Attached: ET-yWK4VAAANvqH.jpg (622x680, 100.9K)
Jace Wright
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Jace Reyes
There's nothing funny about this, it's a serious problem since I also rent out properties. Maybe Goldman Sachs can bail me out.
Gavin Barnes
Next time hire ((((Goldstein))) to write your contracts/leases to be more fluid in oddball situations. As with all scenariors in life - It's a learning experience.
Cooper Green
>unions: people can do them too
Camden Nelson
renting is one of many parasitic practices and should be eliminated. people are farming younger generations of their kin like cattle for income and are proud of it. it's disgusting.
Andrew Morgan
Imagine having a mortgage or bank loan tied to real estate you are renting out and thinking that you are a real landlord.
You’re pretty much doing property management for banks for significantly less money and more risk because you are retarded.
Joseph Cook
Why are so many canadians communists? Is it the chinks?
Charles Taylor
The Jew fear the organized Nigger
Jackson Hall
It’s the chinks and the dog fuckingh
Austin Anderson
Grayson Perez
>realize this board produces no content on its own
>goes to reddit to find something to talk about
What did 4/ch_an/politik mean by this
Gavin Hill
>landlord slide thread
Dilate and pay rent commie faggot
Ethan Thomas
>wait until dark
>chain all doors
>burn it all down
Julian White
literally fucking usury. Get a job.
Nathaniel Williams
Then get out of the apartment
Dylan Rogers
How come all reddit people sound the same like a bunch of outraged women talking in the hair salon? You can find a redditor commenting on anything from cuckolding to video games to business and finance yet somehow you can always tell it's a redditor writing and typing.
Jaxon James
If I were the landlord I would just let them fuck themselves and bill them extra later
Jordan Diaz
He can shut up and deal with it until the situation is resolved. This is not business as usual it's a global crisis. This generations WW2. Did they complain back in the 40s that their rent was down because their tenants were drafted and getting shot at over seas?
He can evict them, but then he's not getting money because nobody will replace him because everyone is out of work, just like he said.
Anthony Jenkins
There’s an obvious raid happening considering the volume of landlord threads. Don’t engage them
Matthew Moore
How is it communist to stand up to some boomer landlord ?
Kevin Thomas
Kinda sick how they know people can't afford to pay because of no work and they show zero compassion. They themselves will own their own home and have less shit to worry about during this crisis
Sigh, humanity is gay
Logan Sullivan
Why doesn't this fag have a rainy day fund to float for 6 months?
Jace Williams
Get fucked moshie.
Brody Watson
>People think this is real and not a redditfag LARPing trying to get out of paying his rent
Cameron Phillips
I fucking see this. Automatically some woman (possibly) comes out talking "1. Call the FLA for a loan. (Like thats possible)
>2. Tell them it's still their responsibility, and direct them to the nearest unemployment office"
HAHA fucking redditfags and landlords btfo
Easton Brooks
Owning land is literally okay. Wanting the government bureaucracies to own the land is socialist and gay.
Christian Gonzalez
You poor idiots are gonna push rent through the roof when landlords have to account for this kinda of shit.
Blake Brooks
Send the cops after one of the families to send a message to the rest of them
Kayden Rodriguez
I own property. I happen to care about my kin and recognize renting for what it is.
positions and methods of unearned income should be eliminated. people should receive income for producing.
Connor Wilson
he should discuss with them about covering at least the cost of keeping the building ruining and the mortgage paid.
Andrew Mitchell
Drag those lazy fuckers out. Those apartments should go to the million more Indians who want to work and we are giving visas to.
Chase Bennett
Ethan Brown
Honestly kys, even goldman isnt so open about their digusting greed, at least we try to hide it.
Renting out residential property is modern slavery and I hope you die.
Xavier Hall
>32 tenants each paying me $800 a month is my SOLE source of income
Easton Harris
>owning 32 units
>not having a lawyer on retainer
Evict them. Landlords can sue for damages on top of unpaid rent.
Cameron Martin
Hey kid try and expand your vocabulary.
>Wanting the government bureaucracies to own the land is socialist.
What are national parks?
Tyler Price
Can he just shut off all utilities?
Chase Cooper
yeah I guess I should just let them fester and lower the value of the properties adjacent to them, especially since there is a housing crisis where I live.
Connor Howard
>look at the fake post I made on social media.
Canadians are stupid.
Xavier Diaz
socialism is a positive thing in an ethnically homogeneous nation that prioritizes the group over the individual. libetarian LARP is what you can play with when the existential threat to your people has been taken care of. until then there are higher priorities. preventing your kin from being income farmed is one of them. though minor in the face of getting rid of the shitskin tide and pile of kikes(who by the way love renting practices).
