- It is now virtually certain that COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct. 18-27.
- The 300-strong US contingent stayed 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Market where China’s outbreak began (see map below) at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel.
- Five of the US troops developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.
- 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
- The American Military Games team trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed down by the CDC in July for various deficiencies.
- The big question now is whether the transmission was planned, or accidental. Chinese authorities are awaiting an explanation from US authorities.
- A few days ago, Mike Pompeo phoned Yang Jiechi, Chinese State Councillor for Foreign Affairs. Pompeo’s counterpart is actually Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Yang is Wang’s boss, so Pompeo wanted to talk about something urgent and important.
- Pompeo wanted the Chinese not to publicize what they had found. Yang’s reply: “We await your solemn explanation, especially about Patient Zero.”
Lmao at the us compound near the market and not the level 4 virology center near the market
Christopher Sullivan
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Mason Morgan
Time line is right Chang but so you expect me to believe you? Fuck off and die. You flicked a vial into their tents and hoped they’d catch it. Unfortunately for you the winds blew the opposite way and infected your own people. Hahahahah
Bentley Stewart
Why isn't she birthing white children yet?
Ryan Howard
It is now certain that you seethe as your Chinese underpower is burning from all sides of it's great nation and is collapsing on itself, chang.
Robert Murphy
Lol. What are the 5 US troops names?
Isaac Jenkins
>Believing Chinese propaganda
Shill faggot detected. Go suck Xi’s dick elsewhere.
Shut the fuck up you Aussie shitposter. China is nothing but trash.
Lincoln Ramirez
"honest" begins with a vowel sound, retard. become an hero
Ayden Torres
Thank you based burgers for destroying the chink menace
Sebastian Brooks
This is exactly the Chinese disinfo thats circulating through Wechat in China. GJ CCP shill. Must suck to not have freedom ;)
Lincoln Jenkins
He's not just believing it fellow leaf, he's one of the ones distributing it. This thread has been put up at least once an hour every day for the last week.
Hunter Wilson
Andrew Watson
Check out number 8 and after, is it possible that Chinese Communists have occupied Jannie positions on Yas Forums?
Nolan Thomas
Kek, mate, sad to say but an Aussie flag poster these days is quite likely to be a chink, or some other mystery mutt - we're swamped by the cunts. I'm hoping kungflu thins them out a bit.
>the chinese infected the US army while they were in wuhan >they are now trying to spin it as if the US army started infecting innocents
Isaiah Rivera
I’m going to cut up the next chink I see
Ryder Roberts
Liberal NPCs hate Russia
Conservative NPCs hate China
Dylan Torres
they both have a point
Robert Rodriguez
Thin the herd confirmed
Ryan Perez
What has this girl become now. Is she a mom nowdays? Has she grown out of the edgy nazism? Just wondering.
Angel Foster
Jack Sullivan
Ryder Jones
Jace Ortiz
Any Aussie flag spreading disinformation is likely a chink Any Canadian flag spreading disinformation is likely a pajeet Any Mutt flag spreading disinformation is probably a jew Any meme flag is also probably a jew
Robert Robinson
he's in aussieland so this is 100% a chink spreading disinfo
Austin Phillips
>jennifer zeng opinion discarded
Ethan Bell
Fucking die of bat pneumonia ching chong.
Camden Nguyen
Ayden Garcia
Levi Flores
It was created in a lab, but a Chinese lab. I find it more likely the Chinese infected the troops with the express intent of having it spread in the US, others were infected and the plan came off the rails. China lied, people died.
Yeah, why not. Might well be the case. On the other hand, releasing bioweapon on your opponents forces has the possibility of spreading the disease straight to enemy command structures. Of course that wouldn't be wise as long as they are mingling among your own populace AND you have intention to protect your own. Unless the virus(es) you are dealing with has long incubation time and you cannot spread it asymptomatic it would be borderline insane, especially if you hadn't vaccinated most of your population against it via mandatory programs. Other possibility could be some silly human error. Some unknown variable that made you miscalculate. Something along the lines of your own argument. Just a tragic error.
Camden Hernandez
Yes user, we released a novel virus in Wuhan and then were totally unprepared for the consequences and our economy dropped 30% in a month. That's definitely what happened.
Anthony Wood
>virtually certain Oh herro there, Mr. Chang.
