I'm moderate by Yas Forums standards, but the stark over representation of Jews in finance, media, and elites in general has finally gotten to me. I'm not one to jump to the conclusion that it's some inherent racial trait as it's clear not everyone is in on it. Seems to me more like a toxic nepotistic culture that's taken off among Jewish elites.
If you're Jewish and reading this, you're clearly more open minded than the ones Yas Forums is always screeching about, but I wonder if you know anything that could explain this. What is the origin of that behavior?
Is it passed down from parents?
Is it taught in synagogues?
Is it from Jewish specific media?
Is it something else?
Is it a combination of the above?
If it's none of that then how do you explain the over representation? I'm just curious to hear info on this from people's first hand experience rather than from daily stormer readers.
Open Question to Jews of Yas Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
mfw turning into a pol sterotype after all these years
>this again
Jews, due to religious and socio-political concerns (exile+"waiting for the Messiah"), have refrained/been prevented from owning land, historically. As such, the vast majority of Jews opted for more "urban", less grounded toil such as Law, Trade and other government positions across Asia and Europe (this is why "Banks = Jews" has permeated in the first place). So you can imagine that in the 13-17th centuries, when the Merchant class began outperforming nobility in terms of wealth and power, Jews were in the forefront of this change in global hierarchy. This is where the "old money, old power" comes from inherently. Naturally in the modern age this has transitioned into other "landless" utilities, such as Cinema, the Media and Landlording (however the fuck you say it). Basically, Jews survived 2000 years of constant shifts in power by attaching themselves to the power structures of other nations, positioning themselves in pivotal positions of power and securing their communities as much as they can (this is what Yas Forums calls Parasitism, or "undermining host nations").
This goes much further into detail in terms of religious structure, reclusive nature of people and other factors but I explained this so many fucking times already and seeing as this is Yas Forums no one will actually give a shit, so I kind of stopped bothering. Only thing you need to know is to separate Zionism from Diaspora Jews in ambition and whatnot.
>refrained/been prevented from owning land
False. Jews were rarely prevented from owning land. They chose not to “toil” the land because, according to the Talmud, they think manual labour is beneath them. This has been written about W extensively in Kevin MacDonald’s series of books.
Why do you insist on being a retard?
>Basically, Jews survived 2000 years of constant shifts in power by attaching themselves to the power structures of other nations, positioning themselves in pivotal positions of power and securing their communities as much as they can (this is what Yas Forums calls Parasitism, or "undermining host nations").
What you coveniently neglect to mention is the fact that jews often used underhanded methods to exploit the people in whose lands you inhabited.
And this wasn’t solely because you had no other choice. It was prescribed by your holy books. There’s also a heavy genetic component here. Jews have always been a criminally oriented people. Claiming it was a survival mechanism or response to persecution completely fails to account for the countless instances of Jewish subversion taking place without any immediate outside threat. Jews subvert because it’s in your nature. To suggest otherwise is symptomatic of the disease itself.
dude judaism is literally based upon their belief that they are the "chosen people" of god and therefore better than everyone else.
>this is what Yas Forums calls Parasitism, or "undermining host nations"
>this is what Yas Forums calls Parasitism, or "undermining host nations"
>this is what Yas Forums calls Parasitism, or "undermining host nations"
>this is what Yas Forums calls Parasitism, or "undermining host nations"
No seriously. Are you intentionally being a typical American?
>stark over representation of Jews in finance, media, and elites in general has finally gotten to me
what does that mean, 'over representation' ? who the fuck said people in those industries and circles are meant to 'represent' anyone.
>What is the origin of that behavior?
what behaviour
I can read, but you also said prevented which is misleading. In reality gentile hostility to Jews was in most cases a reaction to jewish subversion, not vice versa. Jews have been slavedrivers and petty criminals throughout their history. Now that isn’t to say white people haven’t partaken in their fair share of criminal enterprises, but it’s not the essential component of who or what we are, unlike with jews
He means why everywhere you look in media, hollywood, finance and Law you see Jewish figures in high percentages compared to their overall percentage of the population (a law firm can be 70% Jews, when they're only 1.42% or something of the total national populace)
I’m just trying to create an accurate representation of the Jewish people here. Your explanation fails to address many critical aspects.
