Christians of Yas Forums
Why do you care about some foreign Jewish God over your own white race?
Race realism > anything else
Christians of Yas Forums
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Why can't you actually look for an answer to your question yourself?
Chuck Missler's Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message
fuck off, I have read the bible and it doesn't endorse racial purity, infact quite the apposite
Jews hate God
Their entire existence has been subverting God and God telling them to stop being subversive little shits to the point he gets fed up and ruins their secret club
Read the fucking Bible before spouting some gay wigger shit
I’m irreligious but extremely spiritual.
I try to study ancient Vedic scripture since Indo-European religion is more important than Abrahamic religion.
Ah...cuntface has posted a worthwhile thread with a half decent question.
Why not every time instead of that Basedwanger shit and Greece fixation.
It all comes down to fear. They're afraid.
Christianity is a fear-based religion. It relies on the threat of "hell" and "eternal damnation" to frighten people into submission.
Christianity's message is this:
Submit to the Desert Genie and the Jewish Carpenter, live your life as a meek, submissive, obedient little lamb, or face the wrath of god.
Every christian follows the religion out of fear, whether they admit it or not. They truly believe there is a place called "hell" waiting for unbelievers in the next life.
"Do what your told or face the consequences."
Making people fearful and then using that fear to get them to do what you want is the oldest, most basic, most primal method of control that man has at his disposal. And the Jews are masters at it.
>Read the fucking Bible
I have read the bible you nigger lover
How about you reed seej
Your entire ideology is fear of being replaced by brown people
Spirituality is emotions
The Christcuck reveals his final form
Muslims want a great caliphate, Jews don't give a shit what happens to the goyim as long as they're kept stupid, Christians are the only ones that recognise that nations retaining their identity and existence is even a value.
Replace it with nihilistic atheist punks though, at least when you're burning in hell you can be safe in the knowledge Muslims are raping your granddaughters
When did I say fear was invalid? That's what your kike friend was saying. My first post is still 100% true.
It's a basic, primal. ingrained human instinct to fight against extinction and replacement by an outside group...
>Your entire ideology
And do not make assumptions, as to my world-view.
Yeah, I already said fear bro
>anti-Christian thread
Reminder that kikes go to Hell when they die
>Christians are the only ones that recognise that nations retaining their identity and existence is even a value.
Sure as shit isn't true of the 8kun shills that post christian threads on here.
They actively ruin threads on those topics to bitch about Le Larpagans and Le Christian Culture Built Everything & have multiple threads whining about Scandinavia and how "we deserve to be [ethnically] replaced" on their own board.
>at least when you're burning in hell you can be safe in the knowledge Muslims are raping your granddaughters
Your already in hell you bacteria level IQ retard
Shitskins are flooding your country and raping your women and throwing acid on your face.
literal mind poison
Christianity is the best thing that happened to the white race.
What you don't realize is that Germanic people didn't improve because Catholics chopped down a tree and that wasn't when Christianity was brought to the German people.
Germanic people CHOSE what is called Arian Christianity. Not Aryan...Arian Christianity.
German people wanted to be Christian because it uplifted them out of difficult times. They recognized it was superior and chose it.
Its self defense, We dont want niggers in or society. Your fatherland is in your blood you racetraitor cuck
>Christianity is the best thing that happened to the white race.
Christianity has failed
White countries have been taken over by the Jew enemy and now whites are under siege
So uplifting
>Reminder that kikes go to Hell when they die
You are already in hell
>56% face
>post marxist coonsoomerist hellhole
God is not jewish.
He only used the jews for his plans to spread the good on earth.
and yes. at that time the forefathers of the jews like Abraham etc were the "cleanest" people on the world.
if God send for example the prophets into china, the chinese would have killed them.
if God send the prophets into aztec or maya lands they would have sacrificed them.
if God send the prophets into thailand they would have eaten him
if God send the prophets to africa they would probably have done all like mentioned before at the same time
only the israelites were peaceful compared to this.. they had something that made them clean, and listen to the law to prepare the coming of Jesus, so everybody who knew the scriptures could have understood who Jesus is.
but the israelites are abolished because they broke their contract to God, and now God literally loves anybody more than them and only accepts them if they repent.
You are a Jew. Everyone that posts these retarded threads are either kikes or leftists (usually both). If you were an actual Yas Forumsack you would know no one takes memeflags seriously.
>but the israelites are abolished because they broke their contract to God, and now God literally loves anybody more than them and only accepts them if they repent.
I am not throwing my lot in with Jewsus because some bronze age desert towel heads swore a man rose from the dead, no thx
They were enemies of Catholics.
Catholics kicked the Arian Pope out
Within just a few years Goths were attacking Rome
You are confused if you don't understand the difference between Arian Christians and what the Catholic Church turned into
Germans were Arian Christians
>Yas Forumsack you would know no one takes memeflags seriously.
2013 Yas Forums wants a word with you
>You are a Jew.
