Why do conservatives want to limit sexual freedoms? Practicing pedophilia is bad, everyone knows that...

Why do conservatives want to limit sexual freedoms? Practicing pedophilia is bad, everyone knows that, but no doubt in my mind the facists are gonna use it to destroy more and more of our rights

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we came out too forcefully with the "liberals/gays support pedophilia" meme and now there are a million news headlines leading back to here. probably better to just invent a new one as opposed to trying to make this one work

Because fertility rates and the quality of family life falls without restrictions on sexuality

It's literally in the name of the party genius.

One side has millions of people wanting to be able to walk around streets naked and fuck anything with a pulse in public in the name of 'progress' and the other wants to keep civilization civilized barring a few cherry picked examples.

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>reverse slippery slope
I'm actually fine with this

>I don't like it should be illegal


>Muh weird porno addictions

What is wrong with furries, lolicon, or ageplay if it's kept in the bedroom?
>wanting to be able to walk around streets naked and fuck anything with a pulse in public
When did anyone say anything about that?

I'm sold let's make being a faggot illegal

Holy fuck I'd never thought I'd see the day where the leaf WASN'T the cuck

>Kinks and fetishes are exclusively caused by porn

Furries can consent, loli are fictional characters, agepplayers are consenting adults, a trans person is usually a consenting adult but it is child abuse for children, and queers are consenting adults.

Pedophilia is rape. You cannot get a child's consent, what is hard to understand about this?

wtfs an ageplayer?

>being a furry can be illegal
>being an age player can be illegal
>being trans can be illegal
>being queer can be illegal

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>What is wrong with furries, lolicon, or ageplay if it's kept in the bedroom?

You can't. What a man does, especially in search for extreme pleasure at the cost of behavior he would otherwise see as unpleasant, will change the nature of that man, and how he acts in other situations.

The idea of pedophile acceptance is not to allow pedos to rape children, but to stop viewing pedophiles who don't act on their urges as monsters

Transexualism is clearly a threat to the safety of all children. This epidemic of groomers and transexual propaganda confusing and converting kids who would have otherwise led happy and normal lives. Twist their minds full of deviant notions while telling them they are the wrong gender then pumping them with hormones, in some cases removing their sexual organs surgically.

Do you think this will be allowed to continue? Just a trans person being seen by children in polite society is public indecency.

Make a good faith effort to present yourself as the gender you actually are and not your fantasy larp gender when in public or GO TO JAIL. That is your future. I don't care how ugly you have made yourself or how fat your ass and fake tits are, you will be allowed to make a good faith effort to make yourself decent and a judge and court if need be will review your case. Rehabilitation will be offered, but no surgical interventions will be mandatory, you just have to try. Privacy of the bedroom you can larp, but we just can't let children see that society finds this acceptable and we certainly can't allow it to be encouraged.

The groomers, the sick doctors, bad parents, and the deviant propagandists targeting children can all go to jail. Once society wakes up to what is going on and can no longer ignore the flood of abused children spilling out into the street, drastic action will have to be taken.

The corrupt medical establishment will be offered the bribes and threats required for their primary members to stop or have their licenses revoked and the millions of doctors and alleged experts in their organizations will comply to keep their jobs and their licenses.

This is no larp, this is no threat of violence. Any violence against you will be met with legal consequence. We are a polite society, for now, but you are pushing your luck. This is a reminder that in due time the people will demand a change to the laws in order to protect children and...

you will go to JAIL

They're not monsters, they're just mentally diseased. They should be monitored.

Nor can you get an an adult who would be weak enough to practice your listed behaviors to consent, of course there are exceptions, but that's true for children as well. Furries cannot consent, or they would not be furries, same for the rest, so just like with pedophilia it should be illegal since no one can consent to it.

ageplay is just roleplaying as an age other than the one you really are, usually younger. Common examples would be dressing as a schoolgirl during sex or ddlg/abdl
>at the cost of behavior he would otherwise see as unpleasant
What do you mean by this?

Fuckface, being a furry or an age player, trans or queer isn't equivalent to being a pedo. Pedos deserve the rope.

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>You cannot get a child's consent
Why is that?

