What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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nancy pelosi

Rule by mercantile elite

We never really recovered our national identity after the civil war, and after ww1 (then ww2) it was gone and constantly subverted.

We let women vote

November 22 was the final blow to her.

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I love my country.
However, the fact that Corporations are seen, heard and able to be heard more than common people was the day every one of our Rights were confiscated.

Civil rights

>What went wrong?
Nothing. We're fucking flawless.
We even invented a bioweapon that exclusively kills boomers and tested it out on the chinks before turning it loose on the world.
Don't worry, we don't expect your thanks.

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The new deal and then massive government growth from ww1 and ww2. And the managerial elites problem the entire west has.


You're actually asian aren't you?


Can you please explain to me HOW Corporations take your right away? Last time I checked it was the politicians (lawyers) controlling the police and the guns, not companies.

This but replace corporations with women, niggers & spics.

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Too prosperous and has never suffered any consequences from its' policies from the civil war until now.

>you're a bootlicker for focusing on the people who vote away your rights & elect people who flood your country with subhumans

>Country founded my Masonic elitists on the basis of enlightenment as a large scale social experiment.
What could have gone wrong?


So, Corporations????

>corporations make up over half the population of the US
Alright cool.

Unbridled corporatism
Kek imagine being this much of a massive retard. Read something besides Yas Forums infographs

At some point, any sense of American identity just completely evaporated.

>bruh I gotta deduce who i iz talkin always at all times bruh u dat thang bruh

As a guy who spent 10 min today making a futa edit of Corona-chan, I feel 100% confident in saying the USA was a freemasonic, and thus satanic, materialist project from the start.

It was always wrong. It was merely the in-born decency of its European descendants that kept it going this long. That, and enormous natural resources.

No, but corporations pushed for womens Rights so they could have more workers they also pushed for open borders for the exact same reason.

Oh look, another one.

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>go read some esoteric marxist books that proves private companies have absolute power over the country
>women, spics & nigs dindu nuffin
point me in the direction of this data then, I'll wait

Unironically this

two party system


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>they pushed for this & demographics don't matter
Yeah that makes sense.

What are you trying to say?

>What went wrong?
Niggers Spics and Jews

Everything.. We're a shithole except our forests

Esoteric??? Like your trickle down bullshit???

>no one mentions Marxism
>jump to conclusions because incessant bootlicking
>Mexicans and blacks do the shit jobs
>women want to be treated equally
>blames them for wanting to be treated equally
>meanwhile, defends the ones that have hollowed out America, quite literally
Read Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt to see what they did to your once proud country, brainlet

we let dogmatic protestants and catholic zealots who hate freedom infiltrate our secular government.

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That women, niggers & spics are far more destructive than corporations, that they're one of the biggest tools of jewish power & that corporations are a symptom of said power rather than the source. If corporations were outlawed tomorrow my country would still be a shithole, would still be endlessly flooded with subhumans & my rights would continue to be voted away. I understand that you don't concern yourself with those things but since I actually live here I have to have a realistic threat assessment instead of virtue signaling.

They didn't understand that to the enemy, individual freedom is divide and conquer.

no lies detected

Corporations control the media and politics in the US... it's a very deep subject. And they like to keep it that way.

>nooo you can't be upset about your rights being destroyed
>what about those economics from the guy who turned california blue & capped wages?
Yes I love stagnated wages & that cali turned into a third world country, you caught me red handed.
>nooo you can't project things onto me, only I can
My apologies, shlomo.
>niggers just wanted equality, brainlet
This is incredible.


>da corporations!
That just so happens to be run almost exclusively by jews, but that's not important goy.

>but corporations pushed for womens Rights so they could have more workers
Wasn't it also because women splurge much more than men, and so big corporations pushed to give them the independence and financial power to freely do so?

Nobody cares about your worthless country. That’s why you make threads about ours

Seething muttlets. Big Daddy Amazon or Mcdonalds will save you. Kek

>I don't like what you said & I have no retort, I'm also upset & very concerned about your country

What did I project onto you? Are you not defending your corporate masters, serf?
Just read the book, you asked for sources, I provided you one. Open your eyes or die a bootlicking brainlet

Let women vote

Whatever floats your boat. As long as you recognize that corporate hacks are keeping the working class down, and one of the ways they do that is by investing into a welfare state.

the 1960's were the final nail in our coffin.

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Hey. Who am i supposed to look down on when muttland vanishes???

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jews(they even kiked the language, oh boy=oy vey, the introduction of "kosher" salt as a thing(when the only thing kosher is the jews being able to fuck a toddler so long as it is a goyim and 3 years and a day old of age), etc etc etc...)

Toma tus medicinas

>you're defending corporations by focusing on the people running them & the fact that you're more concerned about becoming a third world country because of demographic voting patterns
I too use creative definitions of words to make myself feel superior.
>read the book
If I ever want to beat a dead horse, I'll read it, as of right now I don't, I doubt there's anything new for me to learn in there. And even assuming there was, those pesky demographics who voted for hildawg, and are currently voting for biden, drowns out any chance there will be a anti corporate politician elected.
Whether I live as a brainlet or a woke anti corporate scion of justice, it changes nothing whatsoever. I'm sure the soon to be mexican majority will vote against corporate power though, just like they've done in california lol.

You can look down on the united caliphate of europe after we go.

>women black and Mexicans run corporations
Wow you’re dumber than I thought, or you made a misstep in your mental gymnastics
You won’t read it because you are terrified of having your world view challenged, and you are obsessed with race
Stay in your wittle bubble baby, I’m sure it’s warm and cozy in there, and don’t forget to lick some boots while in there
Also I love how you leave out trump , master of corporatist politics. Kek

Ah yes, more Yas Forums education, such surprise

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

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(Whiter than you Mohammed) Of course! I am not surprised.

Google "American Malvern"

Sure, but it's not going to change or get better so it's a moot point. Also, the welfare state came about for exchange of votes & gibs, corporations are just taking advantage of it.

>how am I projecting
>proceeds to project, either through retardation or intentionally misrepresenting a talking point about demographic voting patterns to say spics run the corporations
It must be difficult when reality is in a constant opposition to what you advocate for.
>here's another (you)
Seething much?
>I'm upset
This has already been established but thank you for confirming again anyway.

December 23rd 1913

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I am just sad that you cant see the truth muttbro.