Literal insanity lmao, do you chase your own shadow too?
then you must be a really happy person, knowing your life will end.
the clocks are ticking
>Why do you care
you first
There exists no evidence for Spiritual pipe dreams
I like my life anyway, why should I waste it believing and obeying Jewish garbage?
I believe in God,
the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended into hell;
on the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.
>best thing that happened
>uplifted them out of difficult times
Did the people not live satisfying lives ? Did they suffer ? Did they face extinction? Why are you not being specific and you just play around with words?
Explain to us why the Germanic people needed christianity . I guarantee you , their lives were more meaningful and fulfilling than ours . We are living in an artificial world which is forced upon us , we are living in the world which is described in the book revalations and we already carry the mark of the beast .
Our freedom ended when our ancestors sold our future to the sky Jew, out of fear of eternal damnation .
Because I love my white race
Where in the bible does it say to racemix?
I am a Christian because I love sucking Jewish cock.
Who gives a fucking about every other kikeclub you dipshits make up every five seconds. What matters is this: you worship a jew. You worship a jewish rabbi as a literal god. That makes you the biggest fucking goy possible. There is no way to bullshit around this. Your god is a jew, his followers were jews, and the people who wrote about him were all jews. And yet, in light of all of this evidence, you still insist that your kike cult has nothing to do whatsoever with the jews. Get you head out of your fucking ass, you useless fucking goy
it is not jewish.
but you need to understand that after death you either can be in a permanent dream full with wonderful things and people you miss or it can be like a eternal nightmare.
the only difference is: it is not dreams.
it is now the only reality you will know from this point on. there is no return back into body and into life. you are stuck forever with that wonderful and beautiful dream or that eternal nightmare aka heaven and hell.
>fun fact: this new reality is not really a dream, it is much more clear. more clear than your own reality you are experiencing right now
Racemixing is in the bible
>Because I love my white race
people are capable of doing two things at once. do those churches you hate ever help white people? did the God they worship command them to help only Jews? Weird thing to get hung up on imho.
Race realism is retarded and you are just using it as a cope identity. Most white people are shit, just like most people of all races are shit. And no, slightly different IQ average does not change that. Majority of the human race are lazy degenerates who have accomplished very little. You know its true.
Value based on the individual.
>wonderful things and people you miss or it can be like a eternal nightmare.
I really hate that you Christcucks can never comprehend that the Jew has already made your nation a Hell worse than fire and brimstone itself all because you want to sit down and take it until the rapture comes
Go fuck yourself
holy fuck, btfo
Fact: the majority of Christians are nonwhite
>Value based on the individual.
"Collectivism for me but not for thee".
Fuck off shill.
Best goy
Even if there is a hell, christcucks have probably picked the wrong religion anyways.
But Jesus told me to kill all non-whites and that the Bible doesn't matter.
can you even imagine how irrelevant this is?
can't you just fucking relax and let the idiots kill eachother?
concentrate on your eternity and not on this small shithole or planet we have.
fuck this place, leave it to them and let them make their hands dirty
They were African tier under paganism.
Christianity brought Germans into civilization.
As Christianity has declined and come more under the control of Catholics.
Things have got worse.
No, I do not value people who consider themselves Christian but do not attempt to follow the tenets. They have not shown value themselves as individuals.
Not an argument
Jews are white.
>They were African tier under paganism.
And how is that a bad thing under Cucktianity? Didn’t Jewsus die for everybody?
>concentrate on your eternity and not on this small shithole or planet we have.
>fuck this place, leave it to them and let them make their hands dirty
thanks for proving my point faggot
Race realism is a LIE! The truth is far simpler and yet vastly more complex in implication: every gene, epigene, and formative experience has a dollar value! As we grow more skilled at altering our minds and genomes to select for more valuable genes, epigenes, and formative experiences, we will obviate and exceed all boundaries of race and all extant genetic potential!
The ubermensch has cuttlefish skin!
literally this.
euros, vikings, and all the pagans here were literal white niggers behaving like white niggers, believing like white niggers and doing what white niggers do.
the same is btw what muslims did to pagan arabia, north africa and southeast asia.
and what the spaniards did in south america, so don't blame the catholics too much, they also did good by civilizing africans and south americans by teaching them about God
Feel free to go live among your "civilized" african christian brethren and leave Europe to europeans.
Your right
Better believe mother goose stories instead and not worry about anything else.
It's different when I do it. I'M not trying to make that ancap perspective look bad.
You clearly don't understand that the Arian Christian Goths were trying to stop the Catholics from destroying the world.
It actually funny that Romans viewed Germans as inferior, like animals and yet Germans are still completely cucked to Rome to this day.
Thinking paganism was good for them or they somehow are great because Rome was.
Complete cucks.
Arian Christianity brought you out of it.
Maybe civilization is the root of our problem ? What has civilization given us ?
Porn , weak men , weak women , banks , brainwashing media , the mark of the beast ( you cant have a job or property if you dont have personal identification number and if you dont comply to the system ) .
The Christians created this hell , they are the ones which are making the prophesies of the bible to come to truth . Civilization and rome were the greatest mistake of the white man .