/GBG/ - Greek Borders General - Roach Vehicles Falling Apart edition


Latest Updates
----------------------------------------- 24/03
A couple of Greek F-16 flew over Evros at lower altitudes
The MRAP Typhoon GSS-300 armored vehicles have arrived in Kastanies, Evros and will soon patrol the border
Videos from this afternoon show people at the Turkish side of the border, very few women and children, mostly men
(partially unrelated) literal truckloads of coffins seen all over Turkey
"refugee" camp in Kos erupts with fights between Arab and African immigrants (video on mediafire)
----------------------------------------- 25/03
Turkish Coast guard ship makes dangerous maneuvers around Greek Navy ship in Greek territorial water near Chios
Greek border guards mock and laugh at Turkish forces that had a vehicle to break right next to the border and had to be towed by a tractor (video on mediafire)
Greek border guards sing the Greek anthem at the Evros border (video on mediafire)
During the Greek national anthem, two Greek F-16 flew over the Evros region near the border (video on mediafire)
NATO calls Greek Independence Day "National Day" and does not address the border crisis caused by Turkey

Latest CNN interview of PM mitsotakis: youtube.com/watch?v=GqU022LgT-M

>Videos and images

For this full list check the pastebin

Poseidon's Wall (Shoutout to CzechBro)

Previous Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:



>!!!!!!!!! Support Greece, Buy Greek Products !!!!!!!!!!!!

For full list of updates check /GBG/ pastebin

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----------------------------------------- 23/03
"refugees" pretend they are new arrivals to leave islands faster and be transferred to mainland Greece
boat with 56 immigrants arrived to Lesvos 50 from Afghanistan and 6 from Africa, 116 people arrived to the islands yesterday
Greek forces had to use their giant fan once again due to Turkish smoke and gas grenades (video on mediafire)
Helicopter flies over Chios "refugee camp" after cases of chinese flu were reported inside the camp
more videos of Turkish forces shooting Gas and Smoke grenades at Greek Border Guards

----------------------------------------- 22/03
video shows Turkish forces shooting more CS Gas grenades in Greek Territory (video on mediafire)
Turkish forces shoot gas grenades at Greek personel trying to repair border fence (video on mediafire)
CCTV Footage shows immigrants trying to cut through Greek border fence with several tools (video on mediafire)
Series of videos from Today's afternoon shows more attempts to take down border and responses from Greek Border guards shooting gas grenades (video on mediafire)
CCTV footage shows large amount of Gas and Smoke grenades being shot at Greek border guards by Turkish forces to help and provide cover to immigrants to tear down border fence (video on mediafire)
Video made by Turkish propaganda agency shows Turkish forces shooting gas & smoke grenades at Greek Border
Video shows a large group of people working on dismantling the Greek border fence in Evros
more videos showing Turkish Gas and Smoke grenades being shot at the Greek borders to provide cover for people taking down the fence
a total 1345 immigrants who arrived after March 1st are being transferred to a closed facility in mainland greece, they cant apply for asylum and will be deported
CCTV Footage shows Greek side of border taken by Smoke and CS Gas grenades with extremely low visibility

----------------------------------------- 21/03
Despite claims that Turkey has removed immigrants from Evros border, video shows several fireplaces and people at the border at night (video on mediafire)
Drones continue to spy on Greek borders, 1453TB2 drone in Evros and TCB804 from Lesvos to Rodos
Turkish Spy boat Oruc Reis continues to sail around Kastellorizo, Cyprus and EEZ waters
forecasts for Coronavirus infection in Turkey are of possible 200 000 infected, Erdogan's government is considering opening prisons and releasing 100 000 criminals, only excluding those related with terrorist activities
Leftist movements ignore quarantine orders and perform a small protest in Athens to demand open borders and to let the immigrants in
Albania received 30 000 "refugees" from Turkey, sent them to Greek villages inside Albanian borders in North Epirus, also instituted Matial law due to coronavirus concerns
Video from 21/03 morning shows the devastation created by the immigrants to the Kastanias forest on the Turkish side, extremely deforested, trees burned and a lot of smoke (Video on Mediafire)

----------------------------------------- 20/03
Immigrants at moria "volunteer" to become part of the UN White Helmets and want the program to exist in Greece now (video on mediafire)
Video from another night of chaos at the Evros border with Turkish police shooting gas grenades and illegal immigrants shouting Allahu Ackbar (video on mediafire)
Video from 19/03 in Evros border shows immigrants throwing rocks at Greek Border patrol
284 Illegal Immigrants were transferred today from Chios island to the mainland, where they will be returned to their country of origin(supposedly) after a short while
At a migrant centre in Greece today, customers complained about the "service" and how nobody is cleaning their bathroom or that they dont have rooms with less people
Arson at NGO building that belonged to "One Happy Family" was caused by THREE PALESTINIANS
Apparently Turkey has removed immigrants from borders and took them to Constantinople due to coronavirus

Turk Army STRONK we Invade Europe with Tractors!!!111

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it's ok u can use the pic on the next one..besides...the theme today is Tractors... ; )

lets never forget about this one

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Saved and kek

saved because roach are scum that need extermination service

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seems the roaches are doing heavy lagor today...how long did it take for the GBG to reach the limit?

