This 7 year old girl was stabbed to death in Britain a few days ago
what are the odds that the murderer was an immigrant?
This 7 year old girl was stabbed to death in Britain a few days ago
what are the odds that the murderer was an immigrant?
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Umm were all immigrants okay sweetie
So 100%
You, europeans, are so pathetics. So many first world commodities make weak men.
Kill yourself fag, you’re a shitskin no true aryan would say something like this.
>7 year old girl was stabbed to death in Britain
"Neither the girl or the woman detained under the Mental Health Act has been named by police."
>A 30-year-old woman, who was not known to the family, was arrested on suspicion of murder and has since been sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
>She remains in a highly secure facility, police said.
Lmao she was driven mad from living in a racist sexist xenophobic colonialist capitalist society and this was all just a desperate and unavoidable cry for help. She's a victim not a criminal. I hope now that she's in a mental health rehabilitation center that she's getting all of the care and love that she needs.
Yes and you’re people are weak to stop the cartel pablo. Your people are mutts who have been cucked by spainards and the us throughout history , whites have proven to rise from the ashes and build civilizations from nothing . Your people turn gold into shit and fertile lands into barren wastelands. Kill yourself manlet
I'm sure her parents were very proud of her because at least she wasn't a racist.
Lol, you are right and I don't give a shit about this shithole.
Found the immigrant
They weren't practicing social distancing
None. Immigrants boost GDP and GDP per capita. Immigrant communities are statistically safer than non-immigrant communities. Citizens in the UK report higher standards of living and subjective quality of life in places with Immigrants. Immigrants boost wages for most blue and white collar workers. Immigrants are a net gain on the UK budget. A few bad immigrants will not tarnish the reputation of immigrants as a whole.
There are people who probably really believe all this.
If the Mennonites in mexico stopped living their lifestyle and joined normal society they would rise straight to the top
People believe facts. Here's an article from a white american explaining why the hatred for immigrants is unfounded, yet common.
What was she built for?
Noose yourself
>Immigrants boost wages
>Immigrant communities are statistically safer than non-immigrant communities
these are absolutely ridiculously false
this shit is freemason fake news
They are true. Find me evidence that it's false.
A long, happy life.
it was in my town,it was a mentally ill woman
but to be fair it is a paki area queens park? surrounding area is daubhill and chorley old road which is paki land now
any anons got a description of the attacker? i know it was a woman? they say mental illness but now im not sure
If it was a white woman her face would be plastered on the news 24/7
I simply cannot care when I see headlines about the crimes of Muds and their victims. Just yesterday her parents were cheering in the streets at the idea of a bajllion hyperviolent death cultists flooding in to collect welfare and vote for free shit, and tomorrow her daughter would have done the same if she didn't reap what her parents sowed. Shit her parents are probably more distraught at the idea of Muhammad sitting in jail for an hour then they are at their daughter getting raped and murdered.
We're trapped in a clown world and laughter is the only thing that keeps the tears at bay.
lmao ok paco,you say this as mafia push pregnant women from atop of bridges to go splat cause she didnt pay up and the cops do nothing
we got our problems sure,but at least we aint mexico
Then why do you even speak?
It's one thing to be a suicidal, depressed siberian nobody. It's another entirely to be a gleeful spic.
>it was in my town,it was a mentally ill woman
thanks for the big update dumb ass. I would have never figured that out from the article
1 less future bong breeder
Id like to congratulate the future bong thot hunter
Imagine having this much of a victim complex
1 to 1
mate this is fucking bolton not london,NOBODY wants that shit here,labour dumped pakis here in the 90s and we all voted tory to spite them
these are or WAS the labour heartlands...and we turned our backs to them,we aint cali or london or fucking brighton,we absolutely dislike the diversity shit here
>We're trapped in a clown world and laughter is the only thing that keeps the tears at bay.
Well at least she was penetrated before she died.
Pretty based. And checked.
Wish it was like that here as well. Arabs seem to be not just accepted, but common in Siberia.
I want to burn this entire region alive.
Whiney chav lol.
sure buddy.
i might as well just give you links to the daily stormer.
get the fuck out of here with your /leftypol/ bullshit sites
It's a chang
I'd stab her. With mu ppenis
Coulter's Law
A Mexican man just shot up a grocery store in Commiefornia for some toilet paper and killed a few people. Right now CNN is dead silent on the matter.
>We didn't want them
Well, the Zimbabweans didn't want whites either, and what happened there? Hmm?
People believe what they are told, and what they are told rarely reflects reality.
>part and parcel
Literally built for the MED dick
Show flag moishe
Their media jewed to the max. Predictably, they are fed lies about diversity and gracefully accepting their own genocide - that same jewish refrain heard across the world.
Most people believe what they are told because every coincidentally jewish outlet tells them the same thing, because they have been brainwashed for generations to reject reality.
And you post a fucking Bloomberg article! Sad.
oi where's your killing loicense mate ?
Every single time when this sort of shit happens and we don't get to read about the father committing a murderous rampage month after, the kid deserved it.
Why should we pity her or her parents? Fucking docile sheep. Your offspring gets slaughtered and you just submit to the government that protects the murdered you fucking cuck.
>None. Immigrants boost GDP and GDP per capita.
Immigrants are not an homogenous group. Stats show that non-EU immigrants (non-whites, basically) cost the UK taxpayer billions each year and have a negative fiscal impact. And that's just the economic perspective. They also shit up the gaff with their general baboonery.
Greater (outer) London is mostly native-white, the centre of London are wogs.
At least 98%
I hope Corona wipes your entire population.
Look up the concept of supply and demand, you halfwit.
It will not. And it's targeting N*rthern Italians
You're next, Bong
>Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
nigger did it
At least she died before she could become blacked
>we all voted tory to spite them!!!!
So you did jack shit
felt good about it
And now rape gangs loiter the streets rape and stab white kids
Based as fuck, im glad you voted "tory", got exactly what you ficking deserve.
>Studies consistently find that the net fiscal contribution of the current population of EU-15 migrants (those from the older EU member states) is positive, while that of non-EEA migrants is negative.
Immigrants don't directly compete with natives in the labor market. They usually end up competing with other immigrants. Immigrants create more demand for the services and goods that natives provide, which in turn increases the wages and job opportunities for native workers. I know a LOT about supply and demand. Every economist agrees Immigration is great for workers. Immigration is great for everyone.
Any possible motive? Is this a new serial killer?
Meme flag with the meme jokes, ayooo
Why kill when you can impregnate?
The British birthrates are low, immigrants should do the job natives won't do and have babies with the girls.
Fuck man, based, true and sadpilled.
It's the truth though.
And you third worlders are in no position to talk about such things.
Fuck off, chimk.
subhuman detected
would not surprise me but we need to wait
Doesn't matter. The budget is still running positive. Immigrants do far more economic good than bad. In the US our immigrants are a net benefit on the budget. Maybe you just need more immigrants?
Pretty high
Cry in other place or do something
Instead of posting in this shithole