>we whites
Yup, only an American would ever think "whites" as an ethnic concept actually applies. You do realize only YOU think this way, right? Germans are Germans, French are French, Anglos are Anglos... only Americans, who have no inherent identity, pretend to have one by claiming "whites". The exact same pros/cons you have admitted to has been inherent in all nations, everywhere. The uniqueness of the Jewish condition has bred this into being, where you automatically hate the foreigner, who hates you back while also controlling all your money. This hatred, historically speaking, is purely understandable - but stop pretending to have any idea what the fuck you're talking about.
so ? media finance and law are not meant to reflect the the makeup of the rest of the population.
the whole idea that every workplace and the government needs to have the same % of every group as the rest of the population is SJW nonsense diversity quotas and normal people dont accept that shit.
is OP an SJW ?
Op, the way you look at niggers is the way we look at you.
nepotism financed by Rothschild, in part.
>oy vey, you white people shouldn't even begin to think of your culture, but it's perfectly normal for us to want to be the only people in leadership.
You're a beanie blocker. There is zero chance you don't wear that fucking beanie and actually think you're fooling your god.
Except you're not that smart, not that skilled, and literally dumber than you believe.
No it's just the usual "WHY ARE DA JOOS EVERYWHERE I LOOK OMG THEY'RE TAKING OVER AAAAAAAAAAA". It's been like this for the entirety of history. Then they just extrapolate that to all Jews everywhere (like us, here) and pretend that we are all a hivemind, raised on the Talmud and secretly worshiping some demon or some shit. Of course whenever you tell them that 95% of Jews, especially in Israel, probably never read a Talmud, much less a Bible, they just think you're lying.
OP if you want an unbiased/un-pozzed explanation of Jewish evolutionary behaviour read culture of critique by kevinn Mac Donald and Track of the Jew Through the Ages by Alfred Rosenberg, the latter of which has been scrubbed from google last time I checked
Well that makes sense for the past, but why do the efforts to take control persist in an era that would be perfectly willing to accept them? Why advocate for open borders for everywhere but Israel? The only reason antisemitism seems to persist is because people see that nepotism still going on and get angry. Why is the answer more nepotism and control rather than calm down and realize modern society wouldn't give a shit if you stopped playing 4D chess with power?
>Except you're not that smart, not that skilled, and literally dumber than you believe.
Then why do you spend all your time obsessed about us, I know we’re awesome and you wish you were us, but it’s creepy user
We're smarter. We're overachievers. Simple as that.
>In Hungary in the 1930s, Ashkenazi Jews comprised 6% of the country's population, but 55.7% of physicians, 49.2% of attorneys, 30.4% of engineers, and 59.4% of bank officers.
>they had an extraordinary high verbal intelligence (which includes verbal reasoning, comprehension, working memory, and mathematical computation) as their median verbal IQ was found to be nearly 126.[6]
>1954 study found that 24 of the 28 (86%) children in the New York public school system who had an IQ of 170 or higher were Jewish.
>In Great Britain, Jews are overrepresented among Nobel prize winners by a factor of 8.0.
>Only about 2% of the U.S. population is of full Ashkenazi Jewish descent,[1] but 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century,[1][4] 25% of the winners of the Fields Medal (the top prize in mathematics),[8] 25% of ACM Turing Award winners
>0.2% of world population are 50% of world chess champions
Let the pathetic stormfaggots keep whine about nepotism. We'll keep doing our thing.
Which is why Europe is full of Europeans, right?
>why are jews overrepresented in finance
Because when christians were disallowed to lend Jews who had been blackballed out of other professions were able to fill the gap
>why are jews represented in show business
Because they were blackballed in every other US industry so they built their own
The history of the Jews is them saying "can I join?" Being told "No, no jews allowed," and then going "Well fuck you, we'll make our own! With blackjack! And hookers!
surely theyre not that retarded
>. It's been like this for the entirety of history
That's the answer to why you can be a criminal. It's been like this forever, you're just defending yourselves, it's not because they can see you holding double standards, and like all of us creations, don't like liars? You stupid faggots.
Get your politics out of my nation, and I won't talk about you anymore. Literally, you guys brought me to a fight with you, and now you have my attention.
You tested yourselves. Congratulations, that means absolutely nothing. And even if it was true, you're a hypocrite, because you give yourself the glory.
>Why is the answer more nepotism and control rather than calm down and realize modern society wouldn't give a shit if you stopped playing 4D chess with power?
