But this reeks of bullshit.

Did someone pay her to do this in order to make Trump look bad?

Attached: kathy.png (1059x780, 1.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>impying she wouldn't try to make Trump look bad by herself

lol they couldn't test her because she's not a celebrity or elite

>implying paying someone is necessary to make trump look bad
the guy is such an incompetent buffoon he does it all on his own user

Haha that’s Anderson coopers “dead” brother turned tranny

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>unbearably painful

Attached: 00438_.png (426x481, 100.78K)

Ugly bitch has cried wolf far too many times.

Not surprising even in the least. Fucking baby drinking whore. Fun fact, anons: did you know adrenochrome causes psychosis and schizophrenia, and reduces inhibition to dangerously low levels? Here we have explained:
>"You think you're hot shit, don't ya Skippy?"
>Frazzled.rip (let's take off a child's face ha ha)
>"Roadkill? I think not!" (let's call a hit then stupidly announce it and its location beforehand to police we had mens rea)
>Let's just behead the President of the United States in effigy in a nation still traumatized by the mortal head injury of beloved JFK, but not only that, LET'S ADD GORE, AND BLOOD

How many more examples of adrenochrome impulsivity and psychosis can you think of, Yas Forums?
>Hey Little Donnie
>Everything Robert DeNiro does and says
Ring a bell? Mm? They're on it. They're ALL on it.
are ALL

Coronachan if you give me one death let it be this one.

>impying she wouldn't try to make Trump look bad by herself fo free

How could we let this orange dotard get the nuclear codes

>Did someone pay her to do this in order to make Trump look bad?

100% she's an "actress" who doesn't like Trump very much because she was doing everything in her power to be against him for years, hoping to get more Hollywood attention. How is this any different from any of the other publicity stunts she's pulled over the years?

Getting the virus to own trump, pretty fucking smart

Do .rip files work in VLC? Asking for a friend

Those who are affected by covid-19 are actors and paid shills

Fake data deaths


Yeah if she was seriously infected it would be a fucking gift from the Universe.

This is pure horseshit

Die Jude Die

digits and she dies in pain and gets to hell after.

>wasting a test on a barren 60 year old hag

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 5.49K)

>Playing the numerals game
Make it that when she dies, she dies alone, chelm

Why did she post a picture of Carrot Top?

Thought Carrot Top died of a drug overdose in the mid to late 00’s. This timeline is fucking with my cerebral cortex

Prescribe aquarium tank cleaning tablets.

The only people that get the modelo virus are pedophiles. Prove me wrong

Adrenochrome withdrawal is a BITCH
Suffer for it you sad cunt

glows in the dark. why would she wear a fabric mask if isolated in a hospital with no equipment around her?

Underrated post


She's the whitest thing I've ever seen. Tell me again why white skin is attractive?

If she dies or suffers an horrible pain I would be happy

This Witch is one sick puppy. She must be terrified. She owe a lot of favours to very sick depraved and powerful people. She was given so much, Fame, money, influence.

* user, Do you think that her master are pleased with her performance?
* user, Do you think her master are the Forgiving type?

If she do not want to end up somewhere skin alive in south America she better start talking to the DOJ.

Attached: Kino.jpg (962x641, 93.39K)

the hospital couldn't test her because she didn't have symptoms of COVID-19

she was diagnosed with terminal TDS

Always thought she looked like a dude

Wouldnt put it past the cunt to make up lies about this

That I do not know, my fren.

Why aren’t they testing people?

This is the best thing to happen to those of us calling bullshit EVER.... THANKS KATHY GRIFFIN!

Wait, hang on...

>the hospital couldn't test me
Why the fuck not
My mother had to go to the ER recently (she's diabetic and had a fever) and they tested her right away
She's on medacaid to so it's not like her insurance is very good either

Doesn't even pinch the top of her mask.

>I didnt meet the criteria to be tested but I know I have it!

