Does the evolution theory make sense to you Yas Forums?

Does the evolution theory make sense to you Yas Forums?

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It's been proven over and over again. I really don't think it's a theory anymore: it's a fact that everyone knows.

Zero doubt in my mind, this is absolutely the way life goes around.

>It's been proven over and over again.

no it hasn't.

Yes, it makes sense; it's our best theory for biological variation so far.
This leaf is a retard and probably a bandwagon science popularizer. Theories aren't proven and theories don't graduate into facts. Theories are explanations of the facts.

I can't wait until he gets to the vid where the white blobs learn to save resources for lean times whilst brown blobs continue living hand to mouth, and this represents greater intellect

Organisms evolving? Yes.
Only by natural selection? Nope, that's jewshit.
Humans are even worse, they have every possible trait of an invasive species.

They base the entire world's biological system on how an embryo develops in the first couple weeks
Then they fill in the blanks and use SCIENCE as a troll to bash anyone questioning it

Retard. There are many definitions of "theory", and creationists use it their advantage by saying, "evolution is just a theory"; but you are too retarded to understand what I was getting at.

Yes phylogeny is pretty expansive. the challenge for people wishing to disprove evolution is to find something unrelated to any other animal in the phylogenetic tree.

They even dont know how the oceans came to be. Milions of tons of water just sawned. Thety say meteors and shit, how big is that metor, how did not the water eveporeted from the colision. They talk to us like we where retarded. Pathetic.

The same DNA test that proves how the baby the crackwhore you fat smelly mutt fucked for 10 bucks last year isn't actually yours also proves common ancestry between humans and chimps.
How many evolution deniers or religious nuts would still hide behind a DNA test using it as an unbreakable fact in order to dodge child support while still saying "I was never no damn monkey".
Still I don't think it's hypocrisy, retardation perhaps.

Yes, which is why this cunt is always so smug.

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>too retarded to go down to my creationist level of definitions
Face it. Your education on evolution is over debates on Facebook. Nothing proper.

Theory in science is how you explain how things happen, you are confusing theory with hypothesis

it's a theory, you fucking dumbass. why the FUCK would an animal devolve to go back into the ocean. Fuck, you atheists are retarded, God's already spelled out to us what happened in the Bible.

It's hard to truly grasp how old Earth is, and how long this biological evolutionary process' has been going on to create such a wide array of different physiological entities. It's such an extreme time frame that it's hard to fully process.

And it's equally as difficult to truly process how this evolution continues for such an immensely long time going into the future, evolving into the Apex Form of Sentient Biological Existence; which is The Living God.

But logic & science dictate that indeed, Evolution did create all lifeforms we know of. And indeed, evolution incarnate a Living God.

Evolution is real.

God is real.

This is Neo-Christian Evolutionary Futurism.

And it's The Second Coming of Christ.

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Our bodies have 3 billion genetic building blocks, or base pairs, that make us who we are.

And of those 3 billion base pairs, only a tiny amount are unique to us, making us about 99.9 per cent genetically similar to the next human.

A recent TED talk by physicist and entrepreneur Riccardo Sabatini demonstrated that a printed version of your entire genetic code would occupy some 262,000 pages, or 175 large books. Of those pages, just about 500 would be unique to us. This is because large chunks of our genome perform similar functions across the animal kingdom.

Take a look at how genetically similar we are to everything around us:

Humans are 99.9 per cent similar to the person sitting next to us. The rest of those genes tell us everything from our eye colour to whether we're predisposed to certain diseases.A 2005 study found that chimpanzees — our closest living evolutionary relatives — are 96 per cent genetically similar to humans.

Cats are more like us than you'd think. A 2007 study found that about 90 per cent of the genes in the Abyssinian domestic cat are similar to humans.

When it comes to protein-encoding genes, mice are 85 per cent similar to humans. For non-coding genes, it is only about 50 per cent. The National Human Genome Research Institute attributes this similarity to a shared ancestor about 80 million years ago.Domesticated cattle share about 80 per cent of their genes with humans, according to a 2009 report in the journal Science.

