100% Obsessed

Jew here. Why are goys so obsessed with us politically?

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Money, money, money and the hope that when the time comes the Jews will not abandon them to the brown horde.
Of course, the money is worthless in the life beyond.
And the Jews will always abandon them.

We just like the look of your dicks.

The system was usurped. Anyone elected into a position is by default a Zionist.

Christian Zionism. How fucked up is that?

Would you be struck by lightning if you prayed for the Romans?

imagine praying to a wall

Typical Anglo behavior

>Why are goys so obsessed with us politically

We know we’re slaves and you the master. We fear your wrath and the crack of your whips. The slave-cult you invented for us, Christianity, has taught us to obey. We are a broken and defeated people.

We won't if they continue to obey us tho.
Not AOC, Ilhan Omar, or Bernie Sanders.

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The Jew will always stab you in the back in the end. No matter how much he takes from you, it's never enough. He will betray you, then blame YOU for the betrayal.

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Baby dick sucking and genital mutilation. How is this legal? Fucking kikes...

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3 out of 535 aren’t Zionists. Great

We literally enlightened your society, why does pol always see our influence as bad then?

Why do you so obsessed with Zionism?

Because you're hyper-successful - oh I mean muh nehpotizm n sheet. Imagine some non-conforming minority moves into the city and pretty soon they end richer and more successful than the majority group. Even if you get to the top purely based on merit you will be hated by people on the bottom.
Does it make you laugh when people blame you for the sluttiness of their own women?

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propaganda propaganda propaganda. money hungry shekel gobblers.

please return to your gross non-existent country!


Old testament is basically just judaism.

Because you used Jeffrey epsteins pedophile ring to blackmail all of our politicians.

Because Americans are salty that based jews force them to have mutilated dicks

REAL Jew here, don't listen to this pharisee shmuck. Things are changing in the Jewish community, and we're sick of these fucks making us look bad!
I love Jesus Christ!

A better question to ask is why jews seem so obsessed with invading and ruling the countries of non-jews.


For anyone still on the fence about if the holocaust was real or not. This will settle it once and for all. The best documentary there is.

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No it isn't you retard. The talmud is judaism. The talmud is literally 6 gorillion pages of rabbis telling kikes how to lie, cheat, steal and claim to be the victim while doing it.

I don't give a flying fuck about almost all of you persian mutts larping as semitic jews, the ones I'm keeping an eye on are sitting in the Crown Temple which resides in the City of London because they own every nations debt (except Syria which they're desperately trying to take control of)

Because you don’t answer for your crimes against humanity

>Jew here
The plural form of goy is goyim, not goys.

Kek its true. The Torah gives them the 10 commandments and the Mitzvahs. And then the Talmud teaches them loopholes to violate every jewish rule/law/commandment/mitzvah. This is why you see truly bizarre behavior like the manhattan wire as rabbinic pilpul produced loopholes used to violate jewish law. Jewish culture is filled with these oddities.

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Daily reminder: The "wailing wall" is all that remained of Jerusalem after STRONG PAGAN ROME bulldozed the shit out of the city and threw Jews in a graveyard garbage dump. Meanwhile, Christkikes SUCK THE DICK of Judaism every single chance they get.

>oh yes Rabbi Yeshua mmmmph let me have your Jewish creammmmm!

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The Jewish "ten commandments" are in Exodus 34 and dealt in baby sacrifices and killing goyim. Still, you worship their demon god? You're a fool

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Kek no. Christianity and Judaism are two sides of the Hegelian dialectic creating synthesis from opposites.

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>rabbinic pilpul produced loopholes used to violate jewish law
No, the rabbinic pilpul is jewish law. It violates Israelite law, but that doesn't matter to yids because they are not Israelites. They only have to pay lip service to the torah in front of goyim in order to maintain their illegitimate claim to being Israelites.
>The "wailing wall" is all that remained of Jerusalem
No it isn't, nothing was left. Both the bible and Roman and Greek sources confirm this. The wailing wall is just some rocks kikes put there after the fact.
>Rabbi Yeshua
That's a "name" only jews use, it means "to blot out". It is an intentional insult against Christ by kikes. Odd that you would repeat it if you are not a kike yourself.
>your Jewish creammmmm
Jesus was not a jew, He hated jews and made this very clear repeatedly. Read the bible.