The wall hit every celebrity hard when their illegal immigrant makeup artist split.

its becoming glaringly obvious this is mass-hysteria induced by a glownigger psyop and perpetrated by the media

>celebrity flu

Q predicted this

Attached: FF6E76E3-6107-4EEA-BADE-354F8C12DAB6.png (600x382, 257.33K)

She dead. Checked and confirmed.

remind me to never marry a redhead

The only people i know of that have gotten this virus all just happen to be satanic blood eating vampires. Its only very famous people , very rich people, politician's , important key people in social media and "culture" . just a coincidence goys...

Off With Her Head!!!

Attached: tenor.gif (340x254, 1.11M)

Fake af.

>it's not a psyop!

Attached: soy282.png (785x1000, 263.67K)

So she went to an Urgent Care facility first, defying CDC orders to call first, spread her jew plague, then went to the hospital to spread it further.
Gee thanks Kathy.

She will drown due to chinkvirus

Attached: whole_neighborhood_going_to_shit.jpg (736x697, 231.4K)

>kathy griffin gets pozzed to fuck over trump
fucking spectacular, let's see this become a trend

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There are tests available. My wife has been symptomatic for about 2 weeks and went to get tested Monday (slowly getting better but needs it for work). We were in and out in 5 minutes.

>Wearing a dust mask: no ventilator, no oxygen. Unspecified UNBEARABLY PAINFUL SYMPTOMS
Bullshit detected.

Attached: 1582476632759.png (720x480, 509.85K)

Albino niggers are ugly too, so are white kikes.

Hollywood squares is going to deeply miss her.

Attached: FB_IMG_1585158317282.jpg (720x960, 217.02K)

I heard that testing is expensive and takes time to process but that the Trump-Pill (Hydrochloroquine and AZT) is only $20 and harmless in the correct dose and as a precautionary treatment.

next time use a reaction jpeg or gif faggot, use some imagination

>I'm in this nice private room but woe is me they haven't tested for the virus

Attached: 5e6d2883ebd38.image.jpg (1200x800, 130.93K)

> guys I'm in unbearable pain
> stay tuned for updates I'll have my phone w/ me

Attached: ok.png (675x483, 539.31K)


It's a chest cold you irrelevant cunt

Attached: 1584208918793.jpg (1142x1000, 227.08K)

I think a lot of us would be happy. The only time she was ever famous already peaked when she cut off his head and even then it was a channel changer

Trump curse just gained another level

>implying she wouldn't take the tainted adrenochrome just to make Trump look bad

Someone look up her hospital records and see if she actually is diagnosed with Covid-19

No they are not. They got hit by a second and different, tampered strain of Covid no civilians will ever see if they didn't travel and party in these circles and consume Chinese adrenochrome from Wuhan. What's happening is they're violently sick with the same shit that had Chinese dropping like flies and jittering around with seizures in all the Twitter webms. It's real. The government caught them with their hands in the dead baby cookie jar and burst a dye pack inside them. It works like this:


Which is how you can tell it's fed. This is a federal and military operation. I bet those were indeed military running around in Degeneres's yard and I bet these actors ARE under house arrest. They've all been earmarked by what they were eating just like cattle in a shed. Imagine sneaking cookies full of bank cash dye into shit Cookie Monster was stealing.

That's what's happening. They're dopesick between that and the Wuhan supply being cut off. It's also why Pelosi and Schumer are trying to cut Americans' throats if Trump does not agree to
>Emergency funding for Planned Parenthood
>Emergency payouts to ACTORS.
You think about this. Imagine how expensive this shit was and how rich China was getting if these fucking celebrities are already broke with their assets frozen.


honestly that gives more credence and i cant believe im saying this to cardi b saying that celebrities are being paid to fake coronavirus

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She's just lying to spread the disinfo that makes the Administration look bad. It's too obvious.

Actually 'underrated' posts almost always consist of solely the word itself. His was already relatively extravagant from the capitalization.

Checked, make it so.

