Coronavirus is a conspiracy to try and cost Trump the election

Coronavirus is a conspiracy to try and cost Trump the election.

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No shit.

Check the catalog.
Then kys.

I get to work from home tho. Til April 5 AT LEAS, so Coronavirus rules.

and trump wants people to get sick and die so he can win the election

everybody understands this .. it won't work.

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They used the virus to call him racist when he acted early and closed the borders. Now they say he's not doing enough to crash the economy. Fuck these people so much.


>he's not doing enough to crash the economy
no, no. he's done more than enough to crash the economy.

I cant wait until the middle of april when the death toll becomes apocalyptic and all you retards understand the true gravity of this disease

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why are conservashits eternally victims even when in power?

Coronavirus is fucking over ruling parties everywhere over party lines. Here the right wing opposition is constantly demanding leftist government to implement more restrictions and bashing them for not reacting strongly enough.

nice, I'm glad at least one country tries the kamikaze approach with the virus

I'm doing trying on covid 19 right now for work. (ICU nurse) AMA.

whats not to love about coronachan? i get a free 2 week vacation then back to work. plus the trump bux and the fools drinking fish tank cleaner, it comes with a few lulz as well. still voting dem but thanks for the laughs.

>mfw Trumptards think Coronachan is a hoax and opening up everything in 2 weeks will guarantee his re-election
Go for it champs, I'll be watching that shit show with a bowl of popcorn.

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Then why did he steal 6 trillion dollars over it....


own the libs

Dont worry there will be 6 more conspiracies before election day

I cant wait until it's not and people like you get lynched for manufacturing a crisis.

Do a quick search to see how many presidents win reelections during a recession

There will be no checks

I keep telling people there is no way in hell the gov is going to give white males money... They consider us the enemy and would rather burn the whole country down first.

>numbers arent real
>big number is big
>muh economy

Are you just a day trader that lost all his shit

The entire world has tanked their economies for the Muttistan political charade.

How can anyone with half a brain still think this clownshoe isn't in over his head?

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>killing old people in italy and spain so trump loses
ermmmmmmm okay Q-Boomer

reminder, deaths peak in 3 weeks, cases likely peak before deaths, and Easter is in 2 1/2 weeks

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His approval ratings have soared recently you brainlets

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Okay, Republican go back to work. Make sure to touch every doorknob and then your face immediately.

cause everyone sees through it, you chode

>muh conspiracy against tv show host!...
the US is poised to strangle back control from their Chinese masters, this isn't that hard to see they'd hype up a "pandemic" that kills less than "humidity". use your fucking brains.

funny they mention the "peak day" right after trump says a date, huh?...

>pandemic that kills less than x

Can we count the media events this far? Hes a racist! Hes a misogynist. Friend of Russia. Let impeach him! Nope still there. Now hes a racist again. May have saved the economy with stimulus. STILL RACIST.....fuck. I cant take it any more.... chynah.. . Haha....

>Imagining the globalist banking cabal doesn't really want us all dead after fapping to the idea for 50 years now.

Yes, user. They are your friends.

I have to talk to you guys like retarded children- no one said the virus, which is a flu, is a hoax, the overreaction is the hoax. damn dudes, you dumb.

>the US is poised to strangle back control from their Chinese masters
Yes, and why is that? Because the virus exposed how dangerous our dependency on China is. The virus has been a wake-up call to bring back industry and take a hard line against China.

it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, he wants to believe and it will cost him the election, that is the real beauty here

came here to post this but with all caps

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

how do you cope with sandnigger?

I’m far from a conservative, but are you really ignoring the shit that media spins about them constantly? Republicans have been represented as the damned devil my entire life, they’re constantly “victimized.” Especially conservatives. Glad I’m not one, tbqf.

yes, this "pandemic" kills less than people shot by illegal immigrants a day, which is not a "pandemic". big words hard?

Yes. My entire country has been shut down for 21 days. Cops are literally beating people up for being on the streets.

All to help Trump lose an election.

If Obama said this shit during a pandemic Yas Forumstards would screech about how muslim king nigger wants to kill off Christians.

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You know 0% about political economics

trump ran on taking on china, that wasn't because of the virus, lol

I'm just waiting for Trump to force open the quarantine and watch it devastate the entire country for decades

Trumptards would rather shoot off an arm to save their Mr Shekelberg's pinky toe

That's with normal quarantine routines

If he opens up, the cases will keep on increasing

There’s no use in explaining it, leaf. They all keep their eyes wide shut.

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What wonderful theory considering most NPC’s think he’s doing a good job.

Reminder to not get your information from bias news sources whose focus has been the same for the past four years.

if biden is able to win in nov, china basically becomes ruler of the civilized world. do you not think the media (all owned by Chinese companies) are not hyping this up to help that happen?

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This. The fact that people are still unironically dismissing this as some kind of political fuckery is astonishing

this is slow boiling, you haven't seen anything yet. he will either have to sacrifice boomers or the economy, people will understand the impact in a few weeks or even months. but then again he will run against biden so has basically won already.
But he will fuck the US up while milking the last drops via deregulations and sweet stimulus for big corporates

Does he realize it's the governors that are making the decision, not his useless fat ass?

The first time in my life I wish this was redditt, so I could come back to you in a month and absolutely smear your face in your fucking wrong worthless prediction. But thats fine, you can have your anonymous and completely fucking WRONG opinion and not pay any consequences for it.

The virus further vindicates Trump on the China issue. He can use it to promote his agenda, already has in fact.

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double standards is the new norm

>global economic recession
>NWO power grab
>entire west set up to survive on impoverished government gibs
all to stop trump being re-elected? what could they possibly fear from trump? has he inacted a single pro white policy?
what even is this board

would it be fair to assume that the people being beaten in India aren't BJP members? Modi may have taken his opening to take more power.

yeah, I think we're in agreement

>owned by Chinese companies

If he could get his medical advisers to say that, I might give a shit about his take on the subject.
oh yeah, all fake bro. Just a flu bro.

it IS devastating the entire country

they tried a jew coup to get rid of him so they activated more extreme measures, use the chinks to deploy a bioweapon
the deep state pedo cabal WILL have their absolute dictatorship, they WILL have you singing praises of China and no retarded orange man will get in their way