Nationalism is a disease
Yas Forums BTFO
He was an aspie and a physicist, not a political genius.
His cure, globalism, is far worse. Fuck Einstein.
Ok Jew
I agree. Hail the Imperium.
we must kill politicians
I thought Measles was the measles of mankind?
In all fields.
its the measles of diseases
>thinking you can apply any of the retarded German philosophies to the modern world
Also, if it wasn't for Nationalism, Britain and America would not have mobilized to fight Ze Ebil Germans!
Would it be the result of an infantile disease if we protected the planet from aliens?
He was a hack but most importantly a jew
so is zionism
Albert is a jew
>making up quotes
“I enjoy guzzling nigger cum”
Einstein was a Zionist, and apparently (assuming the quote is real) a typical kike hypocrite.
"Einstein, the leading figure among Jewish physicists, was a strongly motivated Zionist (Fölsing 1997, 494–505), opposed assimilation as a contemptible form of “mimicry” (p. 490), preferred to mix with other Jews whom he referred to as his “tribal companions” (p. 489), embraced the uncritical support for the Bolshevik regime in Russia typical of so many Jews during the 1920s and 1930s, including persistent apology for the Moscow show trials in the 1930s (pp. 644–5), and switched from a high-minded pacifism during World War I, when Jewish interests were not at stake, to advocating the building of atomic bombs to defeat Hitler."
It's funny because measles only host is humans.
Math is science, shut up
Oh you mean he said other stupid shit? I thought it was just the black hole thing, because that’s all I was aware of... I bet he said a ton of stupid shit, just like anyone else!
>"nationalism is a disease"
>globalism causes a pandemic
Hmm, really makes you think
Einstein agrees Zionism is retarded
Nationalism BAD except for israhell of course.
No wonder those animals ended up in the ovens.
>leaf this the kike is right
Not shocked at all
Fake quote, photoshop.
jews are a cancer that must be rooted out from every nation
This same guy talked mad shit about the Chinese, calling them soulless nonEuropean robots
Typical Jewish tricks
Jewish nationalism is an infantile disease. The measles of mankind.
jews are the most ethno-national group on earth tho
Based and Spengler-pilled.
It's harmful to jewish power, and doesn't consider gentiles human, so of course he'd be saying that.
I'm shocked that it is a real quote. But He was a Jew so I don't care.
Fuck that Jew. His ideas are captivating but BULLSHIT! THE ULTIMATE REDPILL
>Nationalism is a disease!
>*cough cough*
>Okay which minority do we eat for food first?
Globalism only works in a bubble and when whites arent bullied into silence
>if someone important said it - it must be true!
I'll just repost what I wrote in the other thread, even though it doesn't make a lot of sense without context:
"Loving your country"
"Putting your country first"
The absolute vast majority of people who "love their countries" tend to also "put it first" in priority. This is why "Patriotism" is JUSTIFIABLY synonymous with "Nationalism", always has been and always should be. It is the logical eventuality of this dichotomy.
>Can you love your country WITHOUT putting it first?
Yes. That would be the IDEAL Leftist - a person who criticizes and keeps his country's power and direction in check, much like how a loving parent chastises their child to do better.
>Can you put your country first WITHOUT loving it?
Yes. This is the true Global-Nationalist view - the UTOPIA is achieved when the different peoples of the world (no matter how big or small) are distributed to their own ethnic, sovereign nation states and through a peaceful existence along agreed-upon borders, we can cooperate as one species. This does not require one to truly love their country, but it does require their understanding of the necessity of the PURE nation-state.
>"Mankind? It is an abstraction. There have always been and always will be only individuals." - Goethe.
Goethe's IQ is among the highested ever estimated; so high that it can only be quantified as "200+". Albert Einstein was a midwit 150iq faggot who stole his ideas from late 1800s mathematicians.
Einstein was a schopenhaurian, when he says he is anti-nationalism he is saying he is anti-hegel and he is wrong.
He wouldn't say that to the face of a nationalist or Zionist.
The guy as a fucking Jewish nationalist himself.
>watching globalism crumble all around you because some insect people a million miles away eat rats cooked in gutter oil
>nationalism is a disease
That's why izreal is a thing now?
Einstein hated patriotism, too:
>I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as did any exaggerated personality cult.
you forgot plagiarist hack and communist
Einstein was himself a rabid Zionist
>Using any scientist as some sort of authority in matters outside of their field
Fuck off. As far as politics or anything goes their opinion carries no more weight than any random guy.
>Nationalism is measels
and we can now confirm liberalism is COVID- 19.
Well Einstein was a monumental faggot, then.
That is probably a real quote though
Yet he supported the foundation of a nationalist Jewish state
Science says IQ is a fraud, and science says race doesn't exist.
>the ultra brainlet thinks globalism is going anywhere
Kek user, you funny as hell
God i wish US one day will annex this shithole named CaNadA
Putting faith in anything but yourself is a disease.
einstein supported nationalism for jews
The gender studies department says IQ is a fraud and that race doesn't exist. Also that they are all fat as fuck because of their genetics.
Is that why he refused the prime ministry?
>let me tell you what I learned from Yas Forums posts and memes