Should porn be illegal?
>Can't stop cooming ever since lockdown
>pornhub premium is free now
Should porn be illegal?
>what is self-control
Stop being a weak-minded retard and go lift weights or read a fucking book.
I do both but I also coom after every workout. Right after you get the endorphins pumping throughout your body its the best time to smoke some weed and coom.
>huuur muh dik
fuck off nigger
not a nigger, white people coom too
I really really don't get it. Why would you go to one of these porn conventions and get pictures with pornstars? Just why?
no idea
Yes. Ban porn but no harsh penalties for offenders.
Might as well use this thread.
You are saying pornography caters specifically to primitive male impulses, portrays an unrealistic vision of fulfilment of male cravings, and this might affect how men act in the real world. Much like trying heroin might diminish your satisfaction when indulging in mundane pleasures, overconsuming porn might muddy the pleasure you get from normal relationships.
If that's true: what's the equivalent for women, and should it be banned too?
I'm asking because these days of quarantine I've been consuming female-centric entertainment (too bored) and then I've done some research in social media and women are basically obsessed with male celebrities. Not exactly in the way men like boobs. They post about wanting to marry characters or entertainers, how they have fallen in love with them, how they would do anything for them. There are photos of Justin Bieber fans licking the sidewalk he stepped on moments before (can't find them right now).
I think the female version of this problem might be much, MUCH worse than porn. Women legitimately love a manufactured image of a character no real man would ever be able to match. I think this is one of the reasons why religions tried to ban idolization of men, and instead had people only focus on god. Idols fuck with women's brains in a very deep way.
>haha just have self control!
So why are drugs illegal then?
Der Coomer is a Raiders fan?
It’s actually sad. They have no shame and post it for the world to see.
>i have no self control, make thing illegal!
Kill yourself
probably true, it also feeds the coomer epidemic by forcing otherwise dateable men like pic related to coom.
coomer is his alter ego
Summerfags are such cancerous retards
fucking kek
>someone that goes to a fucking porn convention is dateable to you
he is a handsome and fit gentleman
yeah it should be
do some self reflection mate
>Cooming to porn
I've regressed so far I mostly just use fully clothed social media Lewds or even just my own imagination
I've went into deep coomerism and out the other side
This is too cringe pls stop
you want me to buy a body pillow? I guess it would replace porn
>Should porn be illegal?
Nah, just don't go busting a nut 6 times a day and you'll be fine
This dude is pretty chad if he's that comfortable around women.
By age 45 the person you are is indelibly written on your face
Nothing cringe about his lifestyle
is anyone else jealous of DER KOOMERS uninhibited enthusiasm and passion?
sure it is pathetic and sad to be a simp for porn stars but he seems happy and he doesnt let anything stop him from pursuing what he wants
i wish i could be more like that
he has no inhibition
You have no clue what a chad is and it's pathetic you think it's hard to take a picture with some whores that would probably let you finger them while taking it
He is the chosen one.
>watching 3D pigs instead of superior 2D
that one is unironically hot
Even worse, he's a Packers fan.
What's chad about what he's doing? How does he look comfortable around them? Do you think they look comfortable with him? These pics are maximum awkward
Can you try and imagine this guy in a regular club with a woman who he hasn't paid a big fee to force a smile next to him?
Does the coomer have AIDS?
Who is that guy?
Is that the guy who owns this website?
It’s illegal in Israel but not here because Jews use it as a weapon to turn us into easily controlled docile Cumbrian slaves.
This guy is braver than most men on planet earth going around porn conventions and hanging out with literal porn stars yet he still cant find one normal girl
it's easier for somebody to hang around WITH A PORN STAR than a non porn star girl
id get that cheek swabbed after that lick
Yas Forums needs to reach out and save this man, we have the power to
Name my band, Yas Forums
No, that's not hiroshima nagasaki
>Should porn be illegal?
100% banned and all the lewd images I'm tired of all the half nudity giving me boners.Why should I see it?
Sharia law on this bitches, put the burka on and get back in the kitchen.
He made his twitter and instagram private thanks to Yas Forums
There's evil in his eyes, not even the hookers look so evil.
She's so disgusted even though she sucks so much cock and licks so much asshole.
Sad for who? Coomer looks pretty happy.
My Chemical Romance
Coomers N Roses
limp dicksuit
Bring Me the Lotion
"A Toast, to Television & Film"
never noticed the bible in the back
>tfw salvation is only a few feet away from J, but he will just continue to coom his way to a joyless existence
Dirk Diggler and the Degenerates.
I'm glad I have no fucking clue who any of the pornwhores are itt. feels good not being a coomer
I want to go to a porn convention and see if I can pull a pornstar.
I've fucked a girl in boot camp, anime cons...
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Electric Fleshlight Orchestra
>1/3 of young men can''t get a girlfriend
>christcucks on Yas Forums: What should we do about this? Wait, I have a great idea! Let's ban the only fucking cope we haven't outlawed for them after we already banned prostitution and are letting the feminists ban sexbots!
>incels: *go on killing spree*
>christcucks: wtf how could this have happened
Christcucks are worse than coronavirus.
Are you unironically telling me that porn is the only thing holding society together?
>has to wait in line, sometimes for hours and pay whores to pose with him for a picture
actually quite pathetic, specially since he isnt even fucking any of them, buys all their merch and actually pays for their porn subscriptions.
the coomer underground
harsh penalties for pornographers
watching sports is gay
Iron Coomden
go ahead. i dont need porn to coom.
I've seen that narrative before.
Look at this coomer.
Hes happier than you'll ever be in your life.
At this point, yeah, pretty much. The 1/3 figure is also vastly underreported because it's just the guys who will admit to being incels. The actual figure when you include normies who aren't getting laid and pretend to be more successful than they are may easily be 60-70%. Ban porn and society will implode.
porn will never be banned, sexbots won't be either
also sexbots won't exist in our lifetime
lynyrd foreskynrd