I have spent a few days on this website and I think it promotes poor mental health...

I have spent a few days on this website and I think it promotes poor mental health. You allow your brain to enter a world of abstraction and fight imagined enemies like Jews, Muslims, blacks, liberals, etc.

What’s really happening is you’re just passing on repetitive memes and squandering time that you could spend doing something of value in the world. Look around you at your room and you will see that none of the stuff you spend all day arguing about exists outside of an image in your head.

In all likelihood, you spend your time posting useless comments as a way to avoid the discomfort of doing something actually challenging and rewarding.

Go for a run. Call a friend or family member. Prepare a fresh meal or try a new recipe. Read that book you have been meaning to read.

Think about how disappointed your ancestors would be that you spend hours doing petty shit on a screen.

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inb4 kike jew shill nigger etc

None of this language will help you develop actual relationships in the world. You will soon find yourself with a sense of emptiness and nihilism and wonder why. Perhaps you will ask others online if they can relate or for advice.


>go to work, accomplish a lot
>scroll pol on lunch break
>after work, go for a 3 mile run
>after run, go home and cook a steak with turnips and mashed potatoes
>scroll pol for latest happening info and propaganda

Jokes on you faggot, go get a job and be productive.

See? This is already so repetitive. No dopamine boost anymore.

When I first visited I might have found this amusing but it’s all a variation of the same few memes. Get out into nature and try to be more creative.


kike jew shill nigger etc

>muh dopamine
fuck off and die in a fire reddit faggit

>imagined enemies like Jews, Muslims, blacks, liberals, etc.
Nigger are you retarded? These enemies are very real.


>scroll pol for latest happening info and propaganda
Why would you willingly consume propaganda?

Be honest dude. How many trannies have you ever met in your life? I have seen maybe two IRL.

Most Jews, Muslims and blacks are just normal people bro

I’m trying to figure out how to be more efficient with it. I think my new routine will just be scrolling google news while taking a dump

Trans story time was scheduled in a city I live in, luckily it got canceled the day before because they were afraid of the backlash. Unfortunately I have had to interact with these degenerates somewhat regularly. Degeneracy is all around you, open your eyes. Btw, you're here forever.
>most Jews, muslims, blah blah blah
Yeah bad apples ruin the bunch, remove them all.

Yas Forums is at its peak comfort levels when on the clock or after physically exhausting yourself and treating yourself with noms



>actually believing anything you read on here
newfag detected
t. since 2003

But do you think running for office and having that as part of your platform wouldn’t be better than just seething all day?

I do sometimes visit /pol during happenings and you are mostly right

Even tho some threads are funny or somhow informative

I can't tell if people here are truely that retarded or just very dedicated shitposters. Probably it's the same.

Maybe it's nostalgia but some years ago I think it wasn't that bad.

I guess if you enjoy it but if it makes you pissed all the time then why? I know a boomer who listens to talk radio and is always upset about something and I feel bad for him

>Read that book you have been meaning to read.
I'm reading Mein Kampf lol

this place is hilarious if you get pissed you're retarded

So, you're a normalfag? Gotcha.

>fix the problem from the inside
That ship has long sailed. The corruption is vast. Their blood is the only way cleanse the west.

I don’t care that much about politics honestly but there’s people that get outraged as fuck on here. Maybe they’re trolling idk

So either you get told by Yas Forums that jews suck or some leftards on the streets say how white man are the cause of everything evil. What's better?

>have spent a few days on this website
2 years faggot - 2 YEARS

What’s wrong with that? Having normal human relationships and activities that you enjoy instead of pretending like spamming memes will change anything

Think about your life quality bro

this sites like 40% bots and shills too,
posts are probably 80% bots and shills
you gotta read between the lines

What have you gained from it? That you wouldn’t gain from scrolling through google news while having a poo?

Are you involved in some civic party or group?

Thank you.
OP has a great post but not everyone is as impressionable as they assume.
Some people actually *can* entertain thoughts without accepting them.

17 years. and a decade on usenet before that. alt.politics was the shit. the good old days of kurt lochner trashing bile crooper.

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you've made a huge mistake, can you feel it yet? I predict you will be dropping your first unironic nigger within a month.

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I don’t really pay attention to either bro. Call me a normalfag but this stuff is all entertainment. All of these famous online political people are just entertainment figures. As long as you acknowledge that and don’t act like its some holy valiant cause where you’re saving humanity by obsessing about politics

>I have spent a few days on this website and I think it promotes poor mental health
>a few days
Wait a few YEARS, kid. You have no idea.

>honk honk

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As someone who has spent a significant time here since it came back on 4ch, it has been the opposite. I have a house and nice job and much better relationship with family and friends while being more physically fit and having read more books, better hobbies, etc. I think you are just projecting your own insecurities and failings in life to the entire board.

