Other thread reached bump limit. Does the theory of evolution make sense Yas Forums?

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Yes it does and it's not a theory its accepted as fact.

Yeah, true things make sense by definition.


But it's full of shit

Yes it does, it's why niggers, chinks, spics and Europeans are so different.

If you'll beleive that we live on a spinning ball of bendy water, careering through cosmic nothingness at great speed then you'll beleive the theory of evolution quite easily. I for one can not and do not.

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Argument from Ignorance. Is your cousin your direct ancestor, or do you have a common ancestor with them in the form of your grandparents?

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> entitled cuck thinks humans have a greater place in this universe

Any alternative to evolution was completely BTFO when genetic sequencing and DNA was found.

That exactly what we live on though

Water came to earth in a meteorite
water needed to survive so it started going through the process of vaporizing and expanding and creating more of itself
water needs clean air and sunlight to survive and go through the processes, so water created life to purify the air (single celled organisms) who survive off of sunlight and filter out Carbon Monoxide making oxygen which is part of what water is made of
as the air and atmosphere got cleaner the single celled organisms made up of water started taking on different roles so a multicelled organism spawned to eat the over abundance of algea created by water.

all life is is just water taking on complex forms because water is a sentient being in and of itself.

Evolution is just Gods tool of creation.

Creationist are retarded to believe a jew book from years ago over instead of observing gods creation and studying it for themselves. Its a fucking non debate made worse because of jews.


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LMFAO this fuckin retard thinks DNA = evolution...

Holy fuck this site is retarded

DNA is a marker of evolution.

>believing there is a million extinct primitive primates still in the world because it looks like a monkey

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No, it does not make sense.
It is not possible for all the varieties of life that we observe today or have evidence of via fossil records to have formed simply by random mutation + natural selection. At least not based on mainstream science's current estimate of the age of the earth and the time span that life has existed here.
For all of life to have formed via abiogenesis, mutation, and natural selection, the earth would have to be significantly older than what is currently taught. However, even with a hugely older earth, the idea that all life came from some spontaneous instances of abiogenesis is about as believable as the universe being formed by the Big Bang.
That isn't a refutation of the concepts of mutation, adaptation, and selection though - those are observable phenomenon that clearly exist.

If you accept DNA as a legitimate thing you have to accept evolution as legitimate. No ifs ands or buts

How can one mutant fish creature be so fucking BASED that it triggers millions of Americans with its mere existance?

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DNA exists
Your DNA is a combination of your parents DNA, plus random mutations
Your parents DNA is a combination of their parents DNA, plus random mutations
This continues backwards far beyond recordable history.
If you accept that this is a fact, you essentially accept that evolution exists. It’s only logical that through random mutation, eventually positive traits become present as negative traits reduce productivity in animals, which reduces their chances of breeding. This is evolution.

Oh shit, here he comes!

Honestly, can’t disagree with you. It’s completely mind boggling the thought that not only did cellular organisms come to exist through sheer chance, but that they were capable of replication, and eventually DNA came to exist through sheer chance, and so on and so forth. The chances of something like that occurring are infinitesimally tiny. Evolution certainly exists, just as a byproduct of the way DNA and genetic information works, but you would be just as stupid to claim that it all exists through chance as you would be to assume it all exists through intelligent creation.

I believe in regressive evolution, everything gets worse, we lose information, not gain. It

No it doesn't. It's particularly laughable when it comes to trees

There are certain thing that I can’t even begin to fathom existing through evolution alone. How the fuck did bugs evolve metamorphosis? Through what series of random mutations did caterpillars evolve to turn into butterflies?

>No it doesn't. It's particularly laughable when it comes to trees
...??? Why the fucking trees of all things?

I have a biology background. When I have brought this point up with 'experts', they either have no answer or go through some crazy mental gymnastics. It's especially satisfying when they assume you are going to use a religious argument but you come at them with common sense logic.

A trait being better or worse is completely a matter of perspective. Just through the nature of how evolution works, it naturally brings out traits that make things better at out-breeding their counterparts

At this point, most “scientists” are no better than the religious. They don’t bother to base their ideas on their own logical conclusions, they simply have faith that the people who did so before them were right
Atheists are really bad with this, they can’t get their heads out of their own asses far enough to realize that it’s unscientific to assume that they know the solution to a question which is fundamentally unanswerable

sorry dude but watching some nature docs and debating them with your equally retarded friends doesn't count.
if anyone could actually disprove the theory of evolution they would be a household name. but you're just some random lying faggot

Before you go any further on that, be more clear with what you mean by “theory of evolution”
This is the exact same sort of shit the kikes use against people trying to “disprove the holocaust”. If you’re not being clear in what you define as the holocaust, or the theory of evolution, you’re never going to have a good argument since both of you are just going to go off of your own definitions.

