Am I the only one who's thoroughly enjoying watching these celebrities troll the fuck out of Yas Forums schizos in...

Am I the only one who's thoroughly enjoying watching these celebrities troll the fuck out of Yas Forums schizos in their downtime?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did hanx do?


It's not trolling if their bodies are rapidly failing while they make sad attempts at snark. Kek, Madonna looks like she's going to keel.

Apparently he's an adrenochrome distributor currently imprisoned in Gitmo and has inexplicably been allowed access to a computer and the internet so he can warn his fellow spirit cookers in coded messages that Q is coming for them, all the while leaving a breadcrumb trail of cryptic clues for boomers to decipher.

>Old as fuck celebrities no longer have access to their professional studio makeup artists and lighting
>Why do they look like shit? Clearly it's human infant pineal gland withdrawal

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and how can hanx be 'troll pol' when he stopped posting a week ago?

You're right they're obsessing over er Ellen now, who apparently has soldiers in tactical helmets and bicycle shorts stationed outside her house

@Madonna turns state’s evidence against pedoelite:

How Rich you are: George Soros
How Famous you are: Oprah
How Funny you are: Ellen DeGeneres
How Smart you are: Neal DeGrass Tyson
Where you live: Hillary Clinton
How Old you are: Joe Biden
What “Amazing Stories” you can tell: Steven Spielberg

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(((They))) have a lot more to lose than we do.

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is that why see is posting videos of little kids this week? is that "trolling" or just really weird?

>thoroughly enjoying this

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>sees children
>first thought is of something impure and sick
Says more about your mental state than anyone else's

>thoroughly enjoying this

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>art project that only newfags fall for
>Adrenochrome comes in beer kegs for some reason
It's fucking hilarious how gullible you schizos are. You went full circle from being redpilled and you'll believe anything now.

probably yeah, you are a faggy leaf and probable diaIator

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>thoroughly enjoying this
Yup...we're all newfags

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They are pedos. If you can't see that by now the schitzo might be you.

Shill ALL you want
Make ALL the agitprop threads you want
Call me ALL the nannynanny names you want
Your efforts do nothing.

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Clearly Tom Hanks is behind this

>n-no u
Source on claim? Impossible mode: no apophenic schizographs

Yeah we all do Hankie Pankie it is a nice ride but you will find out you left a 100.000 of autist pattren digging scum of the earth SOB get into it. BBNL

>piZzA iS nOt cOdeWoRD

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>Source on claim?

Wiener laptop. You should see that shit.

CovFeFe is the cure to kill vampires.

Nice strawman retard, and pizza as a euphemism for CP started on this website, many moons before your fellow boomers linked you here from faceberg. Lurk moar you intolerable newfag

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Cannibal humans, sure. The rest of us humans are just fine.

Why is it the left always projects? They actually seem to imagine everyone is a blood sucking child rapist like they are.

Anthony wiener's laptop has proof of Tom Hanks and Ellen DeGeneres raping children?


>pizza as a euphemism for CP started on this website
Your point?

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Most of them are lying for publicity



>desperate narcissists clinging to relevancy

they're not even people. the only reason i don't hate them is that they don't actually exist. they mean nothing.

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Actually in a FBiI database newfag

Very kosher.

Hanks is just one face,dipshit
The way you shills try to focus on semantics does nothing to diminish fact patterns
>Hillary runs a sex trafficking pizza shop reeee
>Tom Hanks created adrenochrome reeee
Your'e just basic & boring...there are much better ways to slide the board

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good question. QAnon likely started as a distraction from that. Doesnt mean it wasnt repurposed along the way though.

nobody said they look like shit because of adrenal glands or whatever in that post, they just think its funny that celebrities without their constant pruning and care are cracking the facade and starting to look like shit.

i used to not believe in the adrenachrome shit, but seeing how much shills like you argue against it, and seeing how much stuff in the mainstream media is clearly alluding to it, im realizing those schizo niggas were right

In enjoying it

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>Anthony wiener's laptop has proof of Tom Hanks and Ellen DeGeneres raping children?

You'll never know. Because it's American taxpayer property now, not leaf.

Oh shit a smart leaf that figured it out. No you're not alone

Trust in the plan. They will all be tortured to learn what they know and then executed. Justice is coming just be patient. We will live in a utopia.

It's disinfo for a real jewish bullshit they are trying to crap all over. If you are for real I think you won't be even noticed.

t. victim since childhood

>200iq actors are now playing 4d chess with autists on 4pol
take your meds, kid

Wait a minute. Vampires? So Alex Jones was right?

My goodness. What a time to be alive.

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>n-no u R newfag!!1
Nope, it started on Yas Forums circa '04-'05, various other substitutions for CP were used until Cheese Pizza became the common phrase. you transplants stand out so much you can't help yourselves

It would be cool if you could prove your claims

>I didn't used to believe in (x) until other people didn't believe in it either
Imagine being this easily manipulated

Ok, let me know when you find out then retard

1. Your schizophrenia is not autism
2. A developmental disorder is not a cognitive superpower, that's called cope.

remove yourself from my country faggot chinkoid, before your opportunity to do so dries up

so why are they like this? are this withdrawal symtoms? what's that about tainted synthetic adrenocrome?

i have neither but you're clearly retarded

>imply she wasnt wearing that faggot frazzledrip shit

Only women and overweight subhumans pay attention to celebrities

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I really want DeNiro dead from this. He’s a pedo and he deserves it

Retarded golems don't know what the normies think doesn't matter in those cases.

Reeeposting isnt an argument,sweetiepoo
>Prove a negative or its not real
Lol.. you dont understand how a jury system or evidence works,do you?

We have presented the evidence...
For 3 years
And the people are the jury
You and your silly bosses can go check twitter for the verdict on the evidence presented...sweetiepie honeychild.
>bless your heart

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Awful lot of impotent seething and no proof. Funny, that.

>the schizo thinks he doesn't have schizophrenia
Stop the presses

I nevwr said prove a negative you brainlet, I want you to prove your conspiracy theory. Did you just hallucinate an entire post I never wrote?

Oh so that's why you believe Every picture you see on the webz to be 100% true

This was not the gayest thing you could have poasted.
Because I fully expect your next post will be a pic of you and your bf doing anal
Cry more, tard

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fuck this thread and most of all fuck the faggot (OP)

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Pizza code is way older then muh 04 05 but thats just talking sementics, the game is up the muh conspir awex hones tier shit went stale 12 years ago even old grannies and grampies know about it. 2020 or broke i guess

I think you've got it backwards.
It's hilarious watching the q people troll the celebrities.
They're relentless.
I thought twitter didn't allow that sort of thing.

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>Ankle bracelet
>loose enough to be slipped over the foot

>pics on the internet
real or not is completely irrelevant
Your reaction is real, regardless of what caused it.
Thinking anyone is craving your internet approval would be funny if it wasnt so sad.
Psyop isnt for you bro

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