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impulse control is a virtue
lol you think the facists would destroy your rights, watch this video

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>What do you mean by this?
He would not speak about this behavior to his friends. He does not like to think himself acting like this outside of the bedroom, when he's not in a degenerate mood.

Absolutely the degenerate behaviors described will manifest itself in other ways outside of the bedroom.

Leftism is overwhelmingly Jewish and LGBTQP. That combination always leads to rampant pedophilia. Look at hollywood and the report showing the majority of ANTIFA are convicted pedophiles.

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should be
should be
should be
eh, don’t care
should be
should be

I mean that is super cute and all but he shouldn't be practicing his fetish in public like this

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what in the living fuck is an ageplayer?

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>Of course the Jew wants children to be able to legally consent to sex
Epstein wasn't bad enough, eh Rabbi?

I don't like faggots trying to touch my children and want it to be illegal, yes.

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>that flag
>that post
Ho-Lee fuck

>What is wrong with furries, lolicon, or ageplay if it's kept in the bedroom?
Dude have you been hiding under a rock the past 20 years? When is this shit ever kept in the bedroom?

Are they admitting all those other groups are pedophiles by default?

Yes to everything

If you don’t act on your urges then just shut up about it and you’re fine. What’s the problem?

my god... it should be legal to beat these faggots to death for the sake of humanity

>Muh weird porno addictions weren't caused by watching weird porno

>If being one kind of faggot can be illegal, then being another kind of faggot is illegal

I'll have you know I'm an antisemite.
Back on topic, what prevents a child from being able to consent?

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>He would not speak about this behavior to his friends.
And people talk to their friends about when they have normal sex?
>He does not like to think himself acting like this outside of the bedroom
Anyway what do you propose the degenerates do? Should they just never experience sexual pleasure because you don't like them?


Actually all of those forms of degeneracy should be illegal.

Liberals frequently have the exact same arguments as me but interpret them backwards

It's right: a gay is more far from "normality" than a pedophile.

Simple solution tell all the other faggots listed on that tweet that their bullshit will be deemed illegal if they don’t handle the pedos. Tah dah. Pedos are gone and weirdos well self regulate their own.

people already do that in cali

why cant you just be normal?

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The same law that prevents a child from signing a contract

Is it wrong if i want to murder unironic pedophiles with my bare hands?

invisible character

Making all those things illegal would be fine

Last I checked feminists wanted to ban loli sex bots too, it's just a normie thing in general.

So you think sex should be thought of as a contract, and not as an expression of love?

They live in an ugly position and develop ugly lifestyles, they are not born degenerate, rather, it is developed, with the exception of homosexuality in most situations. Sexual pleasure can be had without the degenerate part, and anyways it is a lower pleasure, while intellectual pleasure and moral pleasure both are preferable to sexual pleasure, but also carry men out of a degenerate view of life. I see no problem favoring Plato here, sex is for the creation of children, and that is it.

That doesn't work like that. I have had fetishes since before puberty/watching porn, I know plenty of others like me
Nah, someone else made it last time

I can't see a problem in that tweet? None at all, in fact.

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People can stick their dick in anything with proper consent. I'm not a fag who gets uppity when someone gets some.

The very fact that you have to specify that it’s “kept in the bedroom” when the only laws that would affect the behaviours would be those in public means you know that it’s not currently kept in the bedroom anyway.

sounds like paradise

Is it wrong if I feel this way about all fags of every kind?

I see nothing wrong with this. All degeneracy must be purged.

You don't have a right to be a faggot.

Payback is a bitch. Should have contained the other faggots in your group, now we have to contain them.

Explain your reasoning please
>sex is for the creation of children, and that is it.

I'm an ABDL and I can assure you plenty other scumbag ABDLs get thrills by not keeping it in the bedroom
they love wearing diapers in public and hoping to get caught and shit. Fucking sick fucks

>everyone knows that

Amos Yee

it's almost like theyre reverse leafs

That image is why we need eugenics.

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Sounds ok to me. Put them all up against the wall.

Oh yeah it's a huge problem with our community, but I don't see why we shouldn't just arrest the scumbags and keep the government out of it otherwise

I wish that whole list was a death sentence.

We would be living on Mars right now.