Why hasn't male pattern baldness been bred out of our DNA? Balding is a negative trait of attraction for women

Why hasn't male pattern baldness been bred out of our DNA? Balding is a negative trait of attraction for women.

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Thats an ugly ass kike user

Because these guys breed before they lose their hair.

''Bad genes'' result from sin.

Like heart conditions, It usually shows after a person has already mated. So I don’t think it will be bred out.

Bro women don't care if you are bald

constantly cumming causes this
he fucked the hair off his head

Women don't give a shit about baldness

They care about what gibs you got

Some do, but yeah not really

This is cope

Women carry the gene too dumb fuck, it's only expressed in males

he got punished by the illuminati for trying to be a good person.
The cure to male pattern baldness is azelaic acid+rogaine rubbed on the temples but they can still blast you with electromagnetic radiation/microwaves to kill your hair follicles and make it look like mpb just to fuck with you.

Usually it strikes later in life, after the baldfaggot has reproduced

I think if you are massively buff and tall it wouldn’t matter. Buff and short might be able to get away with it. If you aren’t in shape and you are bald, then you are probably going to really suffer.

Baldness comes from poor face posture

yeh thats why he has wife and 3 kids

Because it's a byproduct of male hormones which themselves exist for positive reasons. Baldness exists out of necessity, it's the price of having a more masculine male population.

interesting user
Could you elaborate a little more?
I'm actually thought about this.

Genes which are only expressed in men haven't been filtered for attractiveness because attractiveness was, in evolutionary times, inconsequential for the number of offspring a man produced.

Women attracted men, and men fought among themselves to determine who would possess the women. The attractiveness of men was almost never an issue.

The absolute state of americans

women dont choose men, men choose women

because onions boys with nice hair don't get pussy and breed. you can be a bald chad.

imagine never getting laid before going bald.
lift your game op.

imagine thinking of being attractive to women. jeez, you westerners are such a faggots. no wonder your ugly women do shit like this.

Why the so called royal family has the shittiest looking people and obviously genes?

Oh, look at you.
From your posts I can see your some sort of potato scientist.

That is wrong. There's a reason why we peacock ourselves with the best job, coolest cars, working out, getting the biggest wallet, having the best style, have as much hobbies, etc. Men are male peacocks just to get laid. hence why we go to war for pussy.

As others have said people breed typically when they still have hair. It also probably isn't as influential a quality as people think. Usually the whining hairlets are also manlets, out of shape, stupid and sõyish. A tall bald guy will be chosen over a short guy with good hair most of the time.


I can't help it that I went bald at 20...

This goblin is going to be King of Brit Bong imagine that.
Even Charles looks better at this point.

Women choose men now but not in evolutionary times


Came here to say this.

Poor genes. It also doesn't help that the royal family has a lineage comprised almost exclusively of inbreeding. Look at them - none are exceptional specimens insofar as physical strength, health and attributes are concerned. Human wreckage, the lot of them. A family tree that resembles a stump.

potato linguini don't ruin it, ''face posture'' is definitely a real thing and won't be another hilarious screencap worthy pseudo science diatribe from a burger, so we should all pay attention.

White men have shit genes thats why white women breed with the superior genetic of men and you know who Im talking about

he shouldn't be attracting other women anyway, he's already got a wife. but women don't care about baldness if you're a prince or have loads of money.

Baldness is punishment for being a bad person. Every single person on this earth who is bald deserves it. I automatically disregard the opinions of bald men; their words mean about as much as a manlet's.

Baby face can look good wit a full head of hair, but it always looks terrible bald

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I can think of a handful of guys I work with who shave their head bald and wear beards on purpose who aren't balding

People with male pattern baldness do not have more male hormones than those without. Rather, people with male pattern baldness have hair follices which are sensitive to a very specific type of male hormone. Preventing free testosterone from converting to that particular male hormone can help you keep your hair.

You usually get the bald trait from your mother.

Now hold still while I gas you.


its funny how most genetic faults are only ever placed on men. its part of our gynocracy. women are the reason manletism persists as well as balding. most women are shorter than men and plenty of balding women exist. they will try to breed with more fit men and reduce their genetic fitness. also women spread neoteny into males

did he inherit that hairline from Diana?

The queen has much hair for being over 90.

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Not sure baldness is going to stop one of the world’s richest family’s genetics being passed down.

bald user here, a few chicks care but mostly when very young. my theory is that the brain burns a lot of energy and creates a lot of heat. baldness is an adaptation to dissipate this heat. if you work in freelance software development it's seriously all bald white dudes. Only now half of them are tranny's.

If that was true then how come the balding isn't all-over? Why is it only on the top of the head, in that M-shaped pattern? Why is a typical male's hair at its fullest and thickest when he is a teenager and his hormones are through the roof?
>herp derp genetics
is only the excuse when hairloss cannot be explained. You are all getting your hairloss science from pharma companies that want to sell you pills that lower your testosterone and make you limp dicks.

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that's the only way for hairlets to breed though. They have to provide way more than the average male. Women's biological need for resources will help them overlook attractiveness. Hence why men will overlook flat chested girls for pussy even though flat chestedness is considered unattractive

When you live in Buckingham Palace you need not worry about “attracting women”. From what we have seen over the decades is they don’t seem to be real careful about “the kind of woman” they attract.

>Baldness comes from poor face posture
I actually thought that by mewing while at a younger age may fix these problems.
If you guys don't know what mewing is look it up?
I'm sure there are a couple of scientists in this thread that can shoot this down?

Not everyone has these bad genes fag

Actually he did. You get it from your grandpa on your mothers side.

Because it doesnt matter. Women care more about money and self confidence. Only faggots need hair to get laid.

Why does he look so jewish?

Especially potato scientists they know everything.

Yeah they do. Maybe not the fat ones who have to dig lower in the hierarchy

It has to do with women selecting for hair on the face which had the effect of also causing balding. Also hairless heads look masculine and this is actually a sexual signal.

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why the fuck doesn't he just shave the power donut and go full mr.clean?

Because for all of history until the recent 50 years, men wore animal skins, helmets or hats on their heads. Chad American makes, like cowboys, construction workers and military, still cover their baldness. Only prissy liberal city folk office drones show their embarrassing bald heads in front of women. Sad, many such cases.

because it's much more regal to keep that hair

not because he's the future fucking King..
have him be on the dole and most any slag would reject him. Hard.

>If that was true then how come the balding isn't all-over? Why is it only on the top of the head, in that M-shaped pattern? Why is a typical male's hair at its fullest and thickest when he is a teenager and his hormones are through the roof?

the hair on top of your head has more androgen receptors, so is more sensitive to DHT - the molecule that shrinks hair follicules.

Why is a typical male's hair at its fullest and thickest when he is a teenager and his hormones are through the roof?

The DHT hasn't worn down the hair follicules yet, that's when it starts

Only retarded liberal fucks give a shit about hair...

wtf is wrong with you wackjobs lol

get a life

oh please, Catherine wouldn't look twice at him if he wasn't the King.