Czechs are germans who adopted a half german half western slav language and culture

Czechs are germans who adopted a half german half western slav language and culture.
Czechs never do bad things unlike POOles who steal all our cars and cheat our welfare system just like all the other east european subhumans but Czechs... ever heard bad things about them except being the main producers of Meth?
Meth is the white mans drug desu.
Their half German DNA and millennia of german influence made them part of the Herrenrasse too .

Attached: countryhumans__germany_x_czech_by_ariyamidai_dcqh6wq-fullview.jpgCzechs.jpg (800x800, 46.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Czechs belong to us ... Knedln and Kraut, not Weißwurscht and Brezn, ok?! Und jetzan schleich di!

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99,98% Waren für JA.
Österreicher sind Deutsche.

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Henlein just had to ruin the relationship we began to have with Sudeten Germans in the 30s. We were so close to a functional state.

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With all honesty, Austria did fascism better.

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Des samma heit a nu ... nur dieses moi loss ma eng Damischn nimma sogn wias rennt. Des woa ein absoluter Schmarrn eich wos entscheidn lossn ... ihr mochts uns am Schluss eppa nu an zweitn Fall Blau!!

Attached: smug_Austrians.jpg (465x669, 109.87K)

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Thx, fren ... dank da schee! ;)

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>> Kraut is Austrian and not German

They are calling us Krauts for a reason, you Bergkartoffel

>being a conservative in 2020
Embrace pagan anarcho-fascism

Austrian fascism was just being local and national nothing special while our nazis exploded our GDP and made our debt down to 40% of GDP (england had 240% of debt to gdp at the time).
We had great visions and if we had won the world would be better. But giving the autist Stalin enough time to rearm and prepare his invasion of europe would be just a 20IQ move.

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Sauerkraft is universal ... it carries the Vril of our ancestors, its lactic fermentation a silent prayer to the Skyfather. The Sauerkraft is life, the Sauerkraft is all!

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Wait a moment. if they are half german, are their women only halfly made for BBC?

Well, you kinda did make Sudetenland go batshit insane after a pretty succesful reconciliatory period.

It was the Czechs who fucked the austrians and made them radical in the first place.

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We would have to ask a nigger. Wait, Spain, you are at least half competent to judge that.

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It was rightful Czech clay. And let's be frank, country with these borders has no chance of working properly.

How's your economy currently feeling btw ... have potential big customer there, just so I can judge my future expectations.

Attached: the_eternal_engineer.jpg (1695x1920, 292.19K)

>country with these borders has no chance of working properly

What?! Have you ever been confronted with Austrian administration? We would not have even noticed the difference. :D

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kek, good come back

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Well, stuff is under lockdown, but government, although the second least based in V4, performs pretty well. Bussinesses aren't collapsing of whatever. How is Austria hanging?

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heil Dolfuss

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Shame Mussolini fucked em' over.

This. They are not Slavs.

Thx for info! Yeah we're good so far ... ofc the lockdown hurts but at least from the people I know I've suddenly noticed a "blood in the waters" mentality. You see, many of our mid-sized companies in machinery and tech had to compete with big German ones so far. Now that competitive pressure might soon ... disappear if the Piefke continue like that. Srsly, weak Germany means STRONK Austria. ;)

Yeah, bloody backstabbers ... first the Szent Istvan and then that ...

... it's alright though, ItaKa, we're not that mad about it. :)

Attached: austrian.jpg (268x301, 20.39K)

in what sense? Mussolini was a good friend of Dolfuss.
He even cancelled the war debts of Austria

Attached: mussolini dolfuss.png (1135x650, 638.57K)

>Weißwurscht and Brezn

Verreckte Mongo Junge!

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Die Weißwurschtneger samma oiwei nu beim Oasch liawa ois wia a Preiß!

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Allow me to dissent

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>In January 1936, Mussolini told the German Ambassador Ulrich von Hassell that: "If Austria were in practice to become a German satellite, he would have no objection". By recognizing Austria was within the German sphere of influence, Mussolini had removed the principal problem in Italo-German relations.

Gajda was pretty cool. He was really anti-German, because, well, being a Czech nationalist and at the same time like Hitler was hard.

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How's the Shitalian virus going?

>Czechs belong to us
Und du gehörst zu uns

Attached: Wenn sie genau hinsehen lesen sie sogar das Kleingedrukte.png (300x300, 199.63K)

You just made it on my list.

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>Czech Hitler

Ok that sounds fun! Btw ... you also have such high lithium levels in groundwater as e.g. Upper Austria. It would help prove a theory of mine ...

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he protected Austria in 1934 when dolfuss was killed and was mad to the point of nearly declaring war to Germany, which was not that strong.
France refused to help Italy so all settled down.

Then after the conquest Ethiopia all the countries of the League of Nations put sanctions on Italy and Mussolini had to choose between Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union as the new and only trading partnern.

He chose Germany for obvious reasons but the price was ceding the indipendence of Austria.

Ach Sachse, wenn ganz Deutschland so wär wie ihr, dann würd ich dir nicht widersprechen ...