Dominic Hill
Get a job boomers. Dip into your 401k for a rainy day. That's just the risk of doing business
Andrew Johnson
No and You keep eating corona chan
Camden James
Take a loan and rape your tenants with late fees.
Samuel White
>I'm seriously freaking out over here
how I know it's fake
Gavin Rivera
How about getting a second source of income and work! instead of merely sucking off other people's income instead.
Aiden Peterson
>income for producing.
You realize people literally build these things in order to get income.
As in they PRODUCE a large housing complex and they plan to get income from it.
Parker Phillips
That’s why security deposits exists, the landlord gets paid up front money for first and last month rent, he doesn’t have to return a dime now, they will be fine. Plus they’re rich.
Grayson Walker
Fuck no land should be owned by the local community like it was in the past.
Carter Lee
Because Reddit conditions them to write that way with the upvote/downvote system. Those that talk the most like that get the most upvotes and we see those posts. Those that don't conform are either downvoted to oblivion, or drowned out all the posts with more upvotes.
Basically, Reddit proves you can brainwash people and influence how they communicate and how they think with something as simple as social conditioning through voting.
Kayden Hall
unironically just kiryat gat nigger
David Peterson
If you sign a lease binding you to pay regular rent and you decide to not pay the rent, then you are a nigger. Don't like it? Next time buy your own property, maintain your property, pay utilities, and pay property taxes. Nigger.
Brandon Rogers
all the tenants and owner should be receiving UBI.
William Roberts
Because it's fake?
Logan Sanders
Lmao thats pretty funny.
Nathan Mitchell
oy vey get those shekels
Xavier Taylor
because we've been buttfucked by rich chinese foreigners who've been buying out all our houses above asking price, raising the price of houses in the market by unaffordable amounts while they just let houses sit and rot as an investment vehicle. Shit sucks.
Kayden Jones
open a fire insurance claim and leave a few stoves on accidently. blame tenants
Jason Cruz
Jace Perez
Which is why the killed Aaron and took it over.
He had proved it very well and good ideas were actually winning that battle.
Now they've rigged the game.
The social conditioning works the same, just it's not organic anymore.
Jeremiah Bell
Imagine living paycheck to paycheck like that landlord, incredibly irresponsible.
That this idiot is asking Reddit for advice tells me he deserves whatever happens to him.
Get on the phone with the bank, work something out. Defer rent payments with the understanding rent will increase by 8% for every month missed during the outbreak for the remainder of the year. These people are absolute morons.
Landon Brown
Kind of strange how a tenant withholding rent is a nigger but how a landlord withholding maintenance of the property is considered to be smart.
Jordan Morgan
What is the end goal of this anti-landlord movement?
The landlord will just go bankrupt and the property will be bought by some Jew-owned property management corporation that can afford to eat the losses when the tenants strike.
The rent payment will not go away, the you only thing that will change will be the landlord.
In fact, I would not be surprised if this is all backed by some kikes as a modern day version of block busting so they can buy the properties cheaply from the current landlords.
I am no fan of landlords, but I would still rather see properties being owned by individuals. In my city it seems that every property that goes up for sale is bought by companies and LLC's while an individual has no chance anymore.
Logan Walker
Levi Robinson
yes, and that housing should be sold for a similar cost as to what it took to produce. not rented ad nauseam for continuous profit farming. this is damaging to the people and therefore the nation.
positions and methods of unearned income should be eliminated. defending practices that benefit 99.9% is villainous, and you deserve to be shot.
Carson Wilson
>What are national parks?
They are gay
Ian Wilson
Pay your rent cunt
Logan Campbell
only because someone gets others behind him and says "i wont pay" doesnt make it legaly right lol. THey just will be forced to pay it later.
James Powell
Faggot doesn't understand that at least 50%-60% of that income goes towards property maintenance costs and that 20-30% probably go to mortgage.
Isaac Allen
Obviously fake.
Gabriel Brooks
ah yes, the ol' vlad switcheroo
Bentley Rivera
Don't pretend this site is any different. Especially with the current crop of newfags. It's all what meme is popular and dumb niggers flock to it and bump all of those threads, inevitably shitting up the board and stifling any real discourse.
Anthony Hall
its almost like the cattle does the bidding of its master. People who rent deserve to have their money garnished completely.
Samuel Butler
>similar cost as to what it took to produce
Why would you go to the trouble mate?
You are an absolute retard.
John Myers
>no picture
Kevin White
Comrade Cheesecake joins the rent strike and wont be paying the land merchants rent next month as well.