When it comes to insects' DNA, humans have a bit less in common. For example, fruit flies share 61 per cent of disease-causing genes with humans, which was important when Nasa studied the bugs to learn more about what space travel might do to your genes.

And while the egg-laying and feathered body are pretty different from a human's, about 60 per cent of chicken genes have a human gene counterpart.

Even bananas surprisingly still share about 60 per cent of the same DNA as humans.


Why else would geographically distinct organisms develop differently?

Read From Logos to Bios

No, evolution makes no sense.
I only follow the teachings of 2000 year old Jews and they say otherwise.


ofc go-y, i-i mean, user. Don't you know that cells mutate into other cells with completely different function as long as they are expose to certain stimulus for a certain amount of time. for example, if a human was able to expose his hand to light over a period of millions of years, it would become an eye, it makes perfect sense and it is absolutely rational and settled science.

now forget about God and all this mumbo jumbo of intelligent design and go take a few dicks up your ass and smoke some weed, the economy won't recuperate by itself...

Not to christcucks, but then again, christcucks also worship a jew god that tells you to not resist those that want you dead, so we can safely say that their brains are just toasted

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>go take a few dicks up your ass and smoke some weed
As a Canadian, I approve this message whole heartedly.

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Never been proven never will be. Evolution hinges on reliable mutation when virtually all mutations are naturally rendered infertile and destroyed by nature. Doesn't make any sense.

my great grandfather was a lampshade

Why are bananas, fruit flies and chickens all 60% genetically similar; one is a fruit, one is an invertebrate and one is a vertebrate with markedly different evolutionary divergences from our common ancestors

You can watch it happen with farm pigs if you let them go in the wild they turn into wild boars on a few weeks almost a different animal

The counter argument is that the mutations don’t have to be reliable as your timeline approaches infinity


If you’re not emotionally attached to the theory it can seem pretty retarded, I’ll say that. Having been raised on the theory I usually include it in most of my views, however.

of course it does

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Because we are made of the same things all we are is carbon and water once you break it down

That’s not evolution by natural selection. It’s epigenetic reversion to a previous state. It’s lamarckian and completely unrelated to your point

but for one issue
the rate of information lost with each replication seems less then the rate of information gained via beneficial mutation

maybe there was a creation at some point and over time and multiple copies everything is falling apart.

My problem is why would anything evolve to leave the ocean, let alone go back in. If everything started in the ocean, why the fuck would they evolve to leave it? Clearly they were already adapted to living in the ocean, so why fucking use the extra effort to leave?

Prove you're not a bandwagon lad. What is the BEST proof of macroevolution.

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yes, although it's far from complete. but it is generally correct.

You completely missed the point of my question. It’s seems like youre just kind of a gay retard. Maybe sit the next few threads out

Checked, and no. Hang on, maybe. I refuse to believe that my nearest genetic cousin is niggers tho

Yes it does


>virtually all mutations are naturally rendered infertile
Yes. 99.98% are infertile. That sperm was no good, so you try again tomorrow. You either get unmutated offspring, a 0.01% change that your kid will have webbed feet and nearsighted and die off due to natural selection. Or an 0.01% change that your kid is the beginning of the new master race. He grows up to be the next generation's Chad and spreads the mutation far and wide.

That's how evolution works.

Google is literally built through evolutionary algorithms

>so why fucking use the extra effort to leave
Evolution isn't conscious effort. It's random mutations over millions of years that results in evolutionary fitness.

Epigenetics is proof evolution exists

Evolution is real and proven. However, evolution still doesn't have an answer for the ride of homo sapiens. We did not go from Neanderthal to homo sapiens. The "missing link" has yet to be found and likely never will be found. The link needs to address the shape of the ribcage. Neanderthals have a V shaped heavy ribcage, the same ribcage every hominid prior to humans had.
Then the record jump immediately to humans with our oval ribcages. That is like jumping from A to Z. There is no middle ground, just an immediate jump.
This means that humans must have evolved prior to Neanderthals, not after.

coronavirus is literally evolving right before us you retard mongoloid.

