What's your testosterone level, user? You DID have it measured, didn't you?!?

What's your testosterone level, user? You DID have it measured, didn't you?!?

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>being such a faggot that you have to get a test to make sure you have enough t

My T is so high I was completely bald at 19 years old.

Had a full blood panel done two years ago.
38yo chad

I'd like to punch all of them. Knowing i'd win.

These low t dudes can get laid so why cant you faggots?

The Asian was the highest testing one too

My job had me working 18 hours a day for months with no sunlight or opportunity to workout and eat right.

On top of getting older, I decided to take an at home test.

Now I've started eating right, sleeping better, and working out seriously. And recently moved into cutting out xenoestrogens and plastic from my life.

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Over 9000

High enough to remain in peak physical shape with

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Haha same :(

>not knowing just guessing
low t spotted

Take ashwagandha and boron. After 60 days of taking it, I feel stronger, my body looks more Chadish, I'm not just motivated to exercise daily, it makes me feel fucking amazing, I've gained muscle mass with incredible ease, and my depression/stress levels are almost non-existent now.

You're a tranny?

teh best and only answer

>they can get laid
they can become providers for some burned roastie then get dumped when a better beta provider comes


What test is this? I might get tested myself.

Nothing to do with politics. We don't build society to maximize the abuse of children, so we don't build it on high testosterone leadership.

Drama peaks higher in quality than action.

That's due to DHT not testosterone

The EveryWell at home test. There are others that can take a tiny blood sample too. I just used this as a basis for a before and after lifestyle change. I'm taking another one on two months.

>You DID have it measured, didn't you?!?
I did. I wanted legal steroids, but my test was above 700. They refused "therapy" even on my own dime. I'll never be Ahnold unless I break the law like he did/does.

Doc said mine is indicative of steroid use. Been lifting since I was 11.
Never touched roids. Just high T

Probably lower than average. Should get it checked out but never bothered lol.

Got my tested it came in at 236, talk to my doctor tomorrow. Took another test this monday, really hoping to get TRT so I can be a normal fucking person.

btw that 236 was in the morning with in an hour of waking up, so thats my peak for the whole day

Back to /cheat/ fgt

Asians have higher testosterone in general

1055 ng/dl

pretty average i suppose

huhuhu he can coom
me coom too

>Asians have higher testosterone in general
False. Spics have higher test than all of us. Niggers have more estrogen, though. :)

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hows your diet like, liftweights?sunshine?supplements? If you dont have any of that in place you're a retard for hopping on trt. Once you hop in trt theres no going back, you must take it for life as your ability to produce test is halted. Get your health in order first, if that doesnt solve it than hop on trt


I have just started a dose of 25mg Clomid every other day along with vitamin E to increase my natural test, look into the studies for yourself.

Its nearly a week since I began and already my moods improved my sleeps improved and also I had a nocturnal emission kek as well as increase appetite. Look into it anons it might be what you need

I understand that, I have had this issue for 4 years I suffered without knowing what the hell is wrong with me. I've tried multiple things and nothing has worked. No sex drive, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, foggy, mood swings.

I'm done man I'll take whatever I can get just to stop my from killing myself.

Really? THOSE guys are surprised they're low test??

See you need to try Clomid for real that sounds like me these past few months but the change I saw even after like 3 days I could begin to feel more normal like how I used to be

Pay attention to the side effects. Clomid use can lead to permanent vision floaters. Also, even though Clomid can raise your Testosterone level, many people don’t actually feel physically different. Meaning just because yor number is higher, you’ll still feel like a beta fag

It's not just them.

Sperm counts have dropped 50% since the 60's.

The UK literally lowered the bar for a low T diagnosis in order to avoid having to declare a national health crisis and address the issue.

And the use of teflon coated cookware alone has most likely robbed you of .75 cm of cock.

Yeah I have been paying attention, my vison only took a hit when I drank a lot of alcohol but I’ve been clean and since and working out sleeping good etc
Personally I have noticed changes, it’s not like I’m on juice but compared to before big difference and the other day I got a random burst of I’m assuming test because I started shadow boxing going mental with good form too starting to feel like myself again.

Not planning to run it for too long just untill I’m out of this hole

Clomid and vitamin E increase your sperm

I'd like to punch you. Knowing i'd win.

Thanks to hormones in artificial birth control which fuck up women’s sexual desires.

Does health insurance cover testing and supplements?


I'm 43 and all I can do is go look at pics of women and jerk off.

My wife's is extremely low.

When was her peak/dropoff

And the clothes you wear, the water you drink, the food you eat, the hygiene products you out on your hair, skin, and teeth every day, the paper receipts you handle, the chemical cleaners you use, and the shower curtains you touch all lower it.

They all look like they're sitting on a dick. Lmao


410 before I started going gym, 550 after 4 months of gym and a bit of weight loss

> making up numbers without actual results

my bloods on my trt cruise dose, and free t is the number to be concerned with...

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You literally have better luck as a 12 year old girl getting prescribed T than as a suffering adult male.

its over 9000, i know that!

An observation about Yas Forumstards and testosterone:
>If your test levels are so precariously low that a single fap, hot shower, or legume is going to make you grow tits you might as well just start transitioning.
>If you're worried about your test to the point of needing to get it tested to reassure you, it's low.
>If you see this post and feel the need to deflect or lash out, it's super low.
Anyone with healthy levels of testosterone isn't constantly paranoid about whether or not they're losing some, if you have doubts about your biological masculinity then you're already a beta and nothing short of hormone therapy is going to help you. Your onion juice and pillowless sleeps basically confirm you're a complete bitch

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That's fucked.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee high test master race.

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>I got a random burst of I’m assuming test because I started shadow boxing going mental with good form too starting to feel like myself again.

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What were your levels before trt and how do you feel now?

Speak for yourself you s0 y boy

Why you need to question your own manhood, user?
If you have a dick, you are a man
As a man you need to protect women (your mom, your sisters, lover and your daughters, ohter women are whores)

over 9000

KEK what a hater
Imagine hating on your fellow man just because his life is some what improving

What a SADDO

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How much you cruising on looks like 75-100mg/wk?

Yeah man.

I'm sure living a standard life in a western country has absolutely made you the exception to the crisis affecting men.

only real high T post ITT

>Jerk off
are you in trt?

>As a man you need to protect women (your mom, your sisters, lover and your daughters, ohter women are whores)

I think a lot of guys just go in there and say "I feel like shit, can I take some testosterone?" What got me a prescription was I understood TRT protocol and I had tried it already by getting everything off the street. Once they hear that you've injected yourself and you did it properly then the conversation changes.

Well balding trannies get all their hair back...

>Hey doc, can I get some Oxymorphone? Don't worry, I've been doing black tar properly for years already




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