Nolan Perry
>The USA unleash a biochemical weapon >Also the USA is one of the least prepared countries to deal with a biochemical weapon >Also USA European allies are weren't prepared to deal with it >Also China just randomly bought millions of dollars of medical supplies >Also China covered up this attack >Also China didn't let WHO in to help them deal with it >Also Chinese people are intentionally trying to infect random people all over the global >Also China who has the most massively incompetent government in any "first" world country was able to deal with the virus the best
I know you riceniggers have like 70 IQ but like does the CCP actually think anyone will believe his retarded propganda
Andrew Nelson
this and accidental/intentional release by some deranged chink scientist at the biolab seem like the most likely scenarios. and to all the fat, slobbering, low-iq mutts in this thread start >MUH AMERICA WE WOULD NEVER nigger, they said it was brought by American troops, not that the government ordered it, or that any troops consciously took part in the attack. the globalists probably just had one of their whores infect themselves with the virus, fuck a soldier scheduled to go to the games, and let the rest fall into place. nobody is saying trump or someone actually elected decided to do this. they don't control shit.
>Some US troops who happen to be at the origin of the outbreak get infected >This means it's the USA who did it >Rather than some US troops getting infected along with all the rest of Wuhan (and world)...
There's lies, damn lies, and then you've got the Chinese...
Brayden Johnson
Yea, the virus originated here. I've heard so many 1st hand accounts from people who've all expressed the same story: They were sick with a flu, went to the doctor, tested, doctor said they didn't know what it was, and all the symptoms matched what later became known as the corona virus.
It started in the US, went to Hong Kong, then made it's way to Wuhan. The Jews in control of the financial system realizing they had a golden opportunity to suicide the economy that was about to die due to the failing repo market and went all in seizing the virus and china as the scape goat.
It explains everything real. The only uncertainty is whether or not it was organic or created. If created, it was created by the US and released in Wuhan and hotspots in the US at the same time to get US exposure when no one was looking for it to avoid overwhelming hospital capacity. Or it happened on it's own and it was just seized as an opportunity to scapegoat the about to die economy on it.
hurr durrr why would the jews make a decision to hurt themselves financially? Because it was about to happen on it's own and if allowed to, it would call the entire financial system into question because people would adamantly be tired of a economy that collapses every 12 years and want to start searching for alternatives, or look to the root causes which would identify them as culprits. By scape goating china, they get to pass off the idea that the financial instituation they are in control of is fine, and it's just those darn pesky viruses and chineses that keep messing up our glorious system.
You're all idiots who fell for the alphabet agency shilling on this board who pushed forth the false narrative that this was a bioweapon of chinese creation unleashed upon the world. Your obsession for a "happening" blinded you to the truth, and you were exploited into parroting and trumpeting a false narrative given to you by the very organizations you claim to be against.
you are stupid.
Cameron Jenkins
this is what happens when americans factory farm and eat chlorinated chicken
Henry King
>: They were sick with a flu, went to the doctor, tested, doctor said they didn't know what it was, and all the symptoms matched what later became known as the corona virus. When was this?
Ryder Jenkins
Don’t forget the epidemic of “”vaping”” deaths after the fort Detrick shut down
The symptoms of the vaping deaths are identical to covid19
We are being scammed imho
Christian Cruz
Mid November here in New Orleans.
Ethan Martinez
>ching chong chingy ping pong hung pang wong >refute this >you cant >what is the link between schizophrenia and andrenochrome? >why are ashkenzi jews prone to schizophrenia? >how is adrenochrome harvested? >why were jews expelled from 109 countries? >what is the origin of the "vampire", and why does the myth exist universally across cultures? >what is pizzagate? >why do the people named in pizzagate theories seem to contract corona at incredibly high rates? >how do the chinese prefer to prepare their meats? >how many chinese died of corona? I need these answers anons. You do, too
American industrial pig farms created the conditions for h1n1 that sickened over a billion people
Elijah Thompson
This is literally another 9/11 Iraq WMD event being perpetuated on a global scale. 20% of you are state actors as you've always been monitoring and influencing the trending discussions, and the other 80% of you are the retards falling for it.
Jayden Rogers
Nukes will not be used in this war, nor will conventional weapons.
This is an asymmetric war.
