Is Trump going to get us all killed?

Is Trump going to get us all killed?

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>no mention of any specific false or misleading info in the article

Public radio, only listened to by faggots and other assorted leftists.

its not just a "radio station" - its a National Public Radio station. They really can't do this. They will have their funding pulled

Because Washington state has more information than the President of the United States. The same people that want us to be a sanctuary state because it makes them feel better.

What a time to be alive when they have to warn you not to listen to the president.

I quit listening to KUOW in 2002 when they became the middle east news network. About the time Bob Edwards was fired.

Washington fag here, this state is a cesspool of liberal circlejerking so take the head line as you will but I suggest a heavy does of salt with it.

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It's very revealing. They are pushing a narrative and trying to control information. Seems odd during a "pandemic". Voters will not forgive this

Bump because fuck KUOW

I know, right? Real life comedy is still the best kind of comedy.

>leftist station has to SHUT IT DOWN because these briefings are normalizing Trump for people who didn't have the time to pay attention before lockdowns

Washington state radio and any parent bodies should have their federal funding stripped from them

There are too many to list. Trump gives a different answer every time someone asks how serious the virus is or when quarantine will end and contradicts his own government workers.

It's very revealing regarding the bullshit he makes up on the fly. It's kinda funny to watch from afar, though.

Time to defund and hang all of them

>Waaaahhhh, Trump refuses to make black-and-white absolutist statements

Someone is about to get raped by the fed.

that ajit paj is a rabid dog to shit that falls under his jurisdiction

Chink Virus was created to hurt Trump
It’s helping trump (his approval has gone up)
Thusly now Chinese backed media will stop airing his updates

>too many to list
Try. Make sure to denote which day's briefing you are referring to for each instance.

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That's not what I said, so great strawmanning there. Getting desperate, maggtard? People elected a meme as a president and now said meme fails to solve an actual crisis.

Then list some. That's another bullshit excuse to hide behind. People play that trick all the time.


>How? Give me specific examples


No. You just WANT THEM TO BE WRONG so you spin everything they do to be at fault.

Even if Trump wasn't looking great at those conferences, the media made themselves look so bad that he would look good in comparison anyway. They have everything to lose with continuing live coverage. This is not unusual though, they typical do this. They try to get people to boycott state of the union addresses so they won't be swayed by him; they try to get people to avoid his speeches altgether for that same reason.

They can only thrive in the dark. If people get a good look at the media they cannot help but be repulsed.

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it should really be a regional roll-out
like areas where theres barely any corona can start up, but areas like NYC where theres about 30,000 infected should stay on lockdown

>Voters will not forgive this
You seriously believe the average npc thinks that deeply about anything?

You sure are a shining beacon of hope.

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archive u nigger

Just listen to your president's advice, bro.

>Voters will not forgive this
yes they will
Take Oregon for example, everyone bitches about our governor and the policies she pushes but they'll vote for her or someone just as leftist in the next election if she doesn't run.

>I Listened
>I'm Not sick
??? I guess his advice worked nigger


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sjws and liberals keep suiciding themselves over TDS and if NPR gets fucked I'll celebrate

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Like the 1400 page bill the Dems came up with to help us all?

It was a Washington state news station that aired deliberately manipulated video of Trump distorted and discoloured:

"...But viewers in the Seattle area got a little more than they expected.

The city’s Fox affiliate, Q13, beamed out doctored footage of Trump’s Tuesday address, according to the Seattle Times. The station’s broadcast showed Trump with a larger-than-normal head. His skin had a Cheetos-orange tint. And during his speech, the president’s tongue hung out of his mouth between sentences. It is unclear whether the footage ran live as Trump was giving his speech, or was replayed in later broadcasts.

As the Times pointed out, the Q13 doctored footage falls into the category of “deepfakes” — footage that’s tweaked with advanced apps and other technology to create clips of actual figures in situations they were never in or saying what they never said.... The Trump deepfake that was broadcast to Seattle-area viewers does not even come close to the sophistication of the best faked footage...."

Cringe boomer

No, take your meds.

You must be new here. Trumpers never listen to what their president sais. They do love to to hear about what he supposedly said or has done, from others though. This is a very important difference, and the reason why talking to trumpers on pol is a waste of time.

>Washington state radio station won't air Trump briefings because they want to signal their virtue for social media points.

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If there’s so many, surely you could at least identify one, right?


Dilate you fucking shill. Tranny bitch! fukin shill!

These fucks probably paid those lunatics to loot so they get more places to use their security service. I call bullshit

>getting desperate?
even CNN's Chris Cillizza just put out an omg Trump's approval is the highest ever because of his daily briefings and his handling of the Coronavirus situation we need to do something! editorial piece
don't care that i linked cnn

There can be no definitive answers to these questions yet you fucking idiot. This is an ongoing thing and situations are changing. How can we say when the quarantiine will end when we can't ocntrol the spread of the virus you absolute fucking jackass?

Yes. We test people. Free of charge ;^)

This is how you get radio stations taken over. They need it desu


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youd think that would ruin a news organizations credibility

And we don't? nice cope

1 post by this ID
Trump has provided no false information confirmed. CHECKMATE

Your testing started late and slow.

We used to laugh at comedians and look to politicians for the truth. Now we laugh at politicians and look to comedians for the truth...

They don't want you to hear the evidence.
Too bad for them, he'll use the emergency system and it will play directly from your phone.

Democrats already ruined their chance at winning 2020 so they can go full retard without consequences since they're not trying to win anymore

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I've been on this board for a few weeks now trying to understand the mindsets of the people here who appear to be spilling over to the rest of the website and the internet. It's surprising how much cognitive dissonance and copypasta'd responses I've encountered here. Same with the literal disinfo posted here. The whole board is really fucked. I stand by my notion that Yas Forums was a fucking mistake.

Quarantine lasts as long as your bank account :)

it should work

>There are too many to list.
Exactly what somebody with NO list says

no. because it's just the flu bro

The Economy IS doing great! Trillions are unrelated and go directly to good american Steel and coal workers!
Tremendous testing! Virus will magically disappear in spring! We have a cure since january we just withhold it for 4d chess reasons! Build Wall!

journal*st are scum

>There can be no definitive answers to these questions yet you fucking idiot.
How about when he called it a hoax (like he does with anything that makes him look bad). That's pretty definitively wrong

Nah, without pol this garbage would be on every Board,in every thread

Yas Forums attracted a ton of people from other places. Now it's an echo chamber that encourages people to "redpill" as many other places as possible. The overall derailing and shitty unreleated Yas Forums threads has increased after Yas Forums was created.
t. has been on 4channel since 2008

Trump is a lunatic and he is spreading misinformation. My elderly parents think this is just the flu because this idiot was talking like it was nothing and said the economy was more important.

Cases are doubling every 3 days and hospitals are runninng out of supplies. the best case scenario looks like it will be a whole year's worth of Flu hospitalizations and deaths over a 3 week period if we don't have mitigations which will put medical centers over capacity for 80% of all people that need intensive care.

Hos is slowing down for 3 god damn months worse than letting people die?

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There's already a cure. Who cares if we get it?

Trump is disregarding advice from doctors now. That's all for real and isn't a journalist. He blocked CDC and NIH form being at hearings and is surrounded by people more concerned with money.

Fair enough.

Still reeeeing after all these years.

Whats the point of any of that when we don't have a border......unless Mexico is completely wiped of infection America will never be either