Blake Young
The fact that this cunt got triggered by the word gay proves that this is a simp raid from reddit/leftypol
John Barnes
No you deserve this you piece of shit landlord.
Parker Garcia
Why would you own a single apartment building for income? Does single-point-of-failure not mean anything to people in real estate?
Gabriel Sanchez
Oh look, another leftypol abolish private property thread.
Dilate, tranny.
Blake Stewart
>Based Kike
Wow so there are good jews
Colton Sullivan
So much for taking on risk lmao
Mason Peterson
Ryan Mitchell
It can take years in Based Québec to evict someone, years of no rent shekels
Carter Morgan
Hudson Gomez
Halt. Let's get to this point after we are homogenus.
Jaxson Fisher
i never said that. a landlord withholding maintenance is a piece of a shit and a nigger
Lincoln Hernandez
>being so disgusting that an israeli born jew thinks you're too jewish
landlords lmao
Brandon Williams
>memeflag coward
>Abhorrent comment
>Economically illiterate
checks out
Ayden Wright
so he's still taking home about $5k a month for not actually doing anything.
Easton Baker
Capitalism isn't right-wing.
James Reyes
Same reason the tenants don’t
Christopher Diaz
to exchange your products and labor for other products. you can't eat a house.
your work should benefit the people as a whole, not just yourself. this form of economy is what pulled germany from a debt ridden inflated shithole into the most powerful economy in europe in the middle of the great depression. it scared the shit out of the international kike. and here you are, licking the boots of kikenomics.
Bentley Price
Watch the parasites squirm.
Michael Davis
i never said that. a landlord withholding maintenance is a piece of a shit and a nigger
Daniel Adams
Lucas Allen
I'm surprised it didn't end with "And then everybody clapped."
Luke Price
>Reddit spacing
Luke Smith
They're awfully shortsighted and retarded. They claim to hate corporations, but everything they push for benefits corporations over small businesses. Ever tim
Gavin Bailey
>commie thread
you're losing, faggots
Isaac Howard
>your work should benefit the people as a whole
Giving them their best available option for housing is not benefiting them I guess.
Nice try commie.
Jose Flores
Aha, another retard who thinks that a pandemic gives them an excuse to act like a crime-boss and demand payment when the majority of society is on pause. If this retard tries to evict anybody during a global pandemic, he will deserve everything which will come his way. Compassion for your fellow human is too hard for this retard, it seems, especially to help each other out during a crisis event that could potentially result in catastrophic physical results.
Samuel Walker
Sue them and put a lien on their cars. They'll never get another tax refund. Also, start eviction procedings. They'll end up paying more in the long run and will be even more stuck in the system.
Juan Torres
file a RICO charge against them
Camden Diaz
use arguments, not buzzwords
Christopher Carter
I love the dichotomy
When cornovirus hits
Peasants :
>why didnt you save for a rainy day looser!
Landlords :
> fucking crocidile tears, its just not fair!!!!!!
I guess wealth really is virtue in america
Michael Reyes
LandNEET kikes seething right now
Cooper Jackson
Step 1: evict all of them
Step 2: call your insurance company to have them pay until you get new tenants
Luke Reyes
This, they dare to tell us to pick in our reserve funds, sell cars, skip meds but won't do any sacrifice themselves or have 0$ aside
These greedy fucks deserve worst than death, worst than niggers
Samuel Torres
Call your insurance company, dumbass.
WTF do you pay them for if not this?
Luke Scott
if throwing income into a hole with a fat parasite at the bottom is "the best available option" then society needs to be changed drastically.
>wahhh commies wahhhh
communism is inherently impossible to implement at the level of a nation state. it is a fantasy system that cannot be enforced. even hippie communes where it is successfully implemented fail after a single generation. it doesn't work.
I am a proponent of national socialism.
Daniel Adams
Nicholas Allen
>Sole source of income
Aaron Martinez
>he doesn't pocket 10k per month using the bank's money while also building equity
We need to out-Jew the Jews.
Julian Garcia
Colton Cooper
The obvious answer would be to inform them that if ends don't meet the bank will repo the building and kick them all out, so they at least need to keep things at cost. It's the least expensive option in the long term, and it takes into account the fact that wagies aren't working and thus can't pay what they did before. Having all of your income come from a single property is a recipe for this shit.
Liam Young
You are retarded
Benjamin James
>Call your insurance company
lmao good one user, good one
Ryder Thomas
Au contraire, the standard rental contract does not give any leeway on paying rent. If the tenants do not pay rent for April the landlord can not only evict the tenants, but dip into any rental deposists given to recover unpaid rent. If rental deposits are insufficient, the tenant can send collection letters to the tenants, which will eventually result in a legal case.