Blessing this thread

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RIP Solomos Solomou proud gay greek pole dancer who died doing what he loved.

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kill all roach and burn them like insects

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damn, I dont even know man, I made that previous thread like 5:30 AM here or something, stayed up until 6 I think and went to sleep (yes severe insomnia)

so I would say over 6 hours, I'm impressed that it was not archived

Good job on celebrating the Murder of a man who's balls were bigger than your entire roach army....shows your roach values as a farse of a nation...all you ever achieved is Murder and Genocide...cope harder

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hey piece of shit roaches, get in here and keep bumping the thread.

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desu it was rescued several times by a few anons who

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thanks anons, I really thought it was already archived when I got in here, I was ready to make another one, things have been too slow lately

I am currently doing what some of you have suggested of making a list of previous threads, currently on March 8 lol

Dont you have bbc to suck in muttland?

hahah you couldn't even conquer the whole of Cyprus...u got buttfucked by a handful of soldiers and had to retreat halfway...USELESS...
Here's the man that SINGLEHANDEDLY destroyed SIX of your RoachTanks...in your pathetic invasion...

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And check those digits, fag

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STFU Faggot

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>you will always be an amerimutt

I feel bad for you

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Corona Chan closed all borders
Thanks you Corona Chan

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yes, keep bumping my thread niggers

Dare i say, /ourvirus/?


Here's some History for the roaches..read and weep...


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You dare my good man


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I love how roaches always get absolutely mowed down in these threads, feels good man

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>Muh goat yogurtz
>Muh Feta cheese
>Muh 6million year old olive trees
>Greek stronk
>Muh goats

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What do you care what greeks do in their country?


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Fuck New World Order
Fuck Open Borders
Fuck EU
Fuck UN

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Great idea. This is now a Brazilian h8 thread

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>Muh Nürnberger Rostbratwurstzen

I imagine myself in Καστανιές (Kastanies), leading my Covert Janissary Platoon of Bordo Bereliler at the border. Our mission is to push out the 99% male subh*mans from rightful Ottoman land. We tell the subh*mans the border is open but they keep staying. I shoot subh*man gr**ks but I hit the subh*man refug**s by accident so I draw my CS gas cannisters and start throwing and shooting aimlessly, since gr**Ks are way more psychically superior to me. I tell my people i deported them by the dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept deporting for I have KARA SHOÇLAR by my side. Then shot again and again. The Χρυσή Αυγή militias (Golden Dawn) were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see Atatürk cursing at me, I smile back whispering ya Allah… Then I woke up, back in Greece. Plato and Socrates gave me a warm welcome to jannah. I finally made it, I'm finally Greek...

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Nigga what?


post discarded, sorry

look at this toiletpaper burn

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Memeflag. opinion discarded

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Nice digits fren

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Happy Greek Independence Day
May the all-holy Theotokos guide and protect you

Thread theme

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Its a cool little story. About a Turk that fights the Islamic way in order to go to heaven, so Allah will fulfill his wish.
>his wish is to be a Greek
its a top kek story

I smell faggotry.

lol yw breh, these threads here are /extremely/ comfy, like the old days

she really did , reaching cvg 2500 soon

fuck and kill roach to celebrate 199 years of horror against them woosh it burn

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Uhh guys?



>has S 0 Y in id
>acting like a bitch
whew, dont fuck with that meme magic, next thing you know holes close up no matter how much ya dilate

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I imagine myself in Idlib, leading my Elite Janissary Platoon of Bordo Bereliler. Our mission is to push back the Syrian subhumans from rightful Ottoman land. We mow down Syrians but we keep missing. I shoot subhuman Syrians but I run out of ammo so I draw my Sword and start swinging aimlessly, since Syrians are way more psychically superior to me. I tell my people i slayed them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting for I have KARA SHOÇA by my side. Then shot again and again. The Syrian Arab Army(SAA) were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see Atatürk cursing at me, I smile back whispering ya Allah… Then I woke up, back in Greece. Plato and Socrates gave me a warm welcome to jannah. I finally made it, I'm finally Greek...

Nvm noticed the dates.

Look at this weak manlet of Greek army. And they think they can oppose themselfs to Turkish autority.

Not in germany, you still have to say the magic word und you get in.

kinda slow desu, but yeah, these are nice threads, today we have more roaches than normal because its the day that people celebrate them getting their asses kicked

>muh bratwursts