What a woman

So Tom Hanks' lovely wife, Rita Wilson, has decided to publish her personal number so fans can get in touch and talk to her about being in isolation. What an inspiration.
If you're feeling down, maybe she can help. Maybe you could post any responses you get here? That'd be swell.
Number in article.

Attached: IMG_20200325_190400.jpg (1080x1541, 273.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>just called
>hung up

The eternal female.

Attached: Eternal Female.jpg (980x1912, 560.83K)

What did she mean by this?

That whore looks like a monster from a Iron maiden cover album

Have you asked for nudes yet?

This can't end well.

She needs attention whoring

She wants to hear from you, user.

ask her if the adrenochrome withdrawals are bad

Sounds like she wants a distraction, don't allow her to have it.


That's subjective

you fags better record it if you're gonna call

Tom isn't laying the pipe properly. She wants to get fucked by real men.

What country code for her number? Is that an Australian number?

Good question.
Also could someone track her number and see where she is?

The country code for australia is +61

310 is california apparently

And then they cry rape to keep their social reputation

It's the 310 number right? That's an LA number I would assume

Already sent her a dick picture.
>oh thats nice. Bigger than hanks hope all is going well, please send more.

You can't fuck a dead man.

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>What country code for her number? Is that an Australian number?
Probably American. The country code is +1.

>read the whole thing
This proves nothing except the superiority of Americans over Bongs and Aussies.

Hello Roastie.

every new part of this is more concerning than the last

expect to be shocked when you find out who has been dead and deepfaked for this entire crisis

Celebs need narcissistic supply. It’s a sickness.

post your chick.

Honeypot number, this seems dangerous. Anons, don't call without going through 5 VPNs from a virtual machine tied to a disposable phone connected to a laptop via USB. Make sure after the above steps are followed you then use a skype number. You are playing with a dangeorus enemy of the people, proceed with caution when meddling with a villain with ties like she has. Do not underestimate an enemy.

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>implying this isn't deliberate so they can track down some of you idiots

thats what they are prob planning on. expect articles soon that are all

I'm not a female, I just can't let an opportunity to dunk on Aussies go to waste. The Brits are too easy. This is why the American aversion to foreign troops touching their soil is so important. We go to your country to do exercises/save your ass. You don't come here. We can't have you touching our glorious mutt women.

And do what?

he speaks the truth

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Fuck. only one digit off.

Would be funny to call her and only talk about Tom Hanks and what it is like to be married to Tom Hanks.

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It's a number that other pedocelebs can use to get an update on >HANX. They probably text her some password that only they would know and then she sends them coded info back. Screencap this

Attached: suck my balls_.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)


Attached: wilson.jpg (480x271, 31.87K)

And ask her how she managed to raise not only one but two gay sons.

>Tom has entered the chat

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U niggers are crazy if u call this cunt, use a burner number

I just did a face time video call with her, she was nice and showed me her titties. I asked nicely.

This. Also why are whores so desperate for attention? Is it the social media?

>here you go

They're cross-vectoring your phone data with posts made so their rapper son Chester, she and he can identify you then serve you papers and SUE YOU. Do NOT call the number.

Smartest user IT. Someone ought to IG her a number that says
>cheap human-sourced adrenochrome
and return the fucking favor.


Real or all natural?
roll for swing low sweet chariots

Post webm or GTFO.

Too hard to tell she pushed em together for me

>hangs up before farting
you had one job

Someone ask her if they’ve made any sacrifices to moloch today

You wanna know how I know you've never seen a pair of tits before.

>"They're overpaid, oversexed, and over here"
made me lol

marketing campaign for phone number farming, got paid thousands of dollars to do this, please close thread

normies are weak and should die. If they already feel isolated after 1 week they are pathetic. I have lived like this for 10 years already.

slow your roll Tom Yanks.

I tried to call but wouldn't connect

>>What country code for her number? Is that an Australian number?
>Probably American. The country code is +1.
When has anything Aussie been +1?

so when they send her to gitmo, it'll raise awareness to the normies, hoping they will rise up and save her

What do i have to do, to get an cutte Little mutt-gurl????

Does she have battletoads?

Tommie is spending all his time with his kidnapped sex slave?

Attached: Hanks.png (596x554, 258.25K)

>Richard Evans

Attached: richardevans.jpg (1280x720, 53.16K)