Because Diaspora Jews are boomer retards that have no idea what the information era did to people's perception. Dead serious - you saw for yourself how much damage Yas Forums did in the 2016 election. The "on noooooo its antisemtic" card is overdone, and they seriously don't see it (not even talking about your liberal reformist types - those are even worse). I heard about the "Tikkun Olam" thing, and I still have no fucking clue what that even is, but generally you'd get the sense how generally Israchads are ideologically separate from Diaspora kikes - on account of having actual soil under our capita.
I highly doubt anyone wishes they were you to look like or have your genetics, except for some few fetishists, but that's all it is: a fetish.
The reality is israeli citizenship and Jewish as a religion is a checkbox that gets you a lot of free shit at a social political and financial level.
If anything, people would want to be a specific flavor of Hapa and native american if they were hacking race for ideal inherent traits.
Askenazis arnt semites, larping kikel. Read gen 10.
Old Testament btfo fake jews
>Generalizing all Jews, everywhere
I'd tell you that there are ideologically separate groups of Jews with completely different values and ambitions, but your Amerishart 56% brain couldn't probably compute that.
Sure. First of all I've noticed that my "verbal IQ" is extremely high. It's really easy for me to defeat others in debate, and when I was younger and stupider, I would frequently use this to convince people of lies to get myself out of trouble and etc.
I don't do this anymore of course, but it's something I do notice. It feels like a "with great power becomes great responsibility" situation. I've always been facinated by the idea that a super hero couldn't work in real life, because inevitably their power would stray them to the unrightous and selfish unless they had some other quality to prevent that.
So yeah that's just my thoughts on the matter.
I have never felt any kinship with other jews however, none in the slightest. so the issue of their extreme favoritism is still a mystery to me. But then again I'm only half jewish on my fathers side so that might be it.
Why are so many Jews atheists?
>Is it passed down from parents?
>Is it taught in synagogues?
>Is it from Jewish specific media?
>Is it something else?
That whole system over thousands of years has advantages the shizzos but specifically the sociopaths. Meaning that the jews have bred themselves into psychopaths, statistically.
>Yup, only an American would ever think "whites" as an ethnic concept actually applies
The Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic peoples are commonly understood as white with some minor genetic differences. They can also be separated into alpine, Nordic, dinaric, etc.
By your logic, no cohesive Jewish ethnic identity exists either since Jews originate from many different regions at many different periods in history. But they are still classified as an ethnic group.
Calling different subgroups of whites who originated from the European continent is no different.
And yes, although there are differences between different European subgroups (both within and between European nations) these differences are much bigger when comparing these subgroups to other ethnic groups. Whites have remained relatively genetically isolated for thousands of years.
Jews seek to destroy the genetic uniqueness of the European peoples because they view it as being in their own genetic interests to rule over a rootless undifferentiated mass of low IQ golems
>you can't comprehend like us jews
is someone in the room with this JIDF? slap him for the obvious.
And at this point, please continue. I'm part of the reason you got Jerusalem recognized by the US, small hand in that. I'm enjoying the lesson on that mistake.
Jew here.
1) How are you guys successful? - Culture. Success is not an option. It is a requirement. Idiots will cry nepotism and jew magic as if other people aren't nepotistic but it really boils down to "jews were forced to specific fields which happened to end up being peak value in modern society"
2) Culture is passed down, yes. I was told be a doctor, lawyer, or banker or don't bother. So I succeeded.
3) Is a drive for knowledge and success pushed in synagogue? Not really.
4 / 5 / 6) as above.
Happy to answer any questions about my "secrets"
We actually read our holy book
Shit's pretty crazy.
>What is the origin of that behavior?
Butthurt because of how easy to was to nearly wipe them all out.
The problem is
>economically dominant minorities in democracies with weak rule of law get genocided
A belief is developing, in a society falling apart, that Jews have outsized influence. This belief is bolstered by the high numbers of Jews in professions with more public awareness and power, such as Hollywood and the media. Buying or being politicians is even more dangerous. No one cares that the Vietnamese control all the nail salons, even if everyone knew.
So the question is, are the (individually beneficial) actions of Jews once again trending toward another pogrom?
Pic related, evidence of this kind of genocide occurring, over and over.
I don't care if someone's black. I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong. Even said in the post that I ascribe Jewish nepotism to culture rather than genetics.