Connor Murphy
you realise every time you post that you pop up real time on some chinese government drone's computer?
Jackson Russell
You are aware that the Chinese were covering up that anything at all was happening for quite some time before going absolutely nuts?
Nathan Adams
why would anyone give a shit about that you pathetic faggot?
Isaac Bennett
Maybe doing us a favor by spreading the S strain?
Elijah Lopez
21 million cell phones disconnected from service in China.
1million dead in Hubei province (Wuhan) alone.
Chinese still hiding from discovery.
Jackson Carter
>Hurr durrr. It’s the Chinese guyz. Let’s just ignore that our biggest bio weapons site was an unsecured mess
>And of course the vaping death epidemic that started right after the fort Detrick shut down and ended right before the Wuhan outbreak was related to vaping because everyone has stopped vaping
> accidentally spreads bio-weapon > if I say "no u" first nobody will suspect a thing!
Chinese are retarded and anybody believing anything that comes out of the CCP is severely brain damaged or willfully/maliciously ignorant
Jackson Roberts
If you believe this then start shooting and fuel up your ICBMs, pussies. We will be ready.
Owen Ross
seriously lol they'll check to find any chinese who read that
Matthew Gonzalez
Yes I am aware that the same media organization that refuses to legitimately investigate claims of child pornography rings and reports jeffrey epstein killed himself is also talking about China was dastardly rubbing its hands together as it was gleefully covering up its definite foreknowledge of the impending global pandemic.
You fucking idiot. Have you learned nothing? You tout yourself as enlightened but you act the opposite. How much more evidence do you need that the global, majority approved narrative is NEVER the truth? You think the media only lies sometimes? You're either an idiot or you're defacto 100% an operative of a government.
Sebastian Clark
Take your meds CCP schizo
Ayden Myers
its half truths; the annual flu vaccine in the US wasn't as effective as it could have been due to errors in planning for the strain. But it wasn't ineffective either. Many people had flu-like symptoms but had been given the vaccine. Keep in mind the average competence of USD doctors who aren't specialist is about as efficacious as reading a vegan website for information on how to get Yas Forums
David Bailey
OP is being a faggot
Austin Rodriguez
Chinks really stepping up their shilling game today bois.
Daniel Gomez
17 November 2019
A confirmed case of the novel coronavirus emerged on 17 November 2019, according to 13 March 2020 reports of official Chinese government sources,[8] but was not recognized at that time. There may have been earlier patients; the search for them continues.[9][10][11]
Ok bitch, would you like missiles when your virus kills millions of Americans?
Julian Perry
oh nice link to official narrative wikipedia.
I bet you can find the actual truth on wikipedia. Try looking up how sub saharan africans are gentically predisposed to have lower IQs. I bet you'll find the honest truth about it there on Truthapedia.
Ryan Hall
>cerealz guyz, we didn’t cause this pandemic like we caused h1n1 due to our disgusting industrial antibiotic loaded pig farms.
>of course it’s normals for 1000s of Americans to spontaneously all come down with ground glass lungs after the fort Detrick shut down because vaping guyz. Since everyone stopped vaping, there is no more ground glass vaping deaths. Cerealzly guyz
American logic
Matthew Myers
Even here people talk about the chinese and how are they trying to blame another country.
Camden Bell
please, China and USA, you have to start new war and kill each other. World would be better without both of you
Samuel Bennett
How does it feel, chink? To look at the body of a white woman, and know that you are just a subhuman to them, like you are a subhuman to your fellow countrymen? You are just bugs, treated like slaves by corrupt business men. Your government kills you by the milions to keep you in line, and you shitpost here, because you were paid to do so. With an amount so small, by the way, I wouldn't even bother to pick it up if I found it lying on the floor.
Juan Morris
>believe in an ideology like this strongly enough to get a tattoo >make sure it's where you will hide it for the rest of your life
in a fourth reich situation she would be executed for her half-measure
Thomas Torres
Ching chong ching chong chink winne the pooh cuck
Caleb Hughes
And Italian doctors are now claiming they were seeing cases earlier in the Fall - around the time the American vaping pandemic was peaking
Benjamin Myers
Yeah I should go off completely unsourced anecdotes and schizo theories on Yas Forums. Much smarter.
Ethan Hall
>australian flag >chink apologist yep hes a chink.