What you buying with your trumpbux Yas Forums?
What you buying with your trumpbux Yas Forums?
32 Albanian mail-order brides.
Maybe an AR-15?
Your comic is pretty accurate actually
>Trumpbux given out so people can pay their rent
>They squander it on video games and other crap instead
Bernies biggest mistake was backing open borders. I'm all for socialist policies but they have to be Christian national socialist policies. We can give trillions to Christ haters and hedonistic corporations but working class families need to break themselves at the altar of progress. Fuck the corporatist capitalist hell hole that pushes division and identity politics to create markets. Capitalism is innately anti familial, you need to divide everyone into separate markets and sell them different products for endless profit. Through capitalism you push homosexuality and gender dysphoria to sell them products and services tailored to them. Fucking capitalist corporatist hell.
I'll buy a nice 45lc single action revolver and put the rest into stonks of companies getting aid.
wow what an angel
Good luck finding ammo, it's gone in burgerland.
Is there restrictions for Brazilians to get an AR? CAN they get an AR?
Sounds good
Too bad I live in nowhere ville usa
spend $999 of it on valve vr to play new half life game
invest the remaining $1 wisely
>Trumpbux given out so people can pay their rent
Wrong, it's economic stimulus, so people can buy the shit that companies are selling so they can keep paying their wagies.
what's this "buy" you speak of??
Unironically donating every cent to Trump’s reelection campaign. Yes, I am based.
Gonna buy a gun once all the panic buying settles down. If the panic buying settles down...
Put it on robinhood and double it in a week.
Good luck.
Even more luck to ya if you plan on buying ammo for said firearm. Probably realistically looking at a 1 year backlog of orders for ammo. Then prices will increase by 20-30% for everything fireaem related.
>testing ramping up
>almost 10k new cases today
>things settling down
I will say, the states shutting down the whole fucking state some of us live in over this nothingburger isn't helping any, since I have zero work until next friday.
user background checks are being delayed by up to 30 days.
What if you sent it to me so i could fix my shit ass roof and I'll have me, my wife, and my mentally ill mother all vote for trump
I'm buying some broken ass REIT Stonks before the pump.
nothing because it's not enough money to buy anything of any real use. just trinkets and food. i suppose i will see a lot of niggers running around with new jordans and iPhones though.
They are half price due to Corona.
Also, why pick the ugly one?
Keynes would have loved it.
Weed, lots and lots of weed
I like your platform and would vote for it.
scale models of cranes
pics plz
probably save for a few metalworking tools or something like that.
Some sexy armors for my Tera Online harem of loliwarriors. Duh.
So what you're saying is wagies owe their jobs to neetbux?
Not directly but for the endless growth we chase we need retards to have money to spend on useless junk to pay the wagies that make the useless junk.
damn that is expensive, do you have a mini village in your basement full of this stuff?
physical silver
no I'm just going to set in up in the living room and make engine noises when I move it
I was going to use it to pay my rent but now my landlord can't evict me because of the new coronachan law. gonna get a new macbook with my first check and new phone with my second one.
kino, i'll be watching for your unboxing thread
>stealing Yang memes
I’m going to take my tax return and this stipend and put most of it into my bank account.
Bro, you could just make a gun.
Name a good one.
Im not buying shit. Im scared. I have a mortgage.
Cruise line stocks
Buying games not downloading it for free. Just give you money to your parents tard
praise kek
I'll be hopefully getting a new monitor, but I'm not even sure if I'll be getting it. I'll have to see if my dad can remove me as a dependent fo 2019 tax returns, and then file my own.
believe me; trump does not need a loan from you
Which ones?
new animal crossing
Imma gonna take a cruise ship to Honduras!
doom eternal is actually a very good game
since you all have free money can some one send $10 to a britbong so i can order a comfy pizza
Peak cuck.
replacing all my savings that I spent on guns and ammo when I noticed how low the stock was getting on em. Then with whatever is left
I'm buying a rifle and some ammo with whatever is left and whatever defensive gear I can get my hand on. Probably won't need all of it but I'd still love to have it.
Savings to start then using it for my household if its absolutely necessary. If not, then saving up for a car.
HL3 and a VR rig.
cut and paste not copy and paste fuck my life
Finish my AR9
Buying a FAL a d some short shorts
Never understood this herd mentallity with guns.
I'll pick this thread to ask my question in:
Supposedly, the new bill is going to give unemployment benefits of 100% of your salary, and the UK already did 80% of their salary. In the US, normal unemployment is probably more around 30% of salary.
Does anybody know who this applies to? I lost my job a month before coronavirus hit. And now that nobody is hiring I can't get a new one. Do I get the full unemployment benefits or does that only apply to workers who lost their jobs recently?
Missiles to nuke China
A new GPU and Resident Evil 3 Remake.
Ima neet will i get trumpbux?
good luck, precious metals are a part of the panic buy. Minimum order at the sites i regular is 300.
>buying games
What a cuck
No its only for workers unless the dems push through amendments
To clarify further, there is no real value to paying rent during such an economic crisis.
Like yes, perhaps some of that money would be used by landlords to pay for maintenance and improvement, but the vast majority of it would simply be pocketed or go to pay mortgages on the apartments. The end result is that all the money released to stimulate the economy would simply either sit in banks and do nothing, or the banks would simply loan it out. If it was loaned out it might drive demand, but the banks would still take their cut.
Giving money to people directly is the best possible form of economic stimulus, because it distorts incentives the least. It's certainly better than this quantitative easing shit. People would simply buy what they actually want or need to buy, thereby rewarding productive firms and employing people to produce desirable goods while firms that aren't producing what people want or which are excessively reckless with their assets would go bankrupt as they would in a free market.
Doesn’t matter, the bill won’t pass. The dems have been instructed to block the bill at all costs so that lower class people get evicted and riot against the middle class. They actually think this will work, literally
I'll blow half of it on mobile gacha games. The other half on various masturbation toys.
We'll see. I think Senate Dems at least are on board. Who knows what Pelosi is doing but as somebody who tends to lean to the left I can tell you a lot of progressives are pissed off at the way she's handling this, it isn't just conservatives
A loaf of bread.
proof that progressives are pissed? because the msm is handling the narrative in favor of dems and pelosi pretty well
If i were you, guns
Silver and gold or crypto is fucking useless in a wild wasteland
Ok poorfag
Who watches MSM anymore that isn’t hyper partisan?
too bad, faggot
I am more progressive than conservative and on my Facebook I've seen a lot of leftists criticizing Pelosi. It's not everybody obviously but we're heading into a close election where a lot of progressives already hate establishment Dems. Pelosi could be costing her party big time if she doesn't cave.
You need to have a nonzero income tax liability to be eligible.
I wasted my time making this chart, so here's how to determine how many trumpbux you'll get depending on your income. I'm pretty sure I did it right, using 2018 tax brackets
you're fucking retarded, full stop.
to be honest I have always been a firearms nerd but I never decided to spend the money and get one until I had a home to defend and the possibility of niggers breaking in and stealing my shit. The fact that the gun racks were emptying out was just a push in that direction to get my guns while I still can.