Joshua Butler
it's probably more like $1200-$2000 per unit as rents have gone up even in small areas insanely to exploit the homeless crisis, even though property tax and other fees have in no way increased in those proportions. renter groups are actually colluding to increase the homeless crisis so they can charge higher rents. they love it. a friend who has about 60 badly maintained houses that he rents for obscene prices bragged to me last year that he can set any insane price he wants and he gets a line out the door at opening the next day. families pleading for a place to live because there's nothing available. he's loving it.
Daniel Perry
Free (state owned) housing for everyone is the end goal of the retard movement.
Luis Parker
>Landlords are bad
>therefore the state should own all of the land
Is this your actual answer to this problem?
Levi Robinson
Sure, just build your own house or buy a house someone else constructed, you fucking parasite.
Liam Morales
Nazi Germany had landlords too, you fucking retard.
Nicholas Lewis
under rated check
Dominic Gray
Yeah I legitimately hope these cheapskates get thrown on their asses. The company I work for has been more than flexible with tenants who have encountered hardship. If they’re going to act like children, treat them like adults.
Charles Lewis
>PLEASE HELP, My tenants organized and are saying they won't pay rent this month. ALL OF THEM. What can I do?
Colton Anderson
I don't believe this shit is actually happening for one minute
Lucas Flores
not an argument
Nolan Bailey
He can get a loan using the building as colateral.
Nolan Sanchez
Cry me a fucking river
Samuel Williams
Turn off the electricity and water and tell the tenants if they don't pay then you're not doing jack shit either.
Jackson Flores
>Rent out to people who they knew could never afford the rate and would work their ass off just to make it in time instead of making competitive rent rates to get people who can afford long-term rent
>Whine when said degenerates decide to 'strike' making it impossible to collect rent from them
Landlords deserve this for being such cunts
Robert Turner
fake news
Christopher Perry
Call their bluff and warn they will be evicted
Grayson Wilson
how can property owners only be one months rent payment away from bankruptcy? do they live pay check to pay check just like their tenants?
Isaac Myers
kys kike
Connor Bailey
Good one because he doesn't have rent guarantee insurance, or because they won't pay?
Jackson Taylor
No, the People should own the land, there's enough free space for that
Adrian Cook
Dominic Kelly
>not cutting off power and water Supply
Let’s see them try Netflix and chill after doing that.
Aaron Collins
Based, also checked
Cooper Martinez
I can imagine it. There's nothing wrong with it..
Samuel Sanchez
Thats not true. In most cities they have renters rights and unless the building is demolished they have a right to stay even through the change of ownership.
Henry Cooper
based and blackpilled
Austin Thompson
Buy your own property
Ryan Martin
Cut off the power. Cut off the water. Easy.
Nicholas Jones
God I love this.
Thank you Oakland niggers for setting the precedent.
The owner should sell his property to the renters so they can FINALLY own their own little piece of property.
Easton Brown
Nah, net operating income for residential property is typically around 60-80%, i.e. 20-40% of the rent goes towards maintenance, property taxes etc. The mortgage payment isn't a cost, it's an amortization of a loan. The interest is a cost, but it's inconsequential currently.
Jace Walker
so just like here
Asher Perry
Cooper Reyes
Thinks that would work.
They are judgement proof. He wont get shit.
And hed go bankrupt in the dragged out eviction process
Jose Parker
Simple. Keep an accounting of everyone, evict them as soon as this is over, and seek back rent as damages from the court. You won't get your money now, but their life will be hell on the future.
Colton Jenkins
The landlord is a person and does own the land.
The renters want to live on his specific piece of land.
Xavier Gomez
It's not funny either for people FORCED to stay home from actual work and not make money for your lazy Jew ass..
Nathan Moore
what was hitlers view on rent and landlords
Justin Ortiz
This! So much THIS!
Alexander Perry
Its probably half jewish
Jason Bailey
Should've gone with section 8. I will still be getting my rent on time.
Benjamin Smith
I did buy a house someone constructed. even if I didn't, how would I be a parasite by working and paying rent? I would be the victim of a parasite, a host. not a parasite. you're not making sense.
yes, and the government played a huge role in controlling the practice, and the NSV supplied a lot of housing as well. not enough in my opinion, but their nation was snuffed out by international finance before flowering so we never got to witness the advancement of the elimination of positions and methods of unearned income. we'll simply have to take care of it ourselves in our own nations.
Oliver Ward
Why are you friends with a kike?
Zachary Harris
Why exactly can't he evict them all?
Samuel Phillips
>not actually doing anything
this is what landlets actually believe
Hudson Adams
Levi Jenkins
Kick them all out.