> not praying for a pair of funcfional legs
Wtf is wrong with burgers

culture of critique faggot
read it, weep and lurk more

They’ll happily roll Greg Abbot’s paraplegic ass in front of a train when the time comes

The cripple GOP governor of Texas Greg Abbott can not stand for himself but has the nerve to declare that Texas stands with Israel

The Texas GOP have fought harder to defend Israeli businesses against BDS than to protect his states own border

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He deserves it

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They fail to understand the role of Israel and the church and how they relate.

In their defense, it is a tad complicated.

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Judaism didn't exist until centuries after exodus you retard.

The Texas GOP are pure cancer

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Every member of the Texas GOP is a pile of shit

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>money laundering

Usury doesn't build space bridges kike

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Don't forget this Texas turd

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Are you implying Christians can't be Jewish? I'm Ashkenazi and Orthodox Christian.

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What Texas retards elected a cripple?

Death to Israel

because you cry antisemeitism if they don't
you jews are like whiny special needs children who throw temper tantrums if you don't get your special attention needs met

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Lmao Texans are fat cucks

American evangelical Christians believe that Israel will play a part in a Biblical prophecy that will eventually bring upon Armageddon and The Rapture.

This. It's why Isis Ra El exists on the map at all.

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>Jew here. Why are goys so obsessed with us politically?
i just have a nose fetish. couldnt give a shit about your shitty politics

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dont cry

This is why i tell everyone i am a Jewish supremacist, though not Jewish myself.
When people naturally ask why, i ask them how it could be otherwise? How could the presidents of all major news media sites be jewish if there was not something innately superior about them?
How could a full third of the supreme court be Jewish if there was not something innately superior about them?
It fucks up SJW minds so hard because they instantly come up with reasons jews are not better than them. They become the Nazis they were trying to confront, they form the arguments i would have tried to, but would not have been able to. They become the ones repulsed by the question of racial supremacy and seek to answer it by means other than racial supremacy.
And if they accuse me of being racist, i tell them yes, i am a jewish supremacist. How could anyone believe races are equal compared to Jews. Then double down on my defense of this belief.
Its checkmate.

Not bad.

spamming this again eh rabbi?

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very good thx

Reminder that you people are so obsessed with us, that when Jews immigrated to the US, they'd sign their name with an O, since the X looks like a cross.

Same goes for the "Hebrew plus sign" because you people are apparently fucking vampires or something.

Thats only the beginning. It allows you to redpill them in ways you never could otherwise.
"If there are 5 blacks for every Jew, why are there less blacks than Jews who run companies?"
-The answer is of course, in their mind, social injustice.
"If it is social injustice against minorities, why do Jews benefit so much while other minorities are left behind. Why are Jews not only immune to social injustice but profit from it?"
The conversation takes an interesting turn and if tour called a nazi you just call them racists against blacks.

>This is why i tell everyone i am a Jewish supremacist, though not Jewish myself.
>When people naturally ask why, i ask them how it could be otherwise? How could the presidents of all major news media sites be jewish if there was not something innately superior about them?
>How could a full third of the supreme court be Jewish if there was not something innately superior about them?
>It fucks up SJW minds so hard because they instantly come up with reasons jews are not better than them. They become the Nazis they were trying to confront, they form the arguments i would have tried to, but would not have been able to. They become the ones repulsed by the question of racial supremacy and seek to answer it by means other than racial supremacy.
>And if they accuse me of being racist, i tell them yes, i am a jewish supremacist. How could anyone believe races are equal compared to Jews. Then double down on my defense of this belief.
>Its checkmate.
this is why i come here. thinking like this

>We literally enlightened your society

kys you vain jew supremacist
your kind has only niggerfied this country
go suck a big bag of babby foreskins faggot

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looks familiar. is there a group of jews that travels around shoving menorahs in our leaders' faces and forcing photos ops?

Do something about George Soros and you will gain a lot of goodwill with the gentiles. He got his start selling out your brethren to the Nazis anyway, so it would be justice for both sides of the aisle.