Anyone who is not a Frisian is not a true Aryan. We are not influenced by the kikes like the Anglos or Germans we are our own kings.
We are the purest most Aryan people
Literally who?
Not a real country. Just say "Holland"
We're different from the Dutch.
American education system at its finest
You are just a stubborn people refusing to kys for living in the most boring place imaginable. The Scandinavians at least realize how shit their countries are to live and off themselves in high numbers. You are just sticking around and even want independence, all 12 of you and your 50 sheep. Have fun with your cold, windy, flat, lifeless patch of grass.
Also why does every word you people say sound like "gang bang"?
Succes mei corona kanker fagot
Lol no, of all your dopey tribes the Rugii were peak kang.
That’s a cute flag it contains cute hearths. Is that the new fag pride flag?
Succes zonder ons, halve holbewoner.
This I live in Leeuwarden as soon as you go outside the city limits you see a bunch of white negroid albino monkeys. Sometimes I see them when I look through the window when I’m sitting in the train. I kind of feel bad for them for being so retarded.
The eternal Friese
Go back to Amsteram retarded zoomer
Live in Leeuwarden too bruh but I’m here for school
Get cancer snownigger.
Fuck off, Hilbert.
Plant a tree, nigger.
Yeah me too. The city is bearable and the people are nice because they are the actual Frisians. But the rest of the province literally consist out of white haired snowniggers and they all got gross freckles and speak a degenerate form of Dutch.
They also say they’re 100% related to the Anglos because in their inbred language “boter” is “butter” these people are pathetic as fuck.
A bunch of subhuman throwbacks is what you mean then yes
Checked maar je bent wel een kankerboer. Zonder Nederlandse subsidie zou jullie hele industrie in elkaar vallen, dus doe me een lol en word gewoon onafhankelijk. Dan hoeven wij ook niet meer die achterlijke boerenprotesten om te gaan.
>We are not influenced by the kikes
lets not forget dutch jews brought slaves to USA
Alot of Frisians came to Canada, go to any Christian Reformed Church and you'll likely find Frisians and definitely dutch.
Some of the towns that were settled the new dutch and frisian farmers only spoke dutch or frisian so they formed close communities.
>t.2nd generation frisian canadian
I bet alot went to South Africa as well but I can't say for sure.
I conquered you guys in EU4
I thought the USA thoroughly enjoyed that.
I’m so sorry for you.
You aren't Frisian unless your surname ends in -inga
The rest of you in Holland are midget Frenchmen pretending to be swamp G*rmans
Are you winding us up? You dutch CUNTS brought the jews to England. The anglo is like he is because of you, we were jew free.
Not Frisian but I like you guys. Keep it up.
Dutch =/= Frisian
The Anglo is even worse than the Jew.
Because you got Frisian genes. You probably look like an albino nigger.
Frisians are not Dutch they’re basically the sami niggers of the BeNeLux.
Liever dae as slaef boppe
Modern Dutch are Frankish. Frisians have existed since Angles, Saxon and Jutes were on the continent. I guess the Eternal Anglo doesn't even read his epics anymore.
>Sword of this size and no cross guard.
Nigga, at this point might as well get a spear.
Dutch is a Frankish language but most Dutch people are not Franks only the Flemish and the provinces below the Rhine are Frankish. Holland consists out of Frisian niggers in denial. East of the country has based Saxons which are absolute bro’s with the Franks. So yeah you got Franks in the South, Saxons in the east and there rest is pretty much degenerate AF.
Pier the Chad didn't need any wimpy ass spears
That’s Johannes Kankerkneus the 3th smallest Dutch person ever. He was 70 cm tall.
>Zonder Nederlandse subsidie zou jullie hele industrie in elkaar vallen,
Frisians completely own the dairy industry not Just in the Netherlands but also in the US.
When we shut down our supplies for a week you hollanders will be sucking dick for a slice of cheese.
Well I dont? Dont really know any Frisians who look like that at all desu. Some often have freckles but I actually like that, also red hair which is nice.
The Dutch wouldn't even exist if it weren't for the Frisians will to exist independent from Rome and later the Franks and even later France itself.
Honestly I feel bad for Dutch/Frisians still cooped up in cities, I might still have Frisian blood but im Canadian in the sense that I go hiking, canoeing, hunting, fishing every summer and I know most of you will never get to experience what actual outdoors feels like. (Not like you Hollanders could even take 30 min of it anyway)
My great grandma was Frisian, am I white? lol
Manlet Frank in denial
as a vlaming i support frisian independence from the cancer monarchy of blasted nederland
Otherwise known as the Flatlanders
Come to Urk for barehanded fistfight
you'd probably get bit by one mosquito and go
>das is het, ik ga terug
I emigrated to they gay province I can tell the moment you step outside of this city the only thing you will see is albino niggers.
Frisians didn’t fucking resist Rome they were conquered and later the Romans left because Frisia literally a aids swamp.
This meant they stayed in their poop huts and didn’t become civilised like us Franks.
Neuken in de keuken
No, you're not. You're literally such fucking incels, you build your own little islands and started starving on them, then begging the dutch and the germans to bring you food.
You're the most inbred retard bunch of backwards hillbillies I've ever witnessed. Fucking hell. Your precious language is nothing else than german spoken by someone who got his head smashed in with a fucking shovel.
Fucking kill yourself you inbreeding degnerate.
I wish I was Friesian so my Saxon ancestry wouldn’t be an Americanlarp
Frisia was never conquered by the Romans.
Fuck off European bayou hillbilly
Funny language
It was retard read the Annales by Tacitus.
Wtf based
how dumb can you be?
Yeah we pumped their swamps dry because they are degenerates and van’t do shit. You’re much more likely to get bitten by cow shit beetles.
Mevrouw mag ik u rijden?