>parents are landlords
>own 12 housing properties in california
>stand to inherit half of it, my sister the other half
>Yas Forums hates my father
We neither price gouge nor try and fuck with our tenants. We also don't rent out shithole slums. Hell, my family has already told folks that they can work out payment plans for people who can't work temporarily due to the crisis. What more do you want? The place to be free?
Parents are landlords
dude, dont you get that These threads only started after the quarantine happened ?
those arent Yas Forumsacks, those are redditors, who dont have savings and go crazy cause they have to stay indoors and havent gotten their hormones for a week
>The place to be free?
I want white people to own their own house and land.
And I don't want non-whites, so there will be no-one to rent to.
However, if you want to own overseas property and rent that...
Explain to me why "I own a piece of the Earth because I traded money for it" makes more sense than "I own a piece of the Earth because I pissed on it".
>But im one of the good ones
You wouldnt own 12 fucking properties if you were one of the good ones. But grats on winning the RNG lottery at no point in your life will you ever have to choose between a roof or food.
Because we have an agreed upon societal system where currency holds value so as to facilitate the exchange of goods and services rather than a pure barter economy.
yous getting trolled, you fucking faggot
its faggot trannies from plebbit or discord
sell their peni if they need monies
>>Yas Forums hates my father
It's small amounts of loud commies.
You should price gouge the fuckers.
No, that would be immoral.
So you made Earth?
>Because we have an agreed upon societal system where currency holds value so as to facilitate the exchange of goods and services rather than a pure barter economy.
Show me where I signed.
just try to pay someone with a bottle of piss, next time you buy something and see what happens
I mean, you don't have to follow it, but that also forfeits other societal protections.
No, but we pay into part of a system that protects access to portions of land. The building on it however was payed for, so it not merely the land but the facilities as well. The idea is you are paying for the services the facility on the land provides, shelter & what ever else the home has. The section of land itself is private property because we pay to allow individuals to own particular sections of land. If what you have a problem with land ownership as a concept at all?
Explain to me how you're capable of reading and writing but you don't understand exchanging goods and services or property rights? Are you autistic?
>I mean, you don't have to follow it, but that also forfeits other societal protections.
which would be a fair trade if I wasn't exempt from those protections by being white. as it stands now society holds its hand out demanding I owe it money while giving nothing in return
Perhaps you don't understand my question. What just principle equates the numbers in your bank account with a right of ownership, any more than pissing on it? If you have enough money, you can buy entire forests and mountain ranges. Why? You didn't make the planet. What is it about money that magically turns anything it touches into private property?
You poor landlord
I hope you and your whole family dies of the virus you spiritual kike. All parasites are subhuman scum.
I mean you have lots of benefits of societal protections. The fact we have things like basic standards for what goes into our food is only a thing because of government regulation after public demand. The same with many other substances we are sold. As well we can be sure of the fact that when we purchase things they are, if we do not buy them via debt, ours. As well public systems like roads, emergency relief, libraries, public schooling, etc. Some of these are not stellar, but they exist for people.
What protections do you feel like you're not getting because you're white? As a white man I actually feel more secure because our legal system favors us in all interactions with minorities.
Fuck yo family.
The idea stems from the fact there are natural resources that make up that land. Being able to protect those resources and exclude others from using them is a basis of private property at its core. We pay into a larger system, our government, which enforces this. On a smaller scale we can simply drive all the way back to the roots of our civilization. Ancient Uruk had similar concepts to the modern, only less sophisticated due to lack of information infrastructure.
You edgy little faggots are still in school so you have no place to comment on the effect spiritual kikes have on our society and extorting anyone with a decent job in a decent location. They are nothing more than shabbos middle men for bankers even if they aren't jews which makes them worse they are spiritual kikes and traitors.
Sounds alright to me if you are working with the tenants, but landlords jewing it up in the middle of a societal crisis deserve the rope.
"agreed upon" sure you flying faggot, the end is coming.
fuck off nigger.
No one should be looked down on for inheriting wealth. That's great. Just never forget that your opinion means jack shit because of it. If you start spouting off your mouth about whatever the daily social justice cause is 20 years from now, you deserve to be beaten to within an inch of your life.
>you have a problem with land ownership as a concept at all?
I think the way we have implemented it is very flawed, and allows for what is essentially a theft from future generations.
It seems to me that the founding principle of any just system is that those who are not yet alive will, when they are born, have the same rights as those who are alive today. Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says “Everyone has the right to own property.” But because it places no limit on the amount one person can own, it ensures that everyone does not have this right. I would change it to this: “Everyone has the right to use property without infringing the rights of others to use property.”
The implication is that everyone born today would acquire an equal right of use, or would need to be compensated for their exclusion. One way of implementing this is through major land taxes, paid into a sovereign wealth fund. It would alter and restrict the concept of land ownership, and ensure that economies tended towards distribution, rather than concentration.