You know, you have a point. When you commit usury historically, your family ends up having more money. More money means better average nutrition, lower external stressors, and even benefits to height and intelligence in ways we're only beginning to scratch the surface of understanding on.
What's stunning isn't that you're all over the place in high positions of power, nepotism, lobbying, and talmudicism/zionism explain those away really easy post FDR.
What's impressive is how little you've achieved really. I don't mean that insincerely, I mean that your genetics are so fucked that some of you literally drink blood in matzos from torturing people, do all sorts of sick shit, make literal cucklords to keep your genes, all this shit, and you're only *this* far.
Literally only niggers would do worse in your situation, and even that's debatable depending on the flavor.
It always comes back to boomers doesn't it?
Coronachan is a gift.
is a conspiracy that Japanese artists are over-represented in anime and manga?
Earned income and degrees don't interest me as much as your specific investment strategy as a family.
How do you go about maintaining generational wealth, and what do you do for wealth outside of earned income particularly?
It is when there are literally more geniuses in the US who aren't heebs or practicing "jews"
there's no economically dominant minorities, all the economically dominant people are from the majority
minorities are poor
>wealth and power are to Jews as Japanese Animation is to Japan
you're either not jewish or over jewish.
>Sure. First of all I've noticed that my "verbal IQ" is extremely high.
Do you know what other characteristics are overrepresented among jewish people?
Humility and honest self reflection.
That's the outlook I had for a while, but the over representation was just too extreme to believe it's natural.
Tight nit community with an obligation to help others means if you or someone you know is struggling that you reach out and help. Friend's kid wants to go into medicine? Sure, he can come shadow me for a bit. My kid wants to learn investing? I drop him off at my friend's place and he teaches him for a bit. There's no actual "strategy" other than "have money and use it well." My parents' wealth was used to improve me, and my wealth improves my kids. I find a good investment opportunity and my 3 closest friends all get word as well. Minimizes risk and improves reward potential. It's really just "don't be a dick and help others"
>Not addressing the point.
>pretending to be retarded
I mean the New Testament isn't so crazy to me, but it starts with four parallel historical accounts of Jesus's life, then one book of the acts of his disciples after he died, then the rest is just letters that were sent to the different early churches with instructions and best wishes, and only the last book is kinda crazy which is the apocalyptic prophecy book of Revelation. I haven't read all of the Tanakh yet but I know it has more "crazy" stuff.
Let's not forget the fact that Jews qualify for Affirmative Action, so you're not competing on an equal playing field with whites.
Also, Jews are allowed to have exclusionary groups, charities, and communities, unlike whites.
Amazingly, these policies were disproportionately pushed by Jews in media and politics. Weird how that works, huh? But I'm sure it's just a cultural thing.
Speaking of culture, since Jews are vastly represented in art, media, film, TV, etc, they control a large part of our culture. Strange that the culture they promote to the masses isn't the same as what they promote to their own children, isn't it? Weird. Just weird.
The truth is, people hate the idea that we are the ‘chosen people’ like “WHY DO THE FAGGETS GET TO BE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, I WANT MY PEOPKE TO BE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE BLAH BLAH”. Well guess what dipshits, it’s our fucking book, so we get to be the chosen people.
I said verbal. I can't type for shit lol. I mean shit that worries me like knowing the perfect time to interupt and change someones current train of thought. also I should have stated I never knew my father, he just pulled a black card on me and ran away when I was 2. I've only ever been raised by white liberals.
Is this a serious comment? You have to be 18 to post here. Your ancestors were self interested, keep that in mind when you remember how special your "kind."
The ego that is reinforced on these faggots...
I mean, where should we meet, Josh? I'll address your teeth in your throat and we can call it a day, though I have no doubt you'll cry and bitch and literally try to stab me in the back later.
>to believe it's natural.
It is "natural". Just that "muh honor, muh honest toil" Yas Forumsfags genuinely think that the Jewish way of attaching to other nations is somehow not in order.
It's like saying a mosquito is unnatural, or evil or whatever - it plays a part in the greater cycle, even if you personally genuinely dislike it.
Being Jewish doesn't matter for AA in my field. I sit on a selection committee for a medical school. The playing field for Jews is the same as for whites. Don't be a bitch.
>jews can have charities
So can everyone else.
>they don't teach kids the same values!
Yes we do, you retarded beaner.