What we are witnessing is a global coup by elites to implement a new world order where they will rule unopposed. While Coronavirus exists it affects only elderly and is a bit more virulent form of flu.The hysteria blown by the mass media and social media agents served to justify extreme measures like lockdown which will NEVER be revoked and will stay with us.
Further measures will include:

Compulsory vaccinations-said vaccines will lower test among certain groups and lead to sterilisation. Scientists will decree that it was a price worth paying and white people were violent anyway.

Digital currency-all your money will stored online and controlled by authorities. As will your expenses and where are you spending money.

Digital ID-to use internet you will need to use a digital id confirming your real life identity. Anonymous posting and usage of internet will be banned in name of fight against "fake news about coronavirus"

Spread the word, look behind motives. Do not believe what media tell you.

I feel this is fake. If there's any celebrity that is doing this for attention it'll most likely be her. She'll prob then say her treatment wasn"t done properly and later blame it on Trump

>Someone look up her hospital records and see if she actually is diagnosed with Covid-19
HIPAA regs prevent that

None of these celebrities who test positive will die, mark my words.

Aren't redheads s'pose to have a genetic thing that gives them high pain tolerance???

Fun fact: Those rolling monitor stations are only for billing purposes, ha.

This cunt is manna from heaven showing the tard public what the rest are doing....fantastic!

Attached: USC Throughbred.jpg (531x800, 108.31K)

you know the funny thing is I'm feeling better every day.

fucking kekked

user, I think they give less than two fucks about her because she can no longer provide anything. user, they are not forgiving.
Nor will we be.

This was fucking awesome to read while currently stoned

God I want this to be true.

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Bitch is a demon.

the fuck? did she test positive?

>>celebrity flu

No user. They really are adrenochrome addicts. Some of them may not even know it. Some of them may not even know about the kid raping. But they cut their coke and meth or whatever the fuck else they like with it to keep them in line.

Trump curse is real

>nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask
if I pull that off, will you die?
>it would be unbearably painful


The CCP's agents posting here all started calling it celebrity flu now because Charles's announcement has blown doubt out the window and they know the hated Amellicans are catching on. Pic related. Example links should be there. I can provide more if needed.

Attached: why.jpg (2400x1600, 627.09K)

What state though?


Well would ya look at that.

Attached: 1438292097061.jpg (539x530, 63.07K)

Winner winner chicken dinner!

I've seen it done at least twice, people do break rules sometimes. Steve Jobs HIV diagnosis was one, I forget the other right now but I think it was one of the 2016 election characters.

The worst people keep getting it. It's like Corona-Chan is some kind of divine judgement.


>Wahhh I have Corona (but not really)
>btw this is DRUMPFHS fault

Big if true

This bitch is basically the female version of Trump. You would have to be very naive to think she would not do anything for her own Ego/ for attention.

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two faggots in one thread

Attached: ackc.jpg (700x700, 52.63K)

As someone who had pneumonia last fall and spent two nights in a hospital. I don't know if I'd call the symptoms painful.

I do not wish her bad, but first her mother dies and now she get the Chinese Coronavirus. 2020 will be her year of repent. If she understands what is going on she will become Catholic and will embrace Trump. If not she will have miserable life and end up in hell. It's her choice now.

Attached: Trump-broke-me.jpg (500x695, 84.07K)

>The worst people
So why does Xi jinping, Trump, Assad and Nigel Farage not have it but instead Tom fucking Hanks.

All this shit is FAKE you stupid fucking Q NIGGER! Nobody is arrested. Nobody is sick.

>ID is YUP

Attached: 1299941446938.jpg (338x450, 59.19K)

The tests are rigged to be faulty, btw. Something Dems love to do.

>It works like this
Posts a literal dyepack video to explain dyepack used as a biological analogy.

Attached: 1572103183918.jpg (750x709, 49.33K)

Just coughing on bananas like her masters. Which see.

Attached: unnamed.png (512x305, 214.45K)

I bet this bitch has a rich husband who pays people to give her attention.

and a bunch of annoying children on my lawn

Hopefully on her own bronchial fluid.

Hopefully Rosie O Donnell is next

Hopefully she does have it. Hell awaits her with open arms

Trump curse. couldn't happen to a nicer lady.