As a general principle yes. Probably some form of conscious experience evolving over time. Universes within universes. Fractal structure. Everett branches. Etc

The Big Bang was an event at which stuff (mass and energy) stopped being incomprihensibly dense and hot, as it found new space to expand to.

I think we lose information, not gain

literal mutant here, yes. However, your pic-related is barely on-topic.

What do you mean by that? Be more specific

That is a lie.
Different races does not prove evolution.
no one disputes micro-evolution.

But where are the bomes?

Micro-evolution stacks to macro-evolution when some alleles or even genes become beneficial to the carrier in terms of reproduction and survival.

Yeah thats fair. Wont even disagree with you on that. 'Evolution' in the sense of shit changing genetically over time is pretty much indisputable. The actual path that evolution has taken over time, im sure is much more up for debate. Of course, if you say any of this you'll just be branded a 'creationist' and nobody will bother to listen to a word you say.
Nothing in this world that pisses me off more than the kike tactic of creating a slanderous name for something; nobody will bother to listen to what you have to say if they can just judge your opinions based on what people have decided to call you instead

I see genetics as information,
as times goes on we lose parts of our genetics, first humans had lots of info in their genetics, then different groups preserve certain characteristics like skin color

Microevolution is an observable scientific fact. Macroevolution is a scientific theory, but the theory has the strength of evidence like the theory of gravity.

God still created us between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, according to divine revelation. He just created the universe as if it had evolved.

t. Catholic

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>Yes it does and it's not a theory its accepted as fact.
>That is a lie.
Fucking sigh dude. How can you not even informed about the very basics of the scientific method yet hold such strong opinions?
It's a scientific theory which is _all but_ a hypothesis or a fucking guess. A scientific theory is an observation which explains reality better than any other hypothesis at the moment and is well substantiated with evidence and even to some extent recreatable and testable.

>The actual path that evolution has taken over time, im sure is much more up for debate. Of course, if you say any of this you'll just be branded a 'creationist' and nobody will bother to listen to a word you say.
What do you mean exactly?

>very important to watch

There are two types of people in this world; there are people who understand evolution and then there are creationists.

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>the kike tactic of creating a slanderous name for something
yup, shun/shamed/categorized... and also notice that to be 'marketable' and thus featured on one of the media platforms, anything remotely in the 'slanderous category' has to jump-the-shark and be ridiculous(no serious debate to the narrative)

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>Different races does not prove evolution.
I guess then every organism on earth is the same organism.

If not then please, fully explain, because you have my attention, the argument to support your satement.

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You know, like the recorded history of what evolved from what and whatnot? I'm not exactly a scientist so i'm sort of talking out of my ass when i say this, but i'm sure there's a lot of room for error there


The theological truth of scripture cannot contradict the scientific truth discovered by man. For both are part of the same truth that is God (“Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me“).

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>You know, like the recorded history of what evolved from what and whatnot? I'm not exactly a scientist so i'm sort of talking out of my ass when i say this, but i'm sure there's a lot of room for error there
Of course there is. We are working with million year old incomplete skelettons there. DNA analysis of contemporary animals is a bit easier but it might be perfect either. I think no one would call you a creationist for such a measured opinion.

>it found new space
What caused the space? What created the stuff?

*might not be

Expert in Whale Evolution here. AMA.

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An eternal sky wizard obviously.

Oops, I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear over how much of a VIRGIN you are

>it's not a theory its accepted as fact.

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What do the whales sing when your mum goes swimming?

The scientific method requires observation. Therefore the "theory" of evolution is not a scientific theory because animals evolving into other animals has never been observed in nature. Then these so called scientists try to predict how long it takes for animals to evolve based on no observation, meaning they pulled numbers out of their ass. There is no proper mathematical way to predict the time it takes for a species to evolve. Evolution is merely a belief, and a very gay one to boot. Just look at the demographic who believes it.

How did our women turn into whales in just one or two Generations?
Doesn't that normally take longer?

These threads really reach the bump limit? What else is there to discuss? Evolution is as real as the Big Bang. Neither contradict the truth of scripture, because it cannot, for they are the same Truth (John 14:6).

Is it 2006 again? Did that faggot Richard Dawkins republish The God Delusion or something?

This is the most retard /general/ I have ever seen on Yas Forums.