There is a lot of nepotism dude, and even if there wasn't can you honestly not see how being in constant contact with lawyers through your life would give you an advantage if you decided to be one yourself? Diasporafags like to meme "but we're smarter on average!" yet there are far more white geniuses in the USA than there are Jews period, and yet News make up a majority in many high-IQ professions. Merit doesn't explain that.
t. Born in NYC, made Aliyah. I use a proxy on Yas Forums so I can post without sperging
Well that's why I made the post. I don't think it's some hive mind. The over representation of Jews just got to the point that I thought it needed an explanation. Best to ask people that would actually know what they're talking about.
>Best to ask people that would actually know what they're talking about.
...so what the fuck are you doing here?
Wait.. are you actually Jewish?? ... For real!?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Jews, due to religious and socio-political concerns (exile+"waiting for the Messiah"), have refrained/been prevented from owning land, historically
They were rarely prevented from owning land or businesses. They refrained from owning land and producing things from it mainly due to the culture which has an almost total disdain for actual work and believes they are superior and that others should work for them. This has developed into a system where Jews have overwhelmingly worked in fields that took advantage of others and yes functioned as parasites as Jews were unable to maintain their own civilization and would die without a host to feed off of. Trading/merchants/pawns shops all types of sales allowed gritters/scammers/liars to thrive and succeed in Jewish communities, where as long as this grift was directed at goyim, was generally quite a respected career. Jews dominated sales of alcohol, slaves, and luxury products feeding off the worst nature of humanity. This developed into a nomadic urban parasite class that was heavily involved in fraud/smuggling and all forms of what we might identity now as white collar crime.
Here is a good analysis of Jewish cultural evolution.
Jews are essentially the descendants of the bureaucratic/merchant class of the ancient near east. Where as most europeans were rural dwelling farmers/ranchers/tradesmen of some kind if you go back even just a couple generations, jews on the other hand go back thousands of years of urban dwelling merchants/bureaucrats, THOUSANDS of years before Judaism was even a religion.
There's nepotism in every single group. It's not some "jewish secret."
The Indian doctors hook up other indians with perks
The rich WASPs hook each other up
The rich Pakis hook each other up
Everyone fucking does it. If you're not "in on it" then it means you're poor, not in the wrong ethnic circle.
>but there's other smart people tooooo
Nobody cares except people butthurt that Jews did well. Lama ata choshev she harbe anashim sham tipesh meyod? Ham ain harbe kesef.
The book contains dozens of modern examples. See also, you know, this thread.
Do you think I'd get an honest answer without getting banned if I asked it somewhere else? :P
I know the majority of people here are spergs, but it's an open anonymous forum and I figured someone could have insight.
Which Middle East country has the hottest women? Lebanon?
>the new testament isn't crazy
Nigga sit down and read that shit. There's a lot of fucked up rules based on whoever wrote the book you're reading(usually about women and periods), stories of jesus zapping trees for daring to not have fruit, fun stuff.
Of course the real shit is all old testament. Old Testament god is an angry warhungry sumbitch.
Israel. I only say this because women there are "allowed" to try dress up nice from a sexual point of view. Clothes are half of sexiness. Lebanon and Jordan are close seconds for similar reasons.
>It's like saying a mosquito is unnatural, or evil or whatever - it plays a part in the greater cycle
A mosquito fulfils no useful function whatsoever. What bigger cycle are you talking about?
A mosquito is actually a great comparison actually. Like mosquitoes, jews are a purely destructive force
>except all the massive advancements in science and the arts
>those don't count
Good point.
>which has an almost total disdain for actual work and believes they are superior and that others should work for them
Nah, it's mostly stems from the belief in the "Messiah " - as in, the tribes of Israel cannot own land other than their native land in Israel (from which they were """"exiled"""", but that's a different story). So basically you can't return to Israel, or own land other than what you "rightfully own" in Israel until the Messiah comes and ushers in the new Kingdom in Israel. Of course this created a lot of retarded cults, because of the malleability of the concept. That's the theological reasoning.
I'm just LARPing. This is totally a VPN.
>Like mosquitoes, jews are a purely destructive force
>mosquitoes are a destructive force
...did that seriously make sense in your head?
