What the fuck happened to architecture?

What the fuck happened to architecture?

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they couldve at least elongated the top floor windows so that it would seem like and attempt at aesthetics

You know how metas develop in gaming?

Economics is just like that: efficiency of money making.

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Sometimes the goal is just to maximize floor space. Sometimes it's not.

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it is called modernism you uncultured swine

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Egocentrism. Must buildings are now more focused on the indoor looks than the outside. If you wanted buildings, that looked like they had true artisans working on them, you are about 2 centuries too late

If you live in a sewer you won't notice all the shit surrounding you.

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Ask Corbusier and the Jews.

best chart ever


Modernism can go to hell.

agree, but we are late to the party

>What the fuck happened to architecture?
Do you even have to ask?

That building was specifically built for BBC

This isn't really that horrible, but it's like no one tries anymore. When you have a location and air rights like this, at least fucking try a bit harder to give it some 3+ standard deviation aesthetics.

It's the ugliest thing I've ever seen and I used to have to see it every day on my way into manhattan. Did Jews do this?

architects have the same problem that music critics have. They deal so much with architecture they need more and more unusual and extremes to stimulate them. Nice beautiful architecture just isn't doing it for most of them after a while.


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>unusual and extremes
a rectangular cuboid with evenly spaced rectangular windows. wow that's so unusual and extreme

fucking rube

hey a little off topc, but can one of you photoshopfags shop putin's face into the picture frame for me.

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>tes ix: elsweyr ii: saint elsweyr
>weapons: you have a gun
me likey

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Clown World happened

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In the capitalist world; beauty is an expensive luxury that cuts into your bottom line

what makes it unsusual is exactly that. Just like music critics who like slow barely noticle ambient music. Unsusual and extreme is contextual.


except that its applied non-stop now, it was unusual the first time, not the 10,000th

and it hardly looks different that any of the surrounding structures, real "unusual and extreme" amirite?

That building was built to fall during the next 9/11

People are building things that don't look exactly like thousands of other buildings before. And, surprise surprise, some of them turn out to be ugly.
But faggots there would prefer to keep sucking each other off to a millionth identical neoclassical palace.

No, it's only unusual for its height and location, which has zero to do with architecture and design.

Jews cannot perceive beauty in the same way as the European . I'm not joking look into Jewish creativity and Jewish artworks / music. Shits ugly because kikes paid for it .

based moleman


yeah, thats why new skyscrapers are so varied and unique looking. Oh, wait.

eh, not really it depends on the developer.

are saying the building isn't sticking out like a sore thumb in that picture?

architecture is alway contextual.

because of some different colors, sure. but it is no different from any of the others.

For fucks sake, I wish I could go back in time and kill the young (((Frank Gehrey))) in Minecraft

Damn leafanon, thats a good way of putting it.

And then "post-modern".

are you ISIS ??

lol ignorant mutt doesn't understand what modernism brought to engineering other than muh jews killed classic trad architecture waaa. classic


Lol your argument is that a tall building which looks exactly like a bunch of shorter buildings surrounding it is somehow architecturally unique because of that context. 18 and older here kiddo.

Have you ever read architectural discourse

Its just regular discourse

But it folds on top of one another

Current arch schools try to inject theory into their projects. Some schools if you make a building without a discursive stance, you basically get laughed at by the jury in their snarky liberal manner.

Its a dead end lol. They dont know what theyre doing. And they wont be around after coronachan is done.

Imagine if you had a fucking stroke and had to show up to that Clown World funhouse to try to piece realty back together

I think it's brilliant

>muh architecture
who gives a fuck, those buildings are all temporary anyways.



peak golem

>id: juoz

phalax (((erect penis))) worship.


this just looks like a massive flex by the architect

i'm not saying i like it, but i think the point is that it's still a functional building despite it looking like that

Architect fag here from LA, ask me anything.

perfect tomb for goyim

why are you gay

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that's looks pretty cool.

So, is that building going to be there, like forever? what if they want to demolish it and put something else there? It looks too tall to safely destroy

which is exactly my point. If the building were shorter, had a different color and the windows were smaller it would fit quite nicely in the surroundings. And most people in the world would like that much better. It would be way nicer on the eyes. But the developer/architects tried to avoid exactly that. They are trying to "make their mark" and don't like the idea of fitting in because it's boring to them. Of course there are always exceptions.

look at the fucking picture you absolute retard.

Ever know anyone who couldn't manage sketching or drawing but still made it? I'm currently a math/CS major and am starting to become disenfranchised. I loved assembling numerous massive Lego sets and building models as a kid but never was good at art.

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You look at the fucking picture, moron.

>But the developer/architects tried to avoid exactly that.
Holy shit you are fucking dense. You're looking at a fat girl instagram picture that cuts off all the surrounding building and frames up through East fucking Harlem and out through Queens over to god damn LGA airport. You are an IMBECILE.