Has Italy lost their mind?
This is going to change things forever.
Has Italy lost their mind?
This is going to change things forever.
>Italy changes sides
I'm not sure why you are surprised user.
>This is going to change things forever.
Probably for the better, though. The EU needs to end anyway.
No, they lost their boomers
Putin is based. Fuck the EU, we switch sides.
>OMG 100 Russian virologists are going to annex Lombardy
The jammy wars just got serious
Do we invade Rome?
>based orthobros come to save satanic papist schismatics
The True Church is living by the tenet "Love thy enemy"
They're military virologists, so prepare to have some new warm ports I don't tell you where it's classified tho.
This is the biggest imaginable humiliation for the EU.
That and taking down the EU flag to replace it with a chinese one
Look what Putin did to his own country you dunce.
>Hurr durr we need politicians to decide what we are allowed to do
What are you talking about? They sold weapons to Libya before. Berlisconi used to sex up the young girls Gadaffi.
>Has Italy lost their mind?
Italy has always been a whore. Everyone always talks shit about the French, but Italians are the biggest defeatist cucks.
You posted a minute after he did. The post didn't even have time to get rated accordingly
The only thing that needs to end is the US.
Translate this shit. WTF is going on???
Fuck you in particular. I hate having any master, but I will do anything to tear down your fascist union. I hope you all die.
All of Europe is the rightful property of Russia.
The Aryans invaded from the steppe
Russians are pretty much the purest Europeans (other than Balts/Finns)
Russian tanks in central Rome in 30 minutes.
Italians have Always been whiney bitches. Basically any war they fought in they ran/fled/gave up or just ouright lost and everytime they get hit by the smallest pain or illness they overexaggerate it. Just watch a game of Soccer to see how mediterraneans in General overact.
They compensate all of their Flamboyant gay behaviour by being overly Machismo and aggressive/loud.
>The Aryans invaded from the steppe
There are no Aryans in Europe.
>All of Europe is the rightful property of Russia.
He does not understand that there are 3 groups that constitute Europeans.
>Russians are pretty much the purest Europeans (other than Balts/Finns)
They are not, they are mongol rape babies.
This user gets it.
Italy is getting the old axis gang together again
Yeah the good old days, when Russia was in the axis.
Explain Rome then.
lmao, cope weak gay snownigger
ich will FUCKEN
atleast they fought wtf has your shit country done
Lol Italy is one of the shittiest embarrassing allies you can have like Germans can attest to. Good luck, Russia!
Mind your own fucking business
This is how war begins
Corona is shifting the timeline every 30 minutes actually according to my calculations
>abandon your allies when they need you time after time
>they look for help elsewhere
>wtf how could you betray us like this I thought we were allies
this is jew tier logic.
Are you gonna liberate us too? When?
Their antibiotics dont work anymore. They have used so much bacteria in their hospitals are resistent. Kek.
Can we disband the CIA & Pentagon already? They're clearly less than useless.
Still thinking there are sides anymore in the west? every man for himself.
> t. glorified tax haven
enjoy your liberation
>A Ticinese stole his girl
There are no masks anymore
>Workers at Chinese steel companies have been buying masks and protective suits abroad, including from Japan, Germany and **Italy**, according to the nation’s iron and steel association.
Look at your country you fucking idiot.
> t. glorified tax havens
Can confirm, a russian tank just flew over my house
Russian is an indo-european language. Indo-european is just the modernized term for Aryan.
checked. And they hold the money of the people doing the fighting.
The latins were Trojan refugees who no longer exist because they were wiped out by germanics
>”Hurr durr we need politicians to decide what we are allowed to do”
>German flag
Are you being ironic or did you completely forget about Merkal’s refugee and antigun decrees that all EU nations had to swallow or risk sanctions?
why am I seeing this post every 28 minutes?
Who will protect Israel then?
you realize that 20-30% tax rate is not a tax heaven?
>Look what merkel did to entire Europe
>Hurr durr we need politicians to decide what we are allowed to do
Get corona hans and die
>They are not, they are mongol rape babies.
Everyone who says this shit is an idiot, mongolian genes are non-existent in western Russian population. Many in Russia supports theory about Tatar-Mongol Yoke was faked based on this and some other evidence.
>muuh tax haven
Maybe if you nigger learned some fiscal responsibility, you would not have to tax so much.
if it was for me i will burn entire europe. our enemies are germany and france who are traying to destroy are economy (with success) and usa that use us only for their interst and as their slave.
fuck you. unfortunately we are only receiving helps and not switching anything.
but we should, because at the moment being in EU is only giving us disadvantages.
Good thing I studied Russian..
That's a happy side effect for Putin with this operation. It's a propaganda loss for other European countries.
Based Russia once again dabbing on the status quo.
The reason your country is such a shithole is because you blame everyone else. Get your act together Mario.
says that while using an American Porn Sharing Bulleting Board
based russiabros aren't keen on the kalergi plan, so its better than the EU.
Soviet anthem intensifies. Lol who knows man why they accepted russian help. I saw tons of Italians online bashing the eu like crazy in the past couple days.
