Romania under full-fledged dictatorship

Cont from yesterday
You can only leave the house if you fill out stating the destination and time required. If you don't have a printer, you got to write all that by hand.
Approved reasons:
Going to work
Going for strictly necessary shopping in your area
Going to the doctor, going to care for an old person, going for short physical activity in your area
People older than 65 are allowed to go between 11 and 13, previously completely confined
Restrictions came into effect at 12 today and police started giving fines right on cue, military is also patrolling the streets:
Churches are closed to the public, even on Easter, baptism and funerals can only have a maximum of 8 people in attendance
Quarantined people placed under electronic surveillance, forced to wear RFID bracelets
In conjunction with with the introduction of RFID IDs at the beginning of this year, the recommendation to avoid using cash as they can carry the disease and the proliferation of 5G, this leads to the mark of the beast, a plan centuries in the making coming to fruition. The antichrist will in all likelihood reveal himself by Easter time: -

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Other urls found in this thread:затварят-областните-градове-ще-се-минава-през-кпп-та-обзор/


worse is better

>m...I just noticed Google Calendar is not marking any holidays going forward with the exception of Tax Day, Election Day, and Black History Month next year.
>No Easter, Christmas, or anything else in 2020. These things were marked all previous years automatically. What does that mean?


Op is a faggot.

took a walk outside and cops actually stopped me
>where are you going?
>taking walk, why?
>starts getting mad and talks about the virus
>says to give him my id
>had no id
>gets even more mad and starts shouting i should know about this
>tell him i don't own a tv, radio or phone (actually didn't have phone on me, left it to charge) and i just returned a few days ago from a cycling trip in Cambodia
>wants to give me a fine and asks for my name
>i tell him a fake name while doing a fake cough and a weird sound with my nose
>he runs to the car and actually fucks off

gonna try my luck again tonight doing some 'exercise'

you're lying.
they would have taken you for ID-ing at the precinct and give you a huge fine.

If things get bad, you can feed your dogs Puppy Ceaușescu

why aren't y'all shooting each other?

they are fucking scared shitless, the guy had grey hair ffs
this happened in Rasnov btw
my mom was approached too and while she had everything she was pissed off because something at work and yelled the cop off
right now gypsies are just mind their own business in big groups and cops can't do shit, many young people don't give a shit either
maybe take a look outside lmao

Cops missing on opportunities to collect fines? You got to be kidding. In Galati where I am streets were deserted as fuck.

Our ex military minister, wants the government to confiscate any guns we own. Our gypsies also do whatever they want and we cannot access different cities. Traveling between cities is banned unless you have a "legitimate" reason for it.

Imitating Western countries like dumb animals. People repeating bits of emotional terrorism from the news word for word. No one would even know or care that anything is happening at all if it wasn't for the hysteria. No thinking at all. God help me.

You cant get outside of the house without a special permit, got stopped by a cop just today while I was going to the grocery shop and told him to get lost, he mumbled something about some military law and I ignored him while I walked off.

i wouldn't pay if i was fined anyway
i literally have like 4 unpaid fines in the last 6 years and nobody bothered me
it's like you have no idea in what country you live

A special permit? Here if you go outside without a "legit" reason. Getting food or medicine for example. You either get taxes 50k levs, about 25 thousand euro or 5 years in jail.
Fuck this Balkan shithole.

that doesnt make it a dictatorship, faggot

Just ignore the cops they arent going to do anything anyhow.Are they going to jail you for 5 years while all the courts are closed because of the virus?

I live in a small city and our school isn't even closed. So its whatever to me, plus I know all of the police and the fire department. I regularly walk around from my block to my house. Don't know how its in a big city tho.

same thing here except i talked in what i thing hungarian sounds like and he looked confused as fuck

>this leads to the mark of the beast, a plan centuries in the making coming to fruition. The antichrist will in all likelihood reveal himself by Easter time:

The reason no-one is bumping your thread, mate, is that you're a fucking weirdo.

They are all in their shitty dacia cars patrolling with their megaphones yelling stay inside, meanwhile gypsies from my apartment block are having a party and selling drugs.

lmao, one of the fines i got is some speed shit i got in Bulgaria coming back from Greece
i guess some bulgarian gorrilla will come any day now to make me pay
fines only work on betacuck or highly visible cases

I doubt you're even romanian.
larper trapped in Romania more likely.