>Look around you at your room and you will see that none of the stuff you argue about exists outside your head.

It's not blatant, but it underlies every interaction we have. The normies just can't see the code in the matrix.

>honk honk

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I wish more people on this board would acknowledge that, but eh, I guess you can't have everything


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yeah there's no logical reason that this place is like this, that people talk this way... no reason at all..

Shut thee fuck up Browooser, this is a biological super computer that spits out a wide variety of answers for any question you ask it. It is also the best source for news on the entire internet.

Well, I wasn’t talking about you but about the people who’s identity is the latest outrage over the libs or Trump. 99% of it doesn’t make a material difference in your life.

I have only been on here since the quarantine btw but yeah personally it just doesn’t feel good to have all of this stuff going through your head

>Zoomers hate him

It’s addicting though and makes you feel bad if you spend too much time on it

SCROOOOOLERS who don't know how to use catalog. I hate them so much

Use catalog you deranged cunt

>I have spent a few days on this website and I think it promotes poor mental health.

Yeah we know


I agree that this mossad honeypot is shitty and causes brain damage but its addicting for white males with depressing lives because it gives us answers as to why the world is the way it is.

Hey !

There’s some genuinely funny stuff that makes me chuckle I have to admit but there’s a point of diminishing returns and it gets old after a while. At least IMO

Yeah but then there’s REFROOOSHING

>look around your room
>there are no nigger criminals, chink coofers, replacement sandniggers, pedo elites, and bankster kikes purposely destroying your nation in your room with you
>Since these things are not in your room, they don't exist at all, anywhere in the world
>Stop researching, coordinating, redpilling and making memes - and instead do meaningless normie shit while we cut your people's throat, impeach your president on baseless grounds, make fake news and ban anyone to the right of Mao from platforms and payment processors alike
You are so transparent it isn't funny, this is why the mental health system is a joke - you coddle trannies and tell them they are women, while simultaneously trying to dissuade people who know there is something wrong with the world from trying to find out what it is and redirect them to meaningless shit like degenerate propaganda filled "entertainment" and Vidya. Fuck off and die, shrink kike.

This is your brain on ideology. FWIW I don’t think video games or TV are the answer. I’m saying they’re similar because it’s just a distraction from the challenges in your life and a form of escapism.

>r*ddit spacing
Post discarded, nigger.

Why would I want to take part in this fucking disgusting shitshow you faggot kikes have turned this world into? I care enough to try to fix it, but if it burns down then fuck it - nothing much was lost, and a better kike-free world can be built.

really tho

and this would of get you cruxified here


honestly its not a big deal

just look at /v

almost 80% of /v posts come from r/gaming’s front page these days and literally more than half of /v cross posts on r/gaming

you know
its kinda crazy

many people cross post from reddit to herenand vice versus

infact these websites are almost the same except for user ids post history and post voting

ive been here for almost 2 months and really besides the excessive racism and women hating that goes on here it’s basixlly the same but i guess so of its inevadible with the anonymity here

i just dont know why the hate of reddit exists here. something must of happened before i started using these sites i guess

irregardlessly, we can work to move past this i feel

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why won't you just leave us alone?

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>Oy vey, there is nothing wrong with the world goy just ignore it all and let us have our way... I'm I mean, yeah, enjoy life goy
Fuck off kike. I made a shrink flip her shit and attempt suicide before. Your games are weak.

>You never saw it in real life therefore it doesn't exist
This is the most boomer shit I've read in a while. Since you won't listen to anyone who rightfully calls you a shill, I'll be the first to say it. You are no better than the people you claim to hate, you posted a wojak meme of all things to shit on and belittle those who disented you. I personally have been here for much longer then you, and can surely say that there are people here who do all of the things you recommended. You are to shallow of a person to spend the time to look for them yourself. The fact that you refer to everyone talking to each other and discussing important topics at hand as useless and not changing anything is only proof that what we are doing here IS changing something for the better, and that it bothered someone like you enough to make this shitty thread as a scare tactic to make the easily manipulated agree with you.
The fact that you went as low as to say that our ancestors would be disappointed in us for being here is such a gross generalization that I can't even begin to find words suitable that would describe someone of your vulgarity.
What you just said could be easily applied to just about anything else that people do to pass time. But seeing that you specifically targeted Yas Forums of all places to say this proves that you are just another face being paid internet bitcoin to scare people away from using the first amendment.
Even if you just some guy that thinks this way, then you are proving that you have nothing better to add to the conversation other then saying "go outside" like that will even help.
Fuck You.

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real id

based and turnip pilled