Americans used to have a national identity which wasn't based on race, but on nationality. Somehow, someway that unity was subverted by things like Emma Lazarus' poem, calling black Americans "African-Americans", calling American Indians, "native Americans," which implies everyone else is a foreigner. All that verbiage and liberal linguistic trickery combined with outrageous media bias in influence (IE, highlighting interracial crimes, despite their rarity) eventually created rifts between the American people. Now, who pushed all those things? Hmmmmm...
Also, this ridiculous concept of "the uniqueness of the Jewish condition..." is arrogant nonsense. There is nothing unique about the Jews. No different from Gypsies, really.
Bro, who are the people pushing SJW nonsense? Jews. Yet they refuse to apply it to themselves. Stop it. Just stop it.
There’s some hot Israeli women. Do you find yourself attracted to Palestinian women? I don’t know why but Arabs in the US are all really good looking and nothing like what you see on TV. The guys all have blue eyes and look white it’s weird
Yeah that's one explanation that I thought about the other day. Jewish nepotism may just be the last form of nepotism that's acceptable. Hiring only whites is racist, hiring only straight people is homophobic, hiring only Christians is regressive, but hiring only or mostly Jews is okay I guess? If all the effort towards equality hadn't stopped those other forms of nepotism, then we'd see plenty of that too.
It was actually Christianity, and the continuous conundrum of "aren't we all God's children in the end, in the eye of Christ?" But sure, leave that out completely.
>There's no nepotism, we're just better!
>There is nepotism
>"Everyone does it!"
Get a grip dude. Bullshitters like you are 90% of the reason I left, you deserve every bit of the hatred you get and I don't want it rubbing off on me any more than it already has.
Arabs are all sort of inbred looking desu.
So you do realize that we fumigate for mosquitoes, especially during epidemics?
Are you sure you want to use this as your personal identifier? Especially since you actually seem smart enough to be a producer?
Not to mention the Zionists utilize the diaspora like a goldfish uses a goldfish pond. AIPAC is expressly Zionist, and likely a direct arm of Mossad.
>racism is normal and natural
which is why you built Yas Forums and push the nazi narrative so much. you want us to believe you're special.
fucking beanie blockers.
Most of those were stolen, or were work that anyone placed in the lab could have achieved. Einstein simply formalized the thinking of people before him.
Certainly there are some smart jews, but We Wuzzing like that is a shitty reason to be a racist.
Beaner wetbacks even get this shit. Silly beanie blockers, you get nation, for you and you alone, and you still complain about being oppressed.
But be careful Hispania bro, they've been told all their lives by their mothers that they're super precious and important, and they should do anything they want, because history was mean to them and them alone...
Is it true that non Ashkenazi Jews are less successful in israel?
I don’t know why. Arabs and Persians are really good looking. Maybe it’s all the wealthy ones in Cali.
>raised on the Talmud and secretly worshiping some demon or some shit.
Zionists worship satan/moloch/baal.
Are you seriously pretending that Jews aren't an economically dominant minority? You are either fully retarded, or simply lying.
Yes. They have the same victim/inferiority complex as your niggers do.
You can use allegories to an infinite extent. I have no problem with nature and its wonders, no matter what subjective human emotion you might attempt to project upon it. Parasitism, as with many other natural processes, is just as valid of a way to survive and thrive as any other. But you can stick with the mosquito thing, if that's the only thing you can relate to.
What about Asians dude? Asians are successful financially too
I married a white Russian girl, but in my younger days I was extremely into middle eastern / arab / persians. Completely agree with you.
>last acceptable
I hate to break it to you, there's still hundreds of types of nepotism that are socially acceptable. Just not for poor people. You can hire however the fuck you want if you're not poor. It's all class struggle not to get all commie. The game is just rigged.
>nobody else does nepotism
>some aren't even 10000 times worse than "oh hey you're also a jew i'll be nice"
Cry more, faggot.
The only people who care about people being mean to Nazis are Nazis. Everyone else is in agreement that calling someone a nazi for liking guns except loonies. Stop shaping your world by Yas Forums
I read all of it last year. Reading some Old Testament when I feel like it. It's really not like Deuteronomy or Leviticus. Basically it is: don't do these obviously bad things, you should do these obviously good things, women be good wives, men be good husbands... really tame to be honest. Of course, the accounts of the miracles that Jesus did take some faith to believe, and that story of the tree is a metaphor for people who do not bear good "fruit" that will be destroyed when God judges. Anyway, I used to be an atheist before I became Christian and I think the Bible has good teachings to live a good life, but we do not follow the Mosaic laws (rather, we follow the spirit of those laws). I just find it kinda sad that so many Jews have abandoned faith in their God, but it's an individual choice.