You really haven't been paying attention?

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>Auleooo un gip verde pa strada DICTATURAAAAAAAAAA

Ruminii sint un popor de babuini analfabeti functionali. La egal cu africanii sub-saharieni.

just go to the pharmacy on the other side of town, take the longest possible route and invoke you bad sense of direction if anyone stops you
tomorrow i'll walk with a declaration on me except hand written and people tell me i write like a fucking retard on coke
so the cops can't understand shit i can claim it says whatever

>special permit

It's a bullshit declaration you write with your own hand.

Stop larping zoomer shit.

sunt roman dar nu oaie in pula mea
stato dracu in case ca va fute ciuma in cur
cand iesiti din pestera sa nu va speriati de vibe-ul ala din ani 90 cu economia de atunci
intre timp poate mai cedati niate drepturi ca parca e lrea multa corona

Here is a Bulgarian source on what I am saying.затварят-областните-градове-ще-се-минава-през-кпп-та-обзор/

New Garda de Fier when?

>b%09%ulgaria%CC%n links

Yes its called a special permit that you either print it yourself or its given from your job.If its given from your job they need to give you an ID. Its a complete waste of time and worthless measure made to just make thing annoying for us the people that work.

Fucking gypo. There is a reason for the lockdown. And the government allows for reasonable exceptions. Monitoring the quarantined isn't a bad idea. But you're acting like a fucking niggerfied gypo cunt because you have an attitude problem

You can possibly get prison time for not respecting quarantine here too
Our gun laws are communist as fuck to begin with

fuck off, goy
go panic somewhere else

Struck a nerve, didn't I? It isn't about "panic", you stupid gypo cunt. The government is trying to control the spread and PREVENT panic. And here I was thinking you gypos at least possessed low animal cunning. Instead you act like a nigger

I was talking about what the rumanian said. He's lying. There are no 'special' permits.

If they wanted to do that then they wouldnt had let 800k people from Italy and Spain to get in, only yesterday have they decided to force them in temporary interment camps for 18 days.

i'm not quarantined you stupid fuck
flus and cold (corona) spread because we stay inside like animals during winter
with a lockdown add the lack of vitamin D, cabin fever and lack of fresh unpoluted air, the immune system goes to shit
no thanks you fuck, i'll go where i fucking please and i won't be a caged chicken

we have almost the same form to fill

Based & truthpilled.

I like your fucking style, Romanibro

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He's probably referring to the one provided by the employer, faking it is punished by penal fine or prison.

daca ramane toata lumea pe drumuri atunci e excelent.
sa pice reteaua de apa/curent/canalizare.

Allah willing I cant wait for gypsies to start looting electronics shops and pharmacies.
>not even a mask bought

>a fricking common cold backed by jew media
>fucking end times are happening

it's literally this
ironically, the reason for these measures is because of retards like OP that can't just sit the fuck inside the house for like 2 weeks for this shit to blow over
>citizens being retards and making things worse for everyone else
>government intervenes to stop these retards
fucking kill yourselves retards and stop shitting this board with your bullshit
Also, I can tell from your writing style that most of you are literal nigger-tier scum and edgy 19-22 yo.

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Based and Romanianpilled
All the jealous trash Romanians will wish the death of your "capra"

Okay now everyone is at home for two weeks, who will pay taxes, maintain the basic infrastructure.And lets say the thing starts to solve itself, what will you do when immigrants will come here and they will restart the infection? Do we go trough another country wide shutdown every time?

How are the normies taking it, do they agree with all this bullshit or not? I can't tell because I don't socialize.

Normies are committing suicide from lack of social valdiation. The age of the introverts has arrived.

>why aren't y'all shooting each other?
why would we be?

>who will pay taxes, maintain the basic infrastructure
Yeah, because I'm sure the retards that were posting in this thread where out there to pay taxes and maintain the infrastructure and not just being edgy faglords.

>what will you do when immigrants will come here and they will restart the infection?
I don't know, maybe keep the fucking border closed, because that's what borders are for?