The answer to the landlord problem is very simple
what do land lords spend their lives doing if they never have to work? i've known people that come out of retirement to work a shit job just because they are bored
Are you jewish?
>major land taxes, paid into a sovereign wealth fund
Lmao this is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. All you're doing is creating the world's most massive, retarded, and corrupt landlord.
>tree huger
>is retarded
makes sense
Nope, white with majority Anglo & Iberian heritage, however the family has been in the USA for hundreds of years so I more think of myself as american than what ever European heritage it stems from.
My father works still, works with a major contractors for the DoD.
>extorting anyone with a decent job in a decent location
a DECENT human got some savings he can use to pay the rent he owes his land lord like a DECENT person
quit being a fucking jew you fucking nigger
>caring what neets and shutins think
A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
Why should we have to pay for rent?
Kill your sister faggot.
Imagine the pussy you'll have with double the money
Morals don't exist in California unless you count being a homosexual brown as morals.
I want to outlaw usury in the mortgage business so housing costs plummet to 1950s levels and people don't need to rent
>My father works still, works with a major contractors for the DoD.
So his father isn't just a spiritual kike parasite feeding off his neighbors but a military industrial kike feeding off the taxpayers. Your whole family belongs up a chimney and if you don't disown them and more importantly their behaviors of parasitism you deserve to go with them.
>own 12 housing properties
>dindu nuffin. he a gud boi
We don't life in the bay area or LA area. California is a large place and many parts of it outside of the two major population hubs are conservative.
They are antifa
>We don't price gouge
Charges +$600 for a tiny studio apartment.
t. living in a relatives house because of price gouging landlords.
DoD does more than just eat money, there is plenty of it which is research focused. In particular research into new, better, and safer forms of nuclear energy is a big focus of the DoD and DoE.
Explain to me why I can't move into your home tomorrow and live there for free?
You are literally supporting the practice of usury while calling another person a kike you fucking pink triangle trust fund faggot. I have respect for anyone who rents rooms/units in a building they live in everyone else doing real estate speculation and rental is a parasitic kike unjustly feeding off the productivity of others while in most cases providing the most minimal of services in return. My family has plenty of money they just taught me morality and that making more money off usury is just about the most subhuman immoral way you can.
Wait does Yas Forums hate me?
I own a condo next to a university, and plan on buying more condos next to said university, and rent them out only to members of the fraternity i was in at a lower rate then the other units around me. Does Yas Forums hate me for trying to do a solid for my bros?
Except you aren't a lion but a leech and will be burnt off the veins of society.
Anyone who uses the term 'my father' is always a creepy little rich kid. I have never been proven wrong by following this rule.
>family has a lot of Californian (expensive) properties
>father is a bigshot in a defense contractor
What else OP? I didn’t realize we had actual richfags post here.
You're hoarding houses. Besides relying on am artificial shortage you created, you don't contribute anything. You're essentially a leech. Hopefully daddy dies a slow agonising death from the virus and you survive long enough to be beaten to death
You're fucked, those faggots will squat as society collapses and your inheritance will dry up like an old cunts pussy.
>supporting usury
It's really simple you just don't understand you are a faggot because you have no dignity or humanity.
Illegal and kill yourself. Also fake and gay.
Why shouldn't you? I support communal housing.
Shut the fuck up you leech your father is a major parasite and so are you
I hope niggers shank your father and destroy all the property.
>Owns 12 properties
>Why are people mad at my parents?
Because they own 12 properties? Its people like them that have permanently fucked up housing supply in America. I'm all for ownership over renting but Christ, nobody needs 12 properties.
I'm not sure what else there is. I work and live on my own, mostly do what I want to be honest. Uncle holds some patents for medical/surgical equipment, does a lot of work with the UAE. The properties aren't that expensive compared to what you see in the big city though, sure they all have a couple of units each but that's nothing compared to what you see in the bay area with the big block apartments.
Anyone who uses another family member to raise their own status (like Ben Shapiro always saying his wife is a lawyer) is a gigantic faggot
You will still be making a profit and thus will be a hypocritical parasite and they obviously aren't your brothers if you're going to leech income from them you cunt. You either rent the units at cost and upkeep so you can make money off property value or you are lower than a kike and a parasite making money off usury.
nigger you think i give a shit about your imaginary quotes?
you sign a contract and you abide by it you filthy jew
just because it's "inconvenient" for you now you can't just pretend the whole system is out to get you filthy niggers
why didn't you just buy a house you dumb slut?
maybe because you brainlet faggot couldn't amount to shit and is stuck flipping burgers at MC Dicks for minimum wage
stop projecting your poor life choices and your parents failure onto society
>works with UAE
>father is a contractor with the DoD
>couple of units each
Next you’re gonna say you’re Freemasons.
>We neither price gouge nor try and fuck with our tenants.
Well you are one of the few then.
...sorry, that his wife is a doctor