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best vidya I've played in years

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Im pretty sure Germans are Slavicized, not the other way around

Why the fuck do you fear atoms, little Hans?

Bannerlord coming out in 6 days. Be ready, leaf.

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We might elect the game director for president.

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Papisten sind nicht Deutsch

have a laugh, Hans.

When will you remember the real number of deaths by the way?

Das kann man gut für uns beide sagen.
Wir haben alle ein paar faule Äpfel im Keller, und manchmal stinks bis aufs Dach

Attached: Letzter Mann, also saufen.jpg (598x498, 48.09K)

you know it's shit.
It is full of bugs and the gameplay is not that great

Oh, Lord. This will not go well.

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yep, im thinkin based

Wtf I want to be Czech now.

What do you mean? Stuff seems rather tame rn.

Still waiting on final confirmation.

If you play it now, it's relatively bug-free. I finished it in 40 hours. Nothing game-breaking.

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the proper country is czechoslovakia, fuck off nato jews

Together with the witcher trilogy.
Slavs know how to make great RPGs.

Shit would be based even more if we were allowed to keep our state for more than 30 years at a time.

Game of the decade, Giovanni

I got my money's worth

Czechs are subhuman slavshit animals, even worse than poolaks.

What do Germans think of the (now extinct) East German peoples like the Goths?

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What ... atoms? Ah you mean your nuclear power plants?! That's likely just a lobbying campaign by Austrian hydropower ... don't take the media too srsly on that. Not finishing Zwentendorf was more a political and not environmental thing (Conservatives wanted to fuck with SocDem prestige project) ... and then Chernobyl happened so yeah ...

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Fäulnis darf man nicht im Dunkeln weitergären lassen ... die muss man entschlossen ausgraben und ans Licht zerren. So dass es jeder sehen kann. Kannst du mit Hammer und Nägeln umgehen? ;)

Attached: nailed_it.jpg (920x960, 61.63K)

Only thing I know about czech people is all the porn they make. Apparently their women are very beautiful but also very cheap and easy. I've also heard czech people are lazy and don't like to work.

Ok, g*rm.

No, not really.
Kingdom of Bohemia wasn't a Czech ethnostate.
Such little states can hardly survive on their own anyway, it would have been better to remain on good terms in the German sphere of influence and continue coexisting like they had for a thousand years.

>Czech average
>middle picture
Who? I think I'm in love

Ich bevorzuge ein Schweißgerät, aber es wird schon gehen.

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i wonder how eu would be now if us didnt get zogged into joining ww2

if USA*

nah, Czechs are Slavs who have been influenced by Germans.

Nothing is forgotten, slavmongol.

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We relied on France, sadly. But at the time we were Czechoslovakia, bigger than now.

Du, wenns mal oben sind darfst gern "kreativ" werden. ;)

>tfw tunica molesta

Attached: everything_will_be_fire!!.jpg (1024x1024, 89.93K)

Based Retard!

dialect is cringe.

Ok, germnigger.

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Cool as fuck

Eisbein und Bismarckhering, nicht Weisswurst und Knödel, ja?

t. actual Preuße


the what

True, and that proves my point.
France wanted an artificial state to counter Germany, Czechia alone is too weak in comparison.

Really sad that no one gave peace a chance after WW1.

I gib da glei a Krinsch du Saugretzn! Schleich di mit dein Piefkinesisch!

Attached: am_watschbaam_rüttln.jpg (485x375, 54.33K)

Not really, Czechs are Slavs.

So is recht!! :DD

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Ich stimme dir zu 100% zu Professor. Man muss die Fäulnis ans Licht zerren genauso wie im Berlin 1945 eine vom Krieg geschundene Preussen Magd einen infizierten Slawencock ans licht zerrt und zu blasen beginnt. Einen infizierten uringetränkten Slawencock der eine Ladung Mongolenwichse in den Mund einer arischen Magd abfeuert. Diese Kleine Szene in irgendeinem Hinterhof ist exemplarisch für den gesamten Krieg. Mann könnte auch sagen der ganze Krieg lief auf diese Urszene hinaus.

That is mean. Everyone here hates Germans. Don't try to have other countries take the heat

If I could not identify as German I would.

Don't lick the cat, fren...
Akchually we have the biggest supply of lithium in Europe, just under the Eisengebirge aka Krušné Hory. I know about your theory, fren, I hope you get now your daily dose of tasty Bergwasser.
>not Obstler
>Thx for info
I'd be cautious, Herr Genetiker. Our economy is export oriented (70%) and biggest slice of pie goes to Germany. And guess what we produce most? Car parts. Now VW ist abgeschlossen, BMW auch, rest of Werks will follow. Our biggest Werk Škoda Mladá Boleslav has sign on gate "pool's closed". Boogaloo didn't took the effect yet. We'll fuck with Corona-chan, but at the cost of our economics. Oh, and I expect people to chimp out due to prolonged quarantine.
Important notice - all nonessential production can be (and probably will) closed. Only food, medical supplies and shit like that; machinery, lumber mills, mines, furnaces, all that will cease to produce.

P.S. - I miss you all, Krautfrens...

SPD guy should be asian