60D chess
>Has Italy lost their mind?
nope. this is what leaders do. they do what is best for their nation and people. highly commendable choice. EU turned their back on Italy, never forget that
>This is going to change things forever.
yes, the bear will leave its cave for ever. if russia wants to be a serious player on the world stage, it has to carry out the duties of a serious player on the world stage. Germany told italy it wont help them with medical supplies, then proceeded to help france in a matter of days after. In a lonely world, alliances can be form in the most unlikeliest of places. Russia is taking the steps that the EU should have taken but refused to. this is a big moment and russia has stepped up to the mark. unlike france who tried to stop our supplies unless boris complied, and germany turning its back on a fellow EU "ally". seriously, i respect the people of russia, whilst also often questioning their government and practices. but russia is leading the way in this scenario. instead of people looking ot shit on them, we should commend them. Bravo Russia, for doing the job the people entrusted to help wouldnt do.
Rude. I'm not even in the EU, what have I done to you.
Fuck the EU, I will gladly accept a little bit of russian help if only just to piss off brussels.
Yeah I'm sure those russian medics were called in by Salvini to annex Padania so he is finally rid of the south afterall.
What's all this about the axis powers getting together again?
Honestly pretty based.
your arab bbc loving wanna be 4th Reich shithole block all the medical supplies for Europe and doomed Italy and hole Europe for 3rd time.
Peace of shit barbarian niggers
>he doesnt know
Moscow is like 50% muslim already
Implying Italy had a mind
The US is cool, interventionist USA needs to die. Which honestly it pretty much is dying. We don't give a shit about the rest of the world anymore. I hope Xi and Putin are gentle to you.
i agree with almost all of this. except, i wish it wasnt the virus savaging france and germany, but men of the old world using swords in combat
I would love to see some soviet machinery delivering relief here in the U.S, please sir putin offer us aid in a few weeks when shit starts getting drastic.
it is statistically unlikely that you have my knowledge. so yeah, ok dude
next time i will use balloons
My country needs more burka babes
Mexico is sending cartels trained by CIA
>nope. this is what leaders do. they do what is best for their nation and people.
Yeah helping Russia make propaganda is going to be the best thing for Italy in long run, kek.
>. EU turned their back on Italy, never forget that
Pandemics response are not part of the EU's tasks. One of the reasons for that is because no one wants a big EU especially you faggots vetoed everything.
>Look what Putin did to his own country you dunce.
>Look what merkel did to her own country AND every other EU member you dunce.
you cheered a corrupt bunga bunga grandpa for being so clever to publicly loot your shithole, you deserve it
Lol Russia has the biggest muslim population in Europe retard.
>Look what Putin did to his own country you dunce.
>>Hurr durr we need politicians to decide what we are allowed to do
There is no difference between the tyranny of Putin and the tyranny of the EU. They both pretend to be democratic. The only difference is that Putin isn't virulently anti-White.
Lol this just shows how absolutely fucked the EU is. Three months ago, everyone was shitting on Russia, and today they’re letting in armored caravans ready to throat Putin down to his balls. The EU is fucking useless. Even the US has a more viable union than Europe.
Nah modern masses are just too retarded to learn history.
Mongol-tatar yoke referred to the influences it had on Russian authority systems and some cultural influences (Russians took the best population statistics for quite a while after learning the habit from mongols for tax). Nothing to do with actual ethnic make up. It's funny Americans push it the hardest since they're the most mongrelised people out there. European/spic/chink/nigger mutts.
I wish Russia would occupy Canada and this nigger shithole. I've been learning Russian and I'm ready for 100% rusification.
>it is statistically unlikely that you have my knowledge. so yeah, ok dude
it is statistically unlikely that you have even a sliver my knowledge. so yeah, ok dude
>still salty
Get fucked Angela
The EU will fall. It's a useless parasite and that is on display with tr h this virus.
Is this considered whiteface?
Hope they take shitaly hostage.
fick di
We never shat on Russia. We were the only EU nation to oppose sanctions, at least until the right was in power. Russia is our second export market (after Germany, for obvious reasons). They are an important business partner
I wrote a lengthy response, but i think its better i just tell you that i would shed no remorse slaying you. "not EUs task". yeah, the only task is shitskin distribution and shaking down members for gibs....i dislike men like you on scales you could not comprehend
As long as you Pastachads vote Salvini for your Il Nuovo Duce, it's cool.
Don’t touch the bant master ever again you sausage-with-cappuccino gargler
Look what Merkle did to his own country you dunce.
i think germans are so disgusting that when i'll finish to write this i should consider to burn my fingers just to disinfect. aryan race my ass
nobody cares about merkel, but you being retards and getting rekt for it has some kind of melancholic beauty to it
>T. dumb mutt who doesn't know the first thing about European politics. and probebly not even about politics in general.
Are those Russian trucks in Italy? Wtf? Is this real?
also based user
Merkel blacked you my boy.
show flag you faggot
Good. A multipolar world means Italy switches back to its pre-1991 status, offering its support from its central role in the Mediterranean to the highest bidder. All we need is our own currency.
Feels good seeing an anti€ facebook page going from 20k to 820k followers in 15 days, this crisis just made me hate the guts of our western "allies" even more anyway, as if the 2008 crisis wasn't enough.
>changes sides
you mean they're accepting aid when their actual supposed allies aren't providing any. fuck retards who think people should die of disease to maintain some retarded geopolitical alliance