Hillary Clinton has just beaten the record for the number of likes on twitter (1,571,000+) with this tweet
Hillary Clinton has just beaten the record for the number of likes on twitter (1,571,000+) with this tweet
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Lock HIM up
women are so petty. i can't believe this one is still salty 4 fucking years after she was b t f o live on nat tv
we gonna GET BLUMPH sista!!
But he was right about Chloroquine and remdesivir.
How do you justify this bullshit thread WHEN HE WAS RIGHT?
Still bitter
what a legacy
ahh the devil herself
4 years later huh
but those fidget spinners sure were something.
Yeah lets rather take medical advice from a murderer who eats dead babies and bathes in their blood
I mean, it was a fun tweet.
too bad likes arent votes
Says someone who doesn't take pneumonia seriously.
Those likes are clearly the work of Macedonian bot farms
Stolen joke material from Colbert show.....
and i hate Hillary, the fucking cunt looks like a satanic humanoid lizard
I like to imagine she lost a years worth of sleep over it, at least.
She won the popular vote too yall
why do sheep feel like they know the people at the top aren't greedy or egotistical
Please do not take medical advice from a wahmen who collapsed and shat her pants
It was an epic gamer moment. 1,571,000+ are fucking casuals.
not even in the top 20
This, I just drank a quart of fishbowl cleaner and I'm feeling BASED! MIGA 2020!!!
>Hillary Clinton has just beaten the record for the number of likes on twitter
What is manipulation?
My God how can someone still be so butthurt?
world record for bought likes on twitter wow impressive.
i remember when her "delete your account" tweet went up and just had 350k likes within 2 minutes.
these are all awful, wow...
He just glanced at it. That's like saying you're invalidated by looking at the sun. It's not like eclipses are suddenly more dangerous, like a fucking solar beam is going to vaporize you if you look at an eclipse.
I miss Obama
>deported record amount of illegals
>started numerous wars to expand the empire
>slaughtered shitskins ignoring orders to stop
We will never have a based president like him again
Trump looked into the sun and the fucking sun blinked. Hillary never stood a chance
kobe died trying to warn us about corona virus
hes like the astronomer at the beginning of deep impact
>Hillary: wins twitter popularity contest
>Trump: wins everything else
seems fair
Imagine being this retarded. You know the salt you out on the road and the salt you put on food are different things, but both salt, right?
Same concept.
At full eclipse it was fine to look at directly, if you used the glasses you couldn't even see it, the glasses are for looking at it leading up to and after the total eclipse.
Please just kill everyone already, corona-chan.
Imagine losing an election to a man the looked in to the Sun
>glumpf told me to drink water, but i drank hydrogen peroxide, cuz it has double the oxygen and oxygen is good for you.
What percentage of twatter is bots again?
>listening to a slab of meat with horse teeth
She needs to apologize next week when it works and happening is over. Then she needs to go to jail.
She, like many women, cannot accept that she's mediocre.
>there are people who actually believe staring at the sun is bad for your eyes
>deported record amount of illegals
Remember how he changed the definition of deportation to include those turned away at the border? Even the supposedly good stuff he did is fake.
all bots
i refuse to believe anyone likes hillary
that's my most fav pic of potus
>gooks, niggers, spics, and leftists
>trump stares down the sun
>sun flinches
DB edit something something likes = big number
Please do not take advice from someone who lost an election twice.
Totally organic.
what a wasted get
Why would I take advice from someone who lost with 99% chance of winning lololol.
Wow imagine if they were votes
she still wouldn't win hahaha
>it's only good if I like it
Mirror flip for a checked image.
1.3 billion, still lost.
She's also eaten the most children
I liked the irony.
He made the sun squint.
Only suburban and rural retards voted for Grumphh
Please do not take political advice from a woman who bought and paid to lose her campaign to an orange man
>dotard BTFO
dotard BTFO
>dotard BTFO
dotard BTFO
>dotard BTFO
dotard BTFO
>dotard BTFO
dotard BTFO
>dotard BTFO
dotard BTFO
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הבה נרננה
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עורו אחים עורו אחים
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Databased and -pilled.
>loses to a literally who nigger
>has to steal nomination away from disgustung fraudulent pinko kike
>loses to an orange retard anyway
>looked at a solar eclipse
>nothing happened
Looks like she's the retarded one
he beat us bros.
>pulled the trigger once playing russian rulette
>nothing happened
Bots are really busy today
>posts a literal-who twatter image
saged and hidden
Where is the problem?
Who would have thought that you would have to tell a grown fucking adult not to consume aquarium treatment. How could Trump have overlooked this?
Only 2% of Americans use Twitter though.
Shills and bots up voting is rampant on Twitter.
The opinion of foreigners on Twitter doesn't matter.
Hillary doesn't post her own tweets, her staffers do.
>watching through pinbox like a cuck
I used to look at the sun all the time for short bursts back when it was yellow in the 90s and eclipse when they are visible and I still have 20/20 vision
you have to be one smug fucking bitch to judge others for looking at the eclipse unprotected.
damn near everyone and their mother take a look at it just to see if it was any different.
fucking bitch cunt donkey fucker. hope she dies soon
It's a good tweet actually
Post the meme of her shitting her pantsuit.