>t. has no idea what Zionism even is
>Nah, it's mostly stems from the belief in the "Messiah " - as in, the tribes of Israel cannot own land other than their native land in Israel
But Jews always did own land. They owned the land in the Ghettos. Also these ghettos were almost ALWAYS created by Jews themselves without any persecution or laws forcing the creation of ghettos. Jews still do this today. What Jews refer to as a ghetto thinking of some poverty stricken atrocity caused by persecution was almost always the intentional self segregation of jewish communities from others into a jewish quarter. You see it in basically any city today with a large jewish population like LA New york, New jersey.
Jews owned this land, they owned apartment buildings, delis/butchers, tailors, pawn shops, liquor stores, various precious metal shops, jewelers. Jews always owned land and businesses but generally only in cities and never really producing anything, just taking the product of others hard work and making money off of others labor.
Though there was times and sects of Jews like the Radhanite who may not have owned much land for some time and survived mainly as nomadic merchants/traders, though over time almost all of these ended up settling down and owning land eventually and having others doing the traveling for them.
Indeed, try starting, Charity for the Benefit of White People. Should work out fine. But my mom works for a charity for the benefit for jews and no lawsuits yet.
...meanwhile, call anyone doing the same a bigot and make those actions illegal through legislation, but exclude your own group as a "minority."
Jews are ok, but American Jews are evil
Read the thread.
I was referring to the original grounding in reality - which was the in Europe, up until the 16th century. You're talking about the New World.
>Is it passed down from parents?
mostly but not necessarily
>Is it taught in synagogues?
don't be silly, these are atheists or isotericists who hate organized religion
>Is it from Jewish specific media?
all media is jewish, so you should be affected too
>Is it something else?
imagine walking on earth at the onset of creation, and the only heavelnly beings you see are nephilim. you'd probably think the entirety of heaven looks like them - while in truth the mere fact that they walk upon earth compels them to be fallen angels, while the actual uncorrupted angels dwell only in heaven.
jews are just like this. goyim could never comprehend our true nature, and they will only see the materialistic nephilim who use their G-d given power in a corrupted, grotesque manner.
>for white people
That's why you're failing. It's a group that holds no actual values except to people pushing an insidious narrative. I know charities run for germans, for italians, for brits. Those charities operate just fine.
>grandiose generalization
>awful grasp of AA
I don't believe you're a bigot for challenging AA? I'm against it in it's current form. Should be income based.
>except all the massive advancements in science and the arts
>those don’t count
If you were to do a qualitative and quantitative cost benefit analysis weighing up the contributions of Jews vs their burden on European society and then set up a control experiment where jews never existed you would see the costs of Jewish parasitism massively outweigh the benefits. To call jews a purely destructive force is perhaps erroneous. Even leeches can be used heal instead of harm under the right circumstances, but no one thinks the world would be a worse place if they had never existed
I think hes right. Earthly zioinist are kikes. Also, Ashkenazi arnt jews or even semites. Its like you don't even read scripture.
Think about it this way, every Jew who went to Israel, listened to the rabbis, practiced the religion in any way knows full well what they are doing.
Now ask yourself how many jews have called this out? Can we compare it to every other religion that has their own people call out the stupid shit they do? Yes, by the thousands.
How many jews have called out their own? a handful, that's all you need to know about these people.
>but if you falsely attribute events to Jews then it's less than the arbitrary values I assign to said events
Big brain.
You do have a problem, it's thinking I care what your problems are or aren't. You're literally one of billions of humans, either created or accidentally here. You're not special by anything you've ever done, at least certainly not by anything you've added here.
Nazi's aren't a problem in the US. It's more MOSSAD organizations like the ADL and the SPLC needing a narrative to send more money to Israel, than it's angry drunk redneck kids larping as nazis.
But please, continue to find an enemy around every corner, it's the only way your culture knows how to exist, as a victim (next up, the murderous self-righteous defending from being a victim), yeah yeah, stow it Issac.
>jews are just like this. goyim could never comprehend our true nature
This must be caveman thinking. Even by your own law, Abraham wasn't any more special than anyone else by his blood line, you're an idiot to run your narrative like this. This is purely egoist, centered on your creator being required to have you as holy/ier?