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Evolution falls apart at the molecular level. Mutations describes things like differences in height, hair color and skin color. Mutations do not describe how creatures in the Cambrian explosion had 13 spines and 5 eyeballs. Mutations are extremely dangerous and beneficial ones are rare. This is because the mutation must improve the life of the individual and it must be so mild that the individual must still be able to procreate with those without the mutation. Mutations do not describe growing extra chromosomes in a beneficial mode. Think about this: humans were basically that same as we are 300,000 years ago. Nothing has changed in 1/3 of a million years. Yet were expected to believe we evolved from underground rats 145 million years ago. (livescience.com/60888-rat-creatures-were-earliest-eutherian-mammal-ancestors.html). If barely anything happens in a million years, you can't go from a rat to a human in 145 million years. It would take 145 billion years. Evolution is slow.

Every honest biologist or evolutionists admits there is no explanation for transitions from one species to another e.g. a bear to a whale. The number of beneficial mutations for evolution to occur is mathematically impossible considering mammals like humans individuals only reproduce a few times in a hundred years, if at all.

I myself have a mutation where my DNA appears on the wrong chromosome. This is a 'de novo' mutation which happens about one in 500 births. Normally this makes you infertile. I me and someone else with this same mutation fucked (chances of that are astronomical) there would still be a good chance our baby would be a monster. If the baby was healthy it would be sterile because it couldn't mate with anyone else. Even then the mutation is not beneficial. Only a mutation like bone density or height would be beneficial and that is not determined by genetic mutation but by the timing mechanisms in human growth.

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Let's suppose there are a million Earth-like planets in this galaxy.
Only this one has evolved life.
We are here discussing this here because we exist, the others aren't because they don't have life at all.
So yes, we are an extremely improbable event on the galaxy, maybe even universe, but there are so many earth like planets and the galaxy and thus universe is so big there might be even other planets with life.

Also, religion and specially spirituality is not necessarily out of the way, especially when interpreting the data. See next:
>The chances of something like that occurring are infinitesimally tiny.
what about God guiding the process of evolution?
protip: 7 days was never meant to be literally 24hour days.

>atheist straw man of the Aristotelian unmoved mover as a material being
And here’s the real point of the general. Desperate attempt of fedoras to resurrect the false feeling of intellectual superiority they had last decade when irascible chain-smoking kike Christopher Hitchens was still alive.

We’ve since rediscovered medieval Christianity, which unites faith with reason. Unironically kys, nothing happens anyway, right?

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Well my Deutsch friends. The Mysticetes (Baleen Whales) are believed to have grown to massive proportions as a result of climate change resulting in food populations exploding. So Baleen Whales and Walmart Whales are the result of a large food supply.

Careening through cosmic nothingness on a spinning ball of bendy water is metal as fuck though. We’re space Vikings and the solar system is our longship

Researchers claim there are two strains of whale.
Hot Pockets, and Whole Foods. Both are deadly.

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>The scientific method requires observation. Therefore the "theory" of evolution is not a scientific theory because animals evolving into other animals has never been observed in nature.
The base mechanics of evolution are testable and have been observed E. coli evolved from being anaerobic and unable to consume citrate to aerobically utilize citrate which is a huge change.

The change from one species into another would take longer and is only recreatable with experiments with an appropriate time frame just like many principles in geology.

Which whale is master race? I feel like Bottlenose Dolphins are Jews and Orcas are Anglo-Saxons.
Also why are belugas retarded?

Yes. Only an idiot would look at this evidence and say no that's not likely at all

You're a willful idiot. Look up Darwin's Finches and how they have changed in the last 100 years.

Ok Christcuck

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>there are millions of these
Incorrect, we have a common ancestor with the Chimpanzee, however our common ancestor no longer exists.

Probably the Harbour Porpoise since it has to regularly eat to survive and has my respect. The based retard of the Whale World is the Bowhead Whale. youtube.com/watch?v=0GanRdxW7Fs

DNA exists. DNA differs from organism to organism. Evolution by natural selection can't NOT occur.

>Yes it does and it's not a theory its accepted as fact.
Is this the power of burger education?

>This fedora gets his threadly dose of feeling real smart by posting a Wikipedia link to a scientism

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Try again schlomo.

Aristoteles thought that logic derrived from small scale physics can be applied to things with an astronomical scale. He was wrong about that (among many other things).
Maybe matter and space are eternal, maybe it didn't. We don't know (yet). So let's just admit that we don't have the answer yet instead of claiming an omnipotent being put it there.


In college i took a bioinformatics class where we actually had to implement algorithms that matched patterns between different species dna strands to build phylogenetic trees showing mathematical proof you could build a tree of life with the shared genes of all species showing when they last shared an ancestor and in what order they split.

You can look up the whole paper but I figured you'd be too lazy and dumb to do that.

>I have an idea

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>Evolution is as real as the Big Bang. Neither contradict the truth of scripture, because it cannot, for they are the same Truth (John 14:6).

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>He hasn’t read the 5 ways
Pathetic. But also out of scope of this general.