Search evo-devo

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>nigger tier education mutts confuse "theory" when used in slang with "theory" used in sience field
So germs are fake too since its muh just germs diesese theory "
Helio centrism is just a theory so its fake too
theory of elasticity is fake too since its just a theory
>muh just theory fags gtfo
Youre literally just as dumb as niggers
Why is it always mutts fucking hell

Did skunks first evolve the mechanism to spray liquid, or did they first evolve the ability to produce stinky liquid?

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The ones who survive mutations cannot reproduce, because the rest died off.

Evolution, even if you survive, you die off.

t. brainlet who hasn't heard of the falsifiability criterion and therefore doesn't even understand what a theory is
do you even science bro?

Lots of competition for the food in the ocean. Nobody is up on land eating the plants. I think I'll just try breathing a few gulps of this air and grab some free food. As generations go by, those that can get further from the shore and get uncontested food thrive and the gene that permits such behavior is selected.

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Fuck off back to nigger prole ghetto

Fuck off meme flag

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I believe in evolution. But I don’t see how epigenetic changes implies the theory of natural selection over intelligent design. I think that’s a weak argument, feel free to elaborate on what you mean by that.

What else is there?

>they talk to us like where retarded

The irony, you fucking retard.

>It's been proven over and over again
This. It's been proven false so many times I'm not sure why people even entertain the thought that it's true.


You think youre very intelligent

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>It's been proven over and over again.
no it has not....



No. The rest were the unmutated group. Still viable, but just not as good. Those with the beneficial mutation get the first choice of mates and slowly that gene propagates through the population. But it takes many generations so there is no sudden die off.

Eat shit and die meme flag larper

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>completely unrelated response
Bing bing wahoo

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>Only by natural selection? Nope, that's jewshit.
"Natural selection" is just shorthand for "Worked good enough for long enough for the creature to fuck". It's not all gonna be an improvement or even beneficial, just worked well enough.
That's why nature is full of jank shit like the Baribusa, their tusks growing through their own face if they live long enough, doesn't fucking matter because they probably already shat out a couple litters of babies before it starts to be a problem.

Everything is both real and unreal at the same time. Our gods and observers might have their gods and observers, but all that remains throughout all layers of reality is a singularity of truth. A prime balance that is in everything and everyone, and straying from it will change your appearance (baldness for example is a physical reflection of a narrow-minded male)

don't question the science - you aren't qualified
(if you are qualified we'll make sure you don't get published)

>It's been proven over and over again
No the " missing link " is still missing and it's still considered a theory and being the nature of the theory, proof should be more than plentiful however it's lacking. You were spoon fed a lie. Deal with it.


If the mutated and the unmutated have offspring, then they are the same species by definition. That wouldn't explain speciation, something evolution needs to explain.

What about you kys. There is no point in debating evolution deniers. If you just think for 5 mins evolution becomes obvious. You are just too stupid to comprehend any idea

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Epigenetic changes happen in nature.

It's proven in studies that atheist brains are defective.

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Look at this brainlet and his pasta, the "OMG you actually share 70% of your DNA with worms" should've ended a couple years after 2003.
Well duck taping together data from studies to make a non argument against evolution is wasting time when sequence alignment has been a thing for more than a decade.
In the end you're gonna use a DNA test when your wife tells you to accept the baby despite the slightly darker skin color, when it comes down to it and the result shows how Jamal is indeed the father and you dodge the bullet you can still deny evolution while benefiting from the same scientific school that robustly confirms it.

>If you just think for 5 mins evolution becomes obvious
If you think for 10 you realize it's bullshit.


>"you are too stupid"
Bing bing wahoo to you too

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No? It Has been proven true actually on micro and macro scale nigger

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>it's a fact that everyone knows.
Sort of. Our understanding of evolution has changed significantly since Darwin. But not to the point that the whole theory was thrown out. Some guesses about how species got from point A to B were discarded and others proved valid. That's how science works.

Yes, evolution does make sense.
It's why Whites are smarter than Niggers but Niggers can run faster, on average.

evolution occurs only under the stress of external factors....idiot. that's why crocodiles have't evolved anymore, they are perfect the way they are.