Take your meds

For example I work and pay taxes, albeit I am not part of any critical system.I do have family members that do and they are currently being under new work regimes to maintain the system for water distribution working 24/7 without problems.
>I don't know, maybe keep the fucking border closed, because that's what borders are for?
You are a retard then, immigration under the EU is a given right and all companies in Romania import workers from S Asia, so all that its required is for a few of them to be sick and you get another country wide lock down.

That's the thing, with its high incubation period it can start over again and again and again. Summer won't stop it either, it's spreading in countries like Australia as well.

stfu, it was all planned out
>The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.
>The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.

I'd imagine Romania has per captia more reasonable politicians than the US does. So checks and balances there couldn't be that bad, correct? So this "dictatorship" is probably just an emergency power thing that wont last that long.
It could be good, unless the dictator is trying to sell out the nation's middle class and bend over to the EU.

Neets and other used car salesmen will basically starve inside the house.

Meanwhile Chad workers can go out cause we got papers.

>Arata-mi adeverinta cetateanule

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That is boomer tier conspiracy theory face is full of them right now

Sugi pula BAAAA
>merg mai departe cu masina

>I do have family members that do and they are currently being under new work regimes to maintain the system for water distribution working 24/7 without problems.
and did the police or the government prevent them from doing their jobs? No. That's the point. The only examples that I hear are from edgy retards that walk around for no reason and talk shit to the police.

>immigration under the EU is a given right
oh noes, not the EU. What will we do if we close our borders and the EU will scold us. Oh wait, we are already doing that and we can keep doing it for as long as necessary. You're the retard. Thank you, come again.

Get shot by the Army.
>Suge-o Oreste caca-mas pe tine de It-ist

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>I'd imagine Romania has per captia more reasonable politicians than the US does. So checks and balances there couldn't be that bad, correct? So this "dictatorship" is probably just an emergency power thing that wont last that long.
The police wont do shit they are very afraid and the moment all the EU countries start opening the borders we will have to do it too.At the same time foreign workers from outside of the EU are brought in daily.

if no one gave a fuck the virus would run it's course and get fucked by normal immune systems

with 1-2 months of "carefull walks to the store" and nuttered immune systems because of the lack of praising the sun, the virus will be worse, kill more and have more chances of mutations

basically flu season model vs. caged animal model
Caged animals get a bunch of shots for a reason you know, their immune systems literally collapse indoors otherwise.
After Corona isolations a cold will make you feel like a have the fucking flu.
This is without even adding all the shitty food from a supermarket..

>buna la ceva

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>Fa pasi cetatean Neet.
>Inapoi in casa

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>Churches are closed to the public
You guys have almost 15,000 churches and are STILL trying to finish the cathedral next to the Parliament building. How is shit going down so bad that every one of them has closed?

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I am more afraid of the gypsies that sell drugs on the first flood of my apartment block than I am of the police in this country.

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That pic didn't work out to well for you huh?
We don't want be as retarded as Shitalians.

Also...You're a Faggot.


All the more reason to stop spazzing out about it and end the shitty Chetnik quarantine. Though I suppose that most Romanians have regressed enough since 2004, beyond Stalinism, to find pointless tyranny appealing precisely because it's pointless.

>Whistle blower uncovers 14 cases of unauthorized strolling, DNA has the audio, SRI has the video, perpetrators to be executed at Ciresica Altar


Any chance this dictatorship will take care of the gypo problem?


The gypsy problem will take care of the romanian problem.

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Need advice Romaniabros. I'm a scandi, got caught here when covid broke out. Thought I'd ride it out here and just stay at my gfs place. Now you guys are going apeshit. Worse than China. What do? Make a break for the airport and gtfo or hide until this is over? Getting nervous about the door to door thing.

I've been to your country and have seen how miserable everyone is there. Not a single Romanian wants to live in a country with the lowest wages and highest gas prices in the EU, continually funneling money into churches that close when someone dies from a meager little Chinese market flu.
Also, brilliant proxy hopping. Almost had me convinced a fellow American didn't recognize how shit your country is.

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There isn't much of gypsy problem in Romania because most of them are in UK, Italy, Spain.
Hopefully they get corona'd there.