The Japanese

>were considered white in Apartheid South Africa under Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd
>were considered honorary Aryans under Hitler's National Socialist Germany and were even a member state of the Axis powers of the time
>many Japanese people to this day support their white brothers in South Africa (Jan Lamprecht even mentioned his Japanese audience in a recent video) and around the world
>Japan still practices racial Apartheid/segregation amongst foreigners and is essentially an ethnostate
>Tom Metzger was even allowed to go there, unlike in Marxist Europe
Don't listen to these r/hapa retards who are trying so hard to D&C the race relations between the whites and the Japanese. We are as close racially as the Iranians and even the Cape Coloreds and Khoisan of South Africa are. We need to stay close to our racial allies.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Checked and can agree to this 100%
Why the fuck are hapas so retarded these days? Truth be told, I’m hapa myself but I’m not anti-white and pro mongoloid as most are these days. Man, Ik it sounds self-loathing to say I’m anti race-mixing when I’m mixed myself but I find myself agreeing to whites more often than not. Shit sucks.

fuck off and die chinkoloid


>r/hapa retards
Are literally just larping Hindu Indo-"Europeans" trying to divert attention away from jews and the billion man poo march flooding every country on earth at unprecendented numbers

The Japanese are 100% certified based. I mean, who are we to even judge them? They were on the right side in WW2. My country was on the Jew side. The real question is do the Japanese accept huwite burgers.

not bad looking
I just wish the nose was thinner

Japanese people are nowhere near white, have you seen their pussies?
Fucking disgusting colouring.

could you link some for science?

Sorry chink, niggers are color blind and whites don't eat rats and dogs

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that woman is chinese, I know her brother Brian

it wasn't r/hapas it was just one user by the name of Eurasian Tiger and then a bunch of LARPers that followed suit. People on r/aznmasculinity are more likely to do this.

If you want to know why the Japanese are so successful, it's because they're the only group that actually tried to learn from Europeans en masse when we arrived. They saw the advantage in learning what we already knew, rather than figuring it out on their own. The result? Now they're teaching us - and hilariously, lessons we've already learned.

Pic unrelated? She's cantonese. Her facial structure has obvious Yue influence? She even says so on her channel.

No matter how well Emmy fakes having a soul, I can still see right through her. Go be a soulless bugperson somewhere else, we don't want you.

Tell them they're dog eating animals, they should kill themselves for bringing sorrows to the world every 5 years, fucking diseas ridden vermin the lot of them

To quote a japanese person who told off my weeaboo friend who moved to japan "we are great friends but that doesn't mean I want you living in my house". Which is a pretty reasonable stance on other races.

This. They actually sent people to European countries specifically to learn about European practices so they could be used back home.

Metzger is a jewish name. Went to school in a very jewish city in MN there was a half black half jewish kid with that last name. Was funny, out of nowhere he started trying to be a rapper and make music videos. If you'd ever seen this nerdy little fuck Before you laugh, he was clearly fake as hell and jewish.

>chinks aren't fully human
>most of the asians in white countries are chinks
>chinks mixed with whites are even more subhuman
r/hapas and other seething incels are 95% chinese and 5% korean. Koreans are bugs to but atleast they tend to stay in their corner. Nobody here dislikes Japs and I doubt many japs read Yas Forums

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japs are our brothers and sisters, hardest working fuckers beside south koreans.

Japanese=Austonesian+East Asian.
Fuck this shit

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She's Chinese.


Reminder: These gentlemen could have saved the world from the chinkbug plague if not for (((Intervention)))

Reply "BANZAI" to this post for good fortune and many chinkbug deaths, or a bat will coof on you tonight.

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Nips are forever our brothers as they fought on the side of good for the holy Axis. They stood by us when it mattered.

Hitler called the Japanese "little monkey people"

Emmy is a chink by the way. Not a real Nihonjin

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This is correct. All the people crying out for "Asian Solidarity" are Chinese or Asian-Nigger tier. Japanese are thousands of years separated from the rest of them genetically and by the grace of God and the Kamikaze.



The Chinese were considered honorary by the South Africans too. The Chinese are the Japanese' superior cousin.

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source please.

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Really, it's just selfish for any white person to engage in a relationship with a Japanese person. Both races are going extinct, and you want to spend the few remaining Japanese wombs carrying rootless mongrels who will never be at home with either group and end up on r/hapas?
Shame on you.


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if there's no future why not end it soon?

Same I'm Hapa and routinely make blacked demoralization threads. My goal is to get a white incel to murder multiple people.

Fuck japs and, more importantly, fuck weebs.

>The Chinese are the Japanese' superior cousin
All East Asians are superior

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Maybe 2,000 years ago you would be right
But today's Chinese are just a race of rootless mongrel savages.

I saw a video of this girl's once in the sidebar reviewing a vintage MRE (ripped off Steve1989MREinfo)

I gave it a chance but then she even said "nice hiss".

I can confirm that Japs are well respected by ashkenazi jews, which is quite rare.

It is not race-mixing because the Japanese are White.

However, you should still refrain from this because it does erode the ethnic uniqueness of two White peoples. Out of mutual respect, not hatred.

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t. leftypol glownigger kike who only went to community college

Fuck off retard
You’re literally just perpetrating more anti-white stories for the kike run media to report on by doing that.

user, why would you doom me to a life with a disgusting white roastie?

Original Japanese were white but a thousand years ago gooks from Korea invaded and bred with them. Modern Japanese are happas.

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This. OP is a faggot.

You're on pol, we all have yellow fever

Nobody had to convince me of my opinion on Chinese. I've always found they are disgusting and act worse than the most cruel animals. They don't feel any empathy or remorse. Just disgusting creatures across the board. I've met a few good ones but for the most part, I could never stand to be around them. They are worse than blacks.

this is D&C propaganda against our Japanese brothers and sisters>
Desist the Yayoi/Jomon disinformation. You are not educated enough to speak on the subject.

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Found the nigger

Not Adamic, not welcome in Adamic nations.

Japanese women are still women and all women are pretty much whores. Jews use women against us to ruin society with open borders. Japan is following suit, color me surprised!

Even worse, she's a chinese weaboo and a (((youtuber))).

Haven’t touched your hand on their banks huh?

I want her to pee in my mouth bros...

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gib gook milk

Nah Eurasianism is the future. If the white and yellow races are to survive we will have to become one against the muds and jews. Just as all Europeans became "white". United we stand, divided we fall.

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A lot of Japs get lid surgery

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PIC related is a self hating chink, she is Chinese not japanese.

>thinks all south africans are kaffers
checks out

Yes all South Africans are niggers, now shut your mouth, monkey

There is actually a whole movement in China of Chinese people who believe they have Japanese souls and support Japan conquering China.

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You realize the ones on the left are half White? The average jap doesn’t look like that.