Science disproves nationalism

>Our bodies have 3 billion genetic building blocks, or base pairs, that make us who we are.

>And of those 3 billion base pairs, only a tiny amount are unique to us, making us about 99.9 per cent genetically similar to the next human.

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And how much do these small differences make us widely dissimilar to others of a certain group?
>a god damned Leaf
We knew this. We also know that this is true for most life on Earth. What matters is that Homo sapiens vary widely between ethnic and racial groups, the relatively small differences between groups of humans don’t make us the same- not even close. Think before you rim, faggot.

Yes.... that's the point...
We like people that are similar to us.
How are you that retarded.
also nice boomer meme.

Nihilistic floundering, go drink some more before dying.

Would you tell a Serbian nationalist to his face that his nation is fake?

Science proves nationalism you idiot. 2% of your DNA is the difference between a human and a literal ape; and 1 or 2 genes can be the difference between an average person and a retard.

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tribalism is a human instinct. how does that disprove it?

Let me guess you're pro israel aren't you?

We're also 99% similar to gorillas. Your point is?

But not your "race", because race doesn't exist, as there is more variation within races than between races.

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but we all have different beliefs and belief systems

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That's a 3rd thread in a row make by canadian scum 'bout have bad nationalism is.

Sure ikr canadians are subhumans and US should annex this shithole one day but 3rd in a row? Srsly?

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dude did you know that water containing 2000 ppm of hydrogen cyanide is 9.998% similar to water without cyanide in it?????? racists btfo

You're just using a fake copy pasta.

Marxist socialism is inter-nationalist, not anti-nationalist.

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Which leave about 3million base pairs difference between races, the power of one base pair can make you a dwarf. OP is a full retard.

>a fucking leaf


And the 0.1% of difference is what makes people either third world subhumans or first worlders.

Nationalism isn't based on genetics. Nationalism is simply acknowledging that humans working in groups are much more powerful than humans working alone, so if you don't want to get your shit kicked in by hostile groups of humans, you'd better join a group. Nation-states can be very strong groups, so long as the people in them have a strong sense of their nationality actually mattering to their identity. Nationalism is about finding a sense of purpose in the national identity, so that your goals align with those of your people and working towards those goals helps you all feel fulfilled.

But nationalism has nothing to do with genetics...


A fucking meme, there is not a single anti-Semitic act that ever occurred that wasn't provoked by jewish actions.

>People who suffered countless expulsions and genocides
That's literally every race

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The short answer to this (I'm assuming you're just a nationalist shit-testing Yas Forums here), is as follows:

It's the differences that make us different, not the similarities that make us the same. (Followed up by an insult if the person is being especially daft). You fucking moron.

Lets calculate that, 0,1 procent of 3000000000 is 3000000. Which is 3 million. So suddenly thats a lot of change, I wonder what all those genes could encode.

How can there be more variation within an isolated group than between two isolated groups.
It simply makes no sense.
And we share 99.8% of them with Chimps.
95% with Pigs.
90% with most birds.
60% with fucking bananas.
Are they human?
Are single cell amoebas human as well?

>But not your "race", because race doesn't exist, as there is more variation within races than between races.
Look, I am a scientist, right, I see two bird species, they look exactly the same, but one bird species had more red in their feathers, a slightly taller beak, makes nests lower to the ground, lays one less egg and lives in an environment seperated from the other birds.

By any scientific measure, we are dealing here with two subpopulation, noone would suggest these birds belong to the same species, but you claim this is the case with humans. Why?


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Open borders for Israel.

And the next ape and the next dog retard. If anything it proves that niggers aren't human

because of that claim being in their in-groups interest, or because of maladaptive behaviour (either them being genetic mutants, or victims of social epistasis by other genetic mutants - or foreign influence that spreads maladaptive ideas).

In short: It's degenerates/mutants and foreign influence causing people to make these claims. In some cases just childhood trauma and indoctrination, but that can also be boiled down to foreign influence or mutants.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, could you rephrase.

humans are only 40% different from bannanas

He's saying that those will bad genes are far more likely to be mentally ill enough to buy into this nonsense.
These people with bad genes would in a normal society be at the bottom of the social hierarchy however the (((merchant))) has mobilized them with promises of status.
Therefore they peddle this nonsense to confuse the normals into giving them power.
Watch Dr Edward Dutton on youtube.

Ok, why are you telling us this? Go tell the jews in Israel to stop DNA testing immigrants and let in more Africans.

Alright, yes now I get it. Yes, the mentally ill end up teaching in universities, while the smart and healthy have to do menial jobs.

People claim that there are no human races, because the general awareness and changes to behaviour that knowledge would cause, would be in the dis-interest of their own group/race.

Edward Dutton has talked about this on several occasions on his youtube channel (the jolly heretic), and I find his arguments and data quite convincing and rooted in truth.

