Yas Forums help me

I have to give an anti-white presentation in front of the class and debase myself soon. What should I do? Part of me just can’t fucking do it. My honor is at stake. The other part of me needs to get a good grade to get into law school.
Fuuuuuuuuck this life. Is it going to be like this forever? A battle vs my honor/dignity and my personal success? I’m sick to my stomach. I want to throw up

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Pull yourself out of your nosedive, faggot.

Say u got corona cuck

Dab on the prof, pull your pants down Bend over, and tell him to clean it up and he better say thank you

>to get a good grade to get into_ law school_.
>My honor is at stake.
Lawyers are not loyal or honorable. Get used to it kid.

Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to get up in front of the class and talk about my white privilege and my races “violence” against POC? It’s debasing. Everybody knows it’s meant to degrade you and make you feel like a cuck

What do you think you will do after graduating law school

You have no honor and definitely no eduacation.
Drop out.

school is for faggots just dont go to college

>infront of the class
is your school not cancelled yet?

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Don't sacrifice your principles for a country club membership

Be a lawyer for an income, and a political dissident for pro white causes on the side.
It’s on zoom which in a way makes it even worse

get grade work make jew money. jew money printer goes brrrrrrrrr

Tell them that white privilege is paying for niggers and mexicans. Do things like that.

maybe he meant the online class lol
he should post the meeting link here so we can get it canceled with bots and shit

You are not white, don't give a fuck.

Bring up nigger crime statistics subtly

Refuse to do a anti white presentation you spineless yellow bastard -_- you do it and I'll be mad at you forever

Before you start your presentation, say how you don't believe in the words you are about to say, and that you only are presenting this based on the requirement for this course.

Teacher can't do shit.

Make sure to remind everyone that you are Jewish.

Stop participating in a broken system.
See if your credits will transfer to another institution.
vid related


Also, I have only met two lawyers in my adult life that showed compassion and honesty (at least to me) but I know that they made major decisions that they regret in order to get there. It isn't good to not be able to make eye contact with yourself in the mirror.

Disagree. If bad mouthing your people once is all it takes to prevent any pro-white students from becoming lawyers then they've already won. Sacrifice your honor for your peoples sake. Your real test is what you do with that degree after you graduate.

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what is it with mutts and going to college? here most people dont do it if they even graduate high school

Start quoting MLK Jr. saying we should judge not by the color of skin but by content of character. Use their heroes against their self-righteous hatred.
Also, mention that, really, POC don't need any societal help. They are better than that!!!

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>Having principles
>Being a lawyer

Youre not smart enough to be a lawyer.
>thinks its a one time thing

The self efacement never ends

Email the teacher and tell them race is your trigger and you don't feel safe amongst such hostility toward your skin color. Ask if you can just email it instead

We are slaves, not parasites. That's the difference.

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>I have to give an anti-white presentation

Be specific. i think you're misunderstanding the nature of the exercise. I can help, I'm an educator.

You can easily construct an amusing and audacious masterpiece, with a re-pilled subtext, while coming to pedestrian conclusions. Such a piece would in fact usually receive a better grade than some 'average' unimaginative low-effort bullshit.

Not all of us have an ethnostate to fall back on, schlomo.

It's basically have a bachelor's or work a dead end job your whole life.
Unless you take the self employed pill

well that sucks, i always have romania to fall back on

What do you have to say? Give us some examples.

Also, write down what you'd rather say as if you were here speaking your mind and compare what you want to say with what you think you have to say and look for some common middle ground and use that.

Do it in a very sarcastic and incredulous manner.

working a dead end job sounds better
thats what i chose

Then does he get to shit on the carpet and throw the mop at the prof and say clean my shit professor jannie

Think to the jews, then write whites instead

It’s in 15 minutes. I’m getting mixed messages and I don’t know what to do. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I feel this is a major turning point in my life depending on my decision, and I don’t know what to do

Yeah but you better pay that family debt wagie

Do exactly what this user told you!

I know it isn't once, I'm having to do it at my university as well. It's one of the top film schools in the country, and I know the anti-white shit in movies, shows, and commercials will never get better if I pussy out. You have to swallow your pride to get inside and subvert it.

