ming now

stay delusional

Campervans and caravans galore here in the Cairngorms. It's like Rathkeale at christmas.

The Yas Forums related ones that get spammed here are notorious for kiddy filth and cult trannies trying to convert naive youngsters apparently.

hi alien. is corona contained within earth or is it cross-planetary?

Lads, who decided to outsource manufacturing and textiles to east Asia? I need to have a word with them...

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its full of disgusting trannies who try to control generals on this site
/an/ is one of the frontlines and its a constant war to keep them and their shit away

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This. So many people shitting their pants right now it's funny.

XR are communists by another name. The commies know they are unpopular so they have co-opted trendy movements like environmentalism, veganism and LGBT. We've know that feminists are commies for years


They fucked the office up FFS.

I saw a boy up An Stuc in a pair of jeans in the pissing rain. He did not look comfy.

Local enclosed ones are good
Big open ones spammed on Yas Forums are normally cancer

Oh well; I like how one can talk in voice chat, it's nice, I can talk to my friends now that I can't see them

Odd that they hate humans but don't immediately top themselves to save their planet fren.

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AKA Tories

Does britpol have a discord?

Imagine not living in a town with its own covid 19 testing lab

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Post your quarantine NEET caves lads

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They outsourced the cotton picking to the Africans too

consumers who decided theyd rather buy cheaper chinese goods
There is made in UK brands about nobody is stopping you from buying them

It must be an internationalist faction, as all western countries decided to do it at once?

Nah it has an Eddie.

>'Coronavirus wants to take all the life out of your lungs': Father-of-three pastor, 40, struck down struggles to breathe as he gives stark warning about not taking lockdown seriously

send me that image on the right

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My circular saw and my rip saw are in my storage unit so I had to use an antique wooden handled saw I got at an auction in a tool lot. It has a weird bit above the handle that rubs just there.

What is it with pc gamer types and gey lighting schemes?

Some call them a rootless cosmopolitan international class, yes.

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Based sentiment, but XR are a spook op, police doesn’t give a shit about them and let’s them get away with massive infractions.
Oh yea, there’s loads of grooming on discord too.
They’re not really commies, they’re useful idiots used to discredit actual green sentiment and ratchet up climate crisis rhetoric, even if their leadership espouse red fiews.

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>consumers who decided theyd rather buy cheaper chinese goods

They must be made to buy British, send the tariffs to the ceiling.

Fuck off pube you twat :(

Bullshit, no one makes a choice of where something is made. They just buy whatever is in the shops.

>Coronavirus: Off-licences added to list of 'essential' retailers

hahaha, "Oi mate u got a loicense to skip work?

rather a thousand eddies than a single discord tranny

Lads, how do I cope with the fact that the girl I am crushing on, I will never see ever in my life?
Do I keep being delusional?

I'm on suicide watch lol

it was just 3 seconds you fucking mong

who the fuck were those chinks?

Women and their insatiable desire to consume anything and everything. Universal suffrage was a catastrophe for the western world.

cunt deserved that

I have one like that Spear & Jackson panel saw. Qwolity shit.

Stop being underage for starters

Why are you intimidated by me?

But I am not, that's the big problem!

What exactly is going on here? Source?

Eddies twitch is basically Brit/pol/ discord though kek.

but i done u?

jew on jew warfare

Pack it up guys Yas Forums offed the queen RIP Queen pedophile

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The most unexpected thing about him is that he hates atheists and LOTR fans.

I'll agree with that. The vast majority of the foot soldiers don't know they've been co-opted into a communist movement. The leaders have all been indoctrinated and are part of the long march.


Watching Bird Box with John Malkovich in it.
It would be a good story if it wasn't so woke. Just turned into near the end with some nigger doing sex scenes with Sandra bullock and acting like a white bloke and being heroic instead of running off.
It just ruins stuff.
Wonder who directed it? Pic related.
Niggers fucking white women prevents holocaust for some reason.

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This is what the Celtic Br*tons thought when they smelled civilisation for the first time in Bath and Londinium

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your cancer is worse than eastenders
it's an anonymous board
do you think people are coming to brit/pol/ to read the latest musings of you boring cunts?
get virused