For example, jews may not want whites to think of them as different, since that might lead to them being treated different (which may very well be better for whites to do, but would be bad for jews who control porn, media, banking and more). Of course there are similar examples to make for blacks, hispanics and so on - some advocate for race-denial on an ideological/political basis. These people are essentially a result of higher genetic mutational load in general society, because of vaccines and other modern healthcare technologies.

Social epistasis is how people that are genetically "normal" (ie. not maladaptive at birth), come to act like these spiteful mutants. Usually because they follow "authority" and "consensus" in order to fit in with their community/society, rather than rational, independent thought.

Which would be perfectly fine for them to do - if it wasn't for the fact that evil, deceitful foreign influences control vast portions of our media-cultural landscape, making many of us believe things that are:
1. Simply untrue.
2. Not in our interest to act on as we are encouraged to, even if it was true.

Did that clear it up? If not, I can recommend the youtube channel of Dutton, or one of his books. ("at our wits end" and "how to judge people by what they look like" are good starters)

Quite, everything is topsy turvey.
There's an interesting two part series by Charlemagne on YouTube called 'Biological Leninism' which when coupled with Dr Edward Duttons work on Mutants provides a quite clear explanation of modern leftism within the masses.
The leadership however is a different kettle of fish.

Very concise. Yes, that's the crux of it.

Our skulls are even different... not hard to see the differences.

>Blue people have height variance from 4 feet to 6 feet
>red people have height variance from 5 feet to 7 feet
>”Each race has a height variance of 2 feet among its own population, but only 1 foot of variance between the two races! Don’t you see! Race doesn’t exist!”
This is your logic

>this disproves nationalism
How? Nationalism is the belief that the best way for a country to be, is that the nation (an ethnic group) should be at its center.

Ya we all eat breathe and shit but still doesn't mean you're not a retarded sub human leaf nigger and below me for that.

>Did that clear it up?

>because the general awareness and changes to behaviour that knowledge would cause, would be in the dis-interest of their own group/race.

I have a great example for this, why do leftist professors claim all races and people are equal?

Because if they are not, then not only are White people smarters then Black people, but these leftists would have to admit, there are people much smarters then they are.

This is something their pride and arrogance would never admit, this is the core of all equality movements.

Will check it out.

If absolutely everyone wants you to die/fuck off, maybe the problem is you.

>big number mean race not real!!
A very common and flawed argument that only works on normies who don’t spend even a second looking into genetics. We have 60% genetic similarity to bananas. We have 96% genetic similarity to chimpanzees. Simply having a number close to 100% in genetic similarity is not enough to show that there’s no significant differences between two groups in a population. I suggest you explore this site full of mountains of evidence showing that race has significance besides skin color. Some of the studies are outdated but due to the sheer quantity, there’s still dozens that are credible to this day.

Nationalism probably is not natural and is more political manmade. But tribalism is nature. We stick to our families since humans began and protect our shit from outsiders

I don't understand why the mods keep deleting these threads. There is usually some good discussion, or at least better than 99% of the other twitter screencap shit threads.

>making us about 99.9 per cent genetically similar to the next human.
This is Lewontins fallacy. It doesn't matter if racial differences are due to 50% genetic variation, or 0.00000001% genetic variation. Racial differences exist, and we can see them with our own eyes.

"However small the racial partition of the total variation may be, if such racial characteristics as there are highly correlate with other racial characteristics, they are by definition informative, and therefore of taxonomic significance."
-Richard Dawkins


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Yeah, also if mods delete the threads, that’s censorship just like twitter and plebbit do. Let all anons have an open and free discussion, the truth always wins.

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Chimps share 99% or so of our DNA.
They will rip your body to pieces and eat it if you go into their territory.

What's your point, exactly?

So, at least you're pro white-flight?

Not true actually.

Based on old partial analysis.

German shepherds are 99.9% genetically similar to a chihuaha, yet the different dog breeds have drastically different capabilities.

We share more than 98% of our DNA with bonobos, yet we are vastly different in our capabilities.

Comparing genomic wide similarity values means very little when a lot of DNA is not even expressed as proteins and changing it have little to no effect on the organism phenotype. However changing just a single loci of certain genes can produce a completely different phenotype.

TLDR: genes do not contribute equally to the organism phenotype, genomic-wide similarity values are pretty much meaningless to infer phenotype similarity.

Lewontin's Fallacy

So glad I have a name for this now. I’ve been saying it for years but always sort of sound like an idiot because I didn’t have an official name for it. These threads are always so helpful and informational.
Do you have a source? I often bring up dog breeds when talking about this, but I’ve never been able to find exact numbers and stats, which always sound better.

Humans are actually plants because we share 80% of our DNA with bananas

Banter aside, you can't even scientifically prove you exist.

God: 1
Fags: 0

Einstein left his wife to fuck his cousin.

We're also 70% banana, does that mean we should stop eating bananas because they're just like us?

>making us about 99.9 per cent genetically similar to the next human.
We're 98% genetically similar to chimps newfag

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And we are 99.8% similar to apes, it doesn't mean anything.