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post meeting link and we will fill it with gore
everything being closed kinda makes it hard you know?

You mean cuck yourself trying to get favors for your clients

In America, people get free college through financial aid. Some people get paid to go to college.

find some nazi speeches
replace jew with Whites

Play it safe dude cmon you know that's the real answer here. You better be more decisive if you're gonna lawyer

yeah give us the meeting link and we will "hack" into it accidentally lmao

Just do a "piss poor job" (intentionally), something like
>so, racists, as you can see, 35% of African Americans iver age 34 have NEVER even served time in prison. Err.. that's not right, sorry I must have gotten my facts mixed up
>Although 60% of the US population non jewish whites make over 35% of all billionair-- wait a minute...
Just keep trailing off like that when you make blatantly pro white points thinly veiled in reverse statistics, kek.

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Praise Malcolm X and say he was right about ethnonationalism. Talk about how no one should have to live with whites, and that they should just be all shoved into one place together, so no one else has to deal with them. It would be inhumane to just kill them, after all. Bring up the holohoax, saying you're Jewish. Easy.

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i hate zoom so fucking much.

god online classes suck. just do it for the grade, user.

this isnt the time to fight back. fight back when you stand to have more to lose. if you sperg out now youll never become succesfull. this is when they want to shut you down most.

blend in and do the work.

^ Something like this.

Say they are not your views like people do on their Twitter bios.

There's one romanian who posts under Israeli flag and I recognize ur ass everytime lol

yeah we have that here too, you just have to say youre muslim and affirmative action will take care of you

"But lets not forget the 52%"

Throw in like 10x anecdotes about how we shouldn't scapegoat entire groups, and quote MLK's "content of character", and yet pretend the gist of it is still "yeah whites have privilege" or whatever bullshit.

Drop redpills while you pretend to take your required bluepill suppository.

This is actually a great opportunity if you do it right OP.

>He is immunized against all dangers. But call him a cracker...

maybe its because i post with a name? :thinking:

>Praise Malcolm X and say he was right about ethnonationalism.

Nice. Could use the high rate of Black crime to say it's because of the mental anguish of having to live under white laws that their ethnicity is not compatible with and it would be kinder to segregate whites and blacks.

Embed streamable into presentation and take donnos for media?

Talk about how the mud people shouldn't want to live anywhere near white people.
Talk about how violent we are.
Talk about every fable thing we did in the holocaust and how muds should be literally afraid of us.
Talk about how white priviledge is effecting black people and making them kill jews.
Talk about how it's going to be the indians and mexicans next.

Write every single word you're going to say and read it. Don't go full 88 retard but don't cuck, put subtile redpills if possible coded. Anything, red pills from MLK/Malcolm X /Obama, stats on what race suicides more, say blacks more likely to get arrested and so on but we can wonder what part is racism and what part is due to higher crime rates and so on. You should figure this out to do a good performance. Good luck user

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>pretend to be jewish at lawschool
>give subversive ethnostate speech mentioning the holocaust
>starts drowning in khazar milkers from all the jewish girls that want to fuck him
Win win

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What exactly are the requirements for your presentation? There has to be a way to subvert it and use it as an opportunity to redpill the class. Several anons have already given suggestions. Practicing this art now will only help you in law school and your legal career.

You shouldn't be panicking, you should be celebrating. This is a beautiful opportunity just handed to you.

Oh I never noticed that (embarrassed to say I'm serious). No its cause you always mention that you're Romanian lol

If you can't weasel your way out of this and do it in a way that makes whites not look bad, then you aren't going to make it as a lawyer. Give up now.

Don't let them forget that we're the only race that gave our lives to free another race from slavery.
And don't let them forget that less than 1% of whites owned slaves, the rest were the Jews that were importing them.

Do it and then put it's ok to be white posters all over the place.

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so youre telling me you didnt know im a based trap lover till now?


i would tell everyone that i am a Jewish supremacist, though not Jewish myself.
When people naturally ask why, i ask them how it could be otherwise? How could the presidents of all major news media sites be jewish if there was not something innately superior about them?
How could a full third of the supreme court be Jewish if there was not something innately superior about them?
It fucks up SJW minds so hard because they instantly come up with reasons jews are not better than them. They become the Nazis they were trying to confront, they form the arguments i would have tried to, but would not have been able to. They become the ones repulsed by the question of racial supremacy and seek to answer it by means other than racial supremacy.
And if they accuse me of being racist, i tell them yes, i am a jewish supremacist. How could anyone believe races are equal compared to Jews. Then double down on my defense of this belief.
Its checkmate.

Talk about preservation of race, both white and black, through segregation. Quote Malcom X, and Muhammad Ali on segregation. Talk about how the only way to preserve black and white culture is to have the races separate but equal.

The reason the Jew wins the culture ear is that he does not not fight with honour. He lies, cheats, manipulates and steals. You can think of doing this assignment as fighting fire with fire. The Western European's innate sense of honour is used against him. Recognise the trick and turn it back on its aggressor. Think of the character of Snape in the Harry Potter series.

lol plz gib me monies instead

Unironically i did not. I know there's a Romanian who posts from Israel who can't leave cause your Mom has debt you are held responsible for.

State you are a jewish supremacist then drop redpills about jewish control but in a positive light. The professor will shit xirself

Your life aint going to get "Ruined" by "one bad score" you spineless faggot.
And you are a man. you can always work any labor job.
Just ask yourself what would stone cold steve austin do?

you have ONE OPPORTUNITY in your life to tell them all to SUCK IT WHITE PRIDE, so fucking do it, or regret it for the rest of your god damn life.

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The only correct thing to do is go through with it and give us the zoom link

why do you have to do that?


Post the zoom link

because law is dominated by kikes

also make sure someone is recording you while you start "pretending" to go with the crowd and then suddenly say "You know what? white people fucking rule, and without us you would be living in mud huts, so SUCK ITTTTTTT"
and do the DX with your hands.

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PS: I will personally debate your professor and absolutely hand their ass to them on any topic you wish. Post the link

Give a presentation about 'white privilege'.
Show that it was artificially injected into society to disrupt the Occupy Wall Street movement by shifting the blame from trillionaire capitalists onto working class white men.
Literally argue like a commie. If they get mad about how 'muh white privilege' call them a capitalist boot licker.

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i have my earrape files ready

do it sarcastically, like just because every discovery by human kind was made by whites doesnt mean they are blessed by nature etc

What have you been actually told to do OP? I'm genuinely curious. What is the grading criteria and subject matter? Do burgers actually have to publicly apologise for slavery or something to earn their degree?

I do too, rabbi

unironically this
flag doesn't check out

Listen fag. Say you are a jewish supremacist. Tell them they control the media and you look up to them, are inspired by their success. That you want to be like the jews in their ability to take power and look out for their people. If the teacher doesn't like it then they are antisemetic in feont of the whole class

when its over user please tell us what you did im curious

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do aussies have to publicly apologise for genocide?

Oh how bout start with, "I'm going to explain my perspective on x as a Jewish individual." Than say anything and everything you want. Then tell the teacher if you don't get an A you're going to assume antisemitism played a part in your teachers decision. Call teacher holocaust denier too. A+ guaranteed

White privilege is real, just talk objectively about it. Nothing to be ashamed of. Your parents and grandparents gave you a cultural inheritance of values, ethics, and beliefs; a genetic inheritance of health, strength, and intelligence; and yes, a material inheritance of wealth that allows you to study law. Just talk about that.


Here you go friendo. Also use the Zac Goldberg data from twitter on the uptick of the term racism in 2013 then mention that hate crimes against white people have spiked massively since 2013 too.

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Imagine being so normie tier that you pass up an opportunity as golden as this one to troll the shit out of people.

Do it but fill it full of subtle dog whistles that you can claim plausible deniability on, you dense faggot.

this is what south koreans unironically do
they even study the talmud in school

literally only in the west is this kind of